Ann. Henri Poincaré 4, Suppl. 2 (2003) S863 – S880 c Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2003 1424-0637/03/02S863-18 DOI 10.1007/s00023-003-0967-1 Annales Henri Poincaré Thermal Aspects in Quantum Field Theory Jacques Bros∗ Abstract. Thermal (or “KMS”) states as well as ground states are characterized by analyticity properties in the (complexified) time variable. Such a characterization is applied to the quantum field theoretical systems on Minkowski, de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spacetimes. Privileged theories (or “vacua”) can be defined on the basis of general principles which ensure “maximal” analyticity properties of the correlation functions. In such theories, there exists an observer-dependent thermal interpretation of the “vacuum” which is due to the (complex) geometry. In Minkowski spacetime, the (non-privileged) thermal quantum field theories at arbitrary temperature are investigated for their particle aspect at asymptotic times. This aspect is encoded in the corresponding two-point functions through a certain “damping factor”, which is shown to depend on the dynamics of the interacting fields and suggests a possible substitute to the usual pole-particle concept in the thermal case. The first part of this talk (Sec 1–3) will be devoted to the following question: how does one determine the properties of stability of quantum states for relativistic systems which are described by local quantum fields, either in the Minkowskian background of flat spacetime, or more generally in certain curved spacetimes of simple type considered as given backgrounds for the quantum systems?. There is a general result of Pusz and Woronowicz [8] on quantum systems, according to which the class of quantum states satisfying an appropriate criterion of stability (called “passivity”) can be partitioned into two subclasses, namely, on the one hand the “ground states” and on the other hand the “thermal equilibrium states” or “KMS states”; both cases are characterized by specific analyticity properties in the time-variable of the correlation functions of all pairs of local observables of the system. When one deals with a relativistic system in which the local observables are described in terms of quantum fields, it turns out that the “ground-state” or “thermal-state” interpretation of a stable state of the theory will in general depend on the motion of the local observer. While this phenomenon already occurs in flat spacetime with the Unruh effect [9], it seems to acquire a more general validity in curved spacetime by appearing as the manifestation of a certain type of “temporal curvature” of the world lines which is felt as a thermal effect by the corresponding observer. In models of spacetime equipped with a maximal symmetry group such as Minkowski, de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spacetimes, a specially ∗ The results presented in the first part of this talk have been obtained in joint works with Henri Epstein, IHES- Bures-sur-Yvette (France), and Ugo Moschella, Università di Insubria, Como (Italy) [1-4]. Those presented in the second part have been obtained in joint works with Detlev Buchholz, Universität Göttingen (Germany)[5-7]. S864 Jacques Bros Ann. Henri Poincaré favourable circumstance occurs. In fact, one can then define classes of privileged theories (Sec 3) whose stability properties are encoded in appropriate global analyticity properties of the correlation functions with respect to the complexified spacetime variables. In particular, the two-point functions of the fields have “maximal analyticity properties” which can be expressed through a Källèn-Lehmanntype integral representation. In such theories, there exists a stable state invariant under the full symmetry group which may legitimately be called a “generalized vacuum”, the word “vacuum” being used here in the mathematical sense of the GNS-construction [10], as explained below. The global analyticity properties play the role of a “generalized relativistic spectral condition”, although such a term may be misleading: in fact, it is shown that for all these theories, there exists a complete observer-dependent interpretation of the “vacuum” either as a ground state or as a thermal equilibrium state (the former being never satisfied in the de Sitter case): this interpretation rigorously results from the combination of analyticity with the (complex) geometry of the spacetime manifold. The second part of this talk (see Sec 4) deals with the description of particles created by a quantum field in a thermal background in Minkowski spacetime. We shall in particular propose an answer to the following question: what becomes of the asymptotic particle aspect of quantum fields and of the characterization of particles in terms of poles of the two-point functions, if one combines the basic principles of relativistic quantum field theory with the general KMS condition expressed in the Lorentz frame of the thermal bath? We shall summarize here the results of [7], in which it is shown how the asymptotic particle aspect of the theory can be determined in a specific way by the dynamics of the interacting fields through a certain damping factor occurring in a Kallen-Lehmann-type representation of the two-point function. 