
Chapter 13
Describing an Angle Bracket
Orthographic Projection
Orthographic drawings
represent three
dimensional objects in
three separate views
arranged in a standard
Orthographic Views
You can adequately describe most objects
with three orthographic views.
Converting to Orthographic
Orthographic Views –Line Types
Line Types
Visible Line
Hidden Line
Center Line
Dimension Line
Construction Line
Line Types
Sketching Techniques
Engineering Drawing Skills
Line Types
Orthographic Views
See the example drawings in the notes.
Engineering Drawing Rules
Always use a Pencil.
Make all lettering the same size.
Use Engineering or Drafting Paper.
Orthographic Views
You can adequately describe most objects
with three orthographic views.
Sketching techniques
Use very light construction lines
“Box in” the rough outline of the object
Darken only the lines you wish to keep
Clean up the edges and rough spots
Orthographic Projection
2 Dimensional projections on
Orthogonal planes
Show lines based on change of plane
or change of material
Use multiple linetypes
Describing an Angle Bracket
A relatively simple
Pictorial view may
be difficult
Glass Box concept
Envision the object
surrounded in a
glass box
Project the views
out onto the pieces
of glass
Each pane shows a
2D projection of the
Completed Orthographics
Projection Planes
The three panes of glass represent the
principal orthographic planes
Each plane illustrates two of the
principal dimensions: Height, Width,
and Depth
Class Exercise
As a team you have 3 minutes to
discuss the following:
What dimensions are contained on each
of the principal projection planes?
The Glass Box Approach
Orthographic Projection
Opening the Box
Final Views
Six Orthographic Views
Laying Out All Six Views
Three Primary Views
View Selection
If the object has an
obvious top, then it
must be the top view
Minimize the number of
hidden lines
Use the most
descriptive view as the
front view
Conserve space by
choosing the depth to
be the smallest
Precedence of Lines
Construction of Views
Must align orthographic views
Width appears in Top and Front
Height appears in Front and Side
Depth appears in Side and Top
Height and width project directly
Depth must be projected via a 45°
Steps in Creating the Three-View
Step 1 - Lightly Block Three Views
Use very
light lines
for drawing
in the
Step 2 - Lightly Block Major Features
Step 3 - Add Features, Use Miter Line
Steps in Creating the Three-View Sketch
Step 4 - Add Final Lines
Steps in Creating the Three-View Sketch
Completed Sketch
In the next 1 minute as an Individual
if you could ask a question . . . specifically what don’t
you understand about today’s topic what would it be.
[at least 3 items should be listed]
Now take 2 minutes
to merge your list with the person sitting next to you
AND add 1 new item to the list
In the next 5 minutes
share the results with the other half of your team,
delete questions that you can answer for each other,
AND prioritize the remaining questions your list
Team Exercise
Complete three orthographic views of
the object shown on the next slide.
Include visible, hidden, and center lines
where appropriate.
Use the grid paper in the back of your
book or your engineering sketch pad.
You will be given 7 minutes.
Object for exercise