
A Plugin-Based Architecture for Simulation
in the F2000 League
Alexander Kleiner1 and Thorsten Buchheim2
Institut für Informatik, Universität Freiburg
79110 Freiburg, Germany
[email protected]
Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Universität Stuttgart
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
[email protected]
Abstract. Simulation has become an essential part in the development process of
autonomous robotic systems. In the domain of robotics, developers often are confronted with problems like noisy sensor data, hardware malfunctions and scarce
or temporarily inoperable hardware resources. A solution to most of the problems
can be given by tools which allow the simulation of the application scenario in
varying degrees of abstraction and the suppression of unwanted features of the
domain (like e.g. sensor noise). The RoboCup scenario of autonomous mobile
robots playing soccer is one such domain where the above mentioned problems
typically arise.
In this work we will present a flexible simulation platform for the RoboCup
F2000 league developed as a joint open source project by the universities of
Freiburg [13] and Stuttgart [8] which achieves a maximum degree of modularity by a plugin based architecture and allows teams to easily develop and share
software modules for the simulation of different sensors, kinematics and even
complete player behaviors.
Moreover we show how plugins can be utilized to implement benchmark tasks
for multi robot learning and give an example that demonstrates how the generic
plugin approach can be extended towards the implementation of hardware independent algorithms for robot localization.
Simulation has become an essential part in the development process of autonomous
robotic systems. In the domain of robotics, developers often are confronted with problems like noisy sensor data, hardware malfunctions and scarce or temporarily inoperable hardware resources. A solution to most of the problems can be given by tools which
allow the simulation of the application scenario in varying degrees of abstraction and
the suppression of unwanted features of the domain (like e.g. sensor noise).
The RoboCup scenario of autonomous mobile robots playing soccer is one such
domain where the above mentioned problems typically arise. In contrast to the the simulation league [6] where there is a predefined type of player with fixed action and perception capabilities in the simulated environment, the F2000 league permits a great
diversity of robots in shape, kinematics and sensorics. Typically, teams in the F2000
D. Polani et al. (Eds.): RoboCup 2003, LNAI 3020, pp. 434–445, 2004.
c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004
A Plugin-Based Architecture for Simulation in the F2000 League
league use multi sensor approaches to gather relevant information about their environment for the task of playing soccer. Here, all kind of local sensors, like ultrasonic or
infrared sensors, laser range finders, cameras or omni-vision sensors, may be used in
arbitrary combinations on the robot.
Existing simulation tools for the F2000 league usually are rather specialized for
a certain robot architecture of one team, restricted to a certain software language or
deeply interwoven within the team’s software structure [1] . Even if a certain adaptability to different kinds of robot setups or robot control properties partially was considered
within some software designs [2], usually a lot of work still has to be spent to adapt
the software to the individual needs of one team without any general benefit for other
In this paper we present a flexible simulation platform for the RoboCup F2000
league developed as a joint open source project by the universities of Freiburg [13] and
Stuttgart [8]. The simulator is based on a client/server concept that allows the simulation
of diverse robots and also the simulation of team play.
The simulator achieves a maximum degree of modularity by a plugin based architecture. Software plugins are well known from the field of software engineering, particularly in the Internet context.They are basically dynamic libraries which extend the
functionality of an application while loaded at runtime. We introduce a generic plugin
concept for the simulation of the dynamic model and the sensors of an autonomous
robot. This concept makes it possible to easily develop and share modular software
components which can be re-used in various robot setups of different teams.
Furthermore we introduce plugins for robot behaviors. These are software components which implement a full player behavior in the sense of reading and reacting on
sensor data while running as integrated module of the simulation. We show how they
can be utilized to implement benchmark tasks for multi robot learning.
Finally we give an example that demonstrates how the generic plugin approach can
be extended towards the implementation of hardware independent algorithms for robot
localization. The simulator is freely available from our home page [11].
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 gives an overview
of the server and section 3 of the client part of the simulator. The concept of plugins
which is used by both parts, will be described in more detail in Section 4. In section 5
we sketch some applications like localization and learning and in section 6 we give an
outlook to future developments.
