PHYSICAL REVIE% Quadrupole 21, VOLUME C moments and NUMBER MARCH 8 1. 980 E2 transition rates in the Zr region with wave functions of the broken pair approximation Y. K. Gambhir, S. Haq, and J. K. Suri Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay-400 076, India (Received 10 May 1979) = The E2 transition rates and the quadrupole moment of the first 2+ state for X 50 even A nuclei and for even Zr isotopes are calculated using the structure wave functions of the broken pair approximation, 'Sr as an inert core. The broken pair approximation results are in excellent agreement with the assuming corresponding shell model results obtained by using identical input information. This fully demonstrates the usefulness of the broken pair approximation as a valid, reliable, and practical approximation to the shell model. NUCLEAR STRUCTURE Shell model, broken pair approximation (BPA), generalized BPA, E2 transition &ates, quadrupole moment, M=50 evenA nuclei, even Zr isotopes. " the brokenIn our previous communications, pair approximation (BPA)' ' has been demonstrated to be a valid and reliable approximation to the shell model (SM) in the Zr region for identical as well as nonidentical valence nucleons. This conclusion has been based on an excellent agreement obtained between the BPA and SM energy spectra for the nuclei in this region. It is known, however, that the electromagnetic moments and transition rates are sensitive to the detailed structure of the wave functions, and, therefore, these quantities provide a more faithful test of the reliability of the BPA. With this motivation and for completeness, we here report the results of the BPA calculations for the quadrupole moments of the first 2' states [Q(2;)] and the B(E 2) values for various transitions between the levels of these nuclei. Here again, the BPA values for Q(2;) and B(E2) transition rates are found to be very close to the corresponding SM values and, at the same time, reproduce equally well the corresponding experimental results. This observation allows for complete faith in BPA and helps in applying BPA with confidence, especially to cases where SM calculations cannot be performed. In BPA, the approximate ground state P, ) for p pairs of identical particles is assumed to be particle creation operator with total angular momentum J' and projection M. The state $0) reduces to the number projected BCS state (corresponding to 2P particles) if one replaces the BPA ground state parameters v (u) by the corresponding BCS values of occupation (nonoccupation) probabilities. In the next approximation, the BPA basis states used to diagonalize the Hamiltonian are constructed by replacing one S„ the pair distributed operator, in Eq. (I) by an arbitrary two particle creation operator A~. These states are ~ (ab))=A~ jab)tt, ~O). The motivation and justification for choosing these basis states are discussed in detail in Ref. 3. For nonidentical nucleons, the BPA basis states can be obtained through a straightforward extension' of Eq. (2). These can be written as ~ l. .. e„(P,P,) e, „( . )]:&. Here the subscripts p and n refer to protons and neutrons, respectively. The resulting BPA eigenvectors representing the nuclear state P«) can be expressed in the following form: ~ ~ (plt2) J r JpJ (P1P2 ulu2) ~ i%I,(P1P )2 (n, n2) Z„ x 8y~ (u, n, )]„). u, "~ Qa ~ (n, /2)' 'At, (aa) ~O), a with v, '+u, '= ', and I; 0, = j, + — A~z„(ab) is a two The electromagnetic reduced transition probabilities and static moments are simply related to the quantity in which ~ 21 (4) 1124 J&M &) and ~Z,.M,.) are the pertinent nu- 1980 The American Physical Society QUADRUPOLE MOMENTS E2 TRANSITION AND For N = 50 nuclei shell model (SM) calculations Sr core have already been reported by Gloeckner et al. ' In their calculation the valence protons were confined to 2pzy2 and 1g, &, shell model orbitals, and the input parameters, namely, the single particle (sp) energies and the p-p ef- clear states which, in BPA, are of the form given Eq. (4). The single particle tensor operator Q~ of rank A. corresponds to the specific electromagnetic multipole transition and its second quantized version is with by Q~= Q Q~ Q Q goi fective matrix elements (me), were determined ~ OO where at(a) is the particle creation (annihilation) operator. For an E2 transition 2P'2 @@2 g off y and the operator for the quadrupole ( 16 moment is )1/2gE2 Q~ being a one body operator, expression (5) will require evaluation of the terms of the following type only: &P, „J~b) II fl'll RATES IN THE. . . g, ;,„&(«)&. (9) This expression (9) for the reduced matrix element can easily be evaluated by expressing O~ in a form in which the particle creation operator appears on the left and the annihilation operator on the right, so that the final expression reduces to an overlap integral of the BPA basis states corresponding to p+1 (n+1} particles. The explicit expression for (9} is given in the appendix of Ref. 4. Explicit