BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 MAILING ONLINE SERVICE ii,,.;>,7;‘,~I ,~,i? L;c .,,, +,:_~ ‘3 C?‘I-i ’ Ii .’ 3 ,,, ‘~ i,‘,‘/.’ Docket No. MC98-1 1I II NOTICE OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OF FILING OF WEEKLY DATA REPORTS (December 3,1998) The United States Postal Service hereby provides the first three Mailing Online weekly data reports for the market test, covering Accounting Period (A/P) 2 Week 3, A/P 2 Week 4, and A/P 3 Week 1. The reports are attached. The following notes apply to these reports. 1. The notation “n/a” is found where data items are not yet available. revision of the software, to be implemented collection and tabulation. 2. The transaction later this month, is expected to permit their We will report them as they become available. statistics exclude information on “orphaned the A/P 3 Week 1 report, two users report a total of one transaction. an orphaned An interim jobs.” Thus, in The difference is job, which was canceled either because of a payment or a processing problem. 3. User information provided. cannot be aggregated A user who conducts two transactions beyond the period for which it is on a given day is counted as one user for that day, and a user who conducts one transaction next day is counted as one user for that week. on one day and another on the User numbers by day therefore do not -2sum to the weekly user numbers. Similarly, the weekly user numbers cannot be summed to get the total users for the market test. Respectfully submitted, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking Scott L. Reiter 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, DC. 20260-I 137 (202) 268-2999; Fax -5402 December 3, 1998 I MOL Weekly Postal Rate Commission Report AP 2 Week 3 Index to Tables - Table 1 MOL Revenue by Day AP 2 Week 3 (October users Total ReYe”“* I 24 - October 24.oc, I 31 1998) 25.act I x-cm 27.oct I 2*-c%, I 29JJct 1 WOCt 01 L / t c L L t .. - - ----~~-. .,.”,_ __l_^;..-.-_l_x^. ;__--.l ,,,._“.^ -..- - -.-. l-~~^_..l .-.- .,.-1,-,.~ Tab,* 5 MOL Transactions by Week AP 2 Week 3 . ., ._ - - - - ., - - - - - - ._ - . .. . Postal Rate Commission Mailing 0dine Weelay Report AP 2 Week 4: October 31- November 06 1998 MOL Weekly Postal Rate Commission AP 2 Week 4 Index Table 1 Report to Tables 2 3 MDL Revenue by Day: AP 2 Week 4 MOL Transactions by Day: AP 2 Week 4 MDL Volume by “y: AP 2 Week 4 4 5 6 MDL Revenue by Week: AP 2 Week 3 to AP 2 Week 4 MDL Transactions by Week: AP 2 Week 3 to AP 2 Week 4 MOL “o,ume by Week: AP 2 Week 3 to AP 2 Week 4 “--1 _.,,..**~. - - - . _ Table 1 MOL Revenue by Day AP 2 Week 4 (October 31 - November 6 1998~) 3-NO” 44c.Y l-NO” 240” Users I Total I 21 01 01 11 01 5.NO” 31 B-NO” II MOL Transactions by Day AP 2 Week 4 (October 31 - November 6 1998) MOL Volume by Day AP 2 Week 4 (October I 41 31 - November I 01 I 01 6 1998) I 11 - - TotalPieces I I 01 1.8901 I 51 1,900 /4Nawimou~ff6 8 - - . -. - __ .” _.~.._- Table 4 MOL Revenue by Week AP 2 Week 4 Users TOtal AP 2 Week 1 I AP z week 21 AP 2 Week 31 AP 2 Week 41 AP 3 Week ‘I I AP 3 Week 21 AP 3 Week 3i I I 0: 71 I I AP 3 week 41 I - .I,“.., I .,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,;~~-“.II.X.XI Table 5 MOL Transactions AP 2 Week 4 by Week Table 6 MOL Volume by Week AP 2 Week 4 _ --- -_-- -_--_ --.. _ --- --- - .- MOL Weekly Postal Rate Commission AP 3 Week 1 Index to Tables Report Table 1 MOL Revenue by Day AP 3 Week 1 (November 7 - November 13 1998) 9.NO”l 10.NO” 11.NO” T-ND” 8.NO” “rem I Total Revenue Prrnting Simplex Duplex Total 21 I I 01 11 ,.NO”l 8.NOYI 9.NC.V I $1.06~ I 50.001 I 50.00 1 50.00 1 51.06 $O.OO/ 50.00’ $3.371 53.3, 21 21 Il.NW I&NO” 12-NO” lZ.NO”l I I 51.06~ 50.00 1 5ws 530.98~ $0.001 53o.m 13.NO”l 21 41 Total ISNO” I 53.68 i 50.00~ 53.68 53.21I 511.05~ 514.26 539.99 514.42 554.41 Table 2 MOL Transactions by Day AP 3 Week 1 (November 7 - November 13 1998) 74O”I *-NO” O-No” IO-NO” II-NO”l Users I Total 21 01 11 21 21 Transactlo”* I Printing SirnDkX I ,-NO” I 21 &NO”l 0 I ,*-No” 2: %NO” IO-NO” Il.NO”1 WNO”l I 01 I 11 31 I 21 13.NOVI 41 13.NO”1 Total I 31 11 MOL Volume by Day AP 3 Week 1 (November 7 - November 13 1998) Table 4 MOL Revenue by Week AP 2 Week 3 to AP 3 Week 1 “*err Total 1 AP2Week11 PIP2 Week21 AP2Week31 AP2Week41 AP3Week11 AP3Week21 AP3Week31 AP3Week41 71 91 I I I oi I I I Table 5 MOL Transactions by Week AP 2 Week 3 to AP 3 Week . 1 _^ - - -- -. ..- - ,^,“.._“.._ ,.., .,”,,,,,.,. -___ -,,,,..,.., ,..^, .,.--.,- - - Table 6 MOL Volume by Week AP 2 Week 3 to AP 3 Week 1 8.5X11 Faxed CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with section 12 of the Rules of Practice. Scott L. Reiter 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, DC. 20260-I 137 December 3.1998 upon all
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