SAR INTERFEROMETRY AND SPECKLE TRACKING APPROACH FOR GLACIER VELOCITY ESTIMATION USING ERS-1/2 AND TERRASAR-X SPOTLIGHT HIGH RESOLUTION DATA Vijay Kumar, G.Venkataraman, Y. S. Rao, Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Mumbai 400076 India [email protected] ABSTRACT Glacier retreat and advance is general phenomenon in Himalayan region due to change in climatic conditions. For quantifying the global warming effects on local scale glacier system monitoring and estimating its dynamic geophysical parameters viz. movement and volume change are important. In this study glacier movement estimation is attempted in north western Himalayan region using spaceborne InSAR technique, which is based on preserving the coherence between two acquisitions of the same scene. It is observed that ERS-1/2 tandem data give high correlation over Gangotri glacier and Siachen glacier and movement in LOS direction is deciphered. However, with the use of SAR Speckle tracking method two dimensional (Azimuth and range directions) velocities of glaciers can be obtained. In this study attempt has been made to measure 2-D velocity components of Gangotri glacier. New generation TerraSARX (TS-X) high resolution spotlight mode (HS), single look slant range complex (SSCs) data of 28th August, 2008, 08th September, 2008, 19th September, 2008 and 30th September, 2008 are exploited for this study. Interferogram, coherence image and intensity image are generated. It is observed that Interferometric SSC data of 28th August, 2008 and 08th September, 2008 give some fringes outside glacier area and complete decorrelation is shown on the Gangotri glacier due to high movement of glacier. Keywords: Coherence loss, glaciers, SAR interferometry, DInSAR 1. INTRODUCTION Spaceborne Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) has been successfully used to measure millimeter- to meter-level deformation on the surface due to earthquake, landslide, glacier movement and physical process at depth including magma accumulation and migration, pressurization, and crystallization [1-4] during the past decade. However application of SAR interferometry is limited in faster-moving areas [4]. With a 1day repeat period, ERS1/-2 tandem SAR data are much better matched to fast motion estimations. Goldstein [5] clearly demonstrated the value of InSAR for mapping glacial ice motion, but also indicated that use of differential phase could be limited by temporal decorrelation. However, the relatively large temporal separation of the repeat coverage for current satellites (RADARSAT; 24 days, ERS-2; 35 days, ENVISAT; 35 days, ALOS; 46 days, TerraSAR-X; 11 days), coupled with the large speeds that can occur in land locked and outlet 978-1-4244-3395-7/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE V - 332 glaciers and ice streams, complicate the analysis of differential phase for radial ice motion for coastal or high speed regions. In this study InSAR as well as speckle tracking approach is used for glacier movement estimation. ERS-1/2, ENVISAT ASAR and TerraSAR-X data sets are exploited for this important research. Gangotri, Siachen, Bara Shigri and Chhota Shigari are major glaciers in the Himalayan region, which are showing retreat, and their respective tributary glaciers completely disconnected from main body of glaciers. ERS-1/2 observations show high correlation on glacier area and hence movement of Siachen and Gangotri glacier are measured. Information about dynamism of glaciers can be retrieved by counting differential interferograms. Displacement of Gangotri glacier in the radar look direction has been observed as 8.4 cm represented by 3 fringes. Siachen glacier exhibits a displacement of 22 cm represented by 8 fringes. ERS-1/2 tandem data over all these glaciers show highest correlation over glacier areas but ENVISAT ASAR data shows coherence loss over glacier area due to decorrelation [6]. It is due to change in climate between two acquisitions at glacier locations. Coherence loss is usual phenomena in glaciated terrain as repeativity of sensor is high (35 days for ENVISAT). Among all these, Siachen glacier shows highest coherence and then Gangotri, respectively. A tandem pair of ERS1&2 acquired on April 1 and 2, 1996 in descending pass over Siachen shows high coherence than the ascending pair acquired on May 2 and 3, 1996. It is due to change in climate between two acquisitions at glacier locations. A systematic monitoring of dynamism of Himalayan glaciers can be done using Permanent Scatterer Interferometric SAR (PSInSAR) [7] if we place a corner reflector on the glaciers. In this study glacier movement estimation has been attempted using satellite radar interferometry. ERS -1/2 tandem data, Envisat ASAR and TerraSAR-X data pairs are used for this study. TerraSAR-X is a new German radar satellite carrying a high frequency X-band (3.1cm) SAR sensor that works in Spotlight-, Stripmap- and ScanSAR-modes providing high resolution SAR images for detailed analysis as well as wide swath data whenever a larger coverage is required. Imaging is possible in single, dual and quad-polarization [8]. In this paper we present our initial assessment of applicability of spotlight high resolution SAR SSC interferometric pairs for monitoring the movement of Himalayan glaciers. Due to the X-band frequency TerraSAR-X interferometry will be more sensitive to orbit errors than current SAR sensors that operate in C-band or Lband [9]. A single frequency GPS receiver plus an additional dualfrequency GPS flown as an experimental payload deliver an orbit accuracy in the order of centimeters. TerraSAR-X