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New report: Russian investors turn to equity markets for
growth in 2014
Schroders Global Investment Trends Report 2014 reveals that more than half of
Russian investors are planning to increase the amount they invest and save this
Russian investors see Eastern Europe as the region offering greatest growth but
still have a domestic market bias for their investment plans.
26 February 2014 - Investors in Russia and around the globe are looking to equity markets for growth
this year, according to a comprehensive new report of investor sentiment by Schroders. Analysis of
the Schroders Global Investment Trends Report 20141, a survey of 15,749 investors across 23
countries, reveals that more than four-fifths (82%) of global investors are looking to maintain or
increase the amount they invest and save in 2014, with 70% of investors2 looking to place new money
in equities.
Following the global trend, of the 506 investors surveyed in Russia, over half (58%) are planning to
increase the amount they invest and save this year with almost two-thirds (64%) planning to invest in
As well as equities, gold is a very popular investment choice for investors in Russia, with almost a third
(31%) looking to invest in the asset this year, despite the falls it suffered in 2013, and nearly a quarter
(24%) favouring physical property to deliver the best returns in 2014.
Schroders commissioned Research Plus Ltd to conduct an independent survey of 15,749 investors in 23 countries around the world (506 in
Russia) who intend to invest €10,000 (or the equivalent) or more during the next 12 months. The survey was conducted online between 2nd –
24th January 2014 and these individuals represent the views of investors in each country involved in the survey.
For the purpose of this research project we have defined an ‘investor’ as someone with €10,000 or equivalent that they are looking to invest in
the next 12 months.
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As for other major asset classes, the report reveals that just 11% of Russian investors (18% of global
investors) will be looking to fixed income and only 9% (8% of global investors) plan to retain money in
This increased appetite for equities appears to reflect a more positive long-term economic outlook,
despite recent market volatility. The report reveals that around the world investors are looking to
invest in developed economies, as these are seen as offering more stable potential returns and the
best growth opportunities.
Indeed, the report shows that global investor confidence in developed economies such as North
America and Western Europe has spiked since the 2013 report, with 27% of investors looking to
Western Europe (up from 10% in 2013) and 31% expecting North America to offer strong growth
opportunities (compared to just 18% in 2013). However, Asia Pacific retains its crown as the region
that global investors expect to drive the strongest overall growth in 2014, with 39% of investors
favouring the region.
For Russian investors, their confidence lies in Eastern Europe (including Russia), with 45% citing the
region as likely to deliver the best returns. Over a third (39%) say Asia will deliver growth, and around
a fifth are looking to Western Europe and North America (23% and 20%, respectively).
Thierry Clarke, Head of Central and Emerging Europe Distribution at Schroders, said: “This
report shows encouraging signs of renewed confidence in European equity markets, in particular
Eastern Europe, by Russian investors, driven by the positive outlook for the European economy and
attractively valued investment opportunities that are emerging. The fact that more than half of Russian
investors are planning to increase the amount they invest also highlights this improved investor
confidence and the strength of the economic recovery story. However, Russian investors still have a
domestic market bias.”
The top financial priorities for investors across the globe in 2014 are to invest disposable income
(48%) and to deposit money in a savings account (23%). This corresponds with the trend in Russia
where nearly half (45%) plan to prioritise investing spare disposable income and three-in-ten (30%)
say they will deposit it in a savings account. However, Russia bucks the global trend for the third main
financial priority, where one-in-eight (13%) are prioritising investing in their own business, which
compares to just one-in-twenty (5%) global investors combined.
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Schroder Investment Management Limited
31 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QA
Telephone +44 (0)20 7658 6000 Fax +44 (0)20 7658 6965
A third of Russian investors (33%) believe Russian equities will deliver the best returns and so plan to
invest in them this year. Globally, around two fifths (41%) of respondents are looking to buy equities in
their own country, with the rest looking more widely at equities in other regions or other asset classes.
Investors polled for the 2013 Schroders Global Investment Trends Report were more domestically
focused, with half of respondents looking to invest in their own country as the driver for growth.
Thierry Clark, Head of Central and Emerging Europe Distribution, concludes:
“This year investors are taking a more global view as they seek to capitalise on new growth
opportunities. However, as some Russian investors look beyond their domestic market, many will be
pushing the boundaries of their knowledge. Seeking professional financial advice should be a focus for
investors as they look to move into new areas and benefit from global growth and opportunities.”
For more details about the report from 26th February visit our website: and to
join the conversation on Twitter, use the hashtag #SGITR2014.
For further information, please contact:
Kathryn Sutton
Tel: +44 (0)20 7658 5765/ [email protected]
Georgina Robertson
Tel: +44 (0)20 7658 3365/ [email protected]
Notes to Editors
For media only. To view the latest press releases from Schroders visit:
Schroders commissioned Research Plus Ltd to conduct an independent survey of 15,749 investors in
23 countries around the world (506 in Russia) who intend to invest €10,000 (or the equivalent) or more
during the next 12 months. The survey was conducted online between 2nd – 24th January 2014 and
these individuals represent the views of investors in each country involved in the survey.
This material is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial
instrument. The material is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, accounting, legal
or tax advice, or investment recommendations. The opinions stated in this presentation include some
forecasted views. We believe that we are basing our expectations and beliefs on reasonable
assumptions within the bounds of what we currently know. However, there is no guarantee that any
forecasts or opinions will be realized.
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