PH YSICAL RKVIE% C VOLUME Validity of the broken-pair Department 16, DECEMBER 1977 NUMBER 6 for N approximation = 50, even-A nncleist S. Haq and Y. K. Gambhir of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay-400 076, India (Received 15 March 1977) The validity of the broken-pair approximation as an approximation to the seniority shell model is The results of the broken-pair approximation and the seniority shell model, obtained by investigated. employing identical input information (single-particle levels and their energies, effective two-body matrix elements, "Sr inert core) for X = 50, even-A nuclei are compared. A close agreement obtained between the calculated broken-pair approximation and the seniority shell model energies for Zr, "Mo, "Ru, and "Pd nuclei and large (95-100/e) overlaps between the broken-pair approximation and the senority shell model wave functions for 'Mo, demonstrates the validity of the broken-pair approximation in this region and in general its usefulness as a good approximation to the seniority shell model. NUCLEAR STRUCTURE Shell model, seniority shell model, broken-pair approximation, quasiparticle Tamm-Dancoff (QTD}, projected QTD; 90Zr, ~ Mo, 9 Ru, 96Pd Recently, shell-model (SM) calculations have been reported' for N = 50 nuclei, with "Sr as an inert core. The valence protons were restricted to the 2py/g and lgg(2 shell-model orbitals. The single-particle (s.p. ) energies and all the nine protonproton matrix elements of the effective two-body interaction were determined phenomenologically by directly fitting the experimental data. It is expected that the phenomenologically determined input parameters would take into account, at least partially, the effect of the neglected configurations. Unfortunately, there is no direct way of verifying this explicitly. The shell-model or even the seniority ( —4) shell-model (SSM) calculations in the enlarged configuration space (i. e. , including 2P, &, and lf, &, or M, &, and lg, &, s.p. states in addition to the 2p, &, and lg, &, states) cannot be performed due to prohibitively large dimensions of the configuration space. However, such enlarged configuration mixing calculations can be performed within the framework of approximate methods. The shell-model or SSM calculations are needed to check the validity of approximate methods by comparing their results with the corresponding SM (SSM) results. One such ayproximate method which has been extensively studied in the past' is the quasiparticle Tamm-Dancoff (QTD) method (including its allied versions). The biggest drawback of the QTD method is that the quasiparticle basis states are not exactly the eigenstates of the particle number operator. Consequently, the calculated eigenstates are superpositions of states with a different number of particles. It also leads to spurious states, the removal of which is necessary before diagonalizing the Hamiltonian matrices. To remedy these defects, the use of num- ber-projected quasiparticle basis states was proposed. ' It was shown that number projection is important and is essential, especially for the cases where the number of valence nucleons is small. in practice, these calculations are Unfortunately, quite involved. The broken-pair approximation (BPA)'& is an imyrovement over the projected quasiparticle Tamm-Dancoff method and is an approximation to the seniority shell model. The purpose of this note is to check the validity of the BPA by comparing its results for X=50, even-A nuclei with the corresponding SM results of the Ref. 1. %e sketch below only the relevant points of the BPA (for details see Ref. 4). The BPA assumes, as a first approximation, that the ground state for 2n (identical) nucleons is built up by the repeated application (n times) of the pair distributed operator S, on the particle vacuum. Thus the approximate ground state is written as s", io&, where i.) S, =pl. k(&i. +1)"'~0,(i. (2) The operator Azt„(j, j~) creates an