® June 1996, ver. 1 Introduction Understanding FLASHlogic Timing Application Note 79 Altera devices provide device performance that is consistent from simulation to application. Before programming or configuring a device, you can determine the worst-case timing delays for any design. You can calculate propagation delays with the timing models given in this application note and the timing parameters listed in the FLASHlogic Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet in this data book. This application note defines internal and external timing parameters, and illustrates the timing model for the FLASHlogic device family. Familiarity with FLASHlogic device architecture and characteristics is assumed. Refer to the FLASHlogic Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet for a complete description of the FLASHlogic device architecture, and for specific values of the timing parameters listed in this application note. Internal Timing Parameters The timing delays contributed by individual FLASHlogic architectural elements are called internal timing parameters, which cannot be measured explicitly. All internal timing parameters are shown in italic type. Each FLASHlogic logic array block (LAB) has two modes of operation: logic (24V10) mode and SRAM mode, and the internal timing parameters for each mode are provided in this section. Logic (24V10) Mode The following list defines the internal timing parameters for FLASHlogic devices in logic (24V10) mode. Altera Corporation A-AN-079-01 t IN Input pad and buffer delay. The time required for a dedicated input and clock pin to drive the input signal into the programmable interconnect array (PIA) and the global clock delay. t IO I/O input pad and buffer delay. The delay from the I/O pin to the PIA when the I/O pin is used as an input. t PIA Programmable interconnect array (PIA) delay. The delay incurred by signals that are routed through the PIA. 511 AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing t GLOB Global clock delay. The delay from the dedicated clock pin to a register’s clock input. t DGLOB Delayed global clock delay. The delay from the dedicated clock pin to a register’s clock input through the delayed global clock path. t LAC Logic array control delay. The AND array delay for register control functions such as preset, clear, and output enable. t SOE SRAM output enable control delay. The delay that activates the output enable control when the LAB is used as SRAM. t ICOMP Identity comparator delay. The delay for a signal that propagates through the identity comparator in an LAB. 512 t IC Array clock delay. The delay through a macrocell’s clock product term to the register’s clock input. t CLR Register clear time. The delay from the assertion of the register’s array clear input to the time the register output stabilizes at logical low. t PRE Register preset time. The delay from the assertion of the register’s array preset input to the time the register output stabilizes at logical high. t LAD Logic array delay. The time required for a logic signal to propagate through a macrocell’s AND-OR-XOR structure. t RD Register delay. The delay from the rising edge of the register’s clock to the time the data appears at the register output. t ISU Register setup time. The time required for a signal to stabilize at the register input before the clock’s rising edge to ensure that the register correctly stores the input data. t IH Register hold time. The time required for a signal to remain stable at the register input after the clock’s rising edge to ensure that the register correctly stores the input data. t IASU Internal array setup time. The time required for a signal to stabilize at the register input before the clock’s rising edge to ensure that the register correctly stores the input data. Altera Corporation AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing t IAH Internal array hold time. The time required for a signal to remain stable at the register input after the clock’s rising edge to ensure that the register correctly stores the input data. t COMB Combinatorial buffer delay. The delay from the time a combinatorial logic signal bypasses the programmable register to the time it becomes available at the macrocell output. t FD Feedback delay. The delay of the macrocell output fed back into the PIA input. tOD Output buffer and pad delay. In FLASHlogic devices, the value of VCCIO for 5.0-V or 3.3-V devices are the same. t