, ,T---. BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Special Services Fees and Classifications) 'RECElVE[) Docket No. MC96-3 OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE INTERROGATORIES TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE (OCA/USPS-l-4) June 19, 1996 Pursuant the ,/-' Postal hereby to sections Rate submits 25 and 26 of Commission, the the Office interrogatories Rules of the and requests of Practice Consumer of Advocate for production the exact of documents. If level data of requested detail substantially requested, similar susceptible should to production material at available any data or converted available level to in the of in detail (1) or requested format or a (2) format and detail be provided. by photocopies /--- not format being The production If are the or Office of attached of copies otherwise, of the documents requested to responses is infeasible production Consumer of herein these due to should Advocate, should interrogatories. the volume be made for 1333 be made H Street, of inspection N.W., Docket . ,r-- No. MC96-3 Washington, 4:30 D.C. 2 20268-0001, during the hours but is of 8:OO a.m. to p.m. The term letters, "documents" telegrams, clippings, memoranda, speeches, and workpapers. reports, testimonies, The term by which information is microfilms, punch cards, used includes, pamphlets, recorded other in data processing together necessary to understand or also or limited studies, "documents" or not newspaper charts, with tabulations, includes other transmitted, cards, or any written such punch for explanations means including and tapes use to: recordings material cards, tapes or other recordings. /--- Responses numbers should manually, requests be accompanied shall "workpapers" include mechanically to if be prepared necessary, "show what other numbers to "prepare party to developed R83-1, type the backup of paper numbers achieve a final workpapers understand how he took data 10/2795-96. to of were, achieve Where the whether the witness's what numbers so that his of The term prepared Such workpapers it from final arithmetic is were results." and added to should possible a primary should, responses The witness result." data derivation and without used. as part the material electronically, sufficient that Tr. the or by workpapers. all or consideration should /-y to for a third source and Docket No. manipulations were Docket . y-7 No. performed MC96-3 by an electronic stored instructions printouts were replicated prepared, Refer states "any net helpful in meeting Prior Years' the or to the Request to for the with language intermediate arithmetic other means. Postal Postal from use net goals at for 3 where will that it be recovery of Postal resulting of be proposals confirm purpose should these revenues internally Request Service's Please sole steps Service's resulting amounts." intends computer the the revenue Loss management digital and no English by manual OCA/USPS-1. in 3 from recovering proposals Prior Years' .\ Loss amounts. a. If you net b. revenues confirm, resulting cycle, refinance of the Postal Service? If you cannot confirm, from the amounts? the rate refinance ,--. cannot Postal Postal from the USPS debt, proposals what will What amount cycle? What USPS debt, Service? does or proposals amount net amount or of to revenues of restructure net intend to restructure be used of management extend the net the rate Prior resulting Years' will be used revenues will the use organization revenues recover to organization to Loss extend be used of to the Docket No. MC963 4 . ,,---, OCA/USPS-2. states "any helpful in Prior for Refer net Loss Postal Postal amounts." of Please Service's resulting the recovery specific. the revenue meeting Years' the to Prior from these