antisymmetric, unnormalized, coupled two-particle (in s.p. states and ) state with a total angular momentum Z and projection M. The distribution coefficients Q, in S, are determined by minimizing the expectation value of the Hamiltonian in the state (1). The structure of state (1) is exactly the same as that of the 2n-particle component of the BCS state (quasiparticle vacuum). The only difference is that inthe BPA the coefficients (p, = v, / vu,+' = 1) j, j, „u,' S. 2456 HAQ AHO are determined by minimizing the expectation value of the Hamiltonian after number projection, rather than before. The basis vectors, in addition to state (1), defining the first BPA are constructed by replacing one of the 8, operators in Eq. (1), by an arbitrary two-particle creation operator, i.e. , they are the states 0 (j,j ~2M) = A ~~„(j,j,)S~ ' ~ 0) . (3) j,j, For 8= 0 the states q ( 00) have seniority zero. These are not orthogonal, and, furthermore the state 8,"(0) is just a linear combination of the states q'(j, 00). Therefore, for J=0, and orthonormal basis set is constructed from the states (3) procedure. For J W 0 by Schmidt orthogonalization the states 4 (j,j~ZM) are orthogonal and are seniority-two states, in which the distribution of (n-1) zero-coupled pairs is restricted by the BPA assumption of the approximate ground state [Le. , Eq. (1)]. Clearly, for two particles the BPA coincides with the seniority (exact) shell model. The space spanned by the first BPA is therefore the same as that spanned by seniority zero for the J =0 and seniority two for the J w0 shell model. Further, the maximum dimension of the first BPA configuration space is the same as that of the twoparticle space, in contrast to large dimensions of the seniority-zero and -two shell-model spaces. This great reduction in the dimensions stems from the particular structure of the BPA basis states. It was shown' that the first BPA reduces to the projected two-quasiparticle Tamm-Dancoff theory if one replaces the distribution coefficients Q, (= v, /u, ) by the corresponding coefficients of the quasiparticle theory. The next step is the evaluation of the matrix elements of the Hamiltonian between the BPA states (3). The explicit expressions, for these are given in Ref. 4. Finally, the diagonalization of the energy matrices determines the energy spectra j, Y. K. GAMBHIR l6 value of the Hamiltonian in the state (1), because of the inclusion of only two, 2P», (degeneracy 2) and Ig, &, (degeneracy 10), s.p. states in the calculation. The energy matrices are generated and diagonalized. The calculated BPA and the twoquasiparticle Tamm-Dancoff (2QTD) spectra together with the experimental data are plotted in Figs. ' Zr, for 1 and 2 "Mo, "Ru, and "Pd nuclei. The analogous SM results, obtained by using a set of parameters identical to Ref. 1, are also shown (labeled EXACT) in the figures. The number of calculated BPA and 2QTD energy levels is the same for all four nuclei and corresponds to the independent number of two-particle configurations, while in the SM the number of these states increases with the addition of valence protons. %'e lay main emphasis on the detailed comparison of the BPA and the exact results. For the two-particle case, i.e. , ~Zr, the BPA results are identical to the SM results, as expected. It is gratifying to note from the Figs. 1 and 2 the excellent agreement between the EXACT and the BPA spectra. This establishes the applicability of the BPA and its validity as a good approximation to the SSM. The 2QTD results are consistently bad for almost all the cases. This is to be expected since the number of valence nucleons (protons) considered is small. For the detailed comparison of the wave 4.5— 4.0+ 6+ 3.5— 3.0- 7 4+ 3 — 4+ 2+ 4 3 8+ + 2. 5- 5 and the wave functions. 