c ORIGINAL J BEFORETHE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, DC. 20266-0001 MAILINGONLINESERVICE III i, _ i,. .k J ’ v !_~ ; Docket No. MC96-1 NOTICE OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OF FILING REVISED ACCOUNTING PERIOD REPORTS (April 5, 1999) The United States Postal Service hereby gives notice of filing revised AP reports for each of Accounting Periods 2 through 6. These reports update previously filed reports in light of information requested at or adduced by the Technical Conference held on March 25, 1999. Also filed herewith is a separate tabular document that identifies and describes the changes from the AP reports filed on March 19, 1999. Filed under separate cover today is a Reporf of fhe Unifed Sfafes Posfal Service on Technical Conference Concerning Accounting Period Reports, which describes the background furnished by Commission Order No. 1234, how the AP reports are compiled, what data are presented, how the costs should be -2interpreted, the data sources, and descriptions of the respective tables that comprise each report. Respectfully submitted, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking IL*d 2 kk Kenneth N. Hollies CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document upon all participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with section 12 of the Rules of Practice. lLd*i? 4/L Kenneth N. Hollies 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, DC. 20260-l 137 (202) 268-3083; Fax -5402 April 5, 1999 asm?q) PE! 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I --_ -- - ___ -- REVISED WI99 REVISED Advertising and Marketing Costs AP 5 (January 02 to January 29 1999) Total Advoftbhg WI M~I~K~~II(JCosts Wssr Bogkmkg 11486 cmwl YoLJpclk Calr NOM ToblMOLspdkc#b Weokbe#nnnkbg WechBeglming 1111m9 Ulm9 SO.00 S0.W SO.00 90.w to.00 W.0.w S0.W 50.00. SO.00 6o.w~ 6o.M SO.00 6om 8o.w WdIBwhnhg lR5189 TOM so.00 S0.W s0.w s0.w shared cab -@ok mdbcook* wI094~CWb” Rcdudbncab'" cuaimwmt4mm $182.701.99 $l20,674.12i somoo 1195,321.w $159,282.56 S.361.022.rlo $2a9,sE8.s2 So.00 60.00 MOO W.00 S293.376.12 SO.00 s367.Bo3.50 $9.00 sB60,978.62 90.00, S0.M TOW Shmed Cc& s0.m Nan-Ma, cab Nom TOW NonWOL Cab SO.00 9uw S0.W saw TOW S0.W VJm MukdbslbD* 1 I $293.37s75.12 $0.00 3o.m M.00 )o.oo SJ67,602.60 1 $6X4976.62 SW77J26.15 415199 - REVISED4l6139 REVISED TSbh 4 Communications Costs AP S (January .02 to January 29 1999) Tow ccmmllnioslionocost0 Cs(sgorY NoL6pdllccab [email protected] cod* Nma mw@JWb CC& so.00 w,200.00 s6mJ.w 11 Ufleblt!aPM~le ToblMoLapecsc~r uudco8b .sel4pca* Nom (0.00 mMilw* PcK~Lii lhe IO hllwml seruh Pmvldw $44.66 97.om.w s7,fJM.m l TddShrrdCWb Non.Mol coti --wNom So.00 onghfJ colls NOM ToWNm-MOLcoOb w.00 so.00 I I pa -.---------.------_ ----.-. ----~-~~~--- 415199 Tat40 s Print Site Costs AP 5 (January 02 lo January 29 1999) auadily ’ TOW 5,887 0 6,762 4.4sg 0 0 434 542.14 S0.W SlaY.% %7.71 w.w s0.w $42.04 8,387 0 Sl?h.% so.04 20 16,754 4397 0 SO.24 $16734 $114.20 w.w 0 lo.00 $71agl , PostOffice Online Postal Rate Commission Mailing Online AP Report (AP 6: January 30 to February 26 1999) REVISED 415199 ^^.__. I REVISED MOL AP 6 Report AP 6 (January 30 to February 26 1999) Index to Tables 4/9/99 Advertising and Marketing Costs AP 6 (January 30 to February 26 1999) Total Advortlslng aqd Harksting CoocI / wwlc Eaghn*g 2/V% C-WY MoLgpclnc co* Nww wm ToWMMsprclcCOSb w.ooi ahandcab Week beginricg Week Beginning 24(11(r) ZlYgg w.w S0.W Weak BeginrUng 2tz!m9 SO.W/ W.W( w.w w.w I SO.00 SO.00 I SZ@S.%&W I a232.wt.22 wm Nom TOId I W.W SRW w.w so.wI wml TOW Stumd Coslr I w.157.w: $3.338.72’ SO.00 So.00 wm SO.001 s7.4wn SO.00 I $O.Wl SO.Wl s2e4.115.w s236,21%95 8O.M 9a.w WM,3Y.% 1 NOflYOL CODb NM TOM-CC& Sg.o.00 W.W W.Wl S0.W; wml $0901 S0.W w.w 10.00 w.w I TOW s622$%Jo.22 Nwhd be1 to OL ,,I., ,,. ,. ,, ,,.., W.W $7,4g5.72 w.00 i ,“, ,,. ,, ,, ,“,, ,. $530334.83 s4,u)7.46O.W Tablr 2 Help Desk Costs AP 6 (January 30 to February 26 1999) Told $0.00 SO.00 s0.W w.w $117,024.03 037356sis )u,634.w s1.661.w $1.724.2l 821S.200.05 ’ REVWEDU6l88 ro.m 1o.m rm )o.m s0.w ,,,’ ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, REVISED 416199 Table4 Communications Costs AP 6 (Jymy 30 to February 28 1999) Told CommunkrUom Coob CON c*9ofY Mowpocl8c coltr sol-upc&a Now 80.00 Whl-Catb T1UMlOlhOPdnl8l@ TC4dwKKWdikCCdS 86.ZO0.W r.2w.w SbamdCca ad-48 Cc& New (0.w -l?Jb QMJ PoLPm)nurdLha LhebInlamal8ewiaPrwidu~ TCWShSdco*r NOIdoL $88.07 s7.ano.00 s7n89.07 cod0 -+?-a NOW 8c.00 mMlcost7 Now To(sl NDnNU $0.00 Conk 80.00 Tokl $12288.07 MakolT0dbDok $88#2?9.88 I ’ Print Site Costs APB (January 30 to February 26 1999) 37,733 0 31,318 lZCl4 0 0 17m sm.35 50.00 S520.25 $263.71 50.00 lh= 29 57.43.35 51.57 4 J2,w w.?zB 2B 50.03 s3z4.52 $220.87 s4.35 0 t0.M $175.38 so.lu s3.5os.co s5,6zazi s 0 ssoo so.00 0 SOAO so.00
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