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All E-Board members should be Financially Certified. It only takes a few minutes!
The Club Visas are the preferred method of making purchases
Any transaction your club wishes to make must have a completed
Expense Approval Form (EAF) — found in the Club Center
Both names placed on the EAF must be financially certified individuals
— we will check!
All EAF’s must be reviewed and signed by your Club Advisor prior to
turning it in
Your event must be registered on the Link before you can make purchases
for that event
You must fill out a separate EAF for every vendor you wish to make
purchases from
EAF’s can only be found in the Club Center
You can either make an appointment or walk in to meet with the finance
staff to take out a Visa
The Visa card is always due the next business day at 11:00am so plan accordingly
When you return the Club Visa you must bring all original receipts with NO tax
No Tax can be charged on the Club Visa cards
No alcoholic beverages can be purchased on the Club Visa cards
You CANNOT pay for services on the Club Visa card; Services are regularly handled
through a contract and are paid through a different process
By Friday, most Visa’s are handed out so plan ahead!
You must fill out an EAF and submit it to the Club Center Desk to print at the HUB
All flyer, poster and shirt designs must be pre-approved by Sarah Griffith by
emailing [email protected]
There is a 24 hour turn around between the time you turn in your EAF and the time
you receive your HUB request
The completed HUB request will be placed in your Club Mail Folder
Be sure to give enough time to the HUB staff. If it has to be rushed they charge extra!
Each Club has access to 200 free black & white copies each year through the
Club Center
You have to fill out an EAF and specify that you would like to use your free copies
You don’t have to use all 200 at once, you can spread it out across other requests
There is a 24 hour turn-around period to receive your copies
When the copies are completed they will be placed in your Club mail folder
All designs still need to be pre-approved by Sarah Griffith by emailing your design
to [email protected]
You will need to fill out an EAF for your reimbursement request.
You will need to turn in all original itemized receipts when you turn in your EAF.
All reimbursements are done through direct deposit
We can check to see if you are set up for Direct Deposit for reimbursements because it is
different than your Payroll Direct Deposit.
You will have to fill out an EAF to request Petty Cash.
The reason to request petty cash is so that you have change for an event if you are
collecting money.
In the EAF detailed descriptions spot, you will tell us the denominations of
change you are requesting.
The following are the normal denominations:
Quarters = $10 rolls
Dimes = $5 rolls
Nickels = $2 rolls
Pennies = $.50 rolls
The EAF form must be turned in at least 3 days before your event.
You will be notified when the petty cash is ready to be picked up; upon pick up you will
have to show your RIT ID.
When your event is over your petty cash should be returned ASAP.
Cash boxes are available to Clubs free of charge, can be reserved in the Club Center.
Boxes are on a “First Come, First Serve”.
All deposits require a Deposit Slip to be filled out completely and signed by
two club members.
We do encourage you to make deposits ASAP to protect you from being responsible
for these funds.
All deposits must be made at the Club Center Drop Box located downstairs outside of
the Campus Life Office on the A-level.
A donation is classified as funds received from an entity/persons outside of RIT
When a donation is made we need three key points of information:
Contact name or Company name & Contact person at the company
Complete mailing address
Amount donated