XZ Output buffer disable delay. The delay required for high impedance to appear at the output pins after the output buffer’s enable control is disabled. tZX Output buffer enable delay. The delay required for the output signal to appear at the output pins after the tri-state buffer’s enable control is enabled. SRAM Mode The following list defines the internal timing parameters for FLASHlogic devices in SRAM mode. Altera Corporation tIDD Internal data-in to data-out delay. The data delay at the SRAM output when the SRAM is in read cycle after a write cycle, i.e., the delay from the time data is written into the SRAM to the time it appears at the SRAM output. tAA SRAM address access delay. The delay from an address change at the SRAM input to the time data appears at the SRAM output. tWASU Write address setup. The time required for the address signal to stabilize at the SRAM input before the beginning of the write pulse. tWAH Write address hold. The time between the end of the write pulse to when the address lines are allowed to change. tWDSU Write data setup. The time required for the data signals to stabilize at the SRAM input before the end of the write pulse. 513 AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing External Timing Parameters tWDH Write data hold. The time between the end of the write pulse to when the data lines are allowed to change. tSISU SRAM internal register setup. The time required for the SRAM output to stabilize at the register input before the register clock’s rising edge to ensure that the register correctly stores the input data. tSIH SRAM internal register hold. The time required for the SRAM output to remain stable at the register input after the register clock’s rising edge to ensure that the register correctly stores the input data. tWP SRAM write pulse width. The time during which both the block enable (BE) signal and the write enable (WE) signal are asserted. External timing parameters represent actual pin-to-pin timing characteristics. Each external timing parameter consists of a combination of internal timing parameters. The FLASHlogic Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet gives the values of the external timing parameters. These external timing parameters are worst-case values, derived from extensive performance measurements and ensured by device testing. All external timing parameters are shown in bold type. Logic (24V10) Mode The following list defines the external timing parameters for a FLASHlogic LAB in logic (24V10) mode. 514 t PD1 Dedicated input pin to non-registered output delay. The time required for a signal on any dedicated input pin to propagate through the combinatorial logic in a macrocell and appear at an external device output pin. t PD2 I/O pin input to non-registered output delay. The time required for a signal on any I/O pin input to propagate through the combinatorial logic in a macrocell and appear at an external device output pin. tCOMP Dedicated input pin or I/O pin input to non-registered output delay. The time required for a signal on any dedicated input pin or I/O pin input to propagate through the identity comparator in an LAB and appear at an external device output pin. t PZX Tri-state to active output delay. The time required for an input transition to change an external output from a tri-state (highimpedance) logic level to a valid high or low logic level. Altera Corporation AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing Altera Corporation t PXZ Active output to tri-state delay. The time required for an input transition to change an external output from a valid high or low logic level to a tri-state (high-impedance) logic level. t CLR Time to clear register delay. The time required for a low signal to appear at the external output, measured from the input transition. t SU Global clock setup time. The time data must be present at the input pin before the global clock signal is asserted at the clock pin. tH Global clock hold time. The time the data must be present at the input pin after the global clock signal is asserted at the clock pin. tDSU Delayed global setup time. The time data must be present at the input pin before the delayed global clock signal is asserted at the clock pin. tDH Delayed global hold time. The time the data must be present at the input pin after the delayed global clock signal is asserted at the clock pin. t CO1 Global clock to output delay. The time required to obtain a