Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices November 2002, ver. 1.1 Introduction Application Note 186 With the ever increasing demand for high bandwidth and low power consumption in the telecommunications market, designers are relying on differential standards such as LVDS to accelerate their I/O performance. LVDS, a low-voltage swing, general-purpose I/O standard, has highspeed, low-power, and low-noise advantages. With the incorporated Flexible-LVDSTM and True-LVDSTM circuitry in MercuryTM devices, designers can easily use the advantages of LVDS to create highperformance systems. Mercury programmable logic devices (PLDs) have an integrated differential high-speed interface and serializer/deserializer (SERDES) circuitry which includes four high-speed I/O banks with data transfer rates up to 1.25 gigabits per second (Gbps). Each I/O bank has up to 9 channels, offering up to 18 differential input channels and 18 differential output channels. These banks use techniques such as clock data recovery (CDR) to enable high-speed systems. The following documents provide information on Mercury device highspeed I/O standard features and functions. They also explain how system designers can take advantage of these standards to increase system efficiencies and bandwidth. ■ ■ ■ ■ Altera Corporation AN-186-1.1 Application Note 130 (CDR in Mercury Devices) provides information on how to use CDR in Mercury devices. Application Note 131 (Using General-Purpose PLLs with Mercury Devices) provides information on clock distribution using general-purpose phase-locked loops (PLLs) in Mercury device. Application Note 134 (Using Programmable I/O Standards in Mercury Devices) describes how to use the I/O standards supported in Mercury devices. Application Note 159 (Using HSDI in Source-Synchronous Mode in Mercury Devices) describes how to use the dedicated SERDES in Mercury devices in source-synchronous mode. 1 AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices Flexible-LVDS Differential I/O Interface In addition to the high-speed I/O banks, Mercury devices offer 99 Flexible-LVDS input channels and 100 Flexible-LVDS output channels, which use internal PLLs to transmit or receive data up to 400 megabits per second (Mbps). Flexible-LVDS pins are distributed across the 12 nonhigh-speed differential interface (HSDI) I/O banks for easy board routing accessibility (see Figure 11). Flexible-LVDS circuitry only needs a 100-Ω termination resistor at the input of the receiver pin and does not require complicated resistor networks onboard, thereby saving valuable board space. 1 While EP1M350 devices support Flexible-LVDS pins, EP1M120 devices do not. LVDS and LVPECL signaling are supported on the receiver side and LVDS signaling is supported on the transmitter side of the Flexible-LVDS pins. When using these channels, you can build a SERDES using logic elements (LEs). This application note describes how to build the SERDES. Flexible-LVDS I/O Interface Review Flexible-LVDS interfaces are enhanced in the Mercury EP1M350 device with the use of dedicated double data rate (DDR) circuitry. Single data rate (SDR) circuitry samples data only at the positive edge of the clock. DDR circuitry captures data on both the positive and negative edges, providing twice the transfer rate of SDR. The EP1M350 device’s shift registers, on-chip PLLs, and input/output elements (IOEs) can perform serial-to-parallel conversions on the incoming data and parallel-to-serial conversion on the outgoing data. The differential I/O driver in the IOE has high noise immunity, low power consumption, and low electromagnetic interference (EMI). Clock Domains in Mercury Devices Mercury EP1M350 devices have four general-purpose PLLs with advanced features that can be used for Flexible-LVDS circuitry (for more information on Mercury device PLLs, see Application Note 131 (Using General-Purpose PLLs with Mercury Devices). Each PLL is driven by a dedicated clock pin. Four dedicated global clock lines and six dedicated fast I/O lines share up to 12 internal PLL inputs. 2 Altera Corporation AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices Figure 1 shows the PLL connections to dedicated global clock and fast I/O lines. Figure 1. Dedicated Global Clock & Fast Line Connections for EP1M350 Devices Global Clocks G1 G3 Dedicated Fast I/O Lines F1 F3 F5 clock0 CLK3 inclock PLL3 clock0 inclock CLK1 clock1 PLL1 clock1 clock2 clock_ext fbin fbin clock_ext clock2 CLKLK_FBIN1 CLKLK_FBIN3 CLKLK_OUT1 CLKLK_OUT3 FAST1 FAST3 clock0 CLK4 inclock PLL4 clock0 inclock CLK2 clock1 PLL2 clock1 clock2 clock_ext fbin fbin clock_ext clock2 CLKLK_FBIN2 CLKLK_FBIN4 CLKLK_OUT2 CLKLK_OUT4 FAST2 FAST4 G2 G4 F2 F4 F6 The Mercury device IOE selects the clock, clear, clock enable, and output enable controls from a network of I/O control signals