,,-- POSTAL RATE COilHlSCiON OFFICEOFTHE SEC;RETARY SPECIAL SERVICES REFORM, I 1996 Docket No. MC96-3 MOTION OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE FOR RECONSIDERATION OF PRC ORDER NO. 1129 OR, IN THE ALTERNATIVE, FOR SEVERANCE OF CONSIDERATION OF THE NASHUA/MYSTIC IN A SEPARATE PROCEEDING (August 16, 1996) For the following requests 1996), reconsideration which grants Lab (hereinafter, consideration Service proceeding another. the classes / ‘-. for consideration 39 U.S.C. ’ Dow Jones v. United --- decision of certain Alternatively, to initiate the Postal a separate discrete Postal Service, files a formal in rates and fees, the Commission on the Postal Service’s in the instant special services any changes of mail, nor the fees and terms States Color .to include when the Postal Service Request does not encompass and subclasses No. MC96-3 its authority changes Service’s Inc. and Mystic 8, of that BRM proposal. 93622(b), seeking goal of the Postal the fees and terms Photo, Docket exercise respectfully Order No. 1 129 (August Reply Mail (BRM) proposal. the Commission This Request Postal Service District to expand to issue a recommended The narrow change with States of Nashua that the Commission In accordance is required the Motion “Nashua/Mystic”) requests with the United of Postal Rate Commission of a Business classification Request reasons, PROPOSAL Request.’ proc:eeding is to and ‘to eliminate to the ral:es or terms of other special for rservices 656 F.2d 786, at 790 (D.C. C,jr. 1981). x-5 I--- not specifically addressed in the Request at page 3, “[wlhile special services considering by the Postal Service’s for which other reforms, proposals.* the Postal Service reforms ” it included might As further recognizes be advisable, indicated thalt there may be and is a,ctively none of those matters within has further indicated that the scope of its Request More specifically, comprehensive United States the Postal Service review of Business Postal Service Reply Mail (BRM) is underway. On Plans For Business a Statement Reply Mail Reform (July Of 19, 1996). In this regard, at page 10 of its Order No. 1 129, the Commission statecl that: [tlhe prospect of having access to more BRM cost and operational data in a subsequent case would support deferring consideration of Nashua’s proposal if it were coupled with some assurance that there will be a relevant filing in the foreseeable future. In reaching this conclusion, the Commission emphasized that: the Postal Service has promised only that it will be in a better position “to take appropriate action” at the end of the year, action which may or may not involve a filing with the Commission. This contrasts with the zsituation in Docket No. MC951 in which the Commission refused UPS’s request to include reform of the Priority Mail rate structure. An important factor in that decision was the Commission’s belief that issues relating to the structure of Priority Mail would be reviewed in a future docket, based on imentions expressed by the Postal Service to make a relevant filing in the near future. See Docket No. MC95-1, PRC Order No. 1064, citing Tr. l/30. PRC Order No. 1 129 at IO. ’ Docket No. Recommended MC96-3, Decision Request Of The On Special Service United States Postal Changes, at 1. Service For A 6 I-- @ g ,r -3In Mail Order Association 406, at 423 of America (D.C. Cir. 1993), v. United the D.C. Circuit States Postal Scarvice II Court of Appeals explicitly 2 F.3d. held that: a ratemaking is inevitably circumscribed to some extent by the parameters of the Postal Service’s request; it is not an open invitation for the Commission to propose wide-ranging and unrelated changes in classificationis. To open up these proceedings to extraneous initiatives would undermine the timeliness concerns that govern ratemaking. Similar, if not identical, proceeding. In this respect, acknowledging 39 U.S.C. authority never intended proposal 3622 involving by the statutory to control and request pertinent when by a Postal Service to interfere matters the administration that there are practical and determination whether scheme, understandable Postal Service’s into sometlhing pursuit request under of its and legal limits on the it was of an extraneous under 39 U.S.C. with the formulation of the Postal Service’s proposal, or not a foray a principle inclination into unwanted of comity services territory ought to influence to investigate a matter Iof postal §§ policy operational is circumscribed the Commission’s that is unrelated to the but that is raised by a participant. At page 9 of Order No. 1 129, the Commission the special in MOAA, Iof the instant and objectives. In any event, perhaps initiated has the potential assessment capabilities believes This is particularly in a proceeding disposition to pursue classification to turn a Postal Service to be. and 3623 authority as well as prerogatives the Postal Service Commission’s ought to control in light of the discussion the Commission’s §3623(b), dockets, considerations are discrete, self-contained emphasized services, that there is little “since ‘all of procedural -4efficiency While to be lost by considering this might another Depending MC96-3 the context settle the question to consider -- where, number In particular, of the case under 39 U.S.C. concerns. initiated objects to engraft to narrowly-defined Request has extracted an explicit to be no principle to deny the requests surely relation an infinite variety Second, r”. -- should the case -- control has several not the conl:lusion promise in MOAA proceeding by the Postal Service proposal serious will be of any intervenor, from the Postal Service in the near future. on which the Commission can be expected situated services similarly changes to Nashua/Mystic. which or mail classes to be potentially the Order appears No. services to that proposal of classification were not deemed Docket relevant of intervenors to all of the