BIOTIC COMMUNITIES Stream Fish Distribution and Abundance Historical records of fish community collections within the Current River Watershed date back to 1 August, 1930 (MDC 1998a and MoRAP 2000a). Fish community collection sites are presented in Figure Bc01. From 1930 to 2000, 124 fish species (not including hybrids or larval lamprey) in 24 families have been collected within the watershed (Table Bc01) (MDC Ozark Regional Fish Community Collection and Sport Fish Sample Files; MNHP 2001a; Pflieger 1989; Pflieger 1997; MDC 1998a; MoRAP 2000a). Fish community sampling sites are presented in Figure Bc01. Table Bc02 shows fish species distribution by modified 14 digit hydrologic unit. While this information provides insight into areas of the watershed where species have been collected in the past, it is important to note that the number of fish sampling sites as well as collections vary greatly between drainage units (no data is available for some units), thus negating the use of this data for any quantitative analysis. Analysis of temporal distribution of species within the watershed was accomplished by dividing the examined period of record for fish community collections into three periods: Period 1 (1930-1957), Period 2 (1958-1979), and Period 3 (1980-2000). This analysis revealed that the number of species within the watershed between periods 1 and 2 remained similar with 111 and 117 species collected respectively. Period 3 saw a substantial decrease in the number of species collected within the watershed BC1 at 82. Of the species not observed in the latter time period, 1 is state endangered and 9 are considered species of conservation concern (MNHP 2001b). Possible reasons for the absence of species from collections of this time period vary. A difference in the number and spatial distribution pattern of sampling locations during period 3 may have a substantial role in the absence of some species in collections. During period 1, approximately 53 locations were sampled with multiple collections from different times of year in the same time period being combined from a small number of these locations. During period 2, 84 locations were sampled. During period 3, 61 locations were sampled. A difference in spatial distribution of sample locations could be another possible explanation. Four of the 11 locations at which the species in question were collected in period 1 were not sampled in period 3. In addition, based on quantitative data available in the MDC fish collection database (MDC 1998a), many of the species in question generally appear to have never been collected in large numbers. Twenty-three species had fewer than 10 specimens collected. An inconsistency between the time periods in the types of sample gear used is perhaps another explanation; however, this was not comprehensively analyzed because sample methodology data was not readily available for all samples. The previously discussed factors make it difficult to determine actual species decline within the Current River Watershed. Future additional sampling efforts focusing on historic fish collection locations at which the species in question have been collected in the past will be important in determining the extent, if any, of the spatial and temporal shift in the fish community composition of the watershed. The fish community of the Current River Watershed is composed of a diverse assemblage of fish species representing all four aquatic faunal regions of Missouri as defined by Pflieger (1989 and 1997). While species characteristic of the Ozark faunal region account for a dominating 42.1% of total species in the watershed, species characteristic of the River, Lowland, and Prairie faunal regions comprise 7.9%, 15.1%, and 2.4% respectively of total species in the watershed (Table Bc01, Table Bc03). The remaining species (32.5%) occurring within the watershed are either widely distributed in Missouri, or are characteristic of more than one faunal region (Table Bct03). One species, the common carp is a nuisance exotic species. Game Fish The Current River and its tributaries offer a variety of angling opportunities. A total of 9 species of gamefish (as defined as game fish in MDC 2001c) are known to occur within the watershed (MDC Ozark Regional Fish Collection Files; MoRAP 2000a; MDC 1998a Pflieger 1997). These include brown trout, chain pickerel, grass pickerel, largemouth bass, rainbow trout, shadow bass, smallmouth bass, walleye, and warmouth. Other game fish species including black crappie, channel catfish, flathead catfish, paddlefish, sauger, spotted bass, white bass, and white crappie, have been observed in the watershed in the past. However, these are not considered to be significant fisheries (the last collections in which these species occurred, with the exception of flathead catfish and paddlefish, were made prior to 1980). BC2 The Current River supports a significant trout fishery in its upper reaches located in southern Dent and northern Shannon Counties. Montauk State Park, one of the Missouri’s four trout parks, is located in Dent County at the head of the Current River. Approximately 3 miles of trout stream exist within the park. An additional 16.7 miles of the Current River below the park is also managed for trout. Rainbow trout are the primary species within the park while both rainbows and browns can be found downstream of the park. (Please refer to current copy of the Missouri Wildlife Code) Fish Stocking Due to the existence of a significant cold water fishery within the Current River Watershed, fish stocking efforts have primarily focused on salmonid species. The first recorded introduction of salmonids within the watershed was in 1891 at which time rainbow and brown trout from the federal hatchery at Neosho were stocked in the Current River (Turner 1979). In the years following the initial stocking, salmonids continued to be stocked in the Current River. While rainbow and brown trout were the species stocked on the most consistent basis, introductions of brook trout and grayling also occurred. However, no records of these latter species exist within MDC fish community collections. This would appear to indicate the lack of success of this effort. In 1928, the coldwater resources at Montauk, Missouri were purchased by the Missouri Game and Fish Commission for use as a trout hatchery and fishing area (Turner 1979). The hatchery began operation four years later in 1932. A new era in the trout fishery of the Current River began in 1937 under the management of the newly created Missouri Department of Conservation. The stocking of Salmonids in the Current River was limited to rainbow trout (Turner 1979). Stocking of brown trout resumed in 1966 (Turner 1974). Currently, the MDC stocks both rainbow and brown trout in the upper Current River (MDC 2001d). Within the Montauk State Park Boundary, rainbow trout are stocked on a daily basis. Brown trout are stocked each spring in the section of the Current River from the state park to Cedargrove Bridge. From Cedargrove to Akers Ferry, rainbow trout are stocked every few weeks from February to mid-October. Limited availability of historic stocking records for warm water species, the potential of “bait bucket” introductions and the availability of fish from commercial dealers, makes it difficult to address the entire scope of warm water stocking which has or may