numerical calculations have been carried out for N = 50 even A (identical valence nucleons) and for even Zr isotopes (nonidentical valence nucleons) assuming "Sr as an inert core. by directly fitting the observed spectra of N= 50 nuclei. We use, in our BPA calculation for this case, the same input information to facilitate direct comparison with the corresponding shell model results. First, the BCS -gap and number ' equations are solved to obtain the BPA ground diastate parameters. The Hamiltonian is then gonalized in the space spanned by the BPA basis states (2). The resulting energy spectra for N=50 . even A nuclei are remarkably close to the corresponding SM spectra as reported in a previous communication. ' The BPA eigenvectors thus obtained are used to calculate the quadrupole moment of the first 2' state and E2 transition rates for the various transitions. The results for transition rates are summarized in Table I. The effective charge for the proton (ef, f) has been chosen to be 1.72e, which is the same as used in the SM calculation by Gloeckner et al. 7 The oscillator size parameter b =2.124 fm is used. This b value reproduces the rms radius for the nuclei (A -9296) in this region. The calculated total mean lifetime includes the contribution due to internal conversion factor listed in the same table. It is amply clear from the table that the BPA and seniority SM results are in excellent agreement, and both reproduce, reasonably well, the corresponding ex- TABLE I. E2 transition rates for %=50 even A. nuclei. Seniority SM results are taken from Gloeckner et aE. (Ref. The references for corresponding experimental values, wherever available, are cited in Ref. 7. S„(keV) Nucleus 80Zr Transition 2+ 4+ 0+ 6' 4' 2 + 92Mo 6+ 2+~ 0+ 4+ 2' 6+ 4' 8+ 6+ 2+ 0' 4+ 2 6+~ 4+ 8+ ~6+ 0+ 2+ 4+ + 4+ 2'~ 8+~ 6+ Experimental BPA 2182 2288 770 282 891 371 141.5 133 1509 773 330 1498 770 148 1428 755 133 1407 771 311 282 145 133 1395 282 770 282 133 Internal conversion Experimental Mean lifetime (ns) Seniority SM (0.14 + 0.01) x 10 0.32 x 10+ ~ ~ ~ 0.32 0 0.017 0.29 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BPA 0.35 x 10~ 0.89 x 10+ 1.03 180 + 9 (0.45 + 0.08) x 10+ 2.22 ~ 0.07 275 + 10 0 0 0.024 0.33 7). 107 (102 + 10 + 7) x 103 224 0.62 x 10+ 2.29 242 0.64 x 10~ 0.03 3.12 249 339 50 57 0.64 x 10 0.42 4.3 x 103 0.65 x 10 0.48 5.p x 103 0.77 x 10& 0.12 4p 2.2 x10' Y. K. GAMBHIR, S. HA@, 1126 AND "Pd J. K. SURI 21 Identical behavior is predicted also. The corresponding experimental results are available only for "Zr and "Mo, and these are in full conformity with the calculated values. For even A Zr isotopes, the valence protons' have been confined to 2pz/2 and 1g, /, sp oribitals as before, and valence neutrons have been restricted to 2d, /, and 3s]/2 sp states. The p-p interaction me and b, q~ (the energy spacing between 2p», and lg, &, ) are the same as used for N= 50 even A nuclei, while the phenomenological set of the n-n and n pint-eraction me and &q„(the sp energy spacing for neutrons) used here are taken directly from the earlier SM analysis. ' The latter set of parameters has been determined' in the shell model analysis by directly fitting the observed energy spectra of "'"Y, "Zr, and "~'"Nb nuclei. The details of the fitting procedure are given in Ref. 8. The BCS gap and number equations are solved for protons and neutrons separately using the above mentioned set of phenomenological interaction me and energy spacings. This procedure is justified because, for the cases considered here, the valence protons and neutrons fill different major shells and therefore the n. -p interaction is expected to be much weaker. An orthonormal set of BPA basis states is then constructed from (8) to diagonalize the total Hamiltonian to yield the energy spectra and wave functions. The energy spectra calculated by this generalized broken pair approximation (GBPA) for Zr isotopes is found to be very close' to that obtained in the SM analysis by Gloeckner. ' These GBPA (nonidentical particles case) nuclear wave functions are then used to calculate the quadrupole moment of the first 2' state and the B(E2) values for 0 transitions for Zr isotopes. The effective charge for proton (e~«) is chosen to be 1.765e which is identical to that used by Gloeckner. ' In the SM analysis, ' the effective charge for neutron (e",«) has been determined by fitting the experimental B(E2) values for 0'- 2' transitions separately for each isotope. We have chosen e",« = 1.2e which is approximately the average of the (8 protons). by the seniority SM t Experimental: io- & SenipritySM: BPA Ol Vl PV I CD X E 05- 0C X 01I I I Zr I 94@ Mp FIG. 1. The mean lifetime of the N = 50 even A nuclei. 