. . ORIGINAL BEFORETHE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-o& OPPOSITION CONSUMER The United Advocate FCST&LRATECOWMISSIOH OFFl~~0~ THE,jECREThRY Docket No. MC96-3 OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TO OFFICE OF THE ADVOCATE MOTION UNDER 39 U.S.C. § 3624(c)(2) FOR DAY-FOR-DAY EXTENSIONS (August 22, 1996) States motion OCA’s motion 4 35 PI ‘% 22 I I SPECIAL SERVICES REFORM, 1996 004989 REcEIVE:~ Postal Service hereby oppose under 39 U.S.C. 0 3624(c)(2) for sanctions the Office for day-for-day is not well founded of the Consumer extensions.’ and must be denied The for several reasons. I. BACKGROUND. On June 7, 1996, Decision on various mail, return the Postal Service special receipts, service insured filed its Request proposals, mail, postal including No changes in rates for the classes for other special provided full base year and test year costs and related services classes’ and subclasses methodology On June Postal Service reflected were proposed. services in its Cost and Revenue Analysis “to submit the Commission issued cost presentations boxes, certified mail, and special and subclasses Nonetheless, of mail and all special 18, 1996, post office cards, registered delivery. for a Recommended of mail or in the fees the Postal Service documentation for all using the standard report cost (“CRA”) Order No. 1 120, directing that reflect still the Commission’s ’ Office of the Consumer Advocate Motion Under 39 U. S. C. 5 3624(tJ[‘(n$ Day Extensions in the Procedural Schedule and the Ten-Month Dacisbnal August 12, 1996 (“OCA Motion”). i.he Docket Deadl, ~FrlFLJ AU6 2 2 19% h No. R94-1 produce attribution new versions T-1 by July 5, 1996.’ reconsideration comparison of Exhibits Service’s On June 28, 1996, Docket 19, 1996, motion with the exception Newspaper the PostGal Service J and of Exhibit the Postal Service 12, 1996, Association Further issued and directing cost methodology subclass Motion of the United C of IJSPSfor providing Decision.3 denying the Postal to provide 5, 1 9!36.4 methodology a CFlA methodology the Postal Service to provide to costs, On .August if the in all respects, costs.5 American of America filed comments to Reconsider to extend Bankers to Provide 3 Motion of the United States Postal Service and Partial Response, June 28, 1996. 4 Order Denying 1996. Recommended offering 13, 1996, Service response, by August the OCA filed its motion the Postal 18, 1996. moved Order No. 1126, using the Commission’s of single On August 2 Order Directing No. 1120, June 5 Statement 2, 1996. through filed a statement so requested, On August No. R94-1 for reconsideration the Postal Service Commission ordering under the Postal Service’s the Commission under the Commission’s 3624(c)(2). USPST5A of Base Year 1993 costs On July 2, 1996, specifically of Order No. 1 120, but also filed a partial and the Commission’s costs methodology,” under section Association stating Additional that “the conditions Cost Presentations, for Reconsideration Order No. States Postal Service 1120, Concerning and the Order of Order MO. 1120, Order Neo. 1126, July 79, Order No. 1126, Augusi @04991. -3appear fully satisfied II. for imposition of sanctions pursuant to Section 3624(c)(2).“@ THE POSTAL SERVICE HAS FURNISHED SUFFICIENT INFORMATION TO ALLOW THE COMMISSION AND THE PARTIES TO FULLY EVALUATE THE LIMITED PROPOSALS PRESENTED. With its initial filing, Year 1996 special would before services. allow comparisons examination services of the information Moreover, proposed needed with of Postal Service Year 1993. As the Postal Service costs and cost coverages cost coverages Postal Service would adl mail classes and after does not agree that a comprehensive for a proper in this docket, its initial for reconsideration, comparison under the differing which evaluation filing of the clearly provided all for such an examination. its motion costs with the filing and among and Test of mail and all for base year and test year before the Postal Service changes and subclasses between of all rates and fees is required circumscribed full Base Year 1995 data were presented of cost coverages and special Although presented and after rates costs for all classes Cost and revenue and subclasses rates. the Postal Service versus Commission stated, methodologies in this docket the Postal Service costing ratios reflecting could be applied to indicate what look like under the Commission’s has stated that it will provide costs provided methodologies a folr Base the differences in 1993 to the Postal Service’s comparable methodology. in this docket costs and Also, the incorporating the ’ Comments of the American Bakers Association and the Newspa’per Association of America on “Statement of the United States Postal Service Concerning Order No. 1126, n August 13, 1996. This Opposition should also be considered an opposition to ABA’s and NAA’s Comments. 004992 -4Commission’s It would methodology be surprising application except if any changes of the single subclass the Commission’s recommended Both OCA in its motion the Postal Service 4.’ Accordingly, information objective subclasses needed analysis has refused “to furnish to provide. to do so. result from whatsoever on needed to compare incorrect. no basis for imposition and the parties of costs fail ‘to address what The OCA’s statement the tools is thus demonstrably comparison services would have any effect in their comments, willing, by the Commission and special which if req,uested decision. there is simply of an extensive would and ABA-NAA cost coverages” costs, in cost coverages has, and is further that the Postal Service 3 and R94-1 for single subclass MC96- See OCA Motion, of sanctions to accomplish and cost coverages where at the their declared for all c18asses, has been made available. ’ OCA’s further argument concerning Ramsey pricing is puzzling. On the one hand according to OCA, the Commission needs to compare cost coverages for all classes and subclasses and special services so that it can apply the “principle” of “simultaneous markups” as in Ramsey pricing in an omnibus rate case. OCA states that Ramsey prices “can only be accomplished if all rates are set simultan~eously, in relation to one another.” On the other hand, the OCA admits that “the Service is not espousing Ramsey pricing in this docket” because “[ilf it were “this would be a ld. OCA then goes on to say that it never has agreecl with the general rate case.” Postal Service’s position on demand pricing. The Postal Service does not know how to respond to this circular and confusing argument. 004993 r- -5Ill. EVEN IF THE POSTAL SERVICE PRODUCES COSTS USING THE COMMISSION’S METHODOLOGY, A SPONSORING WITNESS WILL STILL BE REQUIRED. Neither the OCA nor ABA-NAA issue of who is supposed costing methodology. v. United however, that under MOAA, approach under section thus would an interested IV. any costs information presented In fact, they fail to even mention America costing States Postal Service, 3624(c)(2) would serve no useful party to produce requires nothing The obvious such costs the using the Commission’s Mail Order Association of a particular it on the record.’ toward solution and sponsor resolving of It is (clear, that the proponent and rationalize contribute purpose. addressing 2 F.3d 408 (D.C. Cir. 1993). due process must fully articulate Sanctions this issue and is for the Commission a witness defending or them. SANCTIONS UNDER SECTION 3624(c)(2) ARE NOT AUTHORIZED WHERE THE POSTAL SERVICE’S INITIAL FILING WAS IN FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THE COMMISSION’S RULES, NECESSARY DATA HAVE BEEN PROVIDED, A’ND NO DELAY HAS BEEN SHOWN The extraordinary carefully respect relief made available circumscribed to requests in narrowly - to sponsor offer any helpful defined by Congress. 3624(c:l has been First, such relief is only available made under section circumstances. under Section 3622. Second, It must be shown with the relief may be had only that the Postal Service has * The ABA-NAA suggestion that the Postal Service produce costs using the Commission’s cost methodology and then sponsor a witness attacking those costs is certainly novel. Unfortunately for ABA-NAA, it also runs afoul of the APA requirement that “the proponent of a rule or order has the burden of proof.” 5 U.S.C. § 556(d) (emphasis added). If the Commission takes the Postal Service up on its offer to produce “Commission” costs except for single stibclass costs, the Postal Service plans to provide these costs in a library reference, without a witness to sponsor them. 064994 -6unreasonably a reasonable delayed consideration time to a lawful may extend or speculative, the lo-month actions. Even assuming the present filing 39 USC. made, or can make, a showing specific Docket No. MC78-1, period in recent delayed, or that any case preparation Service Practice total with requires. its initial and estimated The costing In particular, It does not specify were available time, from the with respect no party has definitely a 3624(c), let unlike in this section or other procedural to has caused by section For example, invoking has made a event has been much less “unreasonably presentations were in full compliance accrued specific has been slowed. has not delayed, filing and definite. resulted we do not concede,” pleadings that any cross-examination and Procedure. actual which 3624(c) of this case, as required argument of this case. to have directly that the Postal Service credible consideration the showing only for a limited, has acted unreasonably. no party The Postal Service P 3623, delay in the consideration alone that the Postal Service Furthermore, within § 3624(c)(2). that relief under Section under section to respond it must be well-founded that is, by one day for each day of delay shown Postal Service’s by failing order of the Commission. of delay may not be nebulous The Commission of the rate request Rule 54(f)(l) costs for various any particular manner presented delayed” by the Po:stal with the Commission’s and (2) requires years. Rules of presentation of That is all the rule of presentation or any particular ’ The Postal Service is aware that the Commission has concluded otherwise in the past. See Docket No. MC78- 1, Order Declaring Status of Proceeding Pursuant to 39 U.S. C. § 3624/c), Order No. 280, May 18, 1979. (- -7costing methodology. Further, all special narrow. costs were presented services, even though The Commission Of course, conduct anyone costs and cost coverages or the Commission the Postal Service else’s ability are quil,e response wish to has, providecl the to Order INos. 1 1210 and to use the available inlformation and their own analysis. Moreover, which analysis, olf mail as well as made in this docket can compare to do so. The Postal Service’s has not impeded and subclasses if other parties their own single subclass data necessary 1126 the proposals and the parties using this information. propose for all classes the Postal Service demonstrated, services affected Commission’s to produce subclass by this case regardless a “Commission of whether was used. ” response version” adopt of costs without a different