have occurred in the Current River Watershed. However, examination of various sources reveals some past stocking efforts within the watershed. The common carp, a species native to Asia, was widely stocked in Missouri by the Missouri BC3 Fish Commission between 1879 and 1895 at which time the program was discontinued (Pflieger 1997). Earliest observations of common carp from MDC fish community collection files are from 1947 (MDC 1998a). While common carp are a component of the commercial fishing industry in Missouri (Barnes and Riggert 2000), common carp can also be a nuisance species. They take space in rivers, streams, and lakes away from native species. They can increase stream and lake turbidity, destroy spawning habitat, while eating the eggs of native species of fish (Barnes and Riggert 2000). MDC annual reports (1937-1942 and 1946-1992) indicate that, historically, warm-water fish stocked or “rescued” (removing fish from intermittent pools of water and redistributing to areas deemed more suitable) by the MDC in the watershed included largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, crappie, bluegill, green sunfish, catfish, shadow bass, and “minnows”. The practice of “fish rescue” has been discontinued. Nearly 6 million walleye fry less than one inch in length were stocked in the Current River in 1967 and 1968 (Mayers 2000). Evaluations of this stocking effort determined that survival of the fry was poor (Mayers 2000). Arkansas has stocked 1-2 inch walleye fingerlings in Arkansas section of the Current River since 1986, however as of late 1999 the effect of these stockings had not been evaluated (Mayers 2000). A 1986 United States Forest Service (USFS) report indicates that Loggers Lake, a USFS lake located in the northeast portion of the watershed, was restocked following refilling after being drained by vandals in 1976. The lake was initially stocked with adult fathead minnows in the spring of 1976. This was followed by largemouth bass, bluegill, and redear sunfish. Channel catfish were later stocked in the fall. In addition, Loggers Lake received stockings of grass carp in 1985 and 1989 (USFS 1986). Currently the MDC provides supplemental channel catfish stockings to Loggers Lake and Ripley Lake, both USFS lake within the watershed, on an annual basis (MDC 2001d). Loggers lake generally receives 375 catfish annually. Ripley Lake generally receives 300 channel catfish annually. Undoubtedly, farm ponds within the watershed have been stocked with largemouth bass, bluegill, and channel catfish by private individuals who obtained fish from the MDC, commercial dealers, and/or other water bodies. The availability of grass carp from commercial fish dealers also increases the probability of this species having been stocked in water bodies within the watershed. The potential of these fish being washed into streams exists during major precipitation events. A lack of historical records, plus the occurrence of undocumented introductions makes it difficult to determine, with any reliability, all species which may have been introduced into the watershed. Effects of introductions vary. While the introduction of species already present in the watershed may have minimal to no effect, the introduction of exotic (non-native) species can, in many instances, have disastrous consequences. Mussels A total of 43 species and subspecies of mussels are known to occur within the Current River Watershed (Table Bc04 and Figure Bc02) (MDC 1998b, MoRAP 2000b and MNHP 2001a). Of these, 2 species are both Federally as well as State listed as endangered. These species are the Curtis Pearlymussel (Epioblasma florentina) and the pink mucket (Lampsilis abrupta). The ebonyshell (Fusconaia ebena), elephantear (Elliptio crassidens), and snuffbox (Epioblasma florentina) are state listed BC4 as endangered. An additional 8 mussel species within the watershed are currently listed as species of conservation concern (Table Bc08). The Asian clam (Corbicula flumina) is an exotic (non-native) species of mussel which occurs in the watershed. This mollusk is a native of southern and eastern Asia . The Asian clam can alter lake and stream substrates, compete with native mussels for food and space, and cause biofouling problems in irrigation systems, power plants, and other industrial water systems (USGS 2002b). An examination of mussel species distribution by eleven digit hydrologic units in the watershed reveals that the Little Black River Unit has the highest number of species at 39. The Lower Current Unit is a distant second in number of species at 18. However, a quantitative comparison between units is not sound. The intensity of mussel sampling within the Current River Watershed exhibits a large amount of spatial variation. The Little Black River Unit has been sampled the most intensively with approximately 66% of referenced sampling sites for the watershed occurring within its boundary. Two units, the Pike Creek and Spring Valley Units, lack mussel sampling data. Due to an inequity in sampling intensity between the eleven digit hydrologic units, quantitative comparisons of mussel diversity between these units would be inaccurate. Snails Twenty-five species of snails have been identified within the Current River Watershed (Table Bc05) (Wu etal. 1997). One species, the rough hornsnail (Pleurocera alveare) is included in the state list of species of conservation concern (MNHP 2001b). It is currently considered to be rare and uncommon to imperiled in the state. Crayfish Fourteen species of crayfish are known to occur within the Current River Watershed (Table Bc06 and Figure Bc03) (MDC 1998c and MoRAP 2000c). Most species have distributions in or closely associated with the Ozark and/or Lowland faunal Region (Pflieger 1996). Exceptions to this include the devil crayfish (Cambarus diogenes), northern crayfish (Orconectes virilis), and golden crayfish (Orconectes Luteus). The devil crayfish is nearly statewide in distribution being absent only from the White and Neosho River Drainages of the southwestern Ozarks (Pflieger 1996). The northern crayfish is the most widely distributed crayfish in Missouri. It occurs in all areas of the state with the exception of the southeastern Lowlands and portions of the central Ozarks (Pflieger 1996). The golden crayfish can be found primarily in portions of the Prairie and Ozark Faunal Region. In the Ozarks, it is absent from the Black, Eleven Point, White, and Neosho stream drainages (Pflieger 1996). Within the Current River Watershed, the golden crayfish appears to be the most widespread. It occurs in all 7 eleven digit hydrologic units that have been sampled. The spothanded crayfish (Orconectes punctimanus) is the second most widespread in the watershed occurring in 6 out of 7 units sampled. Six species of crayfish have a distribution in the watershed limited to the Little Black River Hydrologic Unit. These include the cajun dwarf crayfish (Cambarellus puer), digger crayfish (Fallicambarus fodiens), shield crayfish (Faxonella clypeata), gray-speckled crayfish (Orconectes palmeri), red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), and vernal crayfish (Procambarus viaeviridus). Five species of crayfish found within the Current River Watershed are currently listed as species of conservation concern (MNHD 2001b). These include the cajun dwarf crayfish, Salem cave crayfish (Cambarus hubrichti), digger Crayfish (Fallicambarus fodiens), shield crayfish (Faxonella clypeata), and BC5 vernal crayfish (Procambarus viaeviridus). Within the watershed, all of these species, with the exception of the Salem cave crayfish (Cambarus hubrichti), have only been found in the Little Black River Hydrologic Unit. Benthic Invertebrates Three hundred taxa of aquatic invertebrates have been collected within the Current River Watershed since 1961 (MDC 1998d) (Table Bc07). From 1961-1979, 194 taxa were collected within the watershed. Since and including 1980, 228 taxa of aquatic invertebrates have been collected. Figure Bc04 displays benthic invertebrate collection sites within the watershed. Five species are listed as Missouri species of conservation concern (MDNHP 2001b). These include Stenonema bednariki (a heptageniid mayfly), Allocapnia pymaea (a winter stonefly), Hydropsyche piatrix (a net-spinning caddisfly), Ophiogomphus westfalli (Westfall’s snaketail, a dragonfly), and Tachopteryx thoreyi (gray petaltail, a dragonfly) (Pennak 1978). Species of Conservation Concern Within the Current River Watershed, 169 species of conservation concern have been identified (Table Bc08) (MDC Ozark Regional Fish Community Collection and Sport Fish Sample Files; Pflieger 1997; Wu et al. 1997; MDC 1998a; MDC 1998b; MDC 1998c; MDC 1998d; MoRAP 2000a ;MoRAP 2000b; MoRAP 2000c; MNHP 2001a; MNHP 2001b). These include 117 species of plants (flowering plants, ferns, fern allies, and mosses); 7 species of insects; 5 species of crayfish; 10 species of mussels; 1 snail species; 17 species of fish; 4 species of amphibians, 7 species of birds; and 6 species of mammals. Six species within the watershed are federally and state listed as endangered. These include the gray bat, Indiana bat, Curtis pearlymussel, pink mucket, pondberry, and running buffalo clover. The red-cockaded wood pecker is also federally listed as endangered; however it is currently considered extirpated from the state. These include the last observation of the species in the watershed was 1946. An additional 8 species are currently state listed as endangered. These include Swainson’s warbler, harlequin darter, taillight shiner, plains spotted skunk, elephantear, snuffbox, ebonyshell, and the eastern prairie fringed orchid. It is important to note that the status of the above mentioned species are based on the 2001 Missouri Species of Conservation Concern Checklist (MNHP 2001b). The following is a brief description of state and/or federally listed endangered aquatic oriented animal species within the Current River Watershed: Fish Harlequin Darter (Etheostoma histrio) Within the Current River Watershed, The harlequin darter, being a characteristic lowland species, has only been found within the Little Black River drainage (MDC 1998a, MoRAP 2000a, and MNHP 2001a) the lower portions of which more closely resemble streams and ditches of the Lowland Faunal Region. The first MDC record for a collection of the harlequin darter within the Current River Watershed occurred in 1941 at which time one individual was found (MDC 1998a). Five other individuals collected in the watershed are recorded in the MDC fish collection database. These were collected from a single site in the late 1970s. The Missouri Natural Heritage database contains records for observations of the harlequin darter in the watershed as recently as 1998. Taillight Shiner (Notropis maculatus) BC6 Pflieger (1997) states that the taillight shiner is “one of the rarest Missouri minnows”. Indeed, the taillight shiner has only been collected from 6 locations in Missouri (MDC 1998a, MoRAP 2000a, and MNHP 2001a). All of these are in or border the Lowland Faunal Region. This shiner has only been found at one location in the Current River Watershed (Little Black River Drainage). Pflieger (1997) states that the taillight shiner “seems on the verge of extirpation from the state”. Mussels Elephant Ear (Elliptio crassidens) The elephant ear is state listed as endangered (MNHP 2001b). It was found at two sites within the Current River Watershed in the early 1980s (MNHP 2001a). Both sites are within the Little Black River Drainage. Curtis pearlymussel (Epioblasma florentina curtisii) The Curtis Pearlymussel is state and federally listed as endangered (MNHP 2001b). Within the Current River Watershed, the Curtis pearlymussel has only been found in the Little Black River Drainage. This species was last found in the watershed in 1993 (MNHP 2001a). Snuffbox (Epioblasma triquetra) The snuffbox is state listed as endangered (MNHP 2001b). The only record of this species within the watershed is from a single site in the Little Black River Drainage at which 2 live specimens were observed in 1984 (MNHP 2001a). Ebonyshell (Fusconaia ebena) The ebonyshell is state listed as endangered (MNHP 2001b). Within the watershed, this species appears to have only been found at a single site within the Little Black River Drainage (MDC 1998b, MoRAP 2000b, and MNHP 2001a). The one and only specimen of this species found within the watershed was observed in 1979 (MNHP 2001a). Bruenderman et al. (2001) states that mussel surveys conducted in 1997 and 1998 in the Little Black drainage showed no evidence that this species still exists within the drainage. Pink Mucket (Lampsilis abrupta) The pink mucket is state and federally listed as endangered (MNHP 2001b). Within the Current River Watershed, this species has been found at two sites located in the Little Black River Drainage (MDC 1998b, MoRAP 2000b, and MNHP 2001a). The last observation of this species within the watershed was in 1979 (MNHP 2001a). BC7 BC8 BC9 BC10 BC11 Table Bc01 (1 of 7). Fish species (and subspecies) whose distribution range includes the Current River Watershed (MDC Ozark Regional Fish Community and Sport Fish Sample Files; Pflieger 1989; Pflieger 1997; MDC 1998a; MNHP 2001a; MoRAP 2000a). Common Name Scientific Name Family: Petromyzontidae (Lampreys) Total Species: 4 American Brook Lamprey Lampetra appendix Chestnut Lamprey Ichthyomyzon castaneus Least Brook Lamprey Lampetra aepyptera Family: Acipenseridae (Sturgeons) Total Species: 1 Shovelnose Sturgeon Scaphirhychus platorynchus Family: Polyodontidae (Paddlefishes) Total Species: 1 Paddlefish Polyodon spathula Family: Lepisosteidae (Gars) Total Species: 4 Alligator Gar Lepisosteus spatula Longnose Gar Lepisosteus ossues Shortnose Gar Lepisosteus platostomus Spotted Gar Lepisosteus oculatus Family: Amiidae (Bowfins) Total Species: 1 Bowfin Amia calva Family: Hiodontidae (Mooneyes) Total Species: 1 Mooneye Hiodon tergisus Family: Anguillidae (Freshwater Eels) Total Species: 1 American Eel Anguilla rostrata Family: Clupeidae (Herrings) Total Species: 3 Gizzard Shad Dorosoma cepedianum Skipjack Herring Alosa chrysochloris Threadfin Shad Dorsoma petenense Family: Cyprinidae (Minnows) Total Species: 31 Bigeye Chub Notropis amblops Bigeye Shiner Notropis boops Blacktail Shiner Cyprinella venusta Bleeding Shiner Luxilus zonatus Bluntnose Minnow Pimephales notatus Bullhead Minnow Pimephales vigilax Central Stoneroller Campostoma pullum Common Carp Cyprinus carpio Creek Chub Semotilus atromaculatus Eastern Redfin Shiner Lythrurus u. cyanocephalus Emerald Shiner Notropis atherinoides Fathead Minnow Pimephales promelas Golden Shiner Notemigonus crysoleucas Geographic Affinity O O,R O R R WIDE R L L,R