8 ORIGINAL . /- BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION 2026&0001 WASHINGTON, D.C. RECEIVEC .blzll 12 12 PH ‘96 POSTAL RATE CCHH~SY~C~ QFFICE IFTHE !IECHETARY Special Services Fees Docket and Classifications) No. MC96-3 ' OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE INTERROGATORIES TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS SUSAN W. NEEDHAM IOCA/USPS-T7-l-4) (June 20, 1996) Pursuant the /-- Postal hereby Rate submits documents. the to United incorporated sections Commission, 25 and 26 of the interrogatories Instructions States Postal the Office of Rules the and requests included with Service dated of Practice Consumer for Advocate production OCA Interrogatories June 19, 1996, of of l-4 are hereby by reference Respectfully submitted, &Ad& GAIL WILLETTE Director Office of the Consumer Advocate DAVID RUDERMAN Attorney ‘JUN 2 0 195 to Docket No. MC96-3 OCA/USPS-T7-1. Exhibit a. 2 Refer 22-B (revised Please confirm Category provide a list of Please confirm same ZIP Groups of b. Please If codes Refer Group E post service is Please provide in ZIP that Table of for you will cannot for listed the A and B. in Exhibit are proposed please proposed fee fee provide Groups the a A and B. 3 and 4. by state no city and customers please (Vsurcharges") confirm, which for the confirm, by city be in Codes be in Groups 1 on pages ZIP will fee fees 22-B charges cannot proposed Codes Exhibit will or for rural proposed delivery "pay" proposed Group $0.00. Group E post service is fees. a list available of that by city offices E fees same cities you to in box A and B level A and B. provide listed If and USPS-T-22, NO. R90-1. office the by city OCA/USPS-T7-2. a. that 3 and 4, Docket A and B. Codes ZIP post cities Category from cities the Groups list the are fee for 1 on pages 11/21/901 A and B level proposed 22-B Table that ("surcharges") b. to a list offices available of for ZIP Codes which and customers city by state or will for proposed rural delivery pay proposed Group D Docket _- No. MC96-3 3 ,,--. OCA/USPS-T7-3. delivery" a. Refer What are not the eligible What for at are not for at box box ,-. C. the "non- delivery fees a Group E service delivery page are who seek box and business area service office? Do such D post Group that office? residential a Group area service for of D post to proposed service? If answer basis as the If does it E service and business office E box fees? fee apply 24 concerning that who seek pay the the such box who customers to are Group D customers? applicability of fee. caller you a Group non-resident Refer "non-resident" residential E post kind $0.00 proposed OCA/USPS-T7-4. b. 22 concerning for of box at the fees within a Group or the Does Group any service fees, Does any kind proposed eligible seek box domiciled service a. 21 and within another the customers the proposed domiciled service C. pages offices. customers b. to non-resident in the apply, fee please apply does affirmative, non-resident not fee for box explain. to it customers apply service on the customers? of same Docket No. MC96-3 ,/--- CERTIFICATE I hereby document accordance upon certify all with that I have participants section 12 of of the OF SERVICE this record rules date in of served this practice. DAVID RUDERMAN Attorney Washington, D.C. June 20, 1996 20268-0001 the foregoing proceeding in
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