0+ 0+ 4+ 4+ %e present here the BPA results for N = 50, evenA ( 90Zr, "Mo, "Ru, 6 action matrix elements. Kith this input information, the distribution coefficients fIt) are obtained by solving the gap and number equations of the quasiparticle theory. These P, are expected to be very close to the corresponding distribution coefficients obtained by minimizing the expectation — — 4+ "Pd) nuclei, obtained by confining (as in Ref. 1) protons outside the "Sr inert core to 2P&)2 and 1geg 2 s.p. orbitals. The s.p. energies and the proton-proton effective matrix elements are taken from Ref. 1. This pheset of parameters (labeled nomenological SENIORITY in Ref. 1) was obtained by the least squares fit to the energy levels, with an additional constraint of seniority conservation on the interand ~4 g 8 \+ 5 2+ 1.5— 2 — 5 0+ 2~ 2 1.0— 0+ O+ EXPT EXACT BPA) 0+ 2 QTD 0+ 0+ EXPT EXACT 0+ BPA 2QTD (= 90Z 40 92 42 FIG. 1. The experimental (EXPT) and the calculated broken-pair approximation (SPA) and the two-quasiparticle Tamm-Dancoff (2 QTD) spectra of SOZr and Mo. The label EXACT shows the corresponding shell-model results of Ref. 1. (The first 4 state is a seniorityfour state in the EXACT spectra of Mo. ) VA I IOIT Y OF BROKEN-PAIR APPRO XI NATION 'FHK FOR. . . 45~ N, = 40 35- 0 7+ ? 0 25" 0+ /) g 8» 'lq+ $ 2.0- 4+ 5 8+ 8+ b (8 4+ 0+ 0 -5 5 g+ 5 6+ 8+ 4+ 5 E6 LLI 5- 1. 2 + 2 1.0- 2+ 0+ EXPT 0 EXACT 0 BPA 0 2QTD EXACT 2+ 0+ 0 BPA 0 2QTO S4 Ru 44 FIG. 2. The experimerital and the calculated spectra of 94Ru and Pd (see caption of Fig. 1). EXACT* for +Pd shows the result of the Total energy fit of Ref. 1. functions, we rewrite the BPA states (3) in terms of the shell-model states with seniority (&) quantum numbers using the relation I (i)" »& =& "'t( 'fi )"'-~' (u)l'I (s)"»& where report of this work was presented at the Nuclear Physics and Solid State Physics Symposium (1976, Ahmedabad) heM by the Department of Atomic Energy {DAE), Government of India. /Work supported in part by the DAE (Govt. of India) project No. BRNS/Physics/15/74. ~D. H. Gloeckner-and F. D. Serduke, Nucl. Phys. A220, 477 (1974). 2An extensive li. st of papers on the guasiparticle approx' i,mation is given in M. Gmitro, A. Bimini, Sawicki, *A preliminary J. T. Weber, J. Phys. Rev. 173, 964 (1968). M. H. Macfarlane, in Lectures in Theoreticu/ and ~t for q~A&- v, = 0 otherwise. 4 3.0" q((A,' —v) I Qg —Q' —& Physics, %e have calculated the overlaps between the BPA and the exact wave functions for the "Mo nucleus. In this case the exact wave functions have practichl?y no seniority mixing. For the negative parity 4, 5" states, there appears only a single BPA [Eq. (3)] configuration having seniority two. Therefore these BPA states have 100% overlay with the corresponding exact wave functions. For the remaining states of the 'Mo nucleus, the overlays obtained with the yroyer phases of I(z)'J=O, are 100% u=O&, I(z)4/=2, 4, v=2& configurations, for 0;, 0; states and =95% for 4=2;, 4;, 6;, 8; states, respectively. Although we did not have the exact wave functions for '4Ru and "Pd nuclei, similar overlaps should be expected also in these cases. In conclusion we remark that a close agreement between the BPA and SM spectra and large overlaps obtained for N= 50, even-A nuclei, clearly establishes the validity of the BPA as a good approximation to the SSM in this region. This lends confidence to the SPA and demonstrates its usefulness for the cases where the SSM calculations cannot be performed. Vife are thaxQrful to Dr. V. Potbhare for running a shell-model code for the "Mo nucleus. P. D. Kunz and %. E, Brittin (Univ. of ColorPress, Boulder, Colorado, 1966), Vol. VIIIC, edited by ado p. 583; P. L. Ottaviani and M. Savoia, Phys. Bev. 178, 1594 (1969); 187, 130 (1969); Nuovo Cimento 67, 630 (1970) . A. Bimini, and T. Weber, Phys. Rev. 188, 1573 (1969); Phys. Rev. C 3, 1965 (1971). B. Lorazo, 3e cycle thesis, Universitk de Paris, Orsay, 1968 (unpublished); Phys. Lett. 298, 150 (1969); Nucl. Phys. A153, 255 (1970); K. Allart and E. Seeker, Nucl. Phys. A168, 630 (1971); A198, 33 (1972). 4Y. K. Gankhir,
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