1 Analyticity in complex time as a criterion for stability: ground states and KMS-states Imaginary time formalism is often presented in the physical literature as being dictated by considerations of convenience: convenience of the use of the Euclidean metric in place of the Minkowskian metric of real space, convenience of the compactness of the integration interval [0, β] (β being the inverse temperature) in the study of quantum statistical systems. Here we first wish to emphasize that the analyticity properties of correlation functions with respect to a complexified time variable are actually the necessary manifestation of a basic principle of stability for the states of the quantum system under consideration [8]. Let A be the algebra of all local observables A of a given quantum system. We adopt the Heisenberg picture, in which the evolution of the system is described by a group of “time automorphisms” αt acting on these observables: A → αt (A) (α0 (A) = A). Each stable state ω generates a Hilbertian representation of the Vol. 4, 2003 Thermal Aspects in Quantum Field Theory S865 algebra of observables of the system, in which it appears as a set of expectation values ω(A) ≡< A >ω satisfying the condition that ω(αt (A)) ≡< A(t) >ω is independent of t. Here we have identified the abstract algebraic notation in which the state ω is seen as the action ω(A) of a positive linear functional on the algebra of observables, with the usual Hilbert space notation < A >ω in which A (resp. A(t)) is meant as the operator representative of the observable A (resp. αt (A)). The fact that any state ω (including the thermal equilibrium states) can be represented as a distinguished vector >ω of a certain Hilbert space Hω , which is spanned by the action of the whole algebra of observables on that particular vector corresponds to a standard mathematical construction, called the GelfandNaimark-Segal (GNS) construction (see e.g. [10] and references therein); the vector >ω is then called a “GNS-vacuum” (see also the remark below). In the Hilbert space Hω , the automorphisms αt are represented by unitary operators Uω (t) such that A(t) = Uω (t)AUω (t)−1 . We stress the conceptual importance of the “passivity” criterion of stable states introduced in [8] in terms of the reaction of the system in these states to external perturbations. According to [8] this criterion then allows one to distinguish two types of stable states ω, namely the “ground states” which satisfy a condition of energy boundedness from below or spectral condition, and the “thermal equilibrium states” which satisfy the so-called KMS-condition [11]. It is remarkable that these two types of states are characterized by specific analyticity properties with respect to the time variable t of all the two-point correlation functions of the form . . (t) = ω(Bαt (A)) ≡< B A(t) >ω , WAB (t) = ω(αt (A)B) ≡< A(t) B >ω and WAB (A, B) denoting any pair of local observables of the system. ± (t), In both cases, there exists for each pair (A, B) two analytic functions WAB defined respectively below and above the real axis in the complex t−plane, such − + that for all real values of t, WAB (t) = lim WAB (t− iη) and WAB (t) = lim WAB (t+ iη) for η tending to zero with positive values. However the following difference holds: − + (t) and WAB (t) are respectively holomorphic in the a) Ground states: WAB half-planes mt < 0 and mt > 0. − + (t) and WAB (t) are b) Thermal equilibrium states of temperature β −1 : WAB − respectively holomorphic in the strips Σβ = {t; −β < mt < 0} and Σ+ β = {t; β > mt > 0}, and moreover the following KMS periodicity condition + − (t + iβ) (implying also WAB (t) = WAB (t − iβ) and for holds: WAB (t) = WAB + + − every t in Σβ : WAB (t) = WAB (t − iβ)). . (t) be Let the commutator functions CAB (t) =< [A(t), B] >ω = WAB (t) − WAB introduced (for each pair (A, B)). Then in the Fourier conjugate variable of t, namely the energy variable E, the previous properties can be equivalently ex (E), C̃AB (E) pressed as follows in terms of the Fourier transforms W̃AB (E), W̃AB of WAB (t), WAB (t) and CAB (t): S866 Jacques Bros Ann. Henri Poincaré a) Ground states: W̃AB (E) = θ(E) C̃AB (E), W̃AB (E) = −θ(−E) C̃AB (E); b) Thermal equilibrium states of temperature β −1 : W̃AB (E) = 1 C̃AB (E), 1 − e−βE W̃AB (E) = − 1 C̃AB (E). 1 − eβE The two cases a) and b) correspond to two different splitting procedures for C̃AB (E), the former being a sharp support splitting (expressing energy positivity), while the latter is a smooth support splitting with exponential tails specified by the Bose-Einstein factor [1 − e−βE ]−1 . Remark The KMS condition of the case b) was originally derived for the case of statistical systems in a box, by using the standard Hilbertian formalism in terms of the Hamiltonian H and of the density matrix e−βH for representing the action of the thermal state ω, namely ωβ (A) = Tre−βH ρA . Tre−βH The validity of the same analytic structure for the general case of infinite systems was then established in [11]: in the new GNS Hilbert space Hω associated with ωβ , this state is no longer represented as a mixture (or density matrix) but as a vector state, namely the GNS-vacuum >ω . 2 Stability and analyticity in time variables for relativistic quantum fields We adopt the viewpoint of a general field theory described in terms of one (or several) Wightman-type quantum field Φ(x). The basic local observables of the theory are then linear combinations of field monomials of the form dx1 . . . dxn Φ(x1 ) . . . Φ(xn ) f (x1 , . . . , xn ), such integrals being understood as the action of operatorvalued distributions on smooth test-functions f with compact support. If the background spacetime is Minkowski spacetime and t denotes the time coordinate along a time-axis with unit vector e, the general stability criterion described in Sec.1 then leads us to consider all the pairs of correlation functions or “Wightman functions” (understood in the sense of distributions) of the form Wmn (t) =< Φ(x1 + te) . . . Φ(xm + te)Φ(xm+1 ) . . . Φ(xm+n ) >ω and Wmn (t) =< Φ(xm+1 ) . . . Φ(xm+n )Φ(x1 + te) . . . Φ(xm + te) >ω , where the state >ω (characterized mathematically as a GNS-vacuum for the representation of the field algebra, as explained above) is stable, namely invariant under the translations of time along the e−axis. Vol. 4, 2003 Thermal Aspects in Quantum Field Theory S867 The fact that this state is