96pd first 2' state for " perimental results. This demonstrates that the BPA is equally capable of predicting the dynamic nuclear properties which are sensitive to the detailed structure of the wave functions. To test the effects of configuration mixing, the BPA calculations have been repeated in the pure proton g, &, space. The results thus obtained are found to be significantly different from those in the full g9/2 py/2 space. For example, the mean lifetimes for the case of 2'-0' transition in the pure (vg, &, )" basis are 0.12 x 10 ' ("Zr), 0.49 x 10 ' ("Mo), 0. 65 x 10 ' ('4Ru), and 0.11 x 10 ' ("Pd) in contrast to the corresponding results 0.35x10', 0.64x10', 0.65x10', and O. VVx10' respectively (Table I) in full space. These differences arise mainly because of the different amplitudes of the relevant components of the wave functions and because of the dressing of (p, &, )' pairs. This indicates, as expected, that E2 transition rates are sensitive to configuration mixing. The variation of the mean lifetime for the 2'-0' transition with the addition of protons is plotted in Fig. 1. The figure reveals that the calculated (BPA) mean lifetime is minimum for "Zr (2 protons) and is almost the same for "Mo and '4Ru (4 and 6 protons), while it is slightly larger for -2' TABLE Q. B(E2) values for even Zr isotopes. The corresponding SM results have been calculated using the values of the respective neutron and proton reduced matrix elements reported by Gloeckner {Ref. 8) (with e",ff = 1.2e, eef f = 1.765e). Experimental values for 9 '9 Zr and 9 '94Zr have been taken from Hefs. 9 and 10, respectively. (~, IIEzll~, E„(keV) Nucleus Transition 0+ 0+ 0+ 2+ ~ 2+ 2+ Experimental 934 918 1758 & &&yll &2 II &;&z B(E2) e fm x10 GBPA SM 6BPA SM GBPA Experimental 878 1072 1927 3.42 3.37 2.92 2.25 2.91 16.23 17.14 17.14 15.95 17.68 16.80 0.79 + 0.,07 0.56 + 0,06 0.55 + 0.22 1.94 SM GBPA 0.65 0.58 0.66 0.63 0.63 0.64 QUADRUPOLE 90' 92' --~-- 90-zr . 9'-- MOMENTS 9' 96Z 94 96 wo Ru AND E2 TRANSITION RATES IN THE. . . Experimental Shell Model 0- Pd 1127 ~ GBPA 1. 0.5 0403- rPV 02 yah C) 0. ) lv 00 -O.l Ill UJ A I 90 05 0.2 c3 03 I "Zr ' FIG. 2. The quadrupole moment of the first 2 state [Q(2 ~)] in units of e b for N =50 even & nuclei and even Zr isotopes with Sr inert core. ' For the oscillator size SM values of Gloeckner. parameter b, we have used the same value (2. 124} as that used for K= 50 even-A nuclei. The B(E2} values for the Zr isotopes are summarized in Table II. It is heartening to find an excellent agreement between the GBPA and the SM results. Further, both the GBPA and SM reproduce, remarkably well, the experimental B(E2) values. It is to be noted that, in the limit of two (identical) andfour (nonidentical) particles, the BPA formalism reduces to the exact shell model. The slight departure between the present and corresponding SM results for two (Table I) and four (Table II) particles is perhaps due to a slight difference in b values used in the respective calculations. The quadrupole moment Q(2,') of the first 2' states of N = 50 even A nuclei and for even Zr isotopes is plotted in Fig. 2. The figure depicts the variation of Q(2;) with the addition of neutrons and/ or protons. It is revealed that, for N = 50 even-A. nuclei, Q(2;) decreases with the addition of protons and finally changes its sign (i.e. , becomes negative) for "Pd which lies a little beyond the ~S. Haq and Y. K. Gambhir, (1977). 2Y. K. Gambhir, S. Haq, and C 20, 381 (1979). Y. K. 188, Y. K. C 3, Gambhir, Phys. Rev. C 16, 2455 J. K. Suri, Phys. Rev. A. Rimini, and T. Weber Phys. Rev. 1573 (1969). Gambhir, A. Rimini, and T. Weber, Phys. Rev. 1965 (1971). SM. H. Macfarlane, in Lectures in Theoretical Physics, edited by P. D. Kunz and W. E. Brittin (University of Colorado Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1966), Vol. VIII C, p. 583. SP. L. Ottaviani and M. Savoia, Phys. Rev. 178, 1594 I 92Z r I "Zr 96Zr FIG. 3. The B (E2: 0~8-2~) values in units of e210 cm for even Zr isotopes. Q(2,') for even Zr of neutrons, addition the isotopes decreases with passes through a minimum (negative value for ~Zr), and again increases (i.e. , becomes positive} for "Zr. Such behavior is also expected from the shell model analysis. The B(E2) values are plotted in Fig. 3. For the transition for even Zr isotopes, the calculated B(E2) values (GBPA} reproduce, quantitatively, the trend of the variation of B(E2) with the addition of neutrons. The same remark holds true for the corresponding SM results. In conclusion, we remark that in the Zr region, the BPA (GBPA) is equally successful in reproducing the observed dynamic nuclear properties such as quadrupole moment and the E2 transition rates which are sensitive to the detailed structure of the wave functions. This confirms the faith in BPA (GBPA) as a valid, reliable, and useful approximation of the shell model. Therefore, BPA(GBPA} holds good promise for the majority of cases where shell model calculations simply cannot be perhalf filled shell. Similarly, 0'-2' formed. (1969); 187, 130 (1969); Nuovo Cimento 67, 630 (1970); B. Lorazo, Phys. Lett. 29B, 150 (1969); Nucl. Phys. A153, 255 (1970); K. 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