valid output after the global clock is asserted at the clock pin. t DCO1 Delayed global clock to output delay. The time required to obtain a valid output after the global clock is asserted at the clock pin. t CNT Minimum global clock period. The minimum period maintained by a globally clocked counter. t ASU Array clock setup time. The time when data must be present at the input pin before an array clock signal is asserted at an input pin. t AH Array clock hold time. The time when data must be present at the input pin after an array clock signal is asserted at an input pin. t ACO1 Array clock to output delay. The time required to obtain a valid output after an array clock signal is asserted at an input pin. t ACNT Minimum array clock period. The minimum period maintained by a counter that is clocked by a signal from the array. 515 AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing SRAM Mode The following list defines the external timing parameters for the read and write cycles of a FLASHlogic LAB in SRAM mode. SRAM Read Cycle Timing Parameters 516 tRC Read cycle time. The time required for the address lines to remain stable during a read operation. tDD Data-in to data-out delay. The time required for the written data to appear at the output pins. tAA Address access time. The delay from an address change at the input pins to the time data appears at the external device output pins. This parameter is valid only when the block enable (BE) and output enable (OE) signals are asserted. tABE Block enable access time. The delay from the time BE is asserted to the time data appears at the output pins. This parameter is valid only when OE is asserted. tOE Output enable to output valid. The time required for an input transition to change an external output from a tri-state (highimpedance) logic level to a valid high or low logic level. tOH Output hold from address change. The minimum delay from an address change at the input pins to the time data appears at the external device output pins. tBLZ Block enable to output in low impedance. The minimum delay from the time BE is asserted to the time the output pins are driven. tBHZ Block disable to output in high impedance. The delay from the time the BE is de-asserted to the time the SRAM outputs are tristated. tOLZ Output enable to output in low impedance. The minimum delay from the time the OE is asserted to the time the output pins are driven. tSSU SRAM global clock setup time. The time when the address must be present at the input pins before the global clock signal is asserted at the clock pin. Altera Corporation AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing tSH SRAM global clock hold time. The time when the address must be present at the input pins after the global clock signal is asserted at the clock pin. tSDSU SRAM delayed global clock setup time. The time when the address must be present at the input pins before the delayed global clock signal is asserted at the clock pin. tSDH SRAM delayed global clock hold time. The time when the address must be present at the input pins after the delayed global clock signal is asserted at the clock pin. SRAM Write Cycle Timing Parameters Altera Corporation tWC Write cycle time. The time when the address signals must remain constant. tBW Block enable to end of write. The time during which both the WE and BE signals are asserted. The WE signal is asserted before the BE signal. tAW Address valid to end of write. The setup time required for the address lines to stabilize before the end of the write pulse. tAS Address setup time. The time when the address lines must have stabilized before the beginning of the write pulse. tWP Write pulse width. The minimum time when both the BE and WE signals are asserted. The BE signal is asserted before the WE signal. tWR Write recovery time. The time after the end of the write pulse during which the address lines to must remain stable. tDW Data valid to end of write. The setup time required for the data lines to stabilize before the end of the write pulse. tDH Data hold time. The time required for the data lines to stabilize after the end of the write pulse. tOHZ Output disable to valid data-in. The delay from the time OE is de-asserted to the end of valid data output. 