a ground state or a KMS-state is then specified by the corresponding analyticity property with respect to the complexified variable t of the previous pairs of Wightman functions, as described in Sec.1. More generally, one can consider families [γ̂] of world-lines γ parametrized by a proper-time parameter t and which are orbits of a certain (one-parameter) isometry group Γ of the underlying spacetime X. Denoting by x = x(γ) (t) the parametrization of each trajectory γ in [γ̂] and putting for simplicity Φγ (t) = Φ(x(γ) (t)), one is led similarly to characterize the stability properties of a given field theory on X with respect to the family of orbits [γ̂] of the “evolution group” Γ by the analyticity properties of the pairs of Wightman functions Wmn (t) =< Φγ1 (t) . . . Φγm (t)Φγm+1 (0) . . . Φγm+n (0) >ω and (t) =< Φγm+1 (0) . . . Φγm+n (0)Φγ1 (t) . . . Φγm (t) >ω Wmn in the corresponding complexified variable t. We emphasize that the “ground state” (or “zero-temperature”) character or the “thermal” character (at temperature T = β −1 ) of the state >ω , corresponding respectively to the analyticity of Wmn (t) and Wmn (t) in half-planes or in periodic KMS-strips (with width β) of the t−plane, is now observer dependent, since relative to the family of world-lines [γ̂]. Such a family may indeed cover possibly only a part of the spacetime X, which corresponds to the existence of an “horizon” for the corresponding observers. For these observers, the corresponding energy interpretation of the state is done in the Fourier conjugate variable E of t, which is relative to the “evolution group” Γ considered and generally does not have a global meaning with respect to X. 3 Privileged Quantum field theories in Minkowski, de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spacetimes Of course, it is always possible to complexify the proper-time variable t of any given world-line of any spacetime manifold X, and if families of world-lines associated with an isometry group Γ of X exist, which is not always the case, one can introduce the previous notions of stability relatively to Γ with arbitrary temperature (positive or equal to zero): these notions rely on a partial complexification in one variable of the manifold X. Such complexification of time variables becomes particularly interesting if the manifold X is analytic, namely if one can speak of global complexifications of X in all the variables; in such a case, the complexification of the proper-time of a world-line γ may define a corresponding “complex world-line” γ (c) as a curve in a complex manifold X (c) which is a global complexification of X. We shall consider three simple models of spacetime X which admit a global complexification X (c) : Minkowski, de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spacetimes. They S868 Jacques Bros Ann. Henri Poincaré also have in common to admit a global symmetry group G, which extends to a complex symmetry group G(c) of X (c) . For Minkowski, this is the (restricted) Poincaré group acting on R4 . For de Sitter, which can be represented as the one-sheeted hyperboloid with equation x2 ≡ x20 − x21 − x22 − x23 − x24 = −R2 embedded in the Minkowskian space R5 , the symmetry group G is SO0 (1, 4). For anti-de Sitter, which can be represented by the quadric with equation x2 ≡ x20 − x21 − x22 − x23 + x24 = R2 embedded in R5 , the symmetry group G is the pseudo-orthogonal group SO0 (2, 3). R can be called the radius of the corresponding de Sitter or anti-de Sitter spacetime. These three spacetimes admit classes of privileged quantum field theories (QFT) , and corresponding GNS-vacua, whose definition (given below) will benefit from the global symmetry group and from the global complexified structure of these spacetimes. As a matter of fact, the correlation functions of such privileged QFT will satisfy properties of covariance under G and analyticity domains which are the analogs of those expressing the relativistic spectral condition in the Minkowski case. Then for the spacetimes X which we consider, there are various “evolution isometry groups” Γ, which all appear as subgroups of the global symmetry group G. Each one-parameter group Γ admits a complexified group Γ(c) , which is a subgroup of G(c) , and whose orbits will be complex world-lines γ (c) in the corresponding manifold X (c) . The following typical situations will occur. 3.1 Two simple types of complexified orbits γ (c) for the “evolution groups” i) “straightlines” or “circles”: the complex orbits γ (c) are (topologically) isoCt morphic to Ct or to 2πrZ ii) “hyperbolae”: the complex orbits γ (c) are (topologically) isomorphic to Ct 2πiρZ (In the latter, t always denotes the proper-time variable) The simplest example is provided by the complexified Minkowski spacetime X (c) = C4 , in which one can distinguish: (c) a) All the orbits of (complexified) time-translation groups Γe , e being any unit timelike vector in the forward cone V + , namely all straightlines of the type δ : z = te + b (b being any real vector); they correspond to all possible uniform motions in the kinematics of special relativity. b) Classes of orbits of complexified one-parameter Lorentz subgroups, such as (c) the group Γ0,1 = SO0 (1, 1)(c) of pure Lorentz transformations in the coordi(c) nates (z0 , z1 ); these orbits are the complexified timelike hyperbolae hρ : z0 = ρ sinh ρt , z1 = ρ cosh ρt , with ρ, z2 , z3 constant and real. Each of these complex curves contains two disjoint real world-lines, which are the corresponding two real (c) branches hρ , hρ of the complex hyperbola hρ . They are respectively represented in the t−plane by the real t−axis (mod. 2πiρ) and the parallel to the real axis Vol. 4, 2003 Thermal Aspects in Quantum Field Theory S869 passing at the point πiρ but with negative orientation (mod. 2πiρ); hρ and hρ are interpreted as world-lines