Service's What Years' provide Request the Loss for will recovery Posta .l Service's amounts? any documents 3 where proposals goals are at Please setting forth it be of 'goals be these goals. OCA/USPS-3. June 7, 1996. Refer to Please the Notice provide of the Filing Fiscal of Year Library 1995 References, version of the ,x--x Summary Description of USPS Development of Costs by Segments and Components. OCA/USPS-4. June the 7, following do not /-‘ 1996. confirm, Refer to Please the Notice confirm Library of that References please provide and Revenue the is the Filing for Fiscal of Library information Fiscal Year SSR-4 Cost Files Analysis/Rollforward, SSR-5 Cost and Revenue Analysis/Rollforward, Documentation Reports SSR-6 Cost and Revenue Analysis/Rollforward, Documentation - Tapes References, contained in If Year 1995. 1995 information. Input you Data Processing Docket NO. MC963 5 SSR-7 Cost and Revenue Analysis/Attributable SSR-8 Rollforward Footnotes Test SSR-11 Rollforward Expense SSR-12 I.n-Office Cost SSR-13 In-Office Verification Cost Year Volume Costs Variable Disks Cost Factors System (IOCS), Handbook F-45 (IOCS), Checking and SSR-14 In-Office Cost System (IOCS), Documentation Description Computer System SSR-15 In-Office Data SSR-16 In-Office Copy of SSR-17 In-Office Cost Documentation, System In-Office SSR-18 In-Office Cost Documentation, System (IOCS), Cost Allocation Postal Service Subsystem SSR-19 In-Office System (IOCS), Source Code Listings SSR-20 In-Office Cost Machine-readable System Form (IOCS), Source Programs SSR-21 In-Office Data Cost System (IOCS), Listing SSR-22 In-Office Copy of Cost Output System Data (IOCS), Machine-readable SSR-23 IOCS Tally SSR-24 Carrier Cost Instructions), Handbook Systems, and Form 2848 F-56 SSR-25 Carrier Cost Documentation Systems, Computer Description System System Procedures Cost System (IOCS), Listing Cost System Databases (IOCS), Machine-readable (IOCS), Cost Postal Service ADP FOSDIC Subsystem Cost Analysis of of Input ADP in Output Documentation and F-55 (Test Docket ,,--., No. MC96-3 6 SSR-26 Carrier Cost Systems, Listing SSR-27 Carrier Cost Databases Systems, Machine-readable SSR-28 Carrier Cost Documentation, Systems, Carrier Postal Service ADP Sample Selection SSR-29 Carrier Cost Documentation, Systems, Postal City Carrier SSR-30 Carrier Cost Documentation, Systems, Rural SSR-31 City Carrier Development Cost SSR-32 Rural Carrier Development SSR-33 Carrier Cost Systems, Source Code Listings SSR-34 Carrier readable Cost Systems, Form Source Programs SSR-35 Carrier Cost Systems, Listing SSR-36 Carrier Output Cost Data Systems, Machine-readable SSR-37 I,n-Office Cost Upload/Download SSR-38 and Weight System Revenue, Pieces, System Documentation Description SSR-39 ODIS/RPW Frame Documentation, SSR-40 Revenue, readable SSR-41 Revenue, Service /--. Cost of Input Data Copy of Service ADP Cost Subsystem Postal Carrier Service ADP Cost Subsystem Subsystems SAS Distribution Key Subsystem SAS Distribution Key of System, Carrier Programs Machine- Data Copy of Systems, (RPW), Computer Service ADP Maintenance System (RPW), Machine- and Weight System Pieces, ADP Documentation, Domestic (RPW), RPW Postal Pieces, Copy of and Weight Databases Output Cost System, Postal ODIS/RPW Frame in Docket ,/-, No. MC96-3 7 SSR-42 Revenue, Service Pieces, and Weight System (RPW), Postal ADP Documentation, Bound Printed Matter SSR-43 Lotus SSR-44 Revenue, Pieces, Code Listings SSR-45 123 Spreadsheet - RPW Adjustment System and Weight System (RPW), Source Revenue, Programs Pieces, and Weight in Machine-readable System Form (RPW), Source SSR-46 Revenue, of Output Pieces, Data and Weight System (RPW), Li.sting SSR-47 Revenue, Pieces, Machine-readable SSR-48 ODIS/RPW Frame Documentation, SSR-49 