
Use case: Rent Copy
Actor(s): Clerk
Goal: Rent a movie/game/book to a customer
After selecting which copy(ies) to rent, the customer presents the copy(ies) and phone number (or
complete information for a first-time customer). The clerk tell the customer the total charge owed and
collect it from the customer.
Typical course of events:
Actor action
1.Customer chooses a movie/game/book
2.Clerk enters customer phone number
3.Clerk enters copy(ies) ID(s)
5.Clerk collects charges from customer
System Response
4.System displays charges owed
6.System records rental of copy(ies) and changes
Alternative courses:
Step 2
In the case, the customer does not know the phone number or does not have one.
The clerk could ask the customer for an email and succeed with the rental.
Use case: Return Copy
Actor(s): Clerk
Goal: Manage return of movie/game/book
Customer can hand the copy(ies) to the clerk or place it at a slot in the wall of the store (if the store is
closed). The clerk enters the ID(s) of the copy(ies) into the system.
Typical course of events:
Actor action
1.Customer returns copy(ies)
2.Clerk enters copy(ies) ID
System Response
3.System record the return and changes status as available for rent
Use case: Record Payment
Actor(s): Clerk
Goal: Have record of payments for reports and control of charges for each copy.
After collecting charges from customer, the clerk would enter customer’s phone number and select a “Pay
charge” for a specific one or all displayed.
Typical course of events:
Actor action
1.Customer hands payment to the clerk
2.Clerk enters customer phone number
4.Clerk selects “Pay charge” option
System Response
3.System displays charges to be paid
5. System records rental payment and update charges
Use case: Report status of specific copy
Actor(s): Clerk
Goal: Report status of specific copy
A report of the copy status takes place when a customer asks for specific information about an item (it
may be a title, availability, charges, etc.). The clerk requests the system for a report and inform the
Typical course of events:
Actor action
1.Customer asks clerk information about an item
2.Clerk requests report from system
System Response
3.System displays information about the item
4.Clerk tells customer the information
Alternative courses:
Step 3
The system may not have the item which the customer asked, then the system shows a
message saying so.
Use case: Save information in the disc
Actor(s): Clerk
Goal: Save information manually
The clerk selects to save information in the menu options.
Typical course of events:
Actor action
1.Clerk select save option in the menu
System Response
2.System saves data to the disc