of uniformly accelerated motions with acceleration (c) a = ρ1 . The complex curve hρ contains a “circle” z0 = iρ sin τρ , z1 = ρ cos τρ , (obtained for t = iτ and contained in the imaginary-time Euclidean spacetime of X (c) ); this circle will introduce a 2πiρ−periodicity , which the corresponding uniformly accelerated observer living on hρ (or on hρ ) may interpret in a thermal a way (namely as a KMS-type periodicity with the temperature T = 2π ) provided its local field observables are in a GNS-vacuum state satisfying the corresponding (c) global analyticity property in the complex manifolds hρ . As seen below, this will (c) indeed be satisfied by all the privileged QFT’s on X and correspond to what is known as the “Unruh effect”[9], but one must not confuse the geometrical period(c) icity of the complex world lines hρ with the corresponding KMS property of the QFT’s which will benefit from that periodicity. In de Sitter spacetime the situation is as follows. All the isometry groups Γ which admit families of time-like orbits interpreted either as inertial or uniformly accelerated motions are subgroups of pure Lorentz transformations in G = SO0 (1, 4). All the corresponding orbits are world-lines of type ii), i.e. hyperbolae; for such a given group, they are obtained by taking all the sections of X by a corresponding family of parallel (timelike) two-planes in the Minkowskian space R5 , and only one of these sections, namely the “meridian hyperbola” in the two-plane containing the origin, corresponds to a pair of inertial motions (or geodesics). To be specific, it is sufficient to consider the complexified orbits of (c) the group Γ0,1 = SO0 (1, 1)(c) of pure Lorentz transformations in the coordinates (c) (z0 , z1 ) (similar to those of Minkowski space) of the form: hρ,e : z0 = ρ sinh ρt , z1 = 1 ρ cosh ρt , (z2 , z3 , z4 ) = (R2 − ρ2 ) 2 e, with e and ρ constant and real, e2 = 1 and 0 < ρ ≤ R. On the corresponding real world-lines hρ,e , hρ , e, the acceleration is 12 a = ρ12 − R12 . In anti-de Sitter spacetime the situation is more diversified. The isometry groups Γ which admit families of time-like orbits interpreted either as inertial or uniformly accelerated motions are of three types, and the corresponding orbits are sections of X by two-planes of R5 which present the three possible shapes of conical sections. a) All the subgroups which are conjugates with respect to SO0 (2, 3) of the rotation group SO0 2 in the coordinates (z0 , z4 ) give rise to complexified orbits of type i), Ct isomorphic to 2πrZ : the corresponding world-lines are in fact circles (or ellipses), which are interpreted as uniformly accelerated motions with acceleration a such that 0 ≤ a < R1 , the only geodesics being the “meridian circles” such as z02 + z42 = R2 , z1 = z2 = z3 = 0. It is to be noted there that the replacement of the antide Sitter spacetime by its universal covering X̃ suppresses the “unphysical time- S870 Jacques Bros Ann. Henri Poincaré periodicity” of the previous circular world-lines: in fact, it replaces them by their Ct universal covering R, and correspondingly it replaces the complexified orbits 2πrZ by Ct . b) All the horocyclic subgroups which are conjugates with respect to SO0 (2, 3) of the subgroup acting in the two-planes parallel to z0 +z1 = 0, z2 = z3 = 0 give rise to complexified orbits of type i), isomorphic to Ct : the corresponding world-lines are in fact parabolae, interpreted as uniformly accelerated motions with acceleration equal to a = R1 . c) All the subgroups which are conjugates with respect to SO0 (2, 3) of the Lorentz subgroup G = SO0 (1, 1) in the coordinates (z0 , z1 ) give rise to complexified orbits (c) of type ii); for this typical subgroup, these are the hyperbolae of the form hρ,e : 1 z0 = ρ sinh ρt , z1 = ρ cosh ρt , (z2 , z3 , z4 ) = (ρ2 + R2 ) 2 e, with e and ρ constant and real, e2 = e24 − e22 − e23 = 1 and ρ > 0. The corresponding world-lines are (as in the Minkowski and de Sitter cases) branches of hyperbolae hρ,e , hρ,e , now interpreted 12 as uniformly accelerated motions with acceleration equal to a = ρ12 + R12 . 3.2 Definition of the privileged scalar quantum field theories In Minkowski spacetime, the “privileged quantum field theories” are supposed to satisfy the Wightman axioms[12] (or generalized versions of them, such as those of the Jaffe fields[13] including the possibility of wilder short-distance singularities). In de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spacetime, it is possible to introduce similar classes of QFT’s [1,3,4], which allows us to give here a brief unified presentation for the three spacetimes; we use the general notations X and X (c) for anyone of them. We restrict ourselves for simplicity to the case of a single scalar field. A) Postulates on the field Φ(x) A basic postulate which is of general nature in QFT is the quantum formulation of Einstein causality, called local commutativity: the commutator [Φ(x1 ), Φ(x2 )] is supposed to vanish (as an operator-valued distribution) in the region of X × X in which x1 and x2 are spacelike separated. In all three cases, this region can be defined by the condition (x1 − x2 )2 < 0; for the dS and AdS cases, the latter is understood in terms of the quadratic form of the corresponding ambient space R5 (the quadric X being defined by x2 = ±R2 in that space) . For a scalar field, the covariance assumption can be written for all three cases as: U (g)Φ(x)U (g)−1 = Φ(gx), where U (g) denotes a unitary representation of the global symmetry group G in the Hilbert space of states. Massive free fields satisfy the Klein-Gordon equation (DX + µ2 )Φ = 0, where DX denotes the Laplace-Beltrami-type operator on the corresponding spacetime X. For the dS and AdS cases, this is the trace on X of the G−invariant Laplacian Vol. 4, 2003 Thermal Aspects in Quantum Field Theory