WIDE R,O WIDE R R O O L O WIDE L, R O,P WIDE P,O O,L R P WIDE 1 3 X X X 1 X 1 X 3 X X X 1 X 1 X 1 X 2 X X 28 X X X X X X X X X X X X X Period 2 3 3 1 X X X X 1 0 X 1 1 X X 4 1 X X X X X 1 0 X 1 0 X 1 0 X 3 1 X X X X 28 24 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BC12 Gravel Chub Erimystax x-punctatus Hornyhead Chub Nocomis biguttatus Largescale Stoneroller Campostoma oligolepis Mississippi Silvery Minnow Hybognathus nuchalis Ozark Chub Erimystax harryi Ozark Minnow Notropis nubilus Ozark Shiner Notropis ozarcanus Pallid Shiner Notropis amnis Pugnose Minnow Opsopoeodus emiliae Ribbon Shiner Lythrurus fumeus Rosyface Shiner Notropis rubellus Southern Redbelly Dace Phoxinus erythrogaster Steelcolor Shiner Cyprinella whipplei Striped Shiner Luxilus chrysocephalus Taillight Shiner Notropis maculatus Telescope Shiner Notropis telescopus Wedgespot Shiner Notropis greenei Weed Shiner Notropis texanus Family: Catostomidae (Suckers) Total Species: 17 Bigmouth Buffalo Ictiobus cyprinellus Black Buffalo Ictiobus niger Black Redhorse Moxostoma duquesnei Blue Sucker Cycleptus elongatus Creek Chubscker Erimyzon oblongus Golden Redhorse Moxostoma erythrurum Highfin Carpsucker Carpiodes velifer Lake Chubsucker Erimyzon sucetta Northern Hog Sucker Hypentelium nigricans River Carpsucker Carpiodes carpio River Redhorse Moxostoma carinatum Shorthead Redhorse Moxostoma macrolepidotum Silver Redhorse Moxostoma anisurum Smallmouth Buffalo Ictiobus bubalus Spotted Sucker Minytrema melanops Whitetail Shiner Cyprinella galactura White Sucker Catostomus commersoni Family: Ictaluridae (Catfishes) Total Species: 10 Black Bullhead Ameiurus melas Brindled Madtom Noturus miurus Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus Checkered Madtom Noturus flavater Flathead Catfish Pylodictis olivaris Freckled Madtom Noturus nocturnus Ozark Madtom Noturus albater O O O R O O O L L L O O O O L O O L R WIDE O R, O O O,P O L O R,P O O O R L,O O P,O P O,L WIDE O WIDE L,P O X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 16 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 9 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 16 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 10 X X X X X X X X X X 14 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5 X X X BC13 Tadpole Madtom Noturus gyrinus Yellow Bullhead Ameiurus natalis Slender Madtom Noturus exilis Family: Esocidae (Pikes) Total Species: 2 Chain Pickerel Esox niger Grass Pickerel Esox americanus Family: Salmonidae (Trouts) Total Species: 2 Brown Trout Salmo trutta Rainbow Trout Oncorhychus mykiss Family: Aphredoderidae (Pirate Perches) Total Species: 1 Pirate Perch Aphredoderus sayanus Family: Amblyopsidae (Cavefishes) Total Species: 1 Southern Cavefish Typhlichthys subterraneus Family: Fundulidae (Killfishes) Total Species: 3 Blackspotted Topminnow Fundulus olivaceous Starhead Topminnow Fundulus dispar Studfish Fundulus catenatus Family: Poecilliidae (Livebearers) Total Species: 1 Western Mosquitofish Gambusia affinis Family: Atherinidae (Silversides) Total Species: 1 Brook Silverside Labidesthes sicculus Family: Cottidae (Sculpins) Total Species: 2 Banded Sculpin Cottus carolinae Ozark Sculpin Cottus hypselurus Family: Percichthyidae (Temperate Basses) Total Species: 1 White Bass Morone chrysops Family: Elassomatidae (Pygmy Sunfishes) Total Species: 1 Banded Pigmy Sunfish Elassoma zonatum Family: Centrarchidae (Sunfishes) Total Species: 14 Black Crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus Flier Centrarchus macropterus Green Sunfish Lepomis cyanellus Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides Longear Sunfish Lepomis megalotis Orange Spotted Sunfish Lepomis humilis Redear Sunfish Lepomis microlophus Red Spotted Sunfish Lepomis miniatus Shadow Bass Amploplites ariommus Smallmouth Bass Micropterus dolomieu Spotted Bass Micropterus punctulatus Warmouth Lepomis gulosus White Crappie Pomoxis annuularis Family: Percidae (Perches) Total Species: 23 L,P P,O O O O O O L O L,O L O WIDE O O O O,P X X 1 X X X X 1 X 1 1 X 1 X 1 X 2 X X 1 X 0 X 1 X 1 X 2 X X 1 X 0 L WIDE WIDE L WIDE WIDE O,L WIDE O L,O O O L,O L WIDE 13 X X X X X X X X X X X X X 19 3 X X X 1 X 1 X 2 X X 1 X 1 X 14 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 21 X X 2 X X 2 X X 1 X 1 X 2 X X 1 X 1 X 2 X X 0 1 X 9 X X X X X X X X X 12 BC14 Banded Darter Etheostoma zonale Barred Fantail Darter Etheostoma f. flabellare Blackside Darter Percina maculata Bluntnose Darter Etheostoma chlorosomum Current Darter Etheostomas. Uniporum Current River Saddled Darter Etheostoma e. erizonum Cypress Darter Etheostoma proeliare Dusky Darter Percina sciera Gilt Darter Percina evides Greenside Darter Etheostoma blennioides Harlequin Darter Etheostoma histrio Johnny Darter Etheostoma nigrum Ohio Logperch Percina c. caprodes Rainbow Darter Etheostoma caeruleum Saddleback Darter Percina vigil Sauger Stizostedion canadense Slough Darter Etheostoma gracile Speckeld Darter Etheostoma stigmaeum Stargazing Darter Percina uraidea Stippled Darter Etheostoma punctulatum Walleye Stizostedion vitreum Family: Sciaenidae (Drums) Total Species: 1 Freshwater Drum Aplodinotus grunniens Watershed Species Total: 124 O O P,L L O O L L O O L P O O L R L O,L O O O,R WIDE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 1 X 111 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 117 X 82 X X X X X X X X X X Period: 1=collected 1930 to 1957; 2=collected 1958 to 1979; 3=collected 1980 to 2000 Geographic Affinity (based on aquatic faunal regions of Missouri ): L=Lowland, O=Ozark, P=Prairie, R=Big River, WIDE=Widely Distributed BC15 Table Bc02 (1 of 6). Fish species distribution within eleven digit hydrologic units of the Current River Watershed (MDC Ozark Regional Fish Community and Sport Fish Sample Files; Pflieger 1997; MDC 1998a; MoRAP 2000a). Note: List does not include species of conservation concern. UCR= Upper Current River SV= Spring Valley CRSC=Current River-Sinking Creek LCR= Lower Current River MCR= Middle Current River PC=Pike Creek CRBC=Current River-Buffalo Creek LBR=Little Black River Common Name Scientific Name American Eel Banded Darter Banded Pigmy Sunfish Banded Sculpin Barred Fantail Darter Bigeye Chub Bigeye Shiner Bigmouth Buffalo Black Buffalo Black Bullhead Black Crappie Black Redhorse Blackside Darter Blackspotted Topminnow Blacktail Shiner Bleeding Shiner Bluegill Bluntnose Darter Bluntnose Minnow Bowfin Brindled Madtom Brook Silverside Brown Trout Bullhead Minnow Central Stoneroller Chain Pickerel Channel Catfish Chestnut Lamprey Common Carp Anguilla rostrata Etheostoma zonale Elassoma zonatum Cottus carolinae Etheostoma f. flabellare Notropis amblops Notropis boops Ictiobus cyprinellus Ictiobus niger Ameiurus melas Pomoxis nigromaculatus Moxostoma duquesnei Percina maculata Fundulus olivaceous Cyprinella venusta Luxilus zonatus Lepomis macrochirus Etheostoma chlorosomum Pimephales notatus Amia calva Noturus miurus Labidesthes sicculus Salmo trutta Pimephales vigilax Campostoma pullum Esox niger Ictalurus punctatus Ichthyomyzon castaneus Cyprinus carpio U SV C MC PC C LCLB C RS R RB R R R C C X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BC16 Creek Chub Creek Chubsucker Current Darter Current River Saddled Darter Cypress Darter Dusky Darter Eastern Redfin Shiner Emerald Shiner Fathead Minnow Flathead Catfish Freckled Madtom Freshwater Drum