
Assignment 2 Vectors & Matrices
10 points max (plus 1 extra credit)
Due: Next Tuesday
Drills: (2 points each)
Vector Drills
Plotting Drills
Array/Matrix Drills
Scripting Drills
Do one or more of the following in a separate m-file (see scripting drills):
1) (2 points) Determine whether the curve generated in problem 4 of Assignment 1 is a circle.
Recall the formulas x = 10cos(Q1) + 10cos(Q1+Q2) and y = 10sin(Q1) + 10sin(Q1+Q2) where Q1
and Q2 are vectors representing the angles theta1 changing from 0 to pi and theta2 from pi to 0.
2) (2 points) Problem 14
3) (3 points) problem 19
4) (3 points) problem 22
Put your matlab commands and any figures into a Word document, then save your file and upload it to
the HOMEWORK UPLOADER link on the class website.