other special No. 1 129, special rate and classification unless that intervenor there appears be expanded. onto the Court’s classification iproceedings it should 0 3623. any unrelated Commission Request, determination to expanding to consider initiate of litigating expandling discrete this administrative that the scope of a discrete in response expanded limited could justify of equally in this docket,” feasibility of PRC Order No. 1 129, the Postal Service First, the Order appears the condition service the case should this rationale as here, the Postal Service Upon review special of the administrative of whether an unlimited proposals. discrete of the Postal Service’s on the circumstances, classification status be a valid assessment issue within not, by itself, another could for postal to act in ulntil PRC Order at issue in this proceeding. to signal a disregard If so, There is be plroposed which, to management’s prerogative to achieve and classification Postal Service was, specific changes. Moreover, is disappointed until August operational 8, 1996, in view a comprehensive Reply Mail, one goal of which authority from the Board of Governors classification reform proposals what No. MC78-2, the Governors was then third-class reconfiguration proceeding.3 was not consistent that their review internal to formally in --I MDAA inject management is to determine the Commission adopted whether pursue itself rate the into what review of to Irequest specific rate and to the fact that in with the Postal Service’s decisions to reconfigure the fact that the proposed that the Governors of recommended points a recommendation mail, notwithstanding It is noteworthy would limited in the near future. At page 9 of Order No. 1129, Docket of the reasoning that the Commission Business goalsthrough and revenue expressed Request in that the view in that case under 39 U.S.C. § 3625 ought not be impeded by the Commission expanding the docket and delaying the processing of what should be a straightforward matter, to encompass other proposals that are not essential to what the Commission was requested to consider .4 3 The Commission’s anecdotal reference to Docket No. MC78-2 fails to acknowledge its rather contentious dispute with the Governors on the classification issues in that proceeding. No anecdotal history of Commission classification recommendations which deviated from Postal Service Requests would be complete without reference to the unpleasantness surrounding the ultimate resolution of the Docket No. R90-1 Public’s Automation Rate proposal. If anything, both anecdotes serve as reminders th,at much care should be taken to allow classification reform proposals to develop in a manner which best affords postal management the opportunity to fully consider and review their operational and financial consequences. 4 Decision Of The Governors Of The United States Postal Service /-’ .--..-_ -- ~- -__- Regarding (continued...) - More recent history accommodating thoroughly suggests approach consider that the Commission to responding significant more recent thoroughly the operational review that has worked classification No. R94-1 reform proposals, reform review No. R94-l process it was known which to postal when took expedited proposals would at l-4. into account parcel service 4 (...continued) Recommended Decision (December 4, 1979). be included considered intervenor In Docket management’s ongoing as a basis for deferring Of The Postal and R90-1. filed in Docket in Docket No. R94-1 Reform to give weight classification proposals consideration Rate Commission that in Docket reform PRC Order No. 1064 No. I. in the in that docket. consideration in the classification in Classification plans to pursue No. MC95-1, of was engaged internal it appropriate classification is one mail classification in the Request by the Postal Service management’s it evaluated defined, resulted reforms than to the Commission’s that the Postal Service ultimately need to resolution Nos. MC78-2 of intervenor yet then only vaguely the Commission PRC Op. R94-1, 1995) when classification Nevertheless, in Docket to consideration There was no promise specific future approach of various contentious ‘to prior to litigation, to management’s aspects one need look back no farther comprehensive, MC95-1. and financial and management proposals of deferring issues than was experienced Docket relatively practice reform well to avoid the unfortunately As an example, a productive to the need of postal classification The Commission’s has found See, (June 30, of reform of Priority Of Mail On Bulk Third-Class Mail /- -7classification proposals Commission saw the wisdom classification reform of Classification 252. of interest To the extent commitment II, Docket between action consideration which No. MC96-I. of Commission its commitment to explore was sufficient for the Commission Priority Mail reform .-- and the commitment On Plans For Business the ongoing Business review exchange of Business changes the Postal Service exchange of pre-decisional action became the subject depends expedited at V-251- upon a the Postal Service finds parcel service strong reform5 consideration in its July -- of 19, 1996, to have a chilling Reply Mail by postal be affected on the future effect, management, the Postal Service who would 5 See, Docket No. MC95-1, Request Recommended Decisions On Classification Mail, at 3-4; and Tr. l/30. r- rate and See, PRC Op. MC:95-1, reflected may be contemplating. views the Reply Mail Reform.6 of ideas between Reply Mail customers of nonprofit to avoid premature PRC Order No. 1 129 also can be expected on the current Likewise, ultimately by the Postal Service, which Statement Parcel Service. No. MC95-1, that deferral to future similarities of deferring in Docket Reform to United not only but also on and the universe by and interested A fully robust of BRM among of in any and candid postal managers Of United States Postal Service For Reform Of First-, Second-., and Third-Class 6 So as not to preempt the prerogatives of the Board of Governors, which has yet to be asked to consider authorization of the filing of a Business Reply Mail rate or classification case at the Commission, the Statement could not represent categorically that such a case will be filed. So as not to pre-judge the outcome of the internal management review of BRM, the Statement also stopped short of guaranteeing that such authority will be requested. 