A Visual Obstruction-based Technique for Photo Monitoring of Willow Clumps Chad S. Boyd and Tony J. Svejcar Introduction Willow and associated riparian shrubs fill a variety of important ecological roles in many riparian ecosystems. With this importance comes the management need to document changes in willow abundance over time. This is particularly true in areas where willows are being restored or where herbivory may negatively impact willow resources. However, measuring changes in abundance of woody plants has proven difficult in field application. One potential solution to this monitoring challenge is the use of ground-based photographs to estimate willow abundance. Photo monitoring can reduce observer bias, provide a permanent record of vegetation status, and samples (photographs) can be reanalyzed at a later date if new technologies become available. Our objective was to evaluate the use of a visual obstruction/photo-based approach for monitoring point-in-time abundance of willow clumps and changes in abundance associated with defoliation by herbivores. We focused on young willows (<6.5 ft in height) because this size class represents a critical life stage in the development of willow clumps and can be impacted easily by herbivory. technique focused on the relationship between visual obstruction of a photoboard and the abundance of obstructing willows, in this case Booth’s willow. Rather than moving the photoboard to a willow clump, clumps—or portions of clumps—were cut, transported to the photoboard location, and clamped in a holding device located immediately in front of the photoboard (Fig. 1). The photoboard (59 by 79 inches) was constructed from plywood painted fluorescent orange to increase color variation between the board and willow clumps when determining visual obstruction. Twenty-five willow clumps were sampled in each year of the study. Willow clumps were defoliated by hand in four to seven increments and harvested material was dried and weighed. Defoliation removed leaves plus the tips of new stem growth. For simplicity, we refer to this material as current annual growth or CAG. Photographs were taken before and after each removal (Fig. 1); these defoliations were meant to simulate the effects of herbivory. The visible photoboard area was determined using color recognition software. We determined visual obstruction by comparing the photoboard area in each photograph to that visible for the same board without obstructing willow. Results and Management Implications Results suggest that the technique presented here can be used to predict both qualitative (i.e., increasing or decreasing amount) and quantitative (i.e., amount of increase or decrease) changes in Experimental Protocol The study site was located in the Big Creek drainage in Grant County, Oregon. Sampling took place during peak biomass (August) of 2000 and 2001. The Figure 1. These images show a willow clump during (left) and after defoliation (right). Clumps were defoliated in four to seven increments, and photographs were taken before and after each defoliation. 70 willow abundance within the size class of clumps used in our work. The technique accurately predicted the weight of total clump CAG (Fig. 2a), and the strong relationship between disappearance of CAG and change in visual obstruction (Fig. 2b) suggests this technique may be useful for monitoring changes in willow abundance associated with herbivory. For field monitoring purposes, we constructed a portable lightweight version of the photoboard on an aluminum frame fitted with a board of 2-mm-thick fluorescent orange (59 by 79 inches) that was elevated 16 inches from the ground surface (Fig. 3). Stabilizing legs allowed the board to be freestanding. The board was painted fluorescent orange, and the frame was constructed in two pieces so that the more portable half frame could be used for very small willow clumps. Visual obstruction values for the half board may be expressed as a percentage of either the half or whole board. For clumps wider than our photoboard, it was not possible to estimate total clump CAG. However, with accurate repeat board placement it was possible to estimate changes in the amount of willow CAG influencing the photoboard over time. These data can be used as both a quantitative (i.e., index to weight of total clump CAG) and qualitative (i.e., is visual obstruction, and thus CAG weight, increasing, decreasing, or staying the same over time?) monitoring tool. In summary, our technique provides managers with a method for reliably and accurately estimating willow abundance, changes in abundance over time, and degree of utilization by herbivores. However, users should keep in mind that the relationships we report may differ by species of willow, leaf structure, and the ratio of woody to leaf plant material. For these reasons, we recommend that predictive equations be developed on a site-specific basis. Additional work is needed to test the relationships described herein with other willow species and larger clump sizes. Figure 2. The relationship between percent visual obstruction of a 59- by 79-inch photoboard and (A) total weight (g) of current annual growth (leaves and tips of current annual stem growth, CAG) for harvested willow clumps and (B) remaining weight of CAG for harvested willow clumps following sequential defoliation in four to seven increments. 71 Figure 3. For field monitoring, we designed a lightweight photoboard constructed of an aluminum frame with a painted plastic board. For smaller willow clumps, the apparatus may be disassembled (left); the full board is used for larger clumps (right). 72
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