S871 (or D’Alembertian) in the corresponding ambient space R5 . Additional specifications on the range of the mass variable µ are given below. B) Postulates on the vacuum state Ω The vacuum state Ω is supposed to be invariant under the group G. The n−point Wightman functions Wn (x1 , . . . , xn ) =< Ω, Φ(x1 ) . . . Φ(xn )Ω > of the field Φ are supposed to satisfy specific global analyticity properties in the complexified spacetime variables, which can be called generalized spectral condition. This condition requires that for n ≥ 2, each distribution Wn is the boundary value of a holomorphic function Wn (z1 , . . . , zn ), defined in a certain “tuboid domain” Tn . We now give a precise definition of the latter for the three cases, together with the corresponding interpretation a) Minkowski spacetime M4 : We postulate the usual relativistic spectral condition, which is equivalent[12] to the analyticity of the function Wn (z1 , . . . , zn ) in the tube Tn (M4 ) defined by the conditions mzj+1 − mzj ∈ V + , 1 ≤ j ≤ n − 1. b) de Sitter spacetime: The causal structure in X is inherited from that of the ambient Minkowskian space R5 , namely the light-cone emerging from a point x in X is the intersection of the Minkowskian light-cone emerging from x in R5 with X. Correspondingly, one also shows that there exists complex “tuboid domains” bordering the whole real spacetime X, which are of the form T + = T + ∩ X (c) and T − = T − ∩ X (c) , where T + and T − are respectively the “forward” and “backward tubes” in the complexified Minkowskian space C5 , defined by the condition mz ∈ V + or −mz ∈ V + . The following generalized spectral condition is then suggested [1,3]: for each n, the function Wn (z1 , . . . , zn ) is analytic in a domain Tn , which is the intersection by X (c) × · · · × X (c) of the five-dimensional Minkowskian tube domain Tn (M5 ). c) anti-de Sitter spacetime: A genuine spectral condition can be formulated in terms of all isometry groups Γ of rotation type (listed under a) in the paragraph of subsection 3-1 devoted to AdS), whose complex orbits can be seen to generate a union of tuboid domains T + and T − in X (c) , defined by the condition (mz)2 > 0. The corresponding formulation of the generalized spectral condition in terms of analyticity domains of the functions Wn (z1 , . . . , zn ) is then also feasible [4], the domains Tn of X (c) × · · · × X (c) being then defined in terms of the tuboids T + and T − . 3.3 Two-point functions and thermal properties of the privileged field theories By exploiting the generalized spectral condition together with the covariance of the fields and of the vacuum state, one can show that the two-point functions W2 (z1 , z2 ) of all privileged QFT’s enjoy a maximal analytic structure. What is meant here is that the following properties, known as old basic results for the Minkowski case [12] are also satisfied for the dS and AdS cases [1–4]. S872 Jacques Bros Ann. Henri Poincaré i) Analyticity in a maximal cut-domain D of X (c) × X (c) , which is invariant under G(c) ; D is the set of all pairs (z1 , z2 ) such that the G(c) −invariant variable ζ = (z1 − z2 )2 belongs to the cut-plane Π = C \ R+ . In all cases, the restriction of the cut ζ ≥ 0 to the reals is the set of all pairs (x1 , x2 ) which are timelike-separated on X. Concerning the AdS case, this result actually holds for the two-point functions of QFT’s on the covering of AdS, while for those on the “true” AdS itself, the cut in the ζ− plane reduces to the interval 0 ≤ ζ ≤ 4R2 . In all cases, each two-point function W2 (z1 , z2 ) of a scalar field is thus represented by a function of a single complex variable w(ζ) holomorphic in the cut-plane Π. ii) Privileged free fields: The two-point functions of free fields (with relevant mass ranges) are completely determined so as to satisfy the previous maximal analyticity property. They are shown to be proportional to Legendre-type functions Pλ or Qλ of the (G(c) −invariant) scalar product zR1 · zR2 (linearly related to ζ). In the latter, the subscript λ determines the squared mass µ2 of the corresponding free field. While the first-kind functions Pλ are obtained for the dS case, the second-kind functions Qλ are obtained for the covering of AdS, but only integral values of λ occur for the “true” AdS (which corresponds to the above peculiarity of the cut in ζ and is closely related to the real-time periodicity of such theories). iii) Källèn-Lehmann-type decompositions for general privileged QFT‘s. The possibility of representing the two-point functions of general (interacting) privileged QFT’s on X as linear superpositions over a certain mass range (with a weight which is a positive measure) of free-field two-point functions necesitates a more refined analysis. For the dS case, one can distinguish two disjoint bases of free fields (i.e. of Legendre functions Pλ ), whose sets of masses correspond respectively to the labelling of the principal series and of the complementary series of unitary irreducible representations of G. Fields whose two-point functions can be expanded on these two disjoint bases differ from each other by their asymptotic properties at large times on de Sitter spacetime. For the AdS case, there exists correspondingly a general decomposition in terms of functions Qλ , which selects the relevant subset of integral values of λ when one deals with QFT’s on the “true” AdS. Thermal properties For all privileged QFT’s on Minkowski, de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spacetimes, a KMS-condition is satisfied in all the families of world-lines contained in (c) complex hyperbolae hρ , as described above in subsec 3-1. The corresponding 1 , where ρ temperature, which is of purely geometric origin, is T = β −1 = 2πρ is the radius of the hyperbola. It is therefore related to the acceleration of the