ORIGINAL ‘RECEIVED BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION 20268-0001 WASHINGTON, D.C. Special Services Fees h 16 II08I'96 POSTAL RATECOHHISSIOH @FFICE OFTHESECRETARY and Classifications) Docket No. MC96-3 OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE INTERROGATORIES TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SEF!VICE (OCA/USPS-39-47) (August 16, 1996) Pursuant the Postal hereby Rate submits documents. the to United incorporated sections Commission. 25 and 26 of the interrogatories Instructions States Postal Office the of Rules the and requests included with Service dated of Practice Consumer for production 19, 1996, by reference. Respectfully Advocate OCA Interrogatories June submitted, ./&(a~~ ,/ /i' ;&AZ GAIL WILLETTE Director Office of the Consumer DAVID RUDERMAN Attorney Advocate of of 1-4 are hereby to Docket No. MC96-3 OCA/USPS-39. 2 Please estimation, and data the sample. FY 1993 OCA/USPS-40. the OCA/USPS-41. collection changes in the provide an update to USPS-LR-G-106 FY 1995 Please tables for FY 1995 annual variance A-H of TRACS sample provide a set provided Please in refer the to in design, TRACS: system since and variances. variance estimate comparable Docket to No. Confidence SSR-82. key TRACS estimation intervals distribution program TRACS.EXPAND.HWf.PQ495.CNTL(HWYll) b. is siample the R94-1 on USPS-LR-G-106. highway a. all annual that tables of design of TRACS estimates estimate OCA/USPS-42. contained a description Please documenting pages provide Please confirm that (lines 593-595 of Please refer 337. Please after page the SAS time to the page the confirm 336. estimates If stamps last print 327) prints stamps time that you are do not should provided c.v.'s for procedure ofi this page the top of page 337, be interpreted. from 337-340. SSR-82, confirm, the as output on pages at SSR-82, and programs program number pages 336. 336 and was printed please explain how Docket C. No. MC96-3 Please confirm confidence the that the intervals program please d. 3 they provide at are a line sampling pages attached error are not to. you do not reference If to TRACS.EXPAND.HWY.PQ495.CNTL(HWYll). If part provide of the program documentation for its this of interrogatory used the to electronic form and produce include pages it section all please 337-340 used the by confirm, confirmed, provide with produced appropriate methodology Please implementation. the is variance and 337-340 of (c) estimates along and formulas program required with in input data files. e. Please confirm provided based on pages f. Please highway If you provide distribution those included the cost do not of C.V. estimates with the and confidence are data for please intervals in output TRACS.EXPAND.HWY.PQ495.CNTL(HWYll). a form of key be compared provided estimates intervals distribution and cannot confirm, confidence key c.v.'s 337-340 on one quarter annual 106. that in estimates to the USPS-LR-G- explain. for that the FY 1993 can highway be compared to Docket No. MC96-3 OCA/USPS-43. contained rail b. Please in refer SSR-02. distribution program a. 4 to the Confidence key TRACS estimation intervals estimates and provided are confirm that (lines 102-104 of Please refer to 540 and 549. printed one day please the page the Please explain last print 543) prints date after procedure stamps SAS date page at SSR-82, If 548. of SSR-82, that page how the on page and time confirm c.v.'s for as output TRACS.EXPAND.RAIL.PQ495.CNTL(RAIL8) Please programs you the page do not from 549. this program number 548. top pages of 549, was confirm, stamps and time the should be interpreted. C. Please confirm confidence that intervals program they are provide a line the sampling at page attached to. reference to error 549 are If the and estimates not you produced do not appropriate by the confirm, section please o.f TRACS.EXPAND.RAIL.PQ495.CNTL(RAILS). d. If part provide (c) of the program documentation for its electronic files. this of the interrogatory used and produce variance include confirmed, page methodology Please implementation. form to is with provide it all please 549 along used the with and program requir'ed fo,rmulas in input data Docket e. No. MC96-3 Please confirm provided based f. 5 that on page the 549 are on one quarter annual rail If do not you Please cost those of C.V. for included the intervals key and cannot estimates be compared provided please in to the USPS-LR-G-106. explain. intervals estimates with distribution data confidence key and confidence estimates confirm, provide distribution c.v.'s in for a form output the that FY 1993 can rail be compared to of TRACS.EXPAND.RAIL.PQ495.CNTL(RAILS). g. The documentation page for the 342 and explains FY 1995. that the However, CONFIDENCE INTERVALS Please explain confidence Please manual estimation they title apply of apparent analogous to to for a copy of USPS-LR-G-112 Postal table discrepancy appropriate provide the programs to refers - PQ395," intervals OCA/USPS-44. training this rail Quarter on page Postal 4 of 549, "RAIL Quarter 3. Quarter FY 1995 filed in 4.. TRACS Docket No. R94-I. Please OCA/USPS-45. contained in SSR-85. refer to Confidence the TRACS estimation intervals on and provide Postal the begins and c.v.'s programs for the Docket No. Amtrak distribution program a. MC96-3 key estimates are provided as output TRACS.EXPAND.AMTRAK.PQ495.CNTL(AMTlO) Please (line b. 6 At confirm that 537 of page page 539, top of attached explain SSR-85, to the months If SAS date 586. listed as is and that SSR-85, the you and time program number date after 587. o:E this page date confirm was executed. how the procedure execution refer and a half to print prints Please 587. two last program Please page printed 575) the "01/31/96." the on page from stamp time page program do not confirm, stamps should at 50'7, it the was is please be interpreted. C. Please confirm confidence that intervals program they are provide a line the at sampling page attached reference error 587 are If to. to the and estimates not you produced do not appropriate by the confirm, section please of TRACS.EXPAND.AMTRAK.PQ495.CNTL@MTlO). d. If part provide (c) of the program documentation for its electronic files. this of the interrogatory used and produce variance include confirmed, page methodology Please implementation. form to is with provide it all please 587 along used the with and program required formulas in inpu,t data Docket e. No. MC96-3 Please confirm provided based in passenger and in you provide been cost If to you C.V. in to the estimates confirm, provide estimates estimates be compared do not please please FY 1995 a form for provide this material. part confidence comparable to Please system. methodcslogy provide all (a) of developed provide used and intervals these this to variance required input for the for the library its files. do not reference please tables for tables you for TRACS Eagle programs data If interrogatory, and C.V. formulas and C.V. estimates. documentation the Network FY 1995. a citation intervals keys TRACS Eagle confidence provided confirm the for please distribution include refer that you key and cannot rail C.V. confirm containing Please freight development confirm, data freight key not distribution do confirm, Please Please If or for intervals USPS-LR-G-106. OCA/USPS-46. distribution of and confidence USPS-LR-G-106. If those c.v.'s 587 are passenger explain. have the on one quarter provided b. that on page annual a. 7 the the Network variance implementation. in electronic form and Docket c. No. MC96-3 Please El provide TRACS Eagle the Network annual OCA/USPS-41. provide confidence the sample number of sizes, and sample design system variance For secondary sampling intervals in a form each component size (number rate of of the units), tables is in and universe Please for to please units corresponding separately the USPS-LR-G-106. sampling strata. for comparable TRACS system, primary by sampling documentation that provided estimates sampling and C.V. provide this FY 1993 and for FY served the foregoing 1995. CERTIFICATE I hereby document upon accordance certify all with that I have participants section OF SERVICE 3.B(3) this date of record of the in this special /kQ=-DAVID RUDERMAN Attorney Washington, August 16, D.C. 1996 20268-0002 proceeding rules of in practice.
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