2015 - 16 Handbook

Quince Orchard High School Marching Band
2015-2016 School Year
Patrick Fay
Robyn Kleiner
Brigitte Kirchhoff
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
The purpose of the QOHS Instrumental Music Department is to provide its students
with a quality music education through performance based experiences. Students are held to a
high standard of professionalism and expected to perform at their highest capability.
School District Policies
Academic Eligibility
Students must adhere to the county academic eligibility policy. A 2.0 is the minimum
GPA for all classes in which the student is scheduled in the previous grading period. It is
not the students overall GPA.
School Attendance
Students must attend all of their scheduled classes in order to participate in a practice or
contest on that day. If the principal or designee grants an excused absence in advance for a
prescheduled activity, or an unforeseen emergency, the student may participate on that day.
Hazing is prohibited at all times. Hazing involves any act that subjects teammates to
mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. In some instances
hazing constitutes a criminal act. Hazing may lead to immediate dismissal from the band.
Drug and Alcohol
Students are expected to adhere to the MCPS Drug and Alcohol policy. Any violations
will be handled at the discretion of the directors and the administration.
Behavior and Attendance
Members of the QOMB are expected to carry themselves with pride and dignity. Any
time spent with the marching band IS time in school, and all school rules apply.
Consistent attendance is crucial for the success of the QOMB. Students are expected to
be present for all rehearsals, home games, and competitions. A performance schedule is
released in May, and a full rehearsal schedule is released in August. Students who are not
present at rehearsals or performances will not perform in the NEXT CONSECUTIVE
PERFORMANCE. Any exception will be made at the sole discretion of the director.
Avoid and Eliminate Conflicts with Organization and Communication. Those who
participate in the marching band are traditionally excellent students and very busy
people. Many have jobs, participate in sports, help around the house, and are involved in
church and community activities. They are able to "do everything" by going over the
rehearsal schedule carefully and eliminating conflicts before they happen. After
school job schedules must not conflict with the scheduled activities of this group. If you
have a job, make a copy of the calendar and provide it to your employer as soon as possible.
Tests such as SAT's, ACT's, PSAT's and their review classes should be scheduled around
planned trips/performances. Routine medical appointments and road tests are no
Band Camp
Band camp is the most crucial part of the marching band season, as students will learn
the entire half time show, pre-game, stand tunes, as well as participate in bonding
activities. BAND CAMP IS MANDATORY FOR ALL STUDENTS. Please schedule
any family vacations, appointments, or other engagements around the schedule provided.
Daily Band Camp Packing List: (Be careful not to bring items of value.)
• Music, Instrument & Mouthpiece, Flags, or drumsticks
• Instrument supplies - Extra Reeds (at least 3-4), Valve Oil, Cork Grease
• Sneakers and socks (Bring extra socks…and foot powder!)
• Hat - everyone must wear a hat during the day! Sunglasses & Sunscreen
• Rain gear (we are on the field rain or shine)
Wednesday 8/12-Friday 8/14- 10am-4pm- Guard and Percussion (new and returning
Thursday 8/13 -10am-2pm - Student Leadership Day (student leaders only)
Friday 8/14 - 10am-12pm - New Member Day
FULL BAND CAMP BEGINS (all members must be present)
Monday 8/17- 8:30am-3:30pm
Tuesday 8/18- 8:30am-8:30pm
Wednesday 8/19- 8:30am-3:30pm
Thursday 8/20- 8:30am-8:30pm
Friday 8/21- 8:30-3:30pm
- 5pm-10pm- Band pizza party- Watch DCI Finals
Wednesday 8/26- 2:45pm-5:00pm, - 6pm - Freshman Picnic performance
Thursday 8/27 - 7am Freshman orientation performance
Friday 8/28 - 2:45pm-5pm - Rehearsal - 6:30 - Parent Preview/Ice Cream Social
Rehearsal Attire
You must wear sneakers and socks for all practices. Any other type of shoe is unacceptable
as it does not allow control and support which opens the possibility for injuries to occur.
Cross training and walking shoes are best as they allow the foot to flex. Canvas shoes do
not provide adequate support.
● Shorts, track pants, and sweat pants are all acceptable attire, depending on the weather.
You need to be free to move, and we need to see your feet and legs move to teach you!
● No Jeans...No baggy pants or shorts...No pants with hems that drape over the shoes or
drag on the ground. If you wear jeans, they will restrict your ability to perform your
show. All members, including winds and percussion, do more than just "march." We move
in ways that jeans/baggy pants do not allow.
● Dress appropriately for the weather: Sunglasses, hats, and plenty of sunscreen are
recommended for sunny, hot days. In cold weather, dress warmly in layers. The
temperature will drop during evening rehearsals in the fall. Bring appropriate rain gear
for days that may be inclement. Stay warm and dry so you can stay focused.
Trip and Transportation Policies
● Members get on the bus at school and they get off the bus at school. The school provides
transportation to and from all events. Members are not permitted to drive. Parents are
not allowed to take students home from performances. Extenuating circumstances should
be addressed with the Band Director when they will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Permission slips will be distributed and MUST be filled out.
