
各位準畢業班同學您好,恭喜大家要畢業囉!2014 畢業典禮訂於 6/7(六)上午
(二)職涯發展中心離校手續需填寫校內問卷,強烈建議於 6/7(畢業典禮)前填寫
(三)畢業典禮當日於活動中心 5 樓辦理離校手續之時間為上午 10 點至下午 2 點,
(一)畢業生需著學位服才可進入典禮會場 2 樓觀禮區,需租借學位服的同學,可於
(二)學位服於典禮當日下午 2 點前可於離校手續現場(活動中心 5 樓)歸還,2 點
後請至保管組,最遲請於 6/20(五)前歸還,逾期一日罰繳滯還金 10 元喔!
(一)欲參加校園巡禮的畢業生,請於 6/7(六)早上 9:10 於各定點集合,9 點 25
非代表之畢業生進入會場後請入座 2 樓觀禮區喔!
(二)典禮當日早上配合畢業生校園巡禮,將於 9 點至 10 點進行車輛出入管制,本
(三)邀請卡:於 5/20(二)開放索取,索完為止。
(五)其他畢業典禮及周邊系列活動相關訊息,皆可於職涯發展中心網頁「2014 畢業
典禮專區」查詢,如有任何問題,歡迎來電 07-6577711 轉 2832-2833 與我們
Dear Graduates,
Congratulations on completing the requirements for your degree! The Graduation
Ceremony of Year 2014 is scheduled on the morning of June 7, 2014 (Saturday). Please
refer to the following notices regarding check-out procedures, the hiring of academic
dresses and the graduation ceremony:
*Note: You may click the hyperlink of the following events to visit the website of the
Career Development Center for more details!
Check-out procedures:
1. Graduates shall return all items borrowed from the University from May 19, 2014
(Monday) to May 30, 2014 (Friday), and students may check whether the
check-out procedures are completed on the Information System from June 5, 2014
2. To complete the check-out procedures, graduates shall fill out the graduation
survey required by the Career Development Center.Graduates are strongly
recommended to fill out the survey before thegraduationday (June 7, 2014) to
avoid network congestion. (Entry: ISU HomepageCurrent
StudentsInformation SystemFor Graduating)
3. Graduates may conduct check-out procedures from 10:00 to 14:00 on the
graduation day on the 5th floor of the Student Activity Center. Students shall
conduct the procedures on their own account after the graduation day.
II. The hiring and returning of academic dresses:
1. Graduatesmust wear the academic dresses when attending the graduation
ceremony. To borrow academic dresses, students shall submit the signed affidavit
of hiring academic dresses and pay the cleaning fees to the class leaders (the
application of hiring academic dresses shall be made on a class basis). Students
may download the affidavit from the following two entries:
A. Information System: For GraduatingEnquiry of the Hiring of Academic
DressesAffidavit of Hiring Academic Dresses.
B. The website of the Career Development Center: Affidavit of Hiring Academic
2. Graduates may return the academic dresses at the counter for conducting check-out
procedures (5th floor of the Student Activity Center) before 14:00 on the graduation
day; or they may return the academic dresses to the Property Management Section
after 14:00 on the graduation day, and students are required to returned the
academic dresses no later than June 20, 2014 (Friday). An overdue fine of NT$
10 per academic dress per day will be charged.
3. Please refer to the Guidelines on Hiring Academic Dresses by Graduatesfor more
III. Graduation ceremony and Graduation Celebrations:
1. Graduates who wish to attend the campus tour shall gather at the designated
locationsat 9:10 a.m. on June 7, 2014 (Saturday). The campus tour will begin at
9:25 a.m. Please refer to campus tour route map to check the gathering locations
for students of respective colleges/divisions. Please note that graduating students
who are not representatives of the 2014 graduating classes should directly be
seated on the 2nd floor of the gymnasium!
2. The vehicle access control will be implementedfrom9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. for
the campus tour. No vehicles are allowed to enter the campus during the access
3. Graduation invitation cards: Students may obtain invitation cards from the Career
Development Center. Only a limited quantity is available.
4. Graduation events (Please click the hyperlink for more details.): Drumming
Performance、Campus Bazaar、ISU Alumni Association、Indigenous Dance
Performance、Job Fair、Let’s “LIKE!” ISU、Have Fun Together.
5. For more information regarding the graduation ceremony and other graduation
events, please refer to the website of the Career Development Center (Graduation
Ceremony 2014). If you have any questions, please contact staffs of the Career
Development Center at 07-6577711#2832-2833.