corresponding observers through the formulae specified in 3-1 for each case. This property , which can be called a generalized Unruh effect deserves the following additional comments. For the case of de Sitter spacetime, the thermal interpretation covers all possible timelike orbits of one-parameter subgroups of G, including those of the Vol. 4, 2003 Thermal Aspects in Quantum Field Theory S873 inertial motions (namely the meridian hyperbolae of X), for which the associated 1 temperature is minimal and equal to 2πR . For the case of anti-de Sitter spacetime (or its covering), the thermal interpretation is limited to accelerated motions whose acceleration a is larger than R1 , 2 1 1 with a temperature T = 2π a − R12 2 . For the parabolic trajectories, which correspond to the acceleration a = R1 and to the zero temperature limit, it can be shown that the corresponding energy spectrum is bounded from below: the spectral condition, postulated for all the elliptic orbits thus extends to the parabolic ones. Concerning the proof of this KMS analytic structure in all privileged QFT’s, one must distinguish the case of free fields and generalized free fields, from the general case of interacting fields. In the former case, the field theory is completely determined by its two-point function. So it results from the property of maximal analyticity of the latter that all the coresponding n−point functions (which are in that case combinations of products of two-point functions) satisfy maximal analyt(c) icity and geometrical periodicity in all sections of X (c) by the complex curves hρ . Therefore all KMS-conditions of the type described in Sec 2 are easily obtained as a byproduct. In the latter case, the proof of the relevant KMS-conditions for all the n−point functions on the basis of the general postulates listed in 3-2 is more technical, since it necessitates the application of an analytic completion procedure, which we have given in [3,4] under the subtitle “proving the Bisognano-Wichmann analyticity property”. As a matter of fact, for the case of the Unruh effect in Minkowski spacetime, the first general proof of the corresponding KMS-property for general interacting fields has been given in [14] by alternative methods based on operator algebras. In this connection one should also quote other presentations and analyses of the generalized Unruh effect in the approach of algebraic QFT, in particular those of [15] for de Sitter and [16] for anti-de Sitter (see also [17]). However, we did not pretend to give here a survey of all the investigations and possible viewpoints concerning the Unruh-type phenomenons. The purpose of our presentation (and this will be the conclusion to our first part) was to show that for Minkowski, dS and AdS spacetimes, there holds a unified viewpoint on the thermal aspects of privileged QFT‘s: it is clearly exhibited by the links between complex geometry and the global analyticity properties in spacetime variables of those (free or interacting) theories. 4 Thermal quantum field theories in Minkowski spacetime: particle aspects In relativistic quantum field theories with a ground state, (or “theories at zero temperature”),also called previously “privileged QFT’s in Minkowski spacetime”, the particle aspect is linked with the occurrence of poles for the Green functions of the fields in momentum space. In particular, the “elementary particles” of the S874 Jacques Bros Ann. Henri Poincaré field Φ(x) (if they exist) correspond to the occurrence of real poles for the twopoint Green function in momentum space, or equivalently of discrete measures δ(p2 − m2i ) in the corresponding energy-momentum spectrum. Moreover, this is closely related to the Haag-Ruelle construction of asymptotic free fields Φin (x) 1 and Φout (x) for the interacting field Φ(x). The choice of free propagators (p2 −m 2) i for starting perturbation theory is also justified by the latter facts. In thermal quantum field theories, all these notions must be reconsidered. After a brief summary of the postulates of thermal QFT, we shall give i) a general (nonperturbative) study of thermal two-point functions, resulting in a Källèn-Lehmann-type representation whose weight depends not only on the mass but also on the space variables x. ii) a related characterization of the constituent particles of the field in the thermal bath, in terms of thermal free two-point functions accompanied by x− dependent “damping factors”. The occurrence of such factors is equivalent to smoothing the usual pole singularity in momentum space iii) the introduction of “asymptotic generalized free fields” (AGFF) as substitutes to the usual free fields Φin (x) and Φout (x). These AGFF are associated with “asymptotic two-point functions” which depend through their damping factor both on the temperature and on the interacting field. Explicit nonperturbative computations of the asymptotic two-point functions in models such as the Φ44 −interaction are feasible. They allow one to give suggestions for the general type of singularities which might represent thermal particles in momentum space, as substitutes to the usual poles. 