Server Architecture
The core of the server is a 2D physics simulation that continuously computes the state
of the world within discrete time intervals δt . At time t, the simulation calculates the
subsequent world state for time t + δt by taking into account velocities of objects and
their modified internal states, like for instance committed motion commands to a robot.
As indicated in figure 1, the physics simulation is basically influenced by robot
objects existing on the server. Robots can either be controlled by clients connecting via
the message board over a TCP/IP socket or by a player plugin which is started within
the graphical user interface (GUI). In case a player plugin is created by the GUI, a robot
is created and assigned to the plugin. If created by the message board, the robot will be
controlled by the remote connected client.
Alexander Kleiner and Thorsten Buchheim
To each robot there is a motion plugin and a sensor container associated. The motion plugin simulates the robot’s dynamics, whereas the sensor container aggregates
various plugins that implement the simulation of its sensors. The creation of the different plugins is done by a plugin factory which detects the available plugins at server
startup. A more detailed description of the plugins will be given in section 4.
The individual setup of a robot is defined by a robot configuration file which contains information on its sensor and motion plugins. Furthermore the file includes a description of the robot’s geometry and manipulators.
Manipulators are designed as variable parts of the robot geometry which can be
switched between a set of states with differing geometric setups. Furthermore manipulator states can contain an additional parameter describing their ability to accelerate the
ball which is needed for the definition of kicking devices.
Additionally, the state of the world can be influenced by the referee module. The
intention of this module is to implement a set of rules restricting the robots actions in
some way. At the current stage, however, the referee is limited to count the score, taking
the ball back into the game if crossing the field boundary and resetting the game when
a goal was scored. The physics simulation and the communication will be described in
more detail in the following section.
sensor data
Plugin Factory
World State
Message Board
Player Plugins
sensor data
Fig. 1. Overview of the server architecture.
2.1 Physics Simulation
The physics simulation is carried out in the plane. Simulation parameters, such as friction, restitution and cycle time are configurable by the simulation configuration file.
The file also defines the setup of the environment which is described by a set of geometric primitives like rectangles, ellipses and triangles which nearly any scenario can be
built from. As some domains may require three-dimensional information, each primitive contains two optional parameters specifying their beginning and end within the
z-plane. Robots are described by these primitives as well, but within their specific robot
configuration file. With a world described by primitives, a simulation of rigid body
A Plugin-Based Architecture for Simulation in the F2000 League
collisions can be carried out. Unfortunately at the beginning of the simulator project
there was no open source package for this simulation available. Therefore we implemented calculations based on “Dynamics”, an old but enlightening book from Pestel
and Thomson [10].
Given two objects with centers of mass C1 = (x1 , y1 ), C2 = (x2 , y2 ), the velocities v1x , v1y , v2x , v2y , rotations ω1 , ω2 and masses m1 , m2 that collided in A, compute
the velocities c1x , c1y , c2x , c2y and rotations Ω1 , Ω2 after the collision. For a solution,
we need six equations to determine the six unknowns. By the law of conservation of
momentum along each space axis we get:
m1 v1x + m2 v2x = m1 c1x + m2 c2x
m1 v1y + m2 v2y = m1 c1y + m2 c2y
The angular momentum of each body with respect to the origin is conserved. Due to
the restriction that the simulation is carried out in the plane the angular momentum is
one-dimensional and because there are two bodies, this results in two equations:
ω1z I1 + m1 (x1 v1y − y1 v1x ) = Ω1z I1 + m1 (x1 c1y − y1 c1x )
ω2z I2 + m2 (x2 v2y − y2 v2x ) = Ω2z I2 + m2 (x2 c2y − y2 c2x )
where I1 and I2 denote the moment of inertia of the two bodies. After Newton’s hypothesis the ratio of the relative velocity in the X direction (if we assume the impact
is in X direction) before and after the collision equals a constant −e, where e is the
elasticity (also known as restitution):
c1x − c2x + Ω1z y1 − Ω2z y2 = −e (v1x − v2x + ω1z y1 − ω2z y2 )
In order to get the sixth formula, we have to make assumptions about the friction between the two bodies and thus about forces in the tangent plane. In the simulator so
far, we use a simple solution that interpolates between the two extremes “stickiness”
and “no friction” , which has been introduced by John Henckel[5]. The shown calculation can be generalized for the three dimensional case with little effort. If there are
collisions of more than two bodies at the same time, the computation seems not to be
straight forward and hence is currently treated on a higher level of the simulation.