064902 r-. -8would in all likelihood the subject Nashua’s be inhibited of discovery concerns in connection to litigation and other BRM customers litigants in Docket No. MC96-3. interested the ‘conversion parties far exceed postal management. Docket intervene those No. MC96-3 Injection could unnecessarily promise and the Commission’s -..------- of the Postal who must now choose whether to become to litigation associated with with status “being participation heard” in informal parties some in litigation dialogue who have otherwise to do so now in order to protect parties coluld require with Reply Mail issues at this late date in could be at stake. now stand, procedural considerable ,/-- elevation be Accordingly, chosen interests not to they have it seems that every at risk of exhausting their limited effort resources or prematurely. As matters MC96-3 Moreover, could between of Business be made to avoid putting or musing will chill exchanges well require in this proceeding had no reason to expect should associated scribbling this issue. of the matter to incur expenses which with status Service In addition, if every preliminary there is incongruence schedule -- which, of being brought decision without between the injection to a conclusion to open the proceeding reclassification. The Nashua/Mystic BRM categories, but possibly proposal also First-Class the current No. of BRM, shows in an expediited to consideration has implications Docket manner -- of BRM not only for existing Mail as well.’ ’ At page 11 of its Order, the Commission observed that Nashua has disavowed an intent to litigate issues of the appropriate attributable cost and rate for automated BRM. (continued...) __-- ,I-. -9In opposition to the Nashua/Mystic Service and the OCA expressed Docket No. MC96-3 discovery initiated the concerns voiced practice have upon the current contentious in the near future. resources to deal with The Commission response Business because of particularly if Given the breadth of PRC Order No. 1129, be borne out in the Postal Service, in the need to assemble Reply Mail issues, to discovery has indicated schedule, or protracted.8 had no reason to anticipate unrelated and expeditious litigation and the OCA could In addition, both the Postal that expansion since the issuance by the Postal Service for this Docket, For Enlargement, about the impact by Nashua/Mystic organizing efficient concern on BRM issues becomes of discovery motion could Motion the usual stanclard is likely to be difficult of to achieve. that: if, during the course of Docket No. MC96-3, the Postal Service should demonstrate that Nashua’s proposal cannot be adequately conisidered vvithout a wide-ranging reexamination of the structure of BRM fees, and that such consideration must await the outcome of its current investigations, the Nashua proposal can be severed and considered in a separate phase o-f this docket. PRC Order No. 1129, respectfully proceeding. requests at 11. For the reasons that the Commission While the comprehensive stated reconsider review above, the Postal its decision of BRM is underway Service to enlarge this by ’ (...continued) That declaration of intent provides little solace to the Postal Service in light of the wideranging interrogatories filed by Nashua/Mystic in the past week alone. ,,.-- * Opposition Of The United States Postal Service To Nashua Photo Inc. And Mystic Color Lab Motion To Enlarge Scope Of Proceeding For Consideration Of Classification Modification With Respect To Business Reply Mail (July 24, 1996); Office Of The Consumer Advocate Response To Motion Of Nashua Photo And Mystic Color Lab To Enlarge Scope Of Proceeding (July 25, 1996). 004904 - 10 management, the Postal Service Nashua/Mystic appropriate purpose proposal should in a Commission of BRM reform believes be deferred proceeding initiating a BRM reform authority under 39 U.S.C. to wag the Docket reconsider proceeding, No. MC96-3 initiated docket, should a separate to address without the risk of having delayed initiation under of consideration 53623(b), Such an approach the resolution can exercise would Request of non-BRM UNITED the Commission permit -..___ -- the Commission affec:ted schedule, by the submitted, STATES POSTA,L SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking ,I’-- BRM proposal on the current matters to of BRM issues. Respectfully 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-l 137 (202) 268-2998; Fax -5402 August 16, 1996 of its the BRM “tail” decline of the Nashua/Mystic: the Postal Service’s or such a proceeding. Should the Commission a review first, that it has no intention avoid the risk of allowing based on its authority docket. declares for the comes time the Commission to initiate of the (a) such time as is rate case, whichever at which “dog.” consideration by the Postal Service formally should to undertake in the instant and the parties §3623(b) the Commission its decision create until either or the next omnibus (b) until such time as the Postal Service In any event, that Commission 004905 - 11 - CERTIFICATE I hereby certify participants that of record OF SERVICE I have this day served the foregoing in this proceeding of Practice. in accordance ,--; with T. Tidwell upon all section1 12 of the Rules ?%A 2 W-Y Michael 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-I 137 (202) 268-2998; Fax -5402 August 16, 1996 document
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