ARTICLE IN PRESS 151 Eu Mössbauer and magnetic studies on magnetic superconductor EuSr2Ru1xCu2þxO8 ð0:1pxp0:25Þ Rakesh Kumara, C.V. Tomya,, P.L. Pauloseb, R. Nagarajanb a Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai 400 076, India b Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai 400 005, India Abstract Magnetic and 151Eu Mössbauer studies have been carried out on the ruthenocuprate magnetic superconductors, EuSr2 Ru1x Cu2þx O8 ð0:1pxp0:25Þ. The magnetic ordering temperature (T M ) decreases from 135 K for x ¼ 0:0 to 125 K for x ¼ 0:25 and the superconducting transition temperature increases from 19 K (onset for x ¼ 0:0) to 33 K (x ¼ 0:1). The compounds with xo0 do not show superconductivity down to 2 K but show an increase in T M . The 151Eu Mössbauer studies show that the Eu ions are in 3+ (4f 6 ; J ¼ 0) and hence in the nonmagnetic state in these compounds. The observation of a broadening in the 151Eu Mössbauer absorption spectra below the magnetic ordering temperature indicates a small transferred magnetic hyperfine field at the Eu site. Keywords: Ruthenates; Mössbauer effect; Superconductivity The ruthenocuprates are interesting due to the coexistence of superconductivity and magnetic order with nonzero moment [1]. In these compounds, the Ru–O plane is believed to be responsible for magnetic ordering and the Cu–O plane for superconductivity. In spite of considerable work published by several authors, it is still not clear how superconductivity co-exists with the long-range magnetic ordering in these compounds, especially since the magnetic interaction is mediated through the Cu–O planes. In order to investigate this system further, we have prepared a series of compounds, namely, EuSr2 Ru1x Cu2þx O8 ð0:1p xp0:25Þ and carried out 151Eu Mössbauer studies on them. The magnetic and transport properties of these compounds have also been studied. The EuSr2 Ru1x Cux O8 ð0:1pxp0:25Þ samples were prepared by the conventional solid-state reaction method using powders of Ru, SrCO3 , Eu2 O3 and CuO in the required stoichiometry. The final sintering of the pelletized powders was carried out in flowing oxygen at 1060 C for 7 days. The X-ray diffraction patterns of all the samples could be fitted to a tetragonal structure (space group— P4=mmm, No. 123) with a small trace of SrRuO3 impurity phase. Resistivity and magnetic susceptibility were measured in the temperature range of 2–300 K. 151Eu Mössbauer spectra (MS) were recorded at 4.2, 100, 160 and 300 K. The magnetic ordering temperature (T M ) has been taken corresponding to the peak in the AC susceptibility data and the superconducting transition (T c ) as the onset in resistivity data. The magnetic ordering temperature (135 K) and the superconducting transition (19 K) of the parent compound, EuSr2 RuCu2 O8 , obtained from our magnetic susceptibility [2] and resistivity data (Fig. 1) are comparable with those reported [3]. On diluting the magnetic Ru–O sublattice with Cu, the superconducting transition temperature goes through a maximum (33 K for x ¼ 0:1), (see inset of Fig. 1) and the magnetic ordering temperature T M decreases monotonically (see inset of Fig. 2). Superconductivity was not observed in compounds ARTICLE IN PRESS 405 35 80 Tc (K) Transmission (arb. unit) ρ (mΩcm) fit obs (160 K), fit obs (100 K), fit obs (4.2 K), fit 30 0.0 0.1 – 0.05 60 obs (300 K), 25 20 40 0.00 0.05 0.10 x 0.15 0.20 0.25 20 EuSr2Ru0.9Cu2.1O8 -15 -10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Fig. 1. Resistivity vs. temperature for EuSr2 Ru1x Cu2þx O8 . Inset shows the variation of superconducting transition T c (onset) with x. 0 5 EuSr2Ru0.9Cu2.1O8 x H = 25 Oe, ZFC -3 M (10 emu/g) 5 0.1 0 145 0.05 140 TM (K) -5 EuSr2Ru1-xCu2+xO8 15 Fig. 3. 151Eu Mössbauer absorption spectra of EuSr2 Ru0:9 Cu2:1 O8 at different temperatures. Table 1 Parameters obtained using a single Lorentzian fit of the absorption spectra in EuSr2 Ru1x Cu2þx O8 10 10 Velocity (mm/sec) 300 T (K) -5 151 Eu Mössbauer T (K) Isomer shift (mm/s) FWHM (mm/s) Intensity 300 160 100 4.2 0.66 0.68 0.70 0.72 2.94 2.99 3.12 3.53 0.062 0.072 0.077 0.075 300 160 100 4.2 0.63 0.68 0.69 0.72 2.98 3.06 3.20 3.50 0.074 0.086 0.089 0.091 135 130 -10 125 0.0 0 50 100 x 0.1 150 0.2 200 T (K) Fig. 2. ZFC magnetization of EuSr2 Ru0:9 Cu2:1 O8 in 25 Oe. Inset shows the variation of magnetic ordering temperature T M with x. with xo0 down to 2 K (Fig. 1). A typical magnetization curve as a function of temperature (for x ¼ 0:1 compound) is shown in Fig. 2. The peak at 135 K corresponds to the magnetic ordering and the diamagnetic signal at 33 K corresponds to the superconducting transition. Fig. 3 shows 151Eu Mössbauer absorption spectra of EuSr2 Ru0:9 Cu2:1 O8 at temperatures 4.2, 100, 160 and 300 K. A single Lorentzian gives a satisfactory fit to the experimental data indicating the absence of any quadrupole interaction. The parameters obtained from the fit of the Mössbauer data are given in Table 1. The Isomer shift values are typical of the ionic Eu3þ state and hence the Ru ions are expected to be in 5þ state for the charge balancing in these compounds. As the temperature is lowered from 300 to 160 K, there is no appreciable change in the full-width at half-maxima (FWHM) of the Mössbauer absorption spectra. On further reducing the temperature from 160 K, the intensity of the Mössbauer spectra is nearly unchanged but the FWHM increases. Since Eu3þ is a nonmagnetic ion in nature having the ground state J ¼ 0, the increase in FWHM may be due to the small transferred magnetic hyperfine field at the Eu site arising from the ordered Ru moments. Neutron diffraction studies of the tetragonal GdSr2 RuCu2 O8 [4] show Ru moments to be antiferromagnetically ordered with Ru at the corners and Gd at the body centered position. The investigated compound EuSr2 RuCu2 O8 is isostructural to its Gd analog and shows a ferromagnetic behavior in the bulk magnetization, possibly arising from spin canting [5] of Ru moments, which may also lead to the nonzero magnetic hyperfine field at the Eu site. ARTICLE IN PRESS 406 The part of the work at IIT Bombay was supported by CSIR, New Delhi, India. References [1] C. Bernhard, et al., Phys. Rev. B 59 (2000) 14099. [2] [3] [4] [5] R. Kumar, et al., J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 272–276 (2004) e1073. R.L. Meng, et al., Physica C 353 (2001) 195. J.W. Lynn, et al., Phys. Rev. B 61 (2001) R14964. I. 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