'RECEIVED BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Jm I I I I 45 RM'96 MOSTAR RATE~~wHIsS~ON CFF,CE Ci THE SECRETARY Special Services Fees and Classifications) Docket No. MC96-3 OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE INTERROGATORIES TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS TIMOTHY D. ELLARD (OCA/LJSPS-T6-13-16) (July 11, 1996) Pursuant the Postal hereby Rate submits documents. the to United incorporated sections Commission, 25 and 26 of the interrogatories Instructions States Postal Office the of Rules the and requests included with Service dated of Practice Consumer for production 19, 1996, by reference. Respectfully GAIL WILLETTE Director Office of the Advocate OCA Interrogatories June submitted, Consumer DAVID RUDERMAN Attorney Advocate of of 1-4 are hereby to Docket No. MC96-3 2 / OCA/USPS-Tb-13. Effect Please on page 73 of refer = l+[Rv(&)]2= the formula for the Design SSR-111: c(Fdi 6, to 1 + -G>2 n-1 ’ iy a. Please confirm variance. that If you RV in your do not formula confirm, refers please to define relative the function RV. b. Please confirm variance of confirm, then term that an estimate Fdi is on the given please right by c explain side of of variance Efi - 5) the of If n-l what your the you numerator equation for the do not of the Design last Effect represents. C. Please confirm that variance of an estimate estimate, relative so that divided the relative L given by please the right RV(&)= explain hand variance by the why the relative side your of If variance equation, defined square variance n-1 Fy ' is of as the of the Fdi would you confirm, is since not your ..- be then squared formula in Docket NO. MC963 states that provide d. 6, = I+[RJ~(F,)]'. a formula Please state computing e. Please 3 for whether your 1. If you RV(Fdi) is i. Please confirm designs ii. for produces it is explain. variances the sample is efficient than weights we decide to estimation then the refine Please motivation error. for the simple explain then than a simple If you random how this estimation the sampling. and that because by making factors do not then 6, when sample, 6,=1 equal some sample and use random the or do confirm, weights to ratio you we have Fdi, adjustment 6,>1. sampling for in considering same size. If a simple explain for interpret sample figure Effect, greater possible smaller of Design do confirm, how to we have please RV(Fdi) you explain Suppose the please please more the a value If design please confirm, figures. confirm, produce do not square formula that sample confirm, you nonnegative. to random not your do not you RV function. Effect I always that ,/--. or that 6, = l+[RV(F,)]2 to the Design confirm If Fdi=F,i. FdlfFej, can make sense to If a ratio so that is using decrease when Docket f. No. MC96-3 Please 4 provide an illustration and the confidence SSR-111 to estimates indicate values of interest." a. 73 of weight Please confirm formula for the If Fdi in refer the 6, values on page the 74 of Group testimony. each I Please variable the formula this Ffii used in and include do not of the respondent trimmed you terms your for to In i-th that has been adjustment. used SSR-111. of 13 of for the in the formula. Please on page "final page apply given intervals are interval OCA/USPS-T6-14. the 5, how to formula confidence Table what confidence Effect interval form of of confirm, variables for the formula, the Fdi represent in d-th sub-domain the the Design a ratio please defined Design Effect estimation provide a formula on pages 52-53 of SSR-111. b. Please that describe could valid C. other Effect Suppose that several different applied, of incorporated be Design types into the adjustment Fdi factors factors to compute estimates. a particular depending weighting ratio on the respondent estimation specific could have adjustment characteristic one of factors being Docket No. MC96-3 5 tabu1ated.l for Then each question situation, Please of sample design a. b. ,c-. .-.-- 16-23 for have a particular design than 1.0, to the sub- random that is sample more and a less a S considerably refer Effect? can be interpreted a simple a sample a be Design Effect example, a 6 less should the design such kle used larger survey efficient than 1.0. questionnaire at SSR-111. Please confirm two the of have Please of Design would In factor compute survey 1.0, factor a respondent. the For could OCA/USPS-T6-15. pages the a 6 of could to Fdi to interest. have efficient the of weighting estimation whether as a property domain ratio into explain would given which incorporated d. a different that each ,proposed three size If you Please explain do not why it each of the respondents each of the three rate respondent tested confirm, would is rates please have whether been they only for questioned his tier on and box explain. inappropriate would have to ask accepted alternatives. in MC95-1 the 1 For example, different ratio estimation factor for each scenario tested. market research for each rate survey tabulation used a cell, ~- Docket No. MC96-3 6 ,c-OCA/USPS-T6-16. Please refer to tables 2 to 7 of your testimony. a. Please confirm the figures not confirm, Table b. Please would accept confirm would accept 8129 would confirm, 2 to in 6 of Table your the 7 are summaries testimony~ source for If each of you figure do in not accept price" in is that the Group 1 total 16653. If you do not 8129 out of 4 shows that new price, the so that lowest 27642 1951.3 = 27642- price. If you between the Group 1 in do not explain. discrepancy lowest figure confirm price lowest any the Please Table accept explain 7 states no increase that please Please Table explain. the equivalant e. figures provide that please Please not Tables please confirm confirm, d. in the 7. that C. that price derived that Table the 7 should and nothing for from row Table number that would Table 7 and 4. labled "Would accept lowest be labled "Would accept lowest If do not confirm, "Would accept higher." you the please explain. f. Please confirm that should be labled "Would accept higher." If do not confirm, you the row labled mid price please mid and nothing explain. -- price" Docket No. MC96-3 Y--. CERTIFICATE I hereby document accordance upon certify all with that I have participants section 3.B(3) OF SERVICE this date of record of the in served this special DAVID RUDERMAN Attorney Washington, D.C. July 11, 1996 ,,-. 20268-0001 the :Eoregoing proceeding rules of in practice.
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