called the peripheral control bus. The peripheral control bus uses high-speed drivers to minimize signal skew across devices. In addition to the four global clock signals, Mercury IOE register clock input can be fed by six fast global signals and two row fast I/O signals. Flexible-LVDS I/O Receiver Operation The Flexible-LVDS I/O receiver uses the Mercury device’s DDR input circuitry (a register pair and latch) to receive high-speed serial data. Figure 2 shows an IOE configuration for a DDR input. The DDR input circuitry consists of a pair of registers and a latch. The registers are used to capture the high-speed serial data. One register captures the data on the positive edge of the higher-frequency clock (generated by PLL) and the DDR input/output (DDRIO) latch feeds the other register. Figure 3 shows the DDR timing relation between the incoming serial data and the lower-frequency clock. In this example, the inclock signal is running at half the speed of the incoming data. However, other combinations are possible. Figure 4 shows the DDR input and the other modules used in a Flexible-LVDS receiver design to interface with the system logic. Altera Corporation 3 AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices Figure 2. IOE Configured for DDR Input Associated LAB Local Interconnect Two Row Local Fast Signals Six Fast Global Signals Four Dedicated Clocks VCCIO Optional PCI Clamp VCCIO OE Register Column and Priority Column D Programmable Pull-Up Q ENA CLRN/PRN Chip-Wide Reset Input Pin to Input Register Delay Bus-Hold Circuit Input Register D Q ENA CLRN/PRN PRN D Q ENA Latch Priority Row (for Associated Logic Array Block (LAB) Row) Row (for Associated LAB Row) 4 Altera Corporation AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices Figure 3. DDR Timing Relation Between Incoming Serial Data & LowerFrequency Clock inclock datain B0 latch_out XX A0 B1 B0 A1 B2 B1 A2 B3 A3 B2 B3 dataout_l XX B0 B1 B2 dataout_h XX A0 A1 A2 Figure 4. Flexible-LVDS Receiver Interface DDR Input Circuit dataout_h datain Shift Register DFF Latch Register Mercury Logic Array latch_out dataout_h DFF Shift Register Clock ×1 inclock PLL ×2 Flexible-LVDS I/O Transmitter Operation The Flexible-LVDS I/O transmitter uses the Mercury device’s DDR output circuitry (a register pair and a multiplexer) to transmit high-speed serial data. Figure 5 shows an IOE configuration for a DDR output. The registers capture the parallel data from the logic array on the higherfrequency clock (generated by PLL), and the multiplexer transmits the data in synchronization with the higher-frequency clock. Altera Corporation 5 AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices Figure 5. IOE Configured for DDR Output Associated LAB Local Interconnect Two Row Local Fast Signals Six Fast Global Signals Four Dedicated Clocks OE Register D Q VCCIO Optional PCI Clamp ENA CLRN/PRN VCCIO Programmable Pull-Up Chip-Wide Reset Output Register D Q ENA CLRN/PRN 0 1 Output Propagation Delay Drive Strength Control Open-Drain Output Slew Control Bus-Hold Circuit Figure 6 shows the DDR timing relation between the parallel data and the lower-frequency clock. In this example, the inclock signal is running at half the speed of the data. However, other combinations are possible. Figure 7 shows the DDR output and the other modules used in a Flexible-LVDS transmitter design to interface with the system logic. 6 Altera Corporation AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices Figure 6. DDR Timing Relation Between Parallel Data & Clock inclock dataout_l B0 B1 B2 B3 dataout_h A0 A1 A2 A3 dataout XX A0 B0 A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 Figure 7. Flexible-LVDS I/O Transmitter Interface DDR Output Circuit D0, D2 Shift Register Mercury Logic Array DFF dataout_l dataout dataout_h D1, D3 ×1 Shift Register DFF ×2 PLL ×1 Quartus II Implementation inclock Designing with Flexible-LVDS I/O banks requires the ddio megafunction in the Altera® Quartus® II software. To receive or transmit high-speed data, designers must implement other functions such as serial shift registers and PLLs. The following sections discuss an example design that consists of both a receiver and a transmitter circuit in VHDL for I/O buffers. This design is also available on the Altera web site at Although this example is for 8-bit-wide systems, it can easily be modified for other widths. Altera Corporation 7 AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices Building an 8-Bit Flexible-LVDS Receiver The DDR input register receives the serial data and separates the odd-bit and even-bit data. The odd- and even-bit data are deserialized using the shift register pair. A third register, clocked by the low-frequency clock, drives the parallel data to the system design and logic array. Figure 8 shows all the modules