Gilt Darter Gizzard Shad Golden Redhorse Golden Shiner Grass Pickerel Gravel Chub Green Sunfish Greenside Darter Hornyhead Chub Johnny Darter Largemouth Bass Largescale Stoneroller Larval Lamprey Least Brook Lamprey Longear Sunfish Longnose Gar Northern Hog Sucker Ohio Logperch Orange Spotted Sunfish Ozark Chub Ozark Madtom Ozark Minnow Ozark Sculpin Pirate Perch Rainbow Darter Rainbow Trout Red Spotted Sunfish Redear Sunfish Semotilus atromaculatus Erimyzon oblongus Etheostoma uniporum Etheostoma e. erizonum Etheostoma proeliare Percina sciera Lythrurus u. cyanocephalus Notropis atherinoides Pimephales promelas Pylodictis olivaris Noturus nocturnus Aplodinotus grunniens Percina evides Dorosoma cepedianum Moxostoma erythrurum Notemigonus crysoleucas Esox americanus Erimystax x-punctatus Lepomis cyanellus Etheostoma blennioides Nocomis biguttatus Etheostoma nigrum Micropterus salmoides Campostoma oligolepis Ichthyomyzon ammocoete Lampetra aepyptera Lepomis megalotis Lepisosteus osseus Hypentelium nigricans Percina c. caprodes Lepomis humilis Erimystax harryi Noturus albater Notropis nubilus Cottus hypselurus Aphredoderus sayanus Etheostoma caeruleum Oncorhynchus mykiss Lepomis miniatus Lepomis microlophus X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BC17 Ribbon Shiner River Carpsucker River Redhorse Rosyface Shiner Saddleback Darter Sauger Shadow Bass Shorthead Redhorse Shortnose Gar Shovelnose Sturgeon Silver Redhorse Wedgespot Shiner Weed Shiner Western Mosquitofish White Bass White Crappie White Sucker Whitetail Shiner Yellow Bullhead Lythrurus fumeus Carpiodes carpio Moxostoma carinatum Notropis rubellus Percina vigil Stizostedion canadense Ambloplites ariommus Moxostoma macrolepidotum Lepisosteus platostomus Scaphirhynchus platorynchus Moxostoma anisurum Notropis greenei Notropis texanus Gambusia affinis Morone chrysops Pomoxis annularis Catostomus commersonni Cyprinella galactura Ameiurus natalis X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UCR= Upper Current River SV= Spring Valley CRSC=Current River-Sinking Creek LCR= Lower Current River MCR= Middle Current River PC=Pike Creek CRBC=Current River-Buffalo Creek LBR=Little Black River BC18 Table Bc03. Missouri aquatic faunal region representation by fish species within the Current River Watershed (MDC Ozark Regional Fish Community and Sport Fish Sample Files; Pflieger 1989; Pflieger 1997; MDC 1998a; MNHP 2001a; MoRAP 2000a) Faunal Region(s) Ozark Ozark, River Ozark, Prairie Ozark, Lowland River River, Ozark River, Prairie Lowland Lowland, River Lowland, Ozark Lowland, Prairie Prairie Prairie, Ozark Prairie, Lowland Wide Number of Species Percent of Species 53 2 3 4 10 2 1 19 2 4 2 3 3 1 17 42.1 1.6 2.4 3.2 7.9 1.6 0.8 15.1 1.6 3.2 1.6 2.4 2.4 0.8 13.5 BC19 Table Bc04. Mussel species distribution within the Current River Watershed (MDC 1998b, MoRAP 2000b, MNHP 2001a). Note: Location data not given for species of conservation concern. UCR= Upper Current River SV= Spring Valley CRSC=Current River-Sinking Creek MCR= Middle Current River PC=Pike Creek CRBC=Current River-Buffalo Creek Common Name Mucket Elktoe Slippershell Mussel Threeridge Asiatic Clam Purple Wartyback Western Fanshell Spike Elephantear Curtis Pearlymussel Snuffbox Ebonyshell Wabash Pigtoe Ozark Pigtoe Pink Mucket Ozark Broken-ray Northern Broken-ray Pocketbook Arkansas Broken-ray Fatmucket Yellow Sandshell Fluted Shell White Heelsplitter Black Sandshell Pondmussel Washboard Threehorn Wartyback Bankclimber Round Pigtoe LCR= Lower Current River LBR=Little Black River Scientific Name Actinonaias ligamentina Alasmidonta marginata Alasmidonta viridis Amblema plicata Corbicula fluminea Cyclonaias tuberculata Cyprogenia aberti Elliptio dilatata Elliptio crassidens Epioblasma florentina curtisi Epioblasma triquetra Fusconaia ebena Fusconaia flava Fusconaia ozarkensis Lampsilis abrupta Lampsilis r. brevicula Lampsilis r. brittsi Lampsilis cardium Lampsilis r. reeviana Lampsilis siliquoidea Lampsilis teres Lasmigona costata Lasmigona c. complanata Ligumia recta Ligumia subrostrata Megalonaias nervosa Obliquaria reflexa Plectomerus dombeyanus Pleurobema sintoxia UC SV CR MC PC CR LC LB R SC R BC R R X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BC20 Bleufer Ouachita Kidneyshell Giant Floater Pimpleback Squawfoot Purple Lilliput Lilliput Pistolgrip Deertoe Fawnsfoot Paper Pondshell Ellipse Rainbow Little Spectaclecase Potamilus purpuratus Ptychobranchus occidentalis Pyganodon grandis grandis Quadrula pustulosa Strophitus undulatus Toxolasma lividus Toxolasma parvus Tritogonia verrucosa Truncilla truncata Truncilla donaciformis Utterbackia imbecillis Venustaconcha ellipsiformis Villosa iris Villosa lienosa UCR= Upper Current River CRSC=Current River-Sinking Creek MCR= Middle Current River CRBC=Current River-Buffalo Creek X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SV= Spring Valley LCR= Lower Current River PC=Pike Creek LBR=Little Black River BC21 Table Bc05. Snail Species of the Current River Watershed (Wu etal. 1997). Common Name Ash Gyro Bugle Sprite Creeping Ancylid Duck Physa Dusky Ancylid Glossy Physa Golden Fossaria Goodrich’s Physa Hale’s Physa Highland Campeloma Marsh Ramshorn Marsh Fossaria Midland Siltsnail Mimic Lymnaea Ozark Springsnail Pewter Physa Pygmy Fossaria Pyramid Elimia Rock Fossaria Rough Rams-Horn Rough Hornsnail Sharp Hornsnail Slender Walker Tadpole Physa Two-Ridge Rams-Horn Scientific Name Gyraulus parvus Menetus dilatatus Ferrisia rivularis Physa (Physodon) anatina Laevapex fuscus Physa (Physodon) pomilia Lymnaea (Fossaria) obrussa Physa (Physella) goodrichi Physa (Physodon) halei Campeloma subsolidum Helisoma trivolvis Lymnaea (Fossaria) humilis Cincinnatia integra Pseudosuccinea columella Fontigens aldrichi Physa (Physella) heterostropha Lymnaea (Fossaria) parva Elimia potosiensis Lymnaea (Fossaria) modicella Helisoma subcrenatum Pleurocera alveare Pleurocera acuta Pomatiopsis lapidaria Physa (Physella) gyrina Helisoma anceps BC22 Table Bc06. Crayfish species occurring in the Current River Watershed (MNHP 2001a, MoRAP 2000c, MDC 1998c). Note: Location data not given for species of conservation concern. UCR= Upper Current River SV= Spring Valley CRSC= Current River-Sinking Creek MCR= Middle Current River PC= Pike Creek CRBC= Current River-Buffalo Creek LCR= Lower Current River LBR= Little Black River Common Name Cajun dwarf crayfish Devil crayfish Salem cave crayfish Hubbs' crayfish Digger crayfish Shield crayfish Golden crayfish Gray-speckled crayfish Northern crayfish Ozark crayfish Spothanded crayfish Red swamp crayfish Vernal crayfish White River crayfish Scientific Name Cambarellus pueur Cambarus diogenes Cambarus hubrichti Cambarus hubbsi Fallicambarus fodiens Faxonella clypeata Orconectes luteus Orconectes palmeri Orconectes virilis Orconectes ozarkae Orconectes punctimanus Procambarus clarkii Procambarus viaeviridus Procambarus acutus UC SV CR MC PC CR LC LB R SC R BC R R X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X UCR= Upper Current River SV= Spring Valley CRSC= Current River-Sinking Creek MCR= Middle Current River PC= Pike Creek CRBC= Current River-Buffalo Creek LCR= Lower Current River LBR= Little Black River BC23 X Table Bc07. Benthic invertebrate taxa of the Current River Watershed (MDC 1998d and Trial, personal communication). Order Amphipoda Amphipoda Amphipoda Amphipoda Amphipoda