4.1 General results on thermal two-point functions In the general approach of thermal quantum field theory at temperature T = β −1 , one keeps from the relativistic framework the postulate of local commutativity (or Einstein causality); relativistic algebraic relations such as those which define the free fields are also preserved. However, the Lorentz symmetry is broken: there exists a privileged Lorentz frame, determined by the thermal bath corresponding to a choice of coordinates x = (x0 , x). Time-translation invariance expresses the stability of thermal states and the spectral condition is replaced by the KMScondition with periodicity iβ in the complex time variable z0 = x0 + iy0 (see Sec 1 and 2). In the framework which we consider, the invariance (of the correlation n−point functions) under all space-translations and rotations is also maintained. The general study of the two-point function can be summarized as follows. Considering for simplicity a single scalar field, one introduces the correlation (or Wightman) functions W (x) =< Φ(x(1) )Φ(x(2) ) >β (with x = x(1) −x(2) ), W (x) = W (−x), the commutator function C(x), the retarded and advanced functions R(x) and A(x), such that: W − W = C = R − A, with R(x) = θ(x0 )C(x); A(x) = −θ(−x0 )C(x) Vol. 4, 2003 Thermal Aspects in Quantum Field Theory S875 and correspondingly, for the Fourier transforms in momentum space: W̃ − W̃ = C̃ = R̃ − Ã. By applying the results described in Sec 1 (KMS-condition), we can say that W and W are the boundary values on the reals from the respective sides mz0 < 0 and mz0 > 0 of a function W (z0 , x) holomorphic and iβ− periodic in z0 ; its domain is the periodic cut-plane generated by the strip −β < mz0 < 0. Moreover the causality postulate implies the analyticity of W at all points z0 = x0 +iy0 such that |x0 | < |x|, y0 = inβ (which implies the connectedness of the analyticity domain of W ). Equivalently, there holds the following structural properties of the Fourier transforms in the complexified energy variable k0 = p0 + iq0 (for all real momentum p): W̃ (p0 , p) = 1 C̃(p0 , p), 1 − e−βp0 W̃ (p0 , p) = − 1 C̃(p0 , p ). 1 − eβp0 ) As usual, the Green functions R̃ and à are boundary values of functions R̃(k0 , p ) of the complex energy k0 = p0 + iq0 , respectively holomorphic in and Ã(k0 , p the upper and lower half-planes. However, in contrast to the zero-temperature case, the relations of the latter with the Euclidean functions are “discretized”: the ) and Ã(k0 , p) at the Matsubara energies k0 = 2niπ are equal to values of R̃(k0 , p β the spatial Fourier transforms of the Fourier coefficients of the Schwinger function W (iy0 , x) (periodic in y0 ). Applying the previous structural properties to the scalar free field with mass m determines uniquely its thermal two-point function at temperature β −1 as being given by the following formula 1 1 e−ip·x . dp ε(p0 )δ(p2 − m2 ) Wm,β (x0 , x) = 3 (2π) 1 − e−βp0 For general two-point functions (of interacting fields) at temperature β −1 , the full exploitation of the causality postulate implies the existence of a KällènLehmann-type representation [6], which incorporates the whole analytic structure previously described and can be written as follows: ∞ W (x0 , x) = dm Dβ (x, m) Wm,β (x0 , x). 0 In the latter, the weight-function Dβ (x, m) is interpreted as a “damping factor” which takes into account the dissipative propagation of the field in the thermal medium. In the usual Källèn-Lehmann representation of the zero-temperature case (which has a Lorentz-invariant form), this factor is constant with respect to x and reduces to an m−dependent weight ρ(m), while the thermal free two-point S876 Jacques Bros Ann. Henri Poincaré function free positive-energy Wightman function Wm,∞ (x0 , x) = is replaced2 by the 1 2 −ip·x dp θ(p )δ(p − m )e . 3 0 (2π) Remark It is possible to justify [18] that (as in the zero-temperature case) the function W has joint analyticity properties in all spacetime variables, as a “remnant of the relativistic spectral condition” (no longer true by itself in the thermal bath). This “relativistic KMS condition” (which incorporates the previous KMScondition in the variable z0 ) states that W (z) is holomorphic in an (iβe0 −periodic) analyticity domain, which is generated by the “tube” {z = x + iy; y ∈ V + , βe0 − y ∈ V + } (where e0 is the timelike unit vector (1, 0)). This analyticity property is easily checked to be satisfied by the free-field functions Wm,β . Its validity in the general case is also equivalent to the fact that the corresponding damping factor Dβ (x, m) is holomorphic in x in the tube domain {z = x + iy; |y | < β2 }. 4.2 Description of constituent particles By analogy with the zero-temperature case, we shall assume that the presence of a constituent particle with mass m0 created by the field in the thermal bath is mathematically characterized by the occurrence of a discrete δ−term in the damping factor Dβ of the two-point function of that field, namely that one has: Dβ (x, m) = Zβ (x) δ(m − m0 ) + Dβ,c (x, m), where Dβ,c is smoother than δ with respect to m. The damping function Zβ (x) will then represent the effect of the interaction of that constituent particle with the thermal bath. The presence of such a discrete term in Dβ corresponds to the manifestation of an asymptotically dominant contribution at infinite real time x0 in the twopoint function Wβ (x). This contribution, which is given by the distinguished term (dom) Wm0 ,β (x) = Zβ (x)× Wm0 ,β (x), enjoys the following asymptotic properties, which can be considered as physically satisfactory: at fixed x (i.e. at rest), it decreases as 3 |x0 |− 2 (the particle is not submitted to collisions from the thermal bath); along 3 any direction x = v x0 , it has a damped behaviour of the form Zβ (v x0 ) × |x0 |− 2 (the particle is submitted to collisions from the thermal bath). In energy-momentum space however, the usual “pole-particle” situation is no longer valid, since the Fourier transform of the previous dominant contribution (dom) Wm0 ,β (x0 , x) takes the form of a convolution product, namely: p − u)2 − m20 ε(p0 )δ p20 − ( 1 (dom) W̃m0 ,β (p0 , p) = . du Z̃β (u) × (2π)3 1 − e−βp0 The effect of the latter is to wipe out the usual discrete mass shell contribution, and as a matter of fact, this feature is in agreement with a general theorem of thermal QFT [19] according to which the existence of a discrete δ in the energymomentum spectrum, corresponding to a particle with a sharp dispersion law, can Vol. 4, 2003 Thermal Aspects in Quantum Field Theory S877 only occur in a field theory where the incoming and outgoing fields are the same, namely a field theory without interaction with the thermal bath. (dom) To the previous correlation function Wm0 ,β there corresponds the following retarded Green function in momentum space: 1 1 (dom) R̃m0 ,β (k0 , k) = du Z̃β (u) × , 2 (2π)3 k0 − (k − u)2 − m20 which yields after angular integration (assuming rotational invariance): ∞ 2 k 2 − u)2 − m2 − ( 1 1 k (dom) 0 0 R̃m0 ,β (k0 , k) = u du Z̃ (u) × log . β (2π)3 0 2 k 2 k 2 − ( k 2 + u)2 − m2 0 0 We shall see below that this formula allows one to maintain the possibility of analytic continuation of the retarded Green function (from the upper k0 −plane across the reals) with the occurrence of “momentum space singularities associated to the constituent particle with mass m0 ”, which however will be generally more complicated than simple poles. 