Proceedings TH2002 Supplement (2003) 245 – 252 c Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2003 1424-0637/03/040245-8 $ 1.50+0.20/0 Proceedings TH2002 Topologically Nontrivial Events in High Energy Hadron Collisions Dmitry Ostrovsky Abstract. I describe a hadron collision event in which color field undergoes classically prohibited forced tunneling (analogous to instanton tunneling) and appear as classical chromo-magnetic configuration (analogous to electroweak sphaleron). This classical state then evolves according to classical Yang-Mills equations in real (Minkowski) space producing a few gluons and light quarks. Phenomenological relevance to hadron and nuclear collisions is discussed. The talk is based on: G. W. Carter, D. M. Ostrovsky, E. V. Shuryak, Instantoninduced Semi-hard Parton Interactions and Phenomenology of High Energy Hadron Collisions. Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 036004 I have organized this note with the attempt to preserve the style of the original presentation at the Conference. Text originally appeared on transparencies is given here in a bold face. 1 Preface: in electroweak theory We begin with recalling a few points about electorweak sphaleron, the development which took place in the early 90s. QCD analogue, which we are interested in, in many ways is similar to its electroweak kin. It will be useful also to emphasize the differences between two constructions. • Vacuum tunneling (instanton) in electroweak theory leads to nonconservation of barion number. The possibility of such spectacular event was the primary source of interest in topologically nontrivial quasiclassical solutions in electroweak theory [1]. In QCD, observables, which can serve as a smoking gun for tunneling events have yet to be revealed. However, • Probability of 1-instanton event in EW is e−2S ≈ e−100 and therefore is impossible to observe. • Ringwald and Espinosa (early 90s): if tunneling occurs with nonzero energy, the probability may be much higher due to final particles phase space[2]. The original papers started a several years search for the energy dependence of quasiclassical tunneling probability. The findings are summarized in [3] and 246 D. Ostrovsky Proceedings TH2002 • The answer: probability (cross section) has a maximum at sphaleron energy and is about e−S . This result is a balance of two competing tendencies. The higher is the energy of the collision the more particles are produced and the larger is a final phase space. On the other hand, the higher is the energy the more difficult is the task of packing it into the particular quasiclassical state. Thus, the most probable configuration is the • Sphaleron – non-stable time independent solution of Yang-Mills-Higgs equations, the top of minimal pass of magnetic-type fields connecting topologically different vacua 2 From EW to QCD Going from EW to QCD we should address several points, such as how to implement color SU(3) group with topologically nontrivial projection in 4 dimensions, how to deal with scale invariance of QCD, what is our primary aim in terms of observables. • We are working with SU (2) subgroup of colour SU (3) group, it has nontrivial topological projection on 4D space. The rest of the SU (3) group can be taken to account by embeddings. • Scale invariance is broken by instanton size parameter ρ ∼ 0.3fm. There is a vast literature about instanton properties of QCD. We are taking the parameters of instanton liquid model presented in [4]. • Probability of the tunneling is defined by instanton gas diluteness parameter n0 = nρ4 ∼ 0.01 In instanton calculations the diluteness parameter refers to tunneling amplitude. Probability is ∼ n20 . However, the same mechanism as in EW case brings down one power of n0 for nonzero energy events. • Main point to look at: final state. It should be quite different from those proposed by string model or perturbative QCD. It has to bear a very high degree of coherence resembling the production of a resonance. We will not come here to further details. 3 Instanton-induced events vs. pQCD • Characteristic momentum transferred for instanton-induced processes Q ∼ 2GeV. Roughly coincides with minijet scale. Which implies that instanton-induced events are playing in the same phenomenological field as minijets, at the borderline between perturbative and nonperturbative QCD. Vol. 4, 2003 Topologically Nontrivial Events in High Energy Hadron Collisions 247 • Multiparticle instanton-induced production is NOT suppressed by powers of αs . This is quite clear because instanton field is proportional to 1/g. Now we can expect relatively more instanton-induced events among those with high multiplicities. It can be one of the key points which reveal to us the final state of interest. • Final state in instanton-induced processes is highly coherent. And therefore, can be distinguished in a background of other sources of particles. 