will supplement IGARSS 2009 and enhance the InSAR based observations using other satellite data sets because of its high phase to deformation sensitivity, high spatial resolution (1 meter in High Resolution Spot Light Mode) and short (11 day) repeativity. Short orbital cycle (11 days) of TS-X allows more frequent interferometric observations than the orbits of, e.g. ERS, ENVISAT and PALSAR. Since Himalayan climatic conditions are very dynamic and hence getting interferometryc SAR (InSAR) fringes on the body of glacier is very difficult because of decorrelation between two acquisitions of the same scene. For Gangotri glacier movement study, we have processed ENVISAT ASAR image mode data using Gamma software. After processing a pair of Single look complex data of 26 Nov 2003 and 19th Jan 2005 we found interferograms. In similar fashion we generated power image as well as coherence image. Other seven pairs of ENVISAT ASAR data are processed for interferograms, coherence image and power image. Out of seven pairs only one pair combination gives reasonably good interferogram and coherence. We have processed ERS-1/2 data for developing Gangotri elevation map and glacier movement map by DInSAR technique. The relation between differential phase change Δφ and the surface movement (Δρ ) is given by [10] Δφ = φ ' − ( B ' / B )φ = (4π/λ )Δρ (1) Where φ' is the phase of interferogram after some changes φ is the phase of interferogram without changes and BII refers to parallel component of baseline of a pair. Thus, InSAR (derived DEM) with an accuracy of 5 metres is very useful for topography mapping, whereas the differential InSAR with an accuracy of a few millimetres is a very efficient technique for various applications. Since glacier and snow covered area interferogram is prone to decorrelation and hence coherence loss because of movement of the glacier and change in meteorological conditions, higher temporal base line day difference. Hence deciphering the movement of glaciers is very difficult. More recently correlattion based feature tracking techniques have been used involving coherence tracking and Intensity tracking approach [11-14] for glacier and ice velocity estimation. This paper investigates the SAR feature tracking for Gangotri glacier movement estimation in western Himalayas. 1.1 SAR Features Tracking for Glacier Movement Studies Two single look complex (SLC) SAR data of Gangotri glacier region are processed for intensity image using Gamma software. Gamma software automatically read the parameter file having information about satellite orbit parameters and coregister two intensity images precisely. Both coregistered intensity images are superimposed over each other. One intensity image is georeferenced with the toposheet and other intensity image is also georeferenced using same ground control points so that georeferencing error remained same in both intensity images. Intensity images are projected with Universe Transform Mercator (UTM) projection showing positional coordinates in units of meters. Intensity images are interpreted for objects of high backscattering intensity and the lowest back scattering intensity, which remain visible on both images. Water in Ponds shows lowest intensity and rock boulders show relatively higher intensity than others on the body of the Gangotri glacier. Central pixel coordinates of glacier boulders and water bodies on the glacier, it is found different on both images. Same pixel has different coordinate point; it means that pixel is displaced from original position. Finally, relative distance is calculated between two points on the images. 2. TEST SITES The two major glaciers of India viz. Gangotri and Siachen are located in the north western part of Himalayan region of India. Gangotri glacier located in Uttarkhand state of India form the major source of water for the major part of northern India. According to some earlier studies [15] this glacier is retreating at the rate of 19 m/yr. This glacier is about 26 km long with a maximum width of 2.4 km. The tributary glaciers joining main trunk are as follows. Right of the main glacier starting from terminus is 1) Raktyaban, 2) Chaturangi, 3) Swachand, and 4) Maiandi. The left of the glacier is 1) Meru, 2) Kirti, and 3) Ghanohim. Some of these tributary glaciers are in turn having their own tributaries. Siachen (N35029’50”, E77000’04’’) is the biggest glacier located at higher elevation. It has a length of about 72 km and varying width. It is the second largest glacier in the world outside the polar region. It feeds the Nubra river (also known as Shaksgam river) that flows parallel to the Karakoram range befor entering into Tibet. The trunk glacier and its tributaries are in the form of a vast ice field. Continuous snow fall can be seen during winter periods. The average winter snow fall is about 10.5m. The temperature varies from -100C and -500C. The elevation varies from the snout (3,620m) to source of the glacier (i.e Indira col) (5,753m). Table-1 List of ERS-1/2 and ENVISAT ASAR data pairs. Satellite/ Sensor Date Pass Base line No. of Days ERS-1/2 25-03-1996 Asc 75 01 Gangotri Des 110 01 Siachen Asc 114 01 Siachen Des 52 35 Gangotri Des 35 210 Gangotri Des 581 340 Gangotri Des 12 35 ENVISAT ASAR 26-03-1996 01-04-1996 02-04-1996 02-05-1996 03-05-1996 09-07-2003 13-08-2003 26-11-2003 23-06-2004 09-07-2003 23-06-2004 21-12-2004 25-01-2005 Site Siachen 3. DATA PROCESSING Gamma software developed by Switzerland based company was used for the processing of ERS-1 and 2 data sets. Initially the raw data were processed for Single Look Complex (SLC) data product. ERS-1 and 2 tandem SLC data were coregistered and interferograms were generated. The interferograms were flattened for phase unwrapping. The unwrapped phase was converted to height and finally geocoded DEMs were generated. The other products generated through the software are power and coherence images. For differential Interferometry, we took unflattened interferograms. SRTM DEM was V - 333 conditioned by modifying no data value (i.e -32768) by replacing with zero for the convenience of Gamma software. The output of this task is simulated SAR backscatter image in DEM geometry and geocoding look table. After this task, DEM is transformed into SAR coordinates. Using the transformed DEM, unwrapped topographic phase is created using Gamma software. This phase is subtracted from the complex interferogram (not flattened) to get differential phase. This differential interferogram is filtered and then the phase is unwrapped. Finally, displacement map is obtained. Coherence and power images were generated for the data sets given in table 1. Coherence window size of 5x5 is chosen for coherence calculation. In case of ENVISAT ASAR, we acquireSd SLC data from ESA. The data were then processed for interferograms and coherence images using Gamma Software. Table 2. List of TerraSAR-X data used for interferogrm generation Mode Date Asc/Des Inci ang. Polariz. Look Dir. HS HS HS HS 28-08-2008 08-09-2008 19-09-2008 30-09-2008 Desc Desc Desc Desc 38.44 38.44 38.44 38.44 HH HH HH HH Right Right Right Right 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Siachen glacier Interferograms are formed from ERS-1/2 SAR data of April 1 and 2, 1996 in descending pass and after subtracting it from simulated interferogram differential interferogram obtained. In differential interferogram each color cycle (magenta-cyan-yellowmagenta) represents one fringe which is equal to half wavelength (2.8 cm) displacement in the radar direction. Differential interferogram shows good development of fringes over Siachen glacier particularly at higher elevation as well as lower elevation, i.e. ablation area of Siachen. In this scene fringes are also seen above the Siachen glacier, where there are some small glaciers. In this differential interferogram maximum number of 8 fringes equivalent to 22.4 cmd-1 displacement towards the radar direction is observed. While for Gangotri glacier almost 3 fringes (8.4 cm) were observed using ERS-1&2 SAR tandem data (March 25&26, 1996) is shown in Fig. 1 (right). Gangotri glacier interferogram, coherence map, uwrapped interferogram and displacement map superimposed on intensity image are shown in Fig. 3 (a) (b) (c) and (d) respectively. For tandem data with one day interval, the coherence is preserved in most of the glacier areas due to uniform motion. Coherence loss is observed over Siachen glacier using ENVISAT ASAR data with 35 day interval of Dec. 21, 2004 and Jan. 25, 2005 is shown in Fig. 2. In this image, coherence loss is observed mainly in the glacier part and good coherence is seen in the surrounding areas. It may be due to large motion of the glacier within 35 day interval. Using 70 day interval data acquired on May 10 and July 19, 2005, we observed further loss of coherence. It may be due to several changes (precipitation, erosion, vegetation growth, soil moisture conditions, etc.) during the 70 day interval. Complete coherence loss is observed for the data with 350 day interval in Siachen glacier region. Fig. 2. Coherence images of Siachen glacier (a) for ERS-1&2 April 1 and 2, 1996 pair and (b) May 2 and 3, 1996 pair. Loss of coherence in May is higher Figure 3. An (a) An .interferogram from March 25&26, 1996 ERS data(b) Coherence image (c)Unwrapped interferogram (d) Displacement map of Gangotri glacier. Fig. 1. (a) ERS-1 SAR differential interferogram (left) acquired from data April 1and April 2, 1996 for Siachen and the differential interferogram (right image) for Gangotri glacier. Whole Scene covers around 100 km x 100 km. On the basis of intensity tracking of glacier objects in multitemporal ASAR images it is observed that high intensity centres and low intensity centres moved by 10.79 cmd-1 along its flow line. Using four TS-X data sets three interferometric pairs are formed with 11 days temporal resolution. Only one pair out of these three of 28th August 2008 and 8th September 2008 show interferograms which can V - 334 be visually interpreted. It is observed that this pair give interferogram over snow free area and glacier area also remained completely decorrelated. Decorrelation on glaciers is observed because of its rapid movement.Confidence of this observation can be assessed by high resolution TS-X data based displacement study. Glacier objects identified on the basis of local intensity differences and it is displaced by 3 m in 32 days. Hence magnitude of displacement using TS-X data is 9.37cmd-1 which is less by 1.42cmd-1 of ASAR based observations. References [1] Massonnet et al., 1993 D. Massonnet, M. Rossi, C. Carmona, F. Adragna, G. Peltzer, K. Feigl and T. Rabaute,The displacement field of the Landers earthquake mapped by radar interferometry, Nature 364 (1993), pp. 138– 142. [2] Massonnet et al., 1994 D. Massonnet, K. Feigl, M. Rossi and F. Adragna, Radar interferometry mapping of deformation in the year after the Landers earthquake, Nature 369 (1994), pp. 227–230. [3] Massonnet, D., P. Briole, and A. Arnaud, Deflation of Mount Etna monitored by spaceborne radar interferometry, Nature, 375, 567– 570, 1995. [4] Massonnet, D., and K. L. 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