517 AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing Timing Models Timing models are simplified block diagrams that illustrate the propagation delays through Altera devices. Logic can be implemented on different paths. You can trace the actual paths used in your FLASHlogic device by examining the equations listed in the PLDshell Plus Report File (.rpt) for the project. You can then add up the appropriate internal timing parameters to calculate the propagation delays through the device. Figure 1 shows the timing model for FLASHlogic devices. Figure 1. FLASHlogic Timing Model SRAM Delay tAA tIDD tWASU tWAH tWDSU tWDH tWP Control Delay tSOE tLAC tIC Input Delay tIN PIA Delay tPIA Logic Array Delay tLAD tICOMP Global Clock Delay tGLOB tDGLOB Register Delay tISU tIH tIASU tIAH tRD tCOMB tPRE tCLR tSISU tSIH Output Delay tOD tXZ tZX Feedback Delay tFD I/O Delay tIO Calculating Timing Delays 518 You can calculate approximate pin-to-pin timing delays for any FLASHlogic device with the timing model shown in Figure 1 and the internal timing parameters in the FLASHlogic Programmable Logic Device Family Data Sheet in this data book. Each external timing parameter is calculated from a combination of internal timing parameters. Figure 2 shows the external timing parameters for FLASHlogic devices. To calculate the delay for a signal that follows a different path through the device, refer to the timing model shown in Figure 1 to determine which internal timing parameters to add together. Altera Corporation AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing Figure 2. External Timing Parameters (Part 1 of 3) When an input pin is used instead of an I/O pin, tIN can be substituted for tIO . Combinatorial Delay Combinatorial Logic tPD1 tPD2 = = tIN + tPIA + tLAD + tCOMB + tOD tIO + tPIA + tLAD + tCOMB + tOD Comparator Delay Combinatorial Logic tCOMP = tIO + tPIA + tICOMP + tCOMB + tOD Tri-State Enable/Disable Delay Combinatorial Logic tPXZ tPZX = = tIO + tPIA + tLAC + tXZ tIO + tPIA + tLAC + tZX Register Clear & Preset Time Combinatorial Logic tPRE tCLR = = tIO + tPIA + tLAC + tPRE + tOD tIO + tPIA + tLAC + tCLR + tOD Setup Time Combinatorial Logic Global Clock Delayed Global Clock Altera Corporation tSU tDSU = = (tIO + tPIA + tLAD ) – (tIN + tGLOB) + tISU (tIO + tPIA + tLAD ) – (tIN + tDGLOB) + tISU 519 AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing Figure 2. External Timing Parameters (Part 2 of 3) Hold Time Combinatorial Logic Global Clock Delayed Global Clock tH tDH (tIN + tGLOB) – (tIO + tPIA + tLAD) + tIH (tIN + tDGLOB) – (tIO + tPIA + tLAD) + tIH = = Counter Frequency Combinatorial Logic tCNT = tRD + tFD + tPIA + tLAD + tISU Array Clock Setup Time Combinatorial Logic Combinatorial Logic tASU = (tIO + tPIA + tLAD ) – (tIO + tPIA + tIC ) + tIASU Array Clock Hold Time Combinatorial Logic Combinatorial Logic tAH = (tIO + tPIA + tIC ) – (tIO + tPIA + tLAD ) + tIAH Clock-to-Output Delay Global Clock Delayed Global Clock 520 tCO1 = tDCO1 = tIN + tGLOB + tRD + tOD tIN + tDGLOB + tRD + tOD Altera Corporation AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing Figure 2. External Timing Parameters (Part 3 of 3) Array Clock-to-Output Delay Combinatorial Logic tACO1 = tIO + tPIA + tIC + tRD + tOD Figure 3 illustrates the SRAM read cycle external timing parameters. Figure 3. SRAM Read Cycle External Timing Parameters (Part 1 of 3) When an input pin is used instead of an I/O pin, tIN can be substituted for tIO . Data to Output SRAM Data-in Data-out tDD = tIO + tPIA + t IDD + tCOMB + tOD Address Access Time SRAM Address Data-out tAA = tIO + tPIA + tAA + tCOMB + tOD Block Enable Access Control Logic tABE Altera Corporation = tIO + tPIA + tSOE + tZX 521 AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing Figure 3. SRAM Read Cycle External Timing Parameters (Part 2 of 3) Output Enable to Output Valid Control Logic tOE = tIO + tPIA + tSOE + tZX Block Disable to Output in High Impedance Control Logic tBHZ = tIO + tPIA + tSOE + tXZ Setup Time SRAM Address Data-out tSSU = D (tIO + tPIA + tAA) – (tIN + tGLOB) + tSISU Hold Time SRAM Address Data-out tSH 522 = D (tIN + tGLOB) – (tIO + tPIA + tAA) + tSIH Altera Corporation AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing Figure 3. SRAM Read Cycle External Timing Parameters (Part 3 of 3) Delay Setup Time SRAM Address Data-out tSDSU = D (tIO + tPIA + tAA ) – (tIN + tDGLOB ) + tSISU Delay Hold Time SRAM Address Data-out tSDH = D (tIN + tDGLOB ) – (tIO + tPIA + tAA ) + tSIH Figure 4 shows the SRAM write cycle external timing parameters. Figure 4. SRAM Write Cycle External Timing Parameters (Part 1 of 2) When an input pin is used instead