Gr 1 Jan 2016

First Grade January Newsletter
Students will learn to use illustrations and
details to describe characters or events; to
demonstrate an understanding of the
central message or lesson of stories and
poems; to retell the story including key
details; to use sentence-level context as a
clue to the meaning (determine or clarify
the meaning of unknown and multiplemeaning words and phrases based on
grade 1 reading and content); and to use
the” –ed” ending as a clue to the meaning
of a word as well.
As the third quarter begins, students will
be involved with the Young Geographers
Project. The project’s goal is to teach
students that the natural, physical, and
human characteristics of a place effect
how people live and work.
Social Studies
History past, present, future
Students will continue working
with fact families. We will also
be working on adding three
We will focus on understanding
whole numbers together (with a
how being willing to change can sum less than 20). We will use
help with solving challenging
different manipulatives to assist
problems. Specific skills include us in getting the correct
improving narrative text,
answers. As the third quarter
sentence fluency, editing,
begins, students will learn the
presentation and peer
concept of measurement. We
will start off by learning about
the length of an object. By
The beginning of the 3rd marking doing this, students will be able
period focuses on understanding to determine the length of an
how using strategies can help
object by comparing it to
with solving problems or meeting another object. Some of the key
goals. Specific skills will include words we will be using daily
informative and explanatory text, will be: shorter, shortest,
ideas and development, and
longer, longest, about the same,
conventions and shared research. taller, tallest, length, and
Students will be able to examine artifacts
to determine if they are from the past or
present; to construct meaning about the
past by using informational text and text
features; to examine how electricity has
changed how people live (the past or
present); and to examine how inventions
have changed the way people live (past or
Students will describe the effects
magnets have on a variety of
objects.We will also learn how to
predict and classify materals as
magnetic or non-magnetic.
Students will be able to sort, draw, and
sequence events that happen during the
school day, during the school year, during
a previous school year, etc. We will start
our geography unit at the beginning of the
third quarter. Students will be learning to
locate and describe places on earth using
geographic maps and globes. They will
learn to identify and describe physical
characteristics of places through
photographs, illustrations, and their own
As the third quarter begins,
students will identify aspects of
the environment that are and are
not made by humans. We will
also be observing and working
with different types of soil and
sand. Students may be asked to
bring in a rock from their home,
or the playground, and describe it
using appropriate science
1-18: Holiday - Martin L. King,
Jr. Day. No school for students.
1-22: Second marking period
1-25: Professional day for
teachers. No school for
2-3: Report cards distributed