Students create and read announcements to encourage the school community to walk to school and use public transportation when possible  

Announcement for JagTV
A morning announcement was created and read on JAG TV by Mahima Dewan
M- Mahima
G- Garima
M: As SERT has previously announced, Northwest is applying to be a green school.
G: We need every person in this building to help us achieve this status.
M: Now that it’s warming up, think about biking or maybe even walking to school in order to
preserve gasoline used up by individual cars.
G: And if that’s not possible, consider carpooling with some of your neighbors. One less car on
the road is one step closer to achieving our status as a green school.
M: If Northwest provides bus transportation to your area, please use it.
G: Remember, these suggestions to be greener don’t just apply now. Even when we do become a
green school, implement these green alternatives into your everyday life.
M: And as per usual don’t forget to recycle, turn off all the lights after leaving a room, and don’t
G: It’s the small things that eventually add up.