One difficulty in simulation is to determine the exact moment of collision. Usually
when a collision is detected the two objects involved overlap by some degree due to
a limited time scale resolution of the simulation. Thus we implemented a divide-andconquer algorithm that searches, if an impact has been detected, until a minimal time
resolution for the time of the event. So far, the accuracy of the collision detection
suffices for a simulation in real-time and up to five times faster when executed on a
Pentium3 600MHz computer.
2.2 Communication
Robots can be controlled by clients connecting via a TCP/IP socket to the message
board. This has the advantage that clients can be programmed in any kind of language,
Alexander Kleiner and Thorsten Buchheim
User Control Program
Sensor Data
Plugin Factory
Real Robot IF
sensor data
Fig. 2. Overview of the client architecture. Dashed components are optional.
as long as they comply with the protocol. The protocol for commands from the clients
to the server is based on ASCII strings that start with a unique command identifier
followed by a list of parameters. Due to the generic plugin architecture, the protocol
between server and client does not prescribe a format for the exchange of sensor data.
Thus, plugins have to implement two abstract methods, one for reading and one for writing an array of unsigned integers respectively. This array, which represents the sensor’s
current data, is then transmitted together with a unique sensor identifier and a timestamp from the server to the client. On the client side, the received array and timestamp
are written into the appropriate sensor plugin.
Since computer clocks are usually running asynchronously, we had to integrate a
time synchronization mechanism between server and client. This is done by exchanging
timestamps between server and client during the connection phase which are used to
calculate a time offset value. When transmitting sensor data to a client this offset is
added to the timestamp of the package.
The time duration until the world state is completely transmitted depends strongly
on the amount of data the client’s sensor plugins requests. We measured on our internal
network for a client requesting 180 beams of a Laser Range Finder (LRF) sensor, distance and angle to all lines, poles, and goals on the field, and odometry information, a
duration between 2ms and 3ms. The latency of the server, which depends on the number of simultaneously connected clients, has been measured between 6ms and 8ms in
the case of 3 actively operating clients.
Client Architecture
Figure 2 shows an overview of the client architecture. The client consists of a module that manages the communication with the server (Comm), a module for parsing
and accessing information from the robot configuration file (Parameters) and a sensor
container holding sensor plugins which are created by the plugin factory.
A Plugin-Based Architecture for Simulation in the F2000 League
The Parameters module parses the client’s robot configuration file from which information is used for creating the respective sensor plugins, for example the type of
feature the sensor plugin provides. The file is also transmitted to the server during the
server connection phase and used there for the creation of an equivalent robot object in
the simulation.
Sensor plugins created on the client side are equal to plugins created on the server,
but reduced of the ability to generate data. They can be considered as data buffers which
are filled by the communication module. As indicated by the dashed modules in the
figure, one could also fill the container using threads that process information from
real sensors. This is particularly useful when designing high-level algorithms based on
the sensor container concept which work on the generated features. In this case the
algorithms can easily be evaluated both in the simulation and on real robots.
The sensor plugins are automatically generated and inserted into the sensor container which provides functionality to search for and access specific sensor data objects by certain characteristics. Within the container, sensor plugins are distinguished
by three identifiers:
1. The specific model of the sensor, for example DFW5001 or LMS2002
2. The type of the sensor, for example camera or LRF
3. The name of the particular feature, for example ballDistance or 180DegreeScan
In order to address a particular plugin, one can query the container by providing one
or more of the above identifiers. This has the advantage that features can be addressed
in a more abstract way by their functionality rather than by a specific sensor name. Thus
plugins that provide equal features, e.g. distanceToGoal from a vision or LRF plugin,
can be exchanged in the container without direct consequences for the user program.
Furthermore the client package provides an optional GUI module that can be used to
display information from the sensors or additional information generated by algorithms
on a higher level.