Amphipoda Amphipoda Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera coleopteran Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Family Crangonyctidae Crangonycitdae Gammaridae Gammaridae Gammaridae Gammaridae Talitridae Curculionidae Dryopidae Dryopidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Dytiscidae Elmidae Elmidae Elmidae Elmidae Elmidae Elmidae Grynidae Gyrinidae Haliplidae Haliplidae Haliplidae Haliplidae Heteroceridae Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidae Species Crangonyx Minor (Bousefield) Crangonyx Sp. Gammarus Fasciatus (Say) Gammarus Pseudolimnaeus (Bousfield) Gammarus Sp. Hyalella Azteca (Sassure) Stenopelmus Rufinosus (Gyllenhal) Helichus Lithophilus (Germar) Helichus Sp. Coptotomus Interrogatus (Fabricius) Cybister Sp. Deronectes/oreodytes Graphoderus Liberus (Say) Hydaticus Piceus (Leconte) Hydroporus Niger (Say) Hydroporus Undulatus (Say) Illyius Biguttulus (Germar) Laccophilus Fasciatus ( Aube ) Rhantus Tostus (Lenconte) Uvarus Lacustris (Say) Dubiraphia Bivittata (Leconte) Dubiraphia Sp. Macronychus Glabratus (Say) Optioservus Sandersoni (Collier) Stenelmis Beameri (Sanderson) Stenelmis Sp. Dineutus Sp. Gyretes Sp. Peltodytes Edentulus (Leconte) Peltodytes Lengi (Roberts) Peltodytes Sp. Peltodytes Tortulosus (Roberts) Berosus Sp. BC24 Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidaeq Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidae Hydrophilidae Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Coleoptera Decapoda Decapoda Decapoda Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Hydrophilidae Limnicidae Psephinidae Psephinidae Staphylinidae Unkown Cambaridae Cambaridae Cambaridae Athericidae Ceratopogonidae Ceratopogonidae Ceratopogonidae Ceratopogonidae Chaoboridae Chaoboridae Chironomidae Culicidae Dixidae Empididae Ephydridae Musicidae Psychodidae Simuliidae Stratiomyidae Stratiomyidae Stratiomyidae Stratiomyidae Tabanidae Tabanidae Tabanidae Tanyderidae Chaeterthria Sp. Cymbiodyta Sp. Helochares Sp. Hydrobius Sp. Hydrochus Sp. Hydrophilus Sp. Laccobius Sp. Tropisternus Batchleyi Blatchleyi (D’orchymont) Tropisternus Lateralis Nimbatus (Say) Lutrochus Laticeps (Casey) Ectopria Nervosa (Milsheimer) Psephenus Herricki (Dekay) Unidentified Coleoptera Orconectes Luteus (Creaser) Orconectes Marchandi ( Hobbs ) Orconectes Sp. Atherix Lantha (Webb) Atrichopogon Sp. Bezzia/probezzia… Forcipomyia Sp. Chaoborus Sp. Aedes Sp. Pericoma Sp. Euparyphus sp. Nemotelus Sp. OxyceraSp. Chrysops Sp. Silvius Sp. Protoplasa fitchii (Osten-sacken) BC25 Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Tipulidae Tipulidae Tipulidae Tipulidae Tipulidae Tipulidae Baetidae Baetidae Baetidae Baetidae Baetidae Baetidae Baetiscidae Caenidae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Ephemerellidae Ephimeridae Ephimeridae Ephimeridae Ephimeridae Heptageniidae Heptageniidae Heptageniidae Hepttageniidae Heptageniidae Heptageniidae Heptageniidae Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Heptageniidae Heptageniidae Antocha Sp. Erioptera Sp. Hexatoma Sp. Limonia Sp. Tipula Sp. Tipulidae Accentrella Sp. Baetis Brunneicolor (Mcdunnough) Baetis Sp. Baetis Tricaudatus (Dodds) Callibaetis Sp. Baetisca Lacustris (Mcdunnough) Caenis Sp. Ephemerella (Invaria Grp.) Ephemerella Aurivillii (Bengtsson) Ephemerella Dorothea ( Needham ) Ephemerella Invaria ( Walker ) Ephemerella Sp. Ephemerella Subvaria (Mcdunnough Eurylophella (Bicolor Grp.) Eurylophella Lutulenta (Clemens) Eurylophella sp. Serratella (Serrata Grp.) Serratella Deficiens (Morgan) Serratella Sp. Ephemera Guttulata (Pictet) Ephemera Sp. Hexagenia Limbata (Serville) Hexagenia Sp. Heptagenia Sp. Rhithrogena Pellucida (Daggy) Stenacron Gildersleevei (Traver) Stenacron Sp. Stenonema Bednariki (Mccafferty Stenonema Femoratum (Say) Stenonema Mediopunctatum (Mcdunnnough) Stenonema Pulchellum (Walsh) Stenonema Terminatum (Walsh) BC26 Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeroptera Ephemeropter Ephemeroptera Gordiida Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hemiptera Hirudinea2 Hirudinea2 Hydracarina Isopoda Isopoda Lepidoptera Lymnophila Lymnophila Lymnophila Lymnophila Heptageniidae Isonychiidae Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebiidae Leptophlebiidae Potamanthidae Tricorythidae Stenonema Vicarium ( Walker ) Isonychia Sp. Belostomatidae Corixidae Corixidae Corixidae Corixidae Corixidae Gerridae Gerridae Gerridae Gerridae Gerridae Hebridae Notonectidae Notonectidae Pleidae Salidae Veliidae Veliidae Veliidae Belostoma Sp. Branchiobdellidae1 Acari Asellidae Asellidae Pyralidae Ancylidae Ancylidae Lymnaeidae Lymnaeidae Choroterpes Basalis (Banks) Choroterpes Sp. Leptophlebia Cupida (Say) Leptophlebia Sp. Paraleptophlebia Moerens (Mcdunnough) Anthopotamus sp. Tricorythodes Sp. Hesperocorixa Nitida (Fieber) Hesperocorixa Sp. Sigara Mathesoni (HungerFord) Gerris Canaliculatus (Say) Gerris Canaliculatus (Say) Gerris Remigis (Say) Gerris Sp. Metrobates Hesperius (Uhler) Rheumatobates Sp. Hebrus Sp. Buenoa Sp. Notonecta Undulata (Say) Neoplea Striola (Fieber) Microvelia Americana (Uhler) Rhagovelia Sp. Caecidotea Sp. Lirceus Sp. Petrophila Sp. Ferrissia Fragilis (Tryon) Ferrissia Sp. Lymnaea (Stagnicola) Sp. BC27 Lymnophila Lymnophila Lymnophila Megagastropoda Megagastropoda Megagastropoda Megagastropoda Megaloptera Megaloptera Megaloptera Megaloptera Nemata3 Neuroptera Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Odonata Oligocheata Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Physidae Physidae Planorbidae Pleuroceridae Pleuroceridae Pleuroceridae Viviparidae Corydalidae Corydalidae Corydalidae Sialidae Sisyridae Aeshnidae Aeshnidae Aeshinidae Aeshinidae Calopterygidae Calopterygidae Coenagrionidae Coenagrionidae Gomphidae Gomphidae Gomphidae Lestidae Libellulidae Libellulidae Libellulidae Libellulidae Libellulidae Libellulidae Macromiidae Petaluridae Capniidae Capniidae Capniidae Chloroperlidae Leuctridae Leuctridae Physa (Physella) Sp. Elimia Potosiensis Plebeius (Gould) Elimia Potosiensis Potosiensis (Lea) Elimia Sp. Chauliodes Sp. Corydalus Cornutus (Linnaeus) Nigronia Serricornus (Say) Sialis Sp. Sisyra Sp. Anax Junius (Drury) Basiaeschna Janata (Say) Boyeria Vinosa (Say) Calopteryx Sp. Hetaerina Americana (Fabricius) Argia Moesta (Gagen) Ophigomphus westfalli (Cook & Daigle) Erpetogomphus Designatus ( Hagen ) Stylogomphus Albistylus ( Hagen ) Lestes Dryas (Kirby) Erythemis Simplicicollis (Say) Erythrodiplax Sp. Libellula Lydia (Drury) Pachydiplax Longipennis (Burmeister) Tramea Carolina (Linnaeus) Didymops Sp. Tachopteryx thoreyi ( Hagen ) Allocapnia pygmaea Paracapnia Sp. Haploperla Brevis (Banks) Leuctra Sp. BC28 Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Nemouridae Nemouridae Perlidae Perlidae Perlidae Perlidae Perlidae Perlidae Perlidae Perlidae Perlidae Perlidae Perlodidae Perlodidae Perlodidae Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Plecoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Perlodidae Perlodidae Perlodidae Perlodidae Pteronarcyidae Pteronarcyidae Taeniopterygidae Taeniopterygidae Taeniopterygidae Unknown Brachycentridae Brachycentridae Brachycentridae Glossosomatidae Glossosomatidae Glossosomatidae Glossosomatidae Glossosomatidae Helicopsychidae Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Nemoura Sp. Acroneruia Internata ( Walker ) Acroneruia Sp. Agnetia