that the Postal Service costing to Order No. ‘I 120, in the special the Postal Service’s The Postal Service The fact that the Commission that the Postal Service argument a partial for the most part, only minor differences cost methodology analysis.” provided approach has “unreasonably also has offered incorporatinlg or certain or the the single part:ies may prefer does not support delayed” corlsideratioln an of its ” The cost comparisons presented by the Postal Service in response to Order No. 1120 used Base Year 1993. As the Postal Service pointed oLlt, however, ratios developed from those data could be applied to the costs and cost coverages presented in this case to demonstrate how costs and cost coverages would appear under the Commission’s methodology. r‘, ” The Governors of the Postal Service have rejected single subclass expressed an intent to continue to oppose this costing approach. costs and have - 004996 ;-. -8Request. ” A finding Commission could Thus, produce conclusion. the continued is proceeding existence according continue has repeatedly to proceed dispute recommended the Postal Service to provide of published the Commission’s single subclass R94-1, conforming and MC96-2. to the Commission’s same reality in disputed applies and where to perform the Commission would method to its scheduled over correct itself is ideally data which attempt to replicate did so in Docket Service any delay. The the difference in results, where have been madse available to perform Nos. analysis where difference positioned of requiring force in this instance, analysis attribution without did not require yield a de minimis and, in past cases that, The lack of a Rstal the requested the decis’ions The Commission preferred in equal or greater methodologies data necessary sponsor MC95-1, costs. where to sc:hedule, demonstrated of a fundamental analyses unwarrainted under its methodology, it is able to produce R90-1, costs, costs why this case cannot The Commission city carrier delay is particularly and sponsor it is clear that the hearing there is no reason despite of unreasonable the analysis the to all, and it on the record. ” The conclusions of Order No. 280 are inapposite. In that instance, the Commission found that numerous changes in the testimony of Postal Service witnesses as well as the Postal Service’s failure to produce certain information contributed to delay in the hearings schedule and frustrated the attempts of parties to prepare counter-proposals and rebuttal testimony. See Order No. 280, at 25 and 27. Neither OCA nor ABANAA have argued credibly in their papers requesting sanctions that they are unable to prepare for hearings or that they have been hampered in preparing whatever testimony they might submit. In fact, OCA has filed preliminary estimates of the amount of oral cross-examination it has for the Postal Service’s witnesses. Office of the Consumer Advocate Notice of Expected Amount of Oral Cross-Examination,. August 14, 1996. --- 00499: -9In this regard it again must be emphasized question does far more than merely Rather, the Commission available again has requested or defended decision, which supports the reasonableness required Service’s conduct, the Commission Postal Service’s Postal Service, methodology unsound develop, the passage to invoke legitimate document favors, 3624, response in these of failure to respond to a lawful application of 39 U.S.C. § 3624(c)(2) proceeding has not been delayed. by the !Postal circumstances act, made in response that the Commission, subclass rejects as by t!he Congress to respond in not be lawful. does not believe that the Postal Commission be warranted order. extension of this case Nor would in circumstances where CONCLUSION Sy declining to the and not the on the record the single to Order Nos. 1 120 and 1 126 authorizes as a result to the order. and the Postal Service In light of the above, the Postal Service Service’s 3624 was not contemplated and would such methods, necessitate’d or disciplinary insistence Such a purpose of section Section and sponsor that the Commission and invalid. response but The MOAA and defend of any delay actually as a punitive continued, to sponsor take publicly by the Commission, on the record. of the Postal Service’s any attempt only be interpreted created order in of data #or information. that the Postal Service by the Commission Given the lack of a showing V. the provision data, and apply to that data algorithms never sponsored could request that the Commission in full to Order Nos. 1 120 and 1 126, the Postal the I- -lOService intends established no disrespect by the Act. of the Commission’s disputed costing or to the ratemaking Rather, this is a disagreement rules, and over the appropriate structure over the appropriate entity to produce scope and :sponsor methodologies. For all of the reasons the OCA motion to the Commission cited herein, the Postal Service respectfully requests be denied. Respectfully UNITED submitted, STATES POSTAL SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr., Chief Counsel, Ratemaking ,’ &LL/a? Susan M. Duchek 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-l 137 (202) 268-2990; Fax -5402 August 22, 1996 &=-Jz that 004999 CERTIFICATE I hereby participants certify of record that OF SERVICE I have this day served the foregoing in this proceeding in accordance with of Practice. Susan M. Duchek 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-l 137 (202) 268-2990; Fax -5402 August 22, 1996 document section upon all 12 of the Rules
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