Plugin Architecture
The plugin concept was chosen since it offers the highest degree of flexibility and extensibility while maintaining an independent and stable simulator core. The plugin concept
evolved in stages with the increasing need for a stronger modularity of certain parts of
the simulator until reaching the current state which, we hope, meets most of the expectations and requirements for the teams of the F2000 league. Figure 3 shows the plugin
architecture for the sensorics and motion simulation which will be described in the following.
Sensor Plugins. Usually the biggest discrepancies between robots of different teams
apart from the robot chassis are the sensors used on the robots and the data representation used by the data processing modules, like differing coordinate frames or a camera
Firewire camera used by the University of Freiburg
SICK laser range finder used by the RoboCup teams of Freiburg and Stuttgart
Alexander Kleiner and Thorsten Buchheim
Robot Client Interface
Fig. 3. Server/client view of the sensor and motion plugin concept.
image data format needed by a specific color segmentation algorithm. Consequently the
sensorics play a central role within the plugin architecture of the simulator.
Although sensor plugins were referred to as one plugin type in the previous chapters
for the sake of simplicity, the sensor concept consists of two separate plugin types, one
for data generation and one for data storage. Sensor plugins access the current world
state of the simulator to generate data of any desired form. This data is stored within
the second plugin type named sensor data plugin which is needed for a transparent
communication between server and client as well as for a data buffering on the client
side. One functionality of the sensor data plugins is the transformation between their
specific data representation and the data format required by the communication module.
On an update request from the client, sensor data plugin objects on the server side
are filled by the sensor plugins, transformed to the data transmission format, transferred
to the client and re-transformed to the original data format by the corresponding sensor
data plugin objects on the client side. One major advantage of this concept is that sensor
data processing can either be done on the client or on the server side as both share the
same view on the sensor data. This can be extremely useful when the amount of data
grows too large to transmit it to a client in a reasonable amount of time like e.g. a
rendered high resolution camera image.
To build a new sensor plugin basically one method generateData() has to be implemented by the developer. Within this method the position of the sensor itself as well as
information about all other objects concerning position, color and geometric shape are
accessible by the framework within an absolute coordinate frame. This information can
then be used to create the data as usually provided by the real sensor. Optionally there
are auxiliary functions for simulating sensor noise or for two dimensional ray tracing.
Until now there exist several sensor plugins for different kinds of sensors based on the
sensor equipment used by the teams of Freiburg and Stuttgart:
– odometry sensor providing the current translational and rotational velocities and a
position within the odometry coordinate frame.
A Plugin-Based Architecture for Simulation in the F2000 League
Fig. 4. Two screenshots from the plugin for generating artificial camera images: (a) an omnidirectional view as seen by a perfect warp free omnidirectional camera using an isometric mirror
shape as proposed by [9]. (b) a conventional camera perspective.
– camera for iconic data of ball, goal and corner posts within its field of view
– iconic omnivision camera detecting field lines and goals, corner posts and the ball
in a 360◦ field of view
– laser range finder providing either raw distance data obtained by ray tracing or
iconic information about obstacles and an absolute position within the field
– ultrasonic sensor detecting the nearest obstacle within the opening angle of the
– camera image by 3D scene reconstruction delivers a 3D rendered view of a commonly used 2D camera or an unwarped omnivision sensor as shown in Figure 4.
Motion Plugins. The integration of different kinematics and controller types is done
by a further plugin type of the architecture named motion plugin. Within the simulator
a robot’s motion is represented by a change of its pose (relocation) (x, y, θ) within a
certain interval of time. This relocation of the robot is requested from the motion plugin
within each update cycle of the simulation to update the robot’s pose in the environment.
For the physics simulation the motion plugins must provide further information
about its current velocity and the rotational speed needed for the collision calculation.
To set motion commands motion plugins can either be addressed by a set of standard commands, such as setRotationalVelocity or setTranslationalVelocity, or by a ndimensional vector. The latter allows to address more complex motion models.
Since a motion model may require to send data about its internal state back to the
client the motion plugin interface provides one further method to retrieve motion data
that is automatically invoked by the default odometry sensor plugin of the server which
makes the data available on the client side as well.