4 Three stages of quasiclassical evolution E classical barrier turning state real time evolution forced tunneling initial state 0 n 1 CS We will now describe instanton-induced event expected in a high energy collision as a three stage process. 1. Forced tunneling. Quasiclassical field undergoes virtual path under the potential barrier. Theoretical description of this process is still highly speculative. One way to look at it is instanton-antiinstanton pair describing 248 D. Ostrovsky Proceedings TH2002 2 sides of the cut in cross section calculations [5]. Another approach is based on analytical continuation of quasiclassical fields to the singular point in which an energy jump can occur [6]. Tunneling ends at the 2. Turning state. The minimal potential energy state with Chern-Simons number and characteristic size fixed. Kinetic energy equals 0. At this point quasiclassical field leaves clasically prohibited region and returns to Minkowski space. Chern-Simons number serves as a topological coordinate. Minimum of energy insures maximum probability for the event of a characteristic size with fixed Chern-Simons number. 3. Turning state explosion. Occupation number diminishes and problem becomes essentially quantum. However, in the early stage it can be studied by means of classical Yang-Mills equation, which provides an input for further (quantum) considerations In this report we will discuss the second and the third stages in some details. 5 Turning states from constrained minimization We now find the continuum of possible turning states parameterized by ChernSimons number and characteristic size. These states will further serve as initial conditions for the Cauchy problem for Yang-Mills equation. Let us take space components of gauge field Ai in A0 = 0 gauge as coordinates. Then, chromo-electric field E serves as conjugate momentum, and at the turning point they must vanish. Chromo-magnetic field B plays rôle of potential energy. Problem: find the minimum of energy 1 E= 2 4g d3 xB 2 (chromo-electric field E = 0) for fixed a) Chern-Simons number NCS = d3 xK0 = 1 16π 2 1 d3 x Bia Aai − abc ijk Aai Abj Ack 6 b) mean radius of the field r 2 = d xr B 3 2 2 d3 xB 2 The last condition is necessary because of (classical) scale invariance of QCD Lagrangean and Chern-Simons number. We are fixing turning state scale in order Vol. 4, 2003 Topologically Nontrivial Events in High Energy Hadron Collisions 249 to comply with phenomenological observations (see [4]) and obtain finite solution for our minimal energy problem. The Lagrange function EL = E + κNCS + Solution: Bia = 4ρ2 E= 3π 2 (1 − κ2 )2 , g2 ρ E 2 r ρ2 1 − κ2 a δ (r 2 + ρ2 )2 i r 2 = ρ2 , NCS = sign(κ) (2 + |κ|)(1 − |κ|)2 4 E/g2ρ 30 20 10 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Ncs 0.8 1 6 Explosion • Starting from turning state one solves Yang-Mills equation in Minkowski space • For initial states (turning points) in hand the solution can be found an- alytically and appear to be the elliptic solution (Lüscher and Schechter, 1977)[7] 250 D. Ostrovsky • Energy profile rapidly acquires asymptotic form 8π r E(r, t) = 2 2 (1 − κ2 )2 g ρ 2 Proceedings TH2002 ρ2 ρ2 + (r − t)2 3 • Chern-Simons number changes on non integer amount. NCS (0) is non- integer and NCS (∞) is non-integer r2E(r,t) 3 t=0 t=10 2 t=20 1 0 0 5 10 r/ρρ 15 20 25 Energy spectrum is gauge dependant. For the gauge with minimal energy per particle 32 E(ω) = 2 ((1 − κ2 )ωρK1 (ωρ)))2 g which means that occupation number diverges as Ng ∼ ln(1/ωρ) the problem is solved by introduction of saturation limit. For gluon effective mass Mg ∼ 0.4GeV it gives Ng ≈ 4.5 Vol. 4, 2003 Topologically Nontrivial Events in High Energy Hadron Collisions 251 7 Conclusions • High energy hadron collision may lead to the tunneling through topo- logical barrier of a quasiclassical field • Turning states can be obtained by constrained minimization of po- tential energy of Yang-Mills field • This state evolves into an expanding shell, which subsequently turns to several gluons 8 Questions I have selected the questions that are not only of interest, but also can be successfully addressed in the near future. • What is the cross section? How to describe forced tunneling? • How to include quarks? • What is the phenomenological relevance? Thank you! References [1] F. R. Klinkhamer and N. S. Manton, Phys. Rev. D 30, 2212 (1984). [2] A. Ringwald, Nucl. Phys. B 330, 1 (1990). O. Espinosa, Of Unitarity In The Standard Model,” Nucl. Phys. B 343, 310 (1990). [3] M. P. Mattis, Phys. Rept. 214, 159 (1992). [4] T. 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