of an I/O pin, tIN can be substituted for tIO . Write Cycle SRAM Address Data-in /BE /WE tWC Altera Corporation = maximum of (tWASU + tWP + tWAH ) or (tWDSU + tWDH ) 523 AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing Figure 4. SRAM Write Cycle External Timing Parameters (Part 2 of 2) Address Valid to End of Write SRAM Address /BE /WE tAW = (tIO + tPIA ) – (tIO + tPIA ) + tWASU + tWP Address Setup Time SRAM Address /BE /WE tAS = (tIO + tPIA ) – (tIO + tPIA) + tWASU Write Recovery Time SRAM Address /BE /WE tWR = (tIO + tPIA ) – (tIO + tPIA ) + tWAH Data Valid to End of Write SRAM Data-in /BE /WE tDW = (tIO + tPIA) – (tIO + tPIA ) + tWDSU Data Hold Time SRAM Data-in /BE /WE tDH 524 = (tIO + tPIA ) – (tIO + tPIA ) + tWDH Altera Corporation AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing Examples The following examples show how to use internal timing parameters to calculate the delays for real applications. Example 1: First Bit of 7483 TTL Macrofunction You can analyze the timing delays for macrofunctions that have been subject to minimization and logic synthesis. The PLDshell Plus Report File (.rpt) lists the synthesized logic equations. These equations are structured so that you can quickly determine the logic implementation of any signal. For example, Figure 5 shows part of a 7483 TTL macrofunction (a 4-bit full adder). The PLDshell Report File gives the following equations for s1, the least significant bit of the adder: s1 = a1 * /b1 + /a1 * b1 + /a1 * /b1 + /b1 * /a1 s1.trst = VCC * /c0 * /c0 * c0 * c0 Figure 5. Adder Logic Timing for FLASHlogic Architecture a1 NOT b1 s1 NOT c0 NOT tIO Altera Corporation tPIA tLAD tCOMB tOD 525 AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing The output of the macrocell is s1. To drive the s1 output, the four products terms are ORed together: (a1 * /b1 * /c0), (/a1 * b1 * /c0), (/a1 * /b1 * c0), and (b1 * a1 * c0). Because a macrocell can have four or more product terms, the s1 output can be generated in one macrocell. Therefore, the timing delay is as follows: t IN + t PIA + t LAD + t COMB + t OD Example 2: Second Bit of 7483 TTL Macrofunction For complex logic that requires additional product terms, product terms from neighboring macrocells can be used. The second bit of the 7483 adder macrofunction, s2, was generated using a macrocell that had only 4 product terms. Because 6 product terms are required to generate this function, 2 product terms were borrowed from a neighboring macrocell. The equations are as follows: s2 = b1 * a1 + b1 * c0 + a1 * c0 + /b1 * /a1 + /b1 * /c0 + /a1 * /c0 s2.trst = VCC * a2 * a2 * a2 * /a2 * /a2 * /a2 Product terms borrowed from neighboring macrocells do not have additional delays associated with them. As a result, the timing delay for s2 has the same delay as s1: tIN + tPIA + tLAD + tCOMB + tOD 526 Altera Corporation AN 79: Understanding FLASHlogic Timing Example 3: 5-Bit Comparator FLASHlogic devices have a dedicated 12-bit identity comparator in each LAB. This comparator has the same delay regardless of the width of the data bits, i.e., a 1-bit comparator has the same delay as a 12-bit comparator. The following example is a 5-bit comparator between the I/O pins for busa and busb. The result is sent to the output pin equal. The equations are as follows: equal = GND equal.cmp = [busa4, busa3, busa2, busa1, busa0] == [busb4, busb3, busb2, busb1, busb0] equal.trst = VCC Therefore, the timing delay for equal is as follows: tIN + tPIA + tICOMP + tCOMB + tOD Conclusion Altera Corporation The FLASHlogic device architecture has fixed internal timing delays that are independent of routing. Therefore, you can determine the worst-case timing delays for any design before programming a device. Total delay paths can be expressed as the sums of internal timing delays. The FLASHlogic timing model illustrates the internal delay paths for FLASHlogic devices and shows how these internal timing parameters affect each other. You can calculate delay paths by adding the internal timing parameters in the FLASHlogic timing model. With the ability to predict worst-case timing delays, you can be confident of a design’s insystem timing performance. 527 Copyright © 1995, 1996 Altera Corporation, 2610 Orchard Parkway, San Jose, California 95134, USA, all rights reserved. By accessing any information on this CD-ROM, you agree to be bound by the terms of Altera’s Legal Notice.
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