necessary for a single Flexible-LVDS channel to receive serial data. Figure 8. Complete Receiver Module PLL (1) datah[3] pll1 (1) inclk pll_clk_en inclock clock0 clk0 inclocken clock1 clk1 datal[3] datah[2] output locked datal[2] inst datah[1] DDR Input (2) datal[1] flex_lvds_input serial_input clk0 clk_en datain[0] inclock dataout_h[0] h[0] dataout_l[0] l[0] datah[0] datal[0] inclocken data[7] inst11 data[6] inst15 data[5] inst12 data[4] inst16 data[3] inst13 data[2] inst17 data[1] inst14 data[0] inst18 ddio input inst1 clk0 clk_en l[0] Shift Registers 1 Shift Registers 2 lpm_shiftregA left shift clock lpm_shiftregA left shift clock enable shiftin inst3 q[3..0] clk0 datal[3..0] clk_en h[0] enable q[3..0] Third Set of Registers DFF datah[3..0] data[7..0] D PRN Q dataout[7..0] shiftin CLRN inst2 inst4 clk1 Notes to Figure 8: (1) (2) PLL block and clock0 frequency multiplication factor = 4; clock1 frequency multiplication factor = 1. The registers in the IOE should be set to power up low. The DDR input (altddio_in) block captures the serial data and parses the data into two outputs. The general-purpose PLL block generates the higher-frequency clock (clk0) for the deserialization registers and the lower-speed clock for the register that feeds the parallel data to the internal logic. The inclk signal is multiplied by a factor of four, generating the clock signal required by the shift registers for deserializing the data. The multiplication factor may be changed for different deserializing factors. 8 Altera Corporation AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices The clk0 PLL output clocks a pair of shift registers, which convert data from serial to parallel. The even data bits 0, 2, 4, and 6 and the odd data bits 1, 3, 5, and 7 are generated by the two shift registers. The shift registers deserialize the data, which is then fed through a third set of registers before it drives the system design and core logic. PLL clk1 generates the slow clock in order to clock the third set of registers. Eight wires reconstruct the data bits and make the connection between the Flexible-LVDS circuitry and the third set of registers. Building an 8-bit Flexible-LVDS Transmitter The DDR registers receive the separated odd-bits and even-bits of the output data and recombines them into serial data. The DDR output module uses a higher-frequency clock generated by the general-purpose PLL module to transmit the serial data. A counter triggers the shift register to receive data every fourth clock cycle. Figure 9 shows all the modules necessary for a single Flexible-LVDS channel to transmit serial data. Altera Corporation 9 AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices Figure 9. Complete Transmitter Module Shift Register 1 Serializer left shift load data[3..0] eq[3] datah[3..0] clock enable inst1 clk0 clk_en in1 shiftout clk0 clk_en in3 in5 Shift Register 2 Serializer left shift load data[3..0] shiftout clock eq[3] datal[3..0] hout in7 in6 in4 lout in2 enable inst3 in0 data[7] inst19 data[5] inst20 data[3] inst21 data[1] inst22 data[6] inst23 data[4] inst24 data[2] inst25 data[0] inst26 PLL (1) datah[3] datah[2] datah[1] datah[0] datal[3] datal[2] datal[1] datal[0] pll1 inclk pll_clk_en inclock clock0 clk0 inclocken locked output lpm_counter inst4 clk0 DDR Output (2) flex_lvds_out hout datain_h[0] Lout datain_l[0] clk0 outclock clk_en outclocken dataout[0] clock eq[] eq[15..0] serial_out inst2 ddio output inst Notes to Figure 9: (1) (2) PLL block and clock0 frequency multiplication factor = 4. The registers in the IOE should be set to power up low. The inclk signal is multiplied by a factor of four, generating the clock signal, which the shift registers require to serialize the data. A pair of shift registers is clocked by clk0 to serialize the data. Data bits 0, 2, 4, and 6 are connected to the input of one shift register, and data bits 1, 3, 5, and 7 are connected to the input of the other shift register. The DDR output (altddio_out) block captures data on both clock edges and combines the data to a single output. 10 Altera Corporation AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices Assigning I/O Standards to Flexible-LVDS Pins in the Quartus II Software Flexible-LVDS pins in EP1M350 devices are dual-purpose pins; by default, the Quartus II software implements these pins as single-ended LVTTL. To use these dual-purpose Flexible-LVDS pins as differential I/O pins, the designer has to manually make the I/O assignment. Follow the steps below to make I/O assignments for the Flexible-LVDS receiver and transmitter pins: 1. Open or create a project. 2. Choose Compiler Settings (Processing menu). 3. Click the Chips & Devices tab. 4. Select Mercury as the target device family. 5. Select the target device in the Available list of devices. 6. Click the Assign Pins button. 