Oceanography Map skills – Practice Sheet A. Location using Latitude and Longitude. Determine the latitude and longitude of the following locations: Where is this? Answer Location Latitude Longitude The buoy just north of Pt Pinos 36˚ 38.9’N 121˚ 56.7’W The buoy just off shore of Cypress Point 36˚ 35.0’N 121˚ 59.1’W The Pt Santa Cruz lighthouse 36˚ 57.1’N 122˚ 1.6’W The southern most corner of the “Naval 36˚ 48.6’N 121˚ 53.8’W operating area” in the northeastern portion of Monterey Bay (the pink dashed lines). The western most corner of the “Naval 36˚ 54.3’N 121˚ 59.9’W operating area.” Name the geographical feature at the following locations. Using these coordinates: Latitude Longitude 36˚ 46.0’N 121˚59.3’W 36˚ 37.7’N 121˚ 54.8’W 36˚ 58.1’N 121˚ 56.3’W Describe this Location: The “R” in the words “MonteRey Canyon” The “L” in the words “Lovers Point” The “Q” in the words “SoQuel Cove” B. Direction using Bearings. A bearing is a direction. Bearings are always described by an angle measured clockwise from true north. What is the bearing… From here To here The answer The center of the northerly The center of the southerly compass 158˚ compass rose rose The center of the southerly The center of the northerly compass 338˚ compass rose rose The Cypress Point buoy The Pt Pinos buoy 27˚ The Pt Pinos buoy The Cypress Point buoy 207˚ 36˚ 40’N 122˚ 0’W 36˚ 50’N 121˚ 50’W 39˚ 36˚ 50’N 121˚ 50’W 36˚ 40’N 122˚ 0’W 219˚ In this section, you are given a bearing on the Pt Pinos buoy and need to figure out where you are along the Monterey Bay coast. This assumes you can see the Pt Pinos buoy from all these places. The bearing is from the coast line to the buoy. Bearing to Pt Pinos buoy Your location on the Monterey Bay coastline 259˚ Indian Head Beach 228˚ Salinas River mouth 220˚ Moss Landing stacks Triangulation is a way of determining position. It involves taking bearings on two objects and drawing two very light lines on the map. Your position is at the intersection of the two lines. Bearing 1 Bearing 2 Location 60˚ on the Moss Landing 194˚ on the Cypress Point The north star of the stacks buoy southerly compass rose 91˚ on the Salinas River 157˚ on the Pt Pinos buoy 36˚ 45’N 122˚ 0.0’W mouth 90˚ on Mulligan Hill (close 13˚ on the Pt Santa Cruz 36˚ 45’N 122˚ 5.0’W to the Salinas River mouth) lighthouse 192˚ on the Pt Pinos buoy 92˚ on the Salinas River 36˚ 45’N 121˚ 55’W mouth C. Distance using Scales. Use the bar scale to determine the distance between the points given below. Point 1 Point 2 Distance Cypress Pt buoy Pt Pinos buoy 4 nautical miles Pt Pinos buoy Lovers Point 2 nautical miles Pt Santa Cruz lighthouse Pt Pinos buoy 18 nautical miles Moss Landing stacks Salinas River mouth 3.5 nautical miles Center of one compass rose Center of other compass rose ~10.5 nautical miles Fractional Scales A B E D C Which of these maps has the largest scale? The smallest scale? Which two have the same scale? Answers on next page. Largest = B, Smallest = C, Same = A&D D. Contour lines describe topography (above sea level) and bathymetry (below sea level). Each contour line is a line of constant elevation (above sea level) or depth (below sea level). On the diagram at left, please identify and label steep bathymetry, shallowly-sloped bathymetry, a NW-trending ridge, a submarine canyon, and a seamount. The answers are shown below left. E. Profiles 1. On the graph paper on the next page, please prepare a profile along the line A-A’. Check with instructor for answer. All of these questions refer to the map on the next page. 2. What is the contour interval from 20 to 100 meters? 3. What is the contour interval from 100 to 300 meters? 4. What seafloor features does the bathymetric map show? 5. Where is the steepest bathymetry? 6. Where is the gentlest bathymetry? 20 meters 50 meters Two submarine canyons joining into one submarine canyon. Where the contour lines are closest together. Where the contour lines are farthest apart, like in the NE corner of the map.
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