Currently there are three different motion plugins available. One model is based on
a neural network that basically predicts the robot’s state (x, y, θ, vr , vt ) at t1 depending
on the previous state and velocity settings (vtset , vrset ) at t0 . The plugin was trained
for Freiburg’a Pioneer hardware base, but can easily be trained for other platforms by
a small application. A similar method has also been used for state prediction by the
Agilo RoboCuppers [3, 2]. A second model is a mathematical calculation of a two wheel
differential drive based on a a linear acceleration assumption and parameter tuned to
map the behavior of the Nomadic Scout hardware base of Stuttgart’s CoPs team. A
holonomic three wheel robot base was contributed by the University of Dortmund.
Alexander Kleiner and Thorsten Buchheim
Player Plugins. After various experiments and applications of the simulation server,
we found it a useful feature to facilitate the implementation of simple robot behaviors
that run within the simulator without the overhead of a remote connected client. This
turned out to be useful to simulate opponent players like e.g. goalkeepers or for gathering simulated robot sensor data to create an environment map which e.g. was used for
a Monte Carlo localization approach. For this kind of application the framework offers
a third type of so called player plugins.
Each player plugin controls one robot which is created based on its configuration
file that is specified within the plugin. Its core functionality is implemented within a
method senseAndAct that retrieves sensor information from the sensor data plugins and
determines an action which usually is a command to the motion plugin or a triggering
of its robot manipulators. Alternatively a player plugin can access the world state of
the simulator directly and manipulate it if needed. This may either be useful when implementing a perfect player behavior without limitations by its sensors or when certain
environment situations shall be created artificially.
To model coordinated or cooperative group behaviors of different player plugins the
simulator provides a common communication channel for message broadcasts among
player plugins. Each player can thus broadcast and receive messages from other player
plugins to synchronize group actions.
Currently there are two player plugins, a goalkeeper plugin and a plugin for generating a sensor expectation model which will be described in the following chapter.
5.1 A Benchmark for Multiagent Learning
The proposed architecture comes with two crucial advantages that makes it valuable for
robot learning: Firstly, customized sensor and motion plugins allow for different kinds
of robots to be used within the same learning environment. Secondly, the usage of player
plugins on the server offers a modular way of designing and distributing benchmark
tasks while keeping the same setup.
Within the simulator framework, algorithms can be designed for learning on either
the client or server side. In both cases, the algorithm’s input is taken from a sensor data
container and the output is a command to a motion plugin. Due to the abstract interfaces it is possible that an algorithm can be applied to different robot types. As already
discussed in section 3, sensors are addressable by their specific model, their type or the
name of a feature they provide. By addressing the feature directly, e.g. DistanceToGoal,
the algorithm can be executed, regardless by which sensor the data was produced. Note
that this works for plugins that provide features with equal identifiers and equal data
For the evaluation of Multiagent learning algorithms we introduced the player plugins. They allow to build unique benchmark situations that are defined by a set of robots
behaving in a particular way. One plugin, which is included in the simulator package,
implements the control of a goalkeeper and can be started with different policies. The
plugin can be used to evaluate the performance of an opponent (or a team) that learns
A Plugin-Based Architecture for Simulation in the F2000 League
policies to score against the defending goalkeeper with a specific skill level. The goalkeeper plugin can be started with the policies randomly moving, moving by a pattern,
blocking the ball, intercepting the ball and mixed policy. The benchmark has recently
been introduced within the RoboCup Special Interest Group (SIG) on Multiagent Learning.
Our own experiences with learning a complex control task have shown that behaviors learned in the simulation can be executed successfully on a real robot as well [7].
Even tricky tasks, such as dribbling and approaching the ball, were managed well by the
pre-trained robots that have been trained within games against hand-coded opponents or
against themselves. Also the team from the University of Stuttgart uses the simulation
for learning skills.
5.2 Plugin Based Localization
In this section we give an example that demonstrates how the plugin approach can be
extended towards hardware independent implementations of robot localization algorithms. We extended the sensor plugin interface for the utilization of the well known
Monte Carlo Localization method (MCL)[12]. Since the method has been well documented by several other researchers, we will not discuss it in detail any further here.