4.3 Asymptotic generalized free fields: asymptotic dynamics The fact that no asymptotic free fields can exist in thermal QFT except if the theory is itself without interaction [19], together with our previous analysis of the asymptotically dominant behaviour of thermal two-point functions in the time variable have led us to introduce the concept of asymptotic generalized free field or asymptotic dynamics [7], by which we mean that at asymptotic times, the presence of the thermal bath maintains a manifestation of the dynamics of the interacting field, which is of course temperature-dependent and vanishes only in the limit of zero-temperature. Time-clustering assumption We are led to make an assumption on the asymptotic behaviour of the thermal n−point functions of the field < Φ(x(1) ) . . . Φ(x(n) ) >β , when the minimal internal time-interval ∆ = inf{|x(j)0 −x(k)0 | : j, k = 1, . . . , n, j = k} of the configuration (x(1) , . . . , x(n) ) tends to infinity. We assume that, as in the usual construction of asymptotic fields (although not in the same limiting procedure), this asymptotic behaviour is dominated by the terms containing the maximal number of two-point functions in the expansion of < Φ(x1 ) . . . Φ(xn ) >β in terms of its truncated (or connected) parts. In heuristic terms, this assumption means that there hold no collective memory effects in the underlying KMS state. (Note that in a satisfactory formulation, the exclusion of possible low-energy excitations must be performed at first by making use of some appropriate regularization of the field in the time-variable [7]). Moreover, the two-point functions are themselves supposed to be asymptotically dominated in time by a constituent(dom) particle contribution Wm0 ,β (x0 , x) of the form specified above, involving an unknown damping factor Zβ (x). S878 Jacques Bros Ann. Henri Poincaré So the timelike asymptotic description of an interacting field theory in a thermal state | >β appears to be given by a thermal generalized free field Φ0 (x), (dom) entirely characterized by its two-point function Wm0 ,β (x) = Zβ (x) × Wm0 ,β (x). It turns out that the determination of Zβ (x) in a given specific field model such as the (hypothetic) Φ44 −model is feasible in a simple way, on the following basis. 3 At fixed x, Φ0 (x0 , x) behaves as |x0 |− 2 . Now the equation of the interacting field . (of the form N (x) = ∂µ ∂ µ Φ(x) + m20 Φ(x) + g”Φ3 (x)” = 0) should only be satisfied in an asymptotic form by the asymptotic field Φ0 (x), which can be reasonably understood as follows. . The field-function N0 (x) = ∂µ ∂ µ Φ0 (x) + m20 Φ0 (x) + gΦ30 (x) should be such 3 that at fixed x, the product |x0 |− 2 × N0 (x0 , x) tends to zero for |x0 | tending to infinity. (In writing that condition, one can give a meaning to the third power of this noninteracting field in a standard way). It turns out that the latter condition allows one to determine Zβ (x) in a fully consistent way as a solution of the following Laplace-type equation: (−∆ + 3gk(β))Zβ (x) = 0, where the (finite) quantity . k(β) = 2(2π)−3 dpθ(p0 )δ(p2 − m20 )(eβp0 − 1)−1 tends to zero for T = β −1 tending to zero. One then obtains the following results: a) for g < 0: sin(κ(β)|x|) δ(u − κ(β)) , Z̃β (u) = , Zβ (x) = κ(β)|x| κ(β)2 b) for g > 0: Zβ (x) = Cst e−κ(β)|x|) , |x| Z̃β (u) = Cst , u2 + κ(β)2 1 where κ(β) = [3|g|k(β)] 2 . 4.4 Conclusions The type of result which we obtain for Z̃β (u) in the previous model indicates that (dom) (real or complex) singularities of the Green function R̃m0 ,β (k0 , k) can be generated by those of Z̃β (u) through the integral representation written above (at the end (dom) of 4-2). More precisely, one sees that these singularities of R̃m0 ,β should always be localized on surfaces of toroidal shape with equation k02 − ( k 2 ± a)2 − m20 = 0, where a can be either real or complex (in the example of 4-3, a was equal to κ(β) for g < 0 and to iκ(β) for g > 0). Moreover these singularities should be in general Vol. 4, 2003 Thermal Aspects in Quantum Field Theory S879 of logarithmic rather than polar type, and should also be accompanied by real cuts starting at k0 = ±m0 . It is worth noticing that our proposal for characterizing the momentum space singularities of the particles in thermal quantum field theory is substantially different from other recent proposals [20] where complex pole-approximations of the 1 form (k0 −E(p))(k p) analytic) have been chosen as substitutes to ∗ p)) (with E( 0 +E ( the usual real poles as a starting point for perturbation theory. While for the standard case of zero-temperature quantum field theory the formalism of perturbation theory is in agreement with all concepts and results of the general field-theoretical framework (discrete energy spectrum, asymptotic free fields, general form of the two-point functions, pole-particle concept), the situation is quite different for the case of thermal field theory. As shown above, all the previous concepts and results are