ODIS/RPW Frame System, Documentation Description SSR-50 ODIS/RPW Frame Documentation, System, Postal ODIS/RPW Frame Service Check ADP SSR-51 ODIS/RPW Frame Documentation, System, Postal Service RPW CAG Changes ADP SSR-52 ODIS/RPW Frame Documentation, (ORFE~) System, Postal ODIS/RPW Frame SSR-53 CODES - MEPS, Computer Description SSR-54 CODES - MEPS, DMBS User SSR-55 CODES - MEPS, Postal Base Unit and Source Service ADP Documentation, Code Listings SSR-56 CODES - MEPS, Source Form Programs and Weight System (RPWi, Copy of Output Data System, Postal Service RPW Domestic System Computer System ADP System Service Entity ADP Operation Documentation Guide in Machine-readable Docket NO. MC96-3 a ,--.. ,.*--\ SSR-57 ORFEO Report SSR-58 Jointly SSR-59 ODIS/RPW Frame System, Source Code Li.stings SSR-59 ODIS/RPW readable Frame Form System, Source Programs SSR-62 CODES - IOCS, Description Computer System Documentation SSR-63 CODES - IOCS, Postal Laptop and Base Unit Service ADP Documentati.on, SSR-64 CODES - IOCS, Mainframe Postal Service ADP Documentati.on, SSR-65 CODES - IOCS, Source Code Listings SSR-66 CODES - IOCS, Form Source Programs SSR-67 CODES - RPW, Computer Description SSR-68 CODES - RPW, Postal Laptop Service ADP Documentation, SSR-69 CODES - RPW, Postal Base Unit Service ADP Documentation, SSR-70 CODES - RPW, Postal Mainframe Service ADP Documentation, SSR-71 CODES - RPW, Source Code Listings SSR-72 CODES - RPW, Source Form Programs SSR-73 Permit Guide SSR-74 Permit System, Description Extract Scheduled System, System Tests User System Computer in in Machine- Machine-readable Documentation System in Machine-readable Documentation Docket No. MC96-3 9 SSR-76 Permit Code System, Machine-readable SSR-77 Permit System, Postal Service SSR-78 Permit System, Source Code Listings SSR-79 TFGSS Sample Design Highway and Rail Programs and Documentation -- SSR-80 TRACS Sample Programs and Documentation Air SSR-81 TRACS Edit SSR-82 Design Check Copy of Source ADP Doc!umentation Programs and Documentation TRACS Estimation Highway and Rail Programs and Documentation -- SSR-83 TRACS Estimation Programs and Documentation -- SSR-84 TRACS Source Programs readable Form SSR-85 Amtrak Distribution Documentation SSR-86 Eagle Network Distribution Programs and Documentation SSR-87 Transportation SSR-88 Estimated and Cost SSR-89 ODIS/RPW Frame Documentation, SSR-90 Statistical SSR 91 Base SSR-92 SAS ODIS Extract SSR-93 Determination and Data Files in Air Machine- ,/--,. ,--. Year Key Development Model Functional Categories Equipment of Documentation Accrued Systems Costs Postal Frame by Subfunctions Service ADP Subsystem Documentation and Facility Possible and Key Development Tape System, Sampling E'rograms! Related Box Deliveries Costs Docket ,- No. MC96-3 10 .A. SSR-94 RPW Sample Selection System, Documentation Description Computer SSR-95 RPW Sample Selection System, Listing of SSR-96 RPW Sample Input Data Selection System, Machine Readable SSR-97 RPW Sample Selection System, ADP Documentation SSR-98 RPW Sample Selection Source Code System, Machine SSR-99 Estimation SSR-100 Development SSR-117 In-Office Cost Documentation, of of the Costs for Piggyback Space System Readable and Related Factors Service ADP Subsystem ,,-, GATL~ WILLETTE Director Office of the submitted, Consumer DAVID RUDERMAN Attorney ,--. Data Rented System (IOCS), Postal IOCS Sample Selection Respectfully Inpu~t Advocate Docket No. MC96-3 \ CERTIFICATE I hereby foregoing proceeding certify document in that upon accordance OF SERVICE I have all with this participants section date served the of record in 12 of the practice. DAVID RUDERMAN Attorney Washington, D.C. June 19, 1996 /--\ 20268-0001 rules this of
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