● You are an active representative of the band. Your attitude, conversations, and actions
at all marching band events will reflect directly on the entire organization.
Points to Remember:
● Be professional in everything you do both on and off the field.
● Always be courteous to fans, the public, and other marching band members.
● You never know whom you might be talking to.
● Remember that please, thank you, and smiles are always a wonderful gesture.
● Vulgar or abusive languages are never appropriate in any circumstances.
● Parents and family members: please remember that spectator self-discipline and
sportsmanship are as important to us as the band's performances. It is a good policy to be
silent during performances and give each band a big round of applause, as each
member/organization is giving their best effort.
Season Fees
Season fees for the 2015 QOMB season are $500. It is crucial that on-time payments are
made, so that students are given necessary resources including drill, music, equipment,
etc. Fees are broken into three payments below:
Payment 1
Payment 2
Payment 3
DUE AUGUST 17 (Beginning of band camp)
Payments may be dropped off at QO or mailed to the address below. IF AT ANY TIME,
THERE ARE FINANCIAL ISSUES, please notify the Director, who will work to
Quince Orchard High School
15800 Quince Orchard Road
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Banquet and Awards
The annual banquet/award ceremony will be held at the conclusion of the season. The
date will be scheduled in late August. This is where we recognize students for their
accomplishments as a group, and outstanding individuals.
The appearance of the QOMB uniform is extremely important. Even one member in a
soiled or wrinkled uniform detracts from the general effect of the whole band, just as
much as marching out of step or playing the wrong notes. The cooperation of each band
member is needed to keep the band looking its best. Parents will be on hand to help you
when you need it, and we will have a uniform crew to help with storage and
transportation of uniforms, but it is your ultimate responsibility to keep your uniform
looking its best. The uniforms are on "loan" to you. They must last for many years and
for many future band members. Please use common sense!
Members should always be uniform in wearing the uniform. Members will always be in
FULL uniform (all pieces), full uniform, no shako, or half uniform. All students should
follow instructions to remain in the correct usage of uniform parts.
○ Fold Pants matching along creases and hang evenly on hanger.
○ Uniform bags are for Jacket, and Pants ONLY. No shoes, T-shirts, gloves, socks, etc.
These are your responsibility and can cause unpleasant odors and dirt on uniforms.
○ Take soiled and/or dirty items you wear under your uniforms home for laundering
and be sure they return for your next performance. Keep dirty shoes away from your
○ Do not wash your uniforms at home.
○ Wash gloves regularly to keep them clean.
○ Inspect your uniform regularly and let a uniform mom know if there is something
that needs attention.
○ Shoes must be kept clean and shiny for every performance. Use a damp cloth to clean
and a dry one to polish. Kiwi and other brand shoe polishes work well. "Kiwi Wipes" in
the little packages work VERY well on our marching shoes as a final touch.
● Uniform Supplies - The following are items that each band member must supply.
Fittings/orders for shoes and gloves will be done at band camp.
○ Winds And Percussion:
■ One pair of BLACK MARCHING BAND SHOES* ■ Label each shoe inside with
your name in permanent marker.
■ Several pairs of BLACK UNIFORM GLOVES* (Winds and Drum Majors only), it is
recommended to purchase at least two pairs, and set aside one pair just for
Championship weekend.
■ At least two pair of LONG BLACK SOCKS (NO no-show or ankle socks –no skin can
be showing)
■ ALL BLACK T-SHIRT (no writing on it) for under the uniform jacket (or can be
"Show Shirt")
■ LONG SLEEVE BLACK THERMAL SHIRT for under jacket in cold weather
■ LONG UNDERWEAR for those chilly evenings
RED ARMY JACKETS are used for away games and other events and are provided by
the band for each new student. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that this
jacket last through their QOMB career.
The QOMB will perform at all home football games, school events and pep rallies, as
well as several competitions. These performances are mandatory. The band will also
take a smaller, voluntary group to away football games. A TENTATIVE performance
schedule can be found at the back of the packet. These dates are subject to change as the
MCPS Athletic schedule is finalized. Football games are generally considered a “full
evening event”, meaning you should not plan events for that evening other than
football. Families should consider all Saturday competition days as FULL DAY
OBLIGATIONS, and not schedule ANY other events.
In the (likely) event that QO makes the playoffs, additional performances and rehearsals
may be scheduled. These will occur across the month of November, and go no later than
the first week in December.
Parent Volunteers
It takes an immense amount of parent support for our band program to be
successful. We would like to see each student’s parents volunteer a minimum of 10
hours. Many parents give much more than that. Volunteer opportunities range from
on field support at competitions and football games, to fundraising, to administrative
work that can be done on a flexible schedule.
Most of our communication within QOMB is done through our yahoo group. In order
to stay up to date on all information, please register for this group ASAP.
To join, please do the following:
1. Visit the marching band website at
2. On the right hand side of the page – click the purple yahoo butto n to join the QO Band.
Yahoo Email group.
3. Follow the steps and confirm your email address.
I agree to adhere to all of the policies stated above.
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Signature