7. Select the Flexible-LVDS pin to which you want to make an I/O assignment from the Available pins & existing assignments list. 8. If there is an existing assignment to the selected pin, click Delete (under Assignment) to delete the node name assignment from the pin. 9. Assign a new node name to the pin or change the existing node name assignment for the pin (under Assignment) by typing a node name in the Pin name box or copying the node name to the Assign Pins dialog box with the Node Finder. 10. Select the I/O standard as LVDS or LVPECL and click Add. 11. Repeat steps 6 to 10 for each additional Flexible-LVDS pin assignment you want to make, change, or delete. 12. Click OK in the Assign Pins dialog box, Apply, and OK in the Compiler Settings window. In addition to the Assign Pins dialog box, you can assign I/O standards using the Assignment Organizer dialog box (Tools menu). The advantage of using the Assign Pins dialog box is that you can set pin and I/O standard assignments in one dialog box. Figure 10 shows the Assign Pins dialog box with both pin and I/O standard assignments. Altera Corporation 11 AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices Figure 10. Assign Pins Dialog Box When using Flexible-LVDS I/O pins, designers cannot place non-LVDS output pins in the adjacent two I/O pins of the receiver and transmitter blocks in the same I/O bank. This requirement only applies to the I/O banks that share the same VCCIO. Switching outputs on these pins could affect the LVDS pins and degrade the performance. The only exception is the PLL LOCK pin, because it only toggles infrequently. Figure 11 shows the Mercury device I/O bank layout. Banks 5 through 16 have dualpurpose Flexible-LVDS pins. 12 Altera Corporation AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices Figure 11. I/O Bank Layout ESB ESB ESB ESB Notes (1), (2) ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB Bank 1/Receiver Bank 3/Receiver Bank 2/Transmitter Bank 4/Transmitter ESB (3) Associated I/O Row and LAB Row Bank 5 Bank 6 Bank 7 Bank 8 Associated I/O Row and LAB Row Bank 9 Bank 10 Bank 11 Bank 12 Associated I/O Row and LAB Row Bank 13 Bank 14 Bank 15 Bank 16 Associated I/O Row and LAB Row ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB ESB Notes to Figure 11 (1) (2) (3) The following banks are not shown: Bank 17 (contains dedicated configuration and control pins), Bank 18 (contains dedicated JTAG pins: TCK, TDI, TDO, TMS, and TRST), Bank 19 (contains CLKLK_OUT1p/n and its output power), Bank 20 (contains CLKLK_OUT2p/n and its output power), Bank 21 (contains CLKLK_OUT3p/n and its output power), and Bank 22 (contains CLK_OUT4p/n and its output power). Banks 1 and 3 can have their own V CCIO and VREF setting. Banks 2, and 4 through 16 must have the same VCCIO power. Banks 5 through 16 must have the same VCCIO power, but can have unique VREF settings. ESB: embedded system block. Conclusion Mercury devices provide a comprehensive differential signaling solution by offering up to 18 channels of HSDI support as well as up to 100 channels of Flexible-LVDS support. The HSDI support addresses topof-the-line performance requirements and can be configured either in CDR mode, with support for data rates as high as 1.25 Gbps, or in sourcesynchronous mode in a True-LVDS solution. The Flexible-LVDS channels enable a wide variety of high-performance applications, and address both the LVDS and LVPECL I/O standards. Flexible-LVDS can be easily implemented through the use of the DDR registers built into the IOE in conjunction with internally dedicated buffers, and can support data rates of up to 400 Mbps. This combination produces an unmatched flexibility and a comprehensive bandwidth solution. Revision History The information contained in the AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices version 1.1 supersedes information published in previous versions. Version 1.1 The following changes were made to the AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices version 1.1: ■ Altera Corporation Updated the transmit or receive value to 400 Mbps from 624 Mbps. 13 AN 186: Using Flexible-LVDS Circuitry in Mercury Devices 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 (408) 544-7000 Applications Hotline: (800) 800-EPLD Literature Services: [email protected] 14 Copyright © 2002 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other words and logos that are identified as trademarks and/or service marks are, unless noted otherwise, the trademarks and service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective holders. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera Corporation. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services Altera Corporation Printed on Recycled Paper.
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