Capitata (Pictet) Neoperla Sp. Paragnetina Media (Walker) Paragnetina Sp. Perlesta Sp. Perlinella Drymo (Newman) Perlinella Sp. Clioperla Clio (Newman) Hydroperla Crosbyi (Needham & Classen) Hydorperla Sp. Hydroperla Sp. Isoperla Bilineata (Say) Isoperla Mohri (Frison) Pteronarcys Pictetii ( Hagen ) Pteronarcys Sp. Strophopteryx Fasciata (Brumeister) Strophopteryx Sp. Taeniopteryx Metequi (Ricker & Ross) Unidentified Plecoptera Brachycentrus Americanus (Banks) Brachycentrus Sp. Micrasema Rusticum ( Hagen ) Agapetus Sp. Glossosoma Intermedium (Klapalek) Glossosoma Sp. Protoptila Lega (ross) Helocopsyche Borealis ( Hagen ) Ceratopsyche (Morosa Grp.) Ceratopsyche Morosa ( Hagen ) Ceratopsyche Piatrix (Ross) Ceratopsyche Slossonae (Banks) Cheumatopsyche Sp. BC29 Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Trichoptera Tricladida Tricladida Unionoida Unionoida Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Hydropsychidae Hydroptilidae Hydroptilidae Hydroptilidae Hydroptilidae Hydroptilidae Hydroptilidae Lepidostomatidae Lepidostomatidae Leptoceridae Leptoceridae Leptoceridae Leptoceridae Limnephilidae Limnephilidae Limnephilidae Limnephilidae Limnephilidae Limnephilidae Philopotamidae Philopotamidae Philopotamidae Philopotamidae Phryganeidae Polycentropodidae Polycentropodidae Polycentropodidae Polycentropodidae Psychomyiidae Rhyacophilidae Rhyacophilidae Planariidae Planariidae Unionidae Unionidae Hydropsyche Betteni (Ross) Hydropsyche Cuanis (Ross) Hydropsyche piatrix Hydropsyche Simulans/incommada Macrostemum Carolina (Banks) Potamyia Flava ( Hagen ) Agraylea Multipunctata (Curtis) Agraylea Sp. Hydroptila Sp. Ochrotrichia Sp. Oxyethira Sp. Lepidostoma Sp. Oecetis Inconspicua ( Walker ) Oecitis Sp. Setodes Sp. Limnephilus Sp. Neophylax Fuscus (Banks) Pseudostenophylax Uniformis (Betten) Pycnopsyche (Lepida Gp) Pycnopsyche Sp. Chimarra Aterrima ( Hagen ) Chimarra Obscura ( Walker ) Chimarra Sp. Wormaldia Moesta (Banks) Neureclipsis Sp. Paranyctiophylax Sp. Phylocentropus Sp. Psychomyia Flavida ( Hagen ) Rhyacophila Sp. Dugesia Sp. Amblema Plicata Plicata (Say) Elliptio Dilata (Rafinesque) BC30 Unionoida Unionoida Unionoida Unionoida Veneroida Veneroida Veneroida Unionidae Unionidae Unionidae Unionidae Corbiculidae Corbiculidae Sphaeriidae Fusconaia Ozarkensis (Call) Lampsilis Reeviana Brevicula (call) Lampsilis Teres Teres (Rafinesque) Ptychobranchus Occidentalis (Conrad) Corbicula Fluminea (Muller) Corbicula Sp. 1 Subclass, 2 Class, 3 Phylum BC31 Table Bc08 (1 of 10). Species of conservation concern within the Current River Watershed (MDC Ozark Regional Fish Community Collection and Sport Fish Sample Files; Pflieger 1997; Wu et al. 1997; MDC 1998a; MDC 1998b; MDC 1998c; MDC 1998d; MoRAP 2000a; MoRAP 2000b; MoRAP 2000c; MNHP 2001a; MNHP 2001b). Year=Last year observed in watershed. E=Endangered F=Federal Status M= Missouri Status T=Threatened * =Former category-2 candidate (In December of 1996, the USFWS discontinued the practice of maintaining a list of species regarded as “category-2 candidates”. MDC continues to distinguish these species for information and planning purposes. SRrank S1=Critically imperiled in the state because of extreme rarity or because of some factor(s) making it especially vulnerable to extirpation from the state. (typically 5 or fewer occurrences or very few remaining individuals) S2=Imperiled in the state because of rarity or because of some factor(s) making it very vulnerable to extirpation from the state. (6 to 20 occurrences or few remaining individuals or acres) S3=Rare and uncommon in the state. (21 to 100 occurrences) S4=Widespread, abundant, and apparently secure in state, with many occurrences, but the species is of long-term concern. (usually more than 100 occurrences) S5=Demonstrably widespread, abundant, and secure in the state, and essentially ineradicable under present conditions. SU=Unrankable: Possibly in peril in the state, but status uncertain; need more information. SE=Exotic: An exotic established in the state; may be native in nearby regions. SH=Historical: Element occurred historically in the state (with expectation that it may be rediscovered). Perhaps having not been verified in the past 20 years, and suspected to be still extant. SX=Extirpated: Element is believed to be extirpated from the state. S?=Unranked: Species is not yet ranked in the state. Qualifier: ? =Inexact or uncertain: for numeric ranks, denotes inexactness. (The ? qualifies the character immediately preceding it in Srank) GRank G1=Critically imperiled globally because of extreme rarity or because of some factor(s) making it especially vulnerable to extinction. (typically 5 or fewer occurrences or very few remaining individuals or acres) G2=Imperiled globally because of rarity or because of some factor(s) making it very vulnerable to extinction throughout its range. (6 to 20 occurrences or few remaining individuals or acres) BC32 G3=Either very rare and local throughout its range or found locally (even abundantly at some of its locations) in a restricted range (e.g., a single western state, a physiographic region in the East) or because of other factors making it vulnerable to extinction throughout its range. (21 to 100 occurrences) G4=Widespread, abundant, and apparently secure globally, though it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery. Thus, the element is of long-term concern. (usually more than 100 occurrences) G5=Demonstrably Widespread, abundant, and secure globally, though it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery. Subrank: T=Taxonomic subdivision: rank applies to subspecies or variety. Qualifier: ? =Inexact: denotes inexact numeric rank. Q=Questionable taxonomy: taxonomic status is questionable; numeric rank may change with taxonomy. Common Name Amphibians Four-toed Salamander Mole Salamander Ozark Hellbender Ringed Salamander Birds Cooper's Hawk Osprey Pied-billed Grebe Red-cockaded Woodpecker Red-shouldered Hawk Sharp-shinned Hawk Swainson's Warbler Fish Alligator Gar American Brook Lamprey Blue Sucker Checkered Madtom Flier Harlequin Darter Highfin Carpsucker Lake Chubsucker Mississippi Silvery Minnow Mooneye Ozark Shiner Pallid Shiner Pugnose Minnow Scientific Name S RANK G RANK M F Year Hemidactylium scutatum Ambystoma talpoideum Cryptobranchus alleganiensis bishopi Ambystoma annulatum S4 S2 S1 G5 G5 G4T3 1997 2000 1992 S3 G4 1984 Accipiter cooperii Pandion haliaetus Podilymbus podiceps Picoides borealis Buteo lineatus Accipiter striatus Limnothlypis swainsonii S3 SX S2 SX S3 S2 S1 G5 G5 G5 G3 G5 G5 G4 1990 1986 1989 1946 1986 1986 2000 Lepisosteus spatula Lampetra appendix Cycleptus elongatus Noturus flavater Centrarchus macropterus Etheostoma histrio Carpiodes velifer Erimyzon sucetta Hybognathus nuchalis Hiodon tergisus Notropis ozarcanus Notropis amnis Opsopoeodus emiliae SX S2 S3 S3S4 S3 S2 S2 S2 S3S4 S3 S2 SX S4 G3G4 G4 G3G4 G3G4 G5 G5 G4G5 G5 G5 G5 G3 G4 G5 E E E 1978 1962 1959 1994 1966 1998 1966 1930 1998 1992 1941 1978 BC33 Southern Cavefish Stargazing Darter Starhead Topminnow Taillight Shiner Mammals Golden Mouse Gray Bat Indiana Bat Northern Myotis Plains Spotted Skunk Swamp Rabbit Reptiles Alligator Snapping Turtle Eastern Collared Lizard Western Mud Snake Crayfish Cajun Dwarf Crayfish Digger Crayfish Salem Cave Crayfish Shield Crayfish Vernal crayfish Insects A Net-spinning Caddisfly A Leaf Beetle A Winter Stonefly Comet Darner Gray Petaltail Hoosier Grasshopper Westfall's Snaketail Mussels Bankclimber Black Sandshell Curtis Pearlymussel Ebonyshell Elephantear Ouachita Kidneyshell Pink Mucket Purple Lilliput Snuffbox Western Fanshell Snails Rough Hornsnail Non-vascular bryophytes A Liverwort Typhlichthys subterraneus Percina uranidea Fundulus dispar Notropis maculatus S2S3 S2 S2 S1 G4 G3 G4 G5 Ochrotomys nuttalli Myotis grisescens Myotis sodalis Myotis septentrionalis Spilogale putorius interrupta Sylvilagus aquaticus S3? S3 S1 S3 S1 S2? G5 G3 G2 G4 G5T4 G5 Macroclemys temminckii Crotaphytus collaris collaris Farancia abacura reinwardtii S2 S4 S2 G3G4 G5 G5T5 1993 1982 1985 Cambarellus puer Fallicambarus fodiens Cambarus hubrichti Faxonella clypeata Procambarus viaeviridis S3? S2S3 S3 S2S3 S3? G4G5 G5 G2 G5 G5 1987 1988 1993 1988 1988 Hydropsyche piatrix Xenochalepus potomaca Allocapnia pygmaea Anax longipipes Tachopteryx thoreyi Paroxya hoosieri Ophiogomphus westfalli S4 SU S3 S3 S3 S1 S3 G? G? G5 G5 G4 G5 G3 1988 1994 1987 ? 