Using the MPC Portal

The instructor will periodically communicate to the class through the campus email
addresses provided to students. Each student must set up their email initially by
logging on to a computer on campus. (You must actually log on to the computer, not
just access the browser from a computer that has already been logged on. In XP, this
means if a machine is already logged in to the network, you will click on the Start
button, click on Log Off to log off the current user, and then type in your own
username and password as described in the following link: After
initial setup, this account may be accessed from anywhere in the world. If you need
help with this procedure, I can help you or an excellent resource is Steve Bruemmer,
our division's lab technician, in BC-202.
After setting up your account, you will access it by going to and
logging in with lobosmpc\
lobosmpc\ + your username (your first initial, last name, and last 4
digits of your student ID). For example, my account name is
ngoehring6478 The password will be one you have set during the initial
log in that activated your account.
After logging in, you will see this screen:
Click on the My Site link at the upper right hand of the page. You will be prompted to
log in again. Use the exact same username and password.
The page you will see next is called your MySite page:
FALL 2008
At this site you will have a list of all the classes you are taking. If your instructor has
published a site for your class, you will see a hyperlink at the left. (My guitar teacher
has not created a class site, so my class shown does not have a hyperlink.) Click on
the hyperlink to this class to access our class site. The site you are directed to contains
links to all our class materials.
To access your campus email, click on the Email window at the right. To log in to
your campus email, in the Domain\username box type lobosmpc\ and then your same
username you used to access Your password will be the same as
the one you changed it to when you first set up your account and were asked to
change the password.
FALL 2008
Your email address at MPC is [email protected]
Example: [email protected]
If there is more than one student enrolled with the same name as you, your email may
have a number appended to your name, such as:
[email protected]
[email protected]
(If you were the first student to enroll with your name, you will not have a number in
your email name.)
I have sent all students in this class an email containing some useful links to materials
you will be using during the semester. When your account is set up and you are able
to retrieve the email I sent you, please REPLY to it so that I can see which email has
been assigned to you. If there were duplicate names in the roster, I sent the email to
all of them--in one case five students have the same name, and I need to sort out
which one is you! I will be able to tell from your reply what your unique email address
FALL 2008
Here is an example of what your email account looks like once it is opened. It is a
Web-based version of Outlook and works much like other email programs you
probably have used.
When you receive the email I sent you, please REPLY to it so I can know that
everything is working correctly. I will be sending information to this account only, so
be sure to get it set up within the first week of the semester.
Your email account has a 50 MB size limit. You may use it for both school-related
and personal email.
Please let me know if you have problems in activating your MPC account. Remember,
it must be done on campus and you must log off the current user if necessary and log
yourself in with a predetermined formula as described on the following page.
FALL 2008
1st Logon
- Activate your MPC account by changing your password
Each new user must logon to a computer once on campus. The system will require
each new user to change their password on the first logon. Once the password has
been changed students can access their email, MySite, MyMPC and Class Sites from any
computer whether on or off campus. Computers are available in the Library and other
student computer labs around campus.
1. Get to the “Log on the Windows” window, generally by pressing the Ctrl + Alt +
Delete keys.
2. In the “User name:" box, enter “lobosmpc”, then a backslash “\” which is above the
Enter key, followed by the first letter of your first name, then your entire last name,
then the last 4 numbers of your Student ID.
If you have a hyphenated name, please use your name as it appears on your
registration sheet.
3. In the “Password:” box, enter “A1*”, followed by the first 4 letters of your last name
in lower case, then the last 4 numbers of your Student ID #.
(Note that the “A” is capital. Don’t type the quote marks.)
4. Click OK
Example for determining your initial login:
Student ID # = 123456789
Name = John Smith
Account name = JSmith6789
Password = A1*smit6789
Sign in with:
You will receive the message: The user’s password must be changed before
logging on the first time.
Click OK
Then follow the instructions to reset your password.
Your new password must be at least 8 characters.
FALL 2008
Sections of the MPC Portal – Public Site
All content is viewable by the
MySite – Your Private site, only you
can see this area
You can:
Add your Personal Documents
that only you can access
Add Shared Documents that you
may want others to see
Add your picture and bio
Decide who to share this
information with
Add Links to other websites
Your MySite includes:
A list of your classes
Students will have a list of all their classes and live links to their class sites that have been
published by the instructor
MyProfile – Semi-private
Signed In users can view the items you chose to share from your MySite
Class Sites - Enrolled Students and the Instructor
Instructors can add documents, discussion groups, view a current list of enrolled students, etc
Students will automatically gain access to an active site within 24 hours of registering for the
Students will automatically loose access to the site within 24 hours of dropping the class
MyMPC – Audience Based Intranet
Students, Faculty, and Staff all have access to MyMPC
They will only see those areas and links to which their group has been given access
Through the Employee & Student Lookup you can find friends and classmates to add to your
Colleague groups
Students will see links to the bookstore website, FAFSA, Student Clubs and WebReg.
Faculty and staff will have access to documents from the Office of Academic Affairs and
campus committee sites.
Everyone may see general Campus Announcements.
FALL 2008