
Its Yours
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Biometrics in the real world
Biometric identification systems will not become a significant part of
our daily lives until they work reliably for everyone all the time.
The first step in the process of automatic fingerprint identification is to
acquire the fingerprint image from the finger. If the system cannot
acquire clear repeatable images of the fingerprint pattern, the
identification task is hopeless. In the real world this is not a trivial
task; fingerprint ID systems must regularly cope with a wide range of difficult-to-image fingers.
Furthermore, we are constantly damaging the surface of our fingers, just by doing our daily
activities. Workers in industrial occupations and even hairdressers expose the surface of their
fingers to harsh chemicals and physical wear. Even working in the garden, washing dishes, or
playing baseball all damage the patterns on the surface of our fingers.
TruePrint technology differentiates
itself from other fingerprinting
technologies by its ability to work for
everyone across a wide range of
finger conditions and environments.
How does TruePrint Technology work
TruePrint based fingerprint sensors are small components that can be
easily designed into almost any electronic device. The user simply places
his finger flat on the sensor surface to activate the system. The sensor
generates an image of the pattern in the finger skin that touches it.
TruePrint technology sensors can capture images from beneath the
surface of the skin where the ridge-and-valley pattern suffers less
damage from day-to-day living.
TruePrint Technology uses a patented radio frequency (RF) imaging technique that allows the
sensor to generate an image of the shape of the live layer of the skin that is buried beneath the
surface of the finger. This live subsurface layer has the shape of the fingerprint ridge and
valley pattern, in fact it is the source of the fingerprint pattern, and it is rarely affected by
damage or wear to the finger surface. It is this protected subsurface “true print” that TruePrint
technology captures in its images.
Benefits of TruePrint
Works for everyone
TruePrint technology sensors, with their exceptionally strong ability
to acquire, can be used in high volume commercial applications,
Its Yours
where failure to perform for even a small percentage of the
population means a large number of unsatisfied customers.
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Reliable and robust
TruePrint technology sensors survive in the field. TruePrint
technology permits:
• Thicker protective surface coatings
• Higher electrostatic discharge (ESD) resistance
• Higher scratch and abrasion resistance
• Exceptional resistance to chemical and environmental hazards
Low cost, small size / Hi performance
TruePrint technology’s clear repeatable images allow low
cost, small area sensors to deliver performance
exceeding that of larger more expensive sensors using
other technologies. TruePrint technology makes very
small, low cost, easy-to-use touch sensors practical for
real world portable devices. TruePrint based sensors
smaller than a dime are available.