2000 2000 2000 Plectomerus dombeyanus Ligumia recta Epioblasma florentina curtisii Fusconaia ebena Elliptio crassidens Ptychobranchus occidentalis Lampsilis abrupta Toxolasma lividus Epioblasma triquetra Cyprogenia aberti S3 S1S2 S1 S1? S1 S2S3 S2 S2 S1 S1S2 G4 G5 G1T1 G4G5 G5 G3G4 G2 G2 G3 G2 1979 1998 1993 1979 1980 1998 1979 1998 1984 1998 Pleurocera alveare S1S3 G3G4 SU G5 Aneura pinguis 1993 1994 1963 1978 E E E E E E E E E E E E E 1989 2000 2001 1999 1982 2001 1990 BC34 A Liverwort A Liverwort A Liverwort A Liverwort A Moss A Moss A Moss A Moss A Moss A Moss A Moss A Moss A Moss A Moss A Moss Plants-dicotyledon A Bluet A Corydalis A False Dragonhead A False Loosestrife A Thoroughwort A Thoroughwort A Water Willow Barren Strawberry Black Snakeroot Blunt Mountain Mint Carolina Phlox Carolina Phlox Coontail Corkwood Elliott Sida False Bugbane Featherfoil Finger Dog-shade Fleabane Forked Aster Juniper-leaf Large-leaved Phlox Marsh Bellflower Marsh St John's Wort Marsh Blue Violet Metzgeria furcata Nowellia curvifolia Riccia stenophylla Riccardia multifida Barbula convoluta var. convoluta Bryum cyclophyllum Calliergonella cuspidata Dichelyma capillaceum Forsstroemia producta Grimmia olneyi Hypnum cupressiforme var. Filiforme Leskea australis Leskea polycarpa var. polycarpa Mnium thomsonii Myurella sibirica S? S? SU S1 S? S? S? S1 S1 S? S1 G5 G5 G3G5 G5 G5T? G4G5 G5 G5 G5? G3G5 G5T? 1990 1990 1999 1990 1959 1962 1986 1992 1962 1973 1985 S1 S? S? S? G4 G4G5T? G5 G4? 1992 1992 1961 1961 Hedyotis boscii Corydalis micrantha ssp. australis Physostegia intermedia Ludwigia microcarpa Eupatorium semiserratum Eupatorium rotundifolium var. Scabridum Justicia ovata Waldsteinia fragarioides ssp. fragarioides Sanicula smallii Pycnanthemum muticum Phlox carolina ssp. angusta Phlox carolina ssp. carolina Ceratophyllum echinatum Leitneria floridana Sida elliottii Trautvetteria caroliniensis Hottonia inflata Cynosciadium digitatum Conyza canadensis var. Pusilla Aster furcatus Polypremum procumbens Phlox amplifolia Campanula aparinoides Triadenum tubulosum Viola cucullata S1 S2 S1 S2 S1S2 S1? G5 G5T5? G5 G5 G5 G5T? 1949 1993 1937 1992 1955 1993 S2 S2 G5 G5T5 1994 1988 SH S2 SH S1 S1? S2 S1 S2 S2 S2 S1S2 S2 S2 S3? S1 S1 S3 G5 G5 G5?T? G5?T3T5Q G4? G3 G4G5 G5 G4 G4G5 G5T5 G3 G5 G3G5 G5 G4? G4G5 1900 1994 1897 1987 1986 2000 1935 1988 1996 1995 1946 1990 1994 1996 1949 1995 1995 BC35 Miterwort Nuttall's Oak Ovate Fiddleleaf Parsley Haw Pinnate Dogshade Pondberry Purple False Foxglove Running Buffalo Clover Slender Bladderwort Small Sundrops Southern Monkshood Strawberry Bush Sullivantia Tall Larkspur Tradescant Aster Water Oak Water Hyssop Wild Sweet William Wood Anemone Yellow False Mallow A Brome A Brome A Bulrush A Panic Grass A Sedge A Sedge Plants-monocotyledon A Sedge A Sedge An Umbrella Sedge Bristly Sedge Broad Waterweed Broadwing Sedge Cherokee Sedge Columbia Water-meal Cranefly Orchid Dotted Water-meal Eastern Blue-eyed Grass Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid Epiphytic Sedge Floating Foxtail Grass Gaping Panic Grass Green Adder's Mouth Mitreola petiolata Quercus texana Hydrolea ovata Crataegus marshallii Limnosciadium pinnatum Lindera melissifolium Agalinis purpurea Trifolium stoloniferum Utricularia subulata Oenothera perennis Aconitum uncinatum Euonymus americanus Sullivantia sullivantii Delphinium exaltatum Aster dumosus var. Strictior Quercus nigra Mecardonia acuminata Phlox maculata ssp. pyramidalis Anemone quinquefolia Malvastrum hispidum Bromus nottowayanus Bromus latiglumis Scirpus divaricatus Panicum leibergii Carex vesicaria var. Monile Carex abscondita S1 S2 S2 S1 S1 S1 S2 S1 S1 S1 S1 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S1 S2 S1 S3 S2S3 S2S3 SH SU S2? S1 G5 G4G5 G5 G5 G5? G2 G5 G3 G5 G5 G4 G5 G4 G3 G5T4 G5 G5 G5T4T5 G5 G3G5 G3G4 G5 G5 G5 G5T4 G4G5 Carex atlantica ssp. atlantica Carex sterilis Cyperus flavicomus Carex comosa Elodea canadensis Carex alata Carex cherokeensis Wolffia columbiana Tipularia discolor Wolffia punctata Sisyrinchium atlanticum Platanthera leucophaea S1 S1 S1 S2 SU S2S3 S2 SU S1 SU S2 SH G5T4 G4 G5 G5 G5 G5 G4G5 G5 G4G5 G5 G5 G2 S3 S2 S3 S3 G3 G5 G5 G5 Carex decomposita Alopecurus aequalis Panicum hians Malaxis unifolia E E E E E T 1987 1993 1995 1993 1951 2000 1993 1997 1995 1951 2000 1994 1965 1998 1969 1994 1995 2001 1988 1934 2000 2000 1935 1993 1996 1989 1981 1982 1994 1990 1990 1996 1999 1936 1998 1936 1999 1951 1996 1980 1997 1996 BC36 Green Wood Orchid Hairy-fruited Sedge Interior Wild Rice Lance-like Spike Rush Loesel's Twayblade Northern Rein Orchid Oferhollow Reed Grass Pale Manna Grass Plukenet's Cyperus Prairie Iris Sharp-scale Sedge Sharp-scaled Manna Grass Showy Lady-slipper Slender Spike Grass Snake-mouth Orchid Spotted Pondweed Spreading Sedge Star Duckweed Straw Sedge Tussock Sedge Umbrella Sedge Water Canna Weak Rush White-edge Sedge Wild Leek Yellow-eyed Grass Yellow-fringed Orchid Ferns and Fern Allies Few-lobed Grape Fern Goldie's Fern Log Fern Engelmann's Quillwort Missouri Cliffbrake Netted Chain Fern Platanthera clavellata Carex trichocarpa Zizania palustris var. Interior Eleocharis lanceolata Liparis loeselii Platanthera flava var. herbiola Calamagrostis porteri ssp. insperata Torreyochloa pallida Cyperus plukenetii Nemastylis geminiflora Carex oxylepis Glyceria acutiflora Cypripedium reginae Chasmanthium laxum ssp. laxum Pogonia ophioglossoides Potamogeton pulcher Carex laxiculmis Lemna trisulca Carex straminea Carex stricta Cyperus retroflexus Thalia dealbata Juncus debilis Carex debilis var. debilis Allium burdickii Xyris torta Platanthera ciliaris S2 S1 SH S1 S2 S2 S3 S1 S1 S2 S2 S3 S2S3 S1 S1 S2S3 S2 S2 S1 S2? S1 S2 S1 S1 S2 S1 S1 G5 G4 G4G5T4T5 G4G5 G5 G4T4Q G4T3 G5? G5 G4 G5? G5 G4 G5T? G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G5 G4 G5 G5T5 G4G5 G5 G5 1995 1986 1954 1975 1987 1986 1990 1988 1899 1994 1995 1996 1993 1997 1991 1997 1993 1987 1996 1994 1997 1997 1986 1951 1944 1987 1951 Botrychium biternatum Dryopteris goldiana Dryopteris celsa Isoetes engelmannii var. engelmannii Pellaea glabella var. missouriensis Woodwardia areolata S1 S2 S1 S1? G5 G4 G4 G4T? 1986 1990 1987 1996 S1S2 S2 G5T1T2 G5 1920 1999 Note: Data in table subject to revision. This table is not a final authority. BC37
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