To implement MCL, one needs to build the perceptional model p (s | l). In the case
of containers, s is a vector of n features, where each feature is stored by a plugin in the
container. If we assume independence among the features
to the pose, the
perceptual model can be calculated by p (st | l) = p s1t | l p s2t | l ...p (snt | l) [4].
We extended the abstract interface of the sensor data plugins by the two methods
learnProbability(lt) and getProbability(lt). These methods are supposed for learning
the sensors observation and accessing the perceptual model for the pose lt respectively. It is defined that in case the sensor has an expectation for the queried pose,
getProbability(lt) returns a number between 0 and 1 and −1 otherwise. The interface
also provides a method getProbability(lt, S) that allows to weight a sample set S according to the current sensor reading at pose lt . Note that it is assumed that there was
either a call of generateData or setData beforehand to assure that the latest observations
are available inside the plugin. The interface leaves open how the perceptual model
has to be represented. We used a common representation that separates the perceptual
model in two tables, one for the expectation of each pose and one for the sensor model
itself [12]. In this case it is assumed that learnProbability is called with noise free data,
since the data is stored in the table of expectations. The second table is pre-calculated
from a Gaussian distribution that reflects the sensors noise. The return value of getProbability is then simply calculated by a nested lookup of the two tables. Figure 5(a)
shows the expectation of the features LRF Beam, PoleDistance, PoleAngle, GoalDistance, GoalAngle, and 5(b) the mixed perceptual model of the latter two for the blue
and yellow goal.
The perceptual model can be learned at once for all features by a special player
plugin in the simulator. The plugin basically moves the robot to all poses on the field
and executes generateData and learnProbability for all Markov plugins found in the
Alexander Kleiner and Thorsten Buchheim
Fig. 5. Calculating perceptual models: (a) the robots expectation of the features LRF Beam,
PoleDistance, PoleAngle, GoalDistance and GoalAngle (b) the mixed perceptual model of the
features distance and angle to the blue and yellow goal. Darker regions indicates a higher probability of the robot’s position. Sensor noise is modeled by a Gaussian distribution with σ = 20mm
and σ = 5◦ for distances and angles respectively.
During localization, the MCL implementation executes getProbability on the container for weighting the sample set representing the current belief. We are planning to
develop a similar interface for the motion plugins. By this, the localization algorithm
can be designed completely independent of the robot’s hardware.
Summary and Outlook
In this paper we presented a modular and extendible multi-robot simulation environment for the F2000 league that is suitable for simulating sensors, robot control tasks
and cooperative team play. An open plugin architecture has been introduced that permits teams to design their own robot models regarding sensor configuration and motion
control. With a growing community of teams using this simulator even full test matches
can be held on a regular basis without physical presence of the teams. Furthermore
we showed exemplarily, how the simulator framework can be utilized for multiagent
Past experiences in robotics have shown that besides a good idea for e.g. a new
localization or feature extraction algorithm the concrete implementation plays an even
more important role. Unfortunately, there are only a few implementations freely available and those are in turn tailored for particular hardware or data structures.
One of the key motivation of our work is to foster the exchange of software for
autonomous robots. The proposed simulator architecture makes clear how this can be
achieved in the case of a robot simulation. Even more beneficial, however, can be the
exchange of software components for real robots. In order to accomplish this goal, one
has to introduce a level of abstraction and to define standardized methods for accessing
this level. We believe that the introduced concept of sensor containers provides also
a good level of abstraction on real robots. In the same way, as the proposed sensor
plugins generate data inside the simulation, one can implement sensor plugins that run
on robots and generate feature data from real sensors. RoboCup teams using the same
kind of sensors could then easily share those components.
A Plugin-Based Architecture for Simulation in the F2000 League
Furthermore the example shown in section 5.2 demonstrated how algorithms can be
designed to operate on generic containers rather than on specific implementations for
sensor data processing. Algorithms that are based on generic containers can easily be
shared among teams that use the same abstract interface.
The German research project SPP1152-RoboCup is concerned with certain aspects
regarding software architecture, system integration and learning. One aim is to find
a common description for sensor types and properties as well as robot geometry and
physics. We will adapt and contribute our approach to the project and look forward to
get one step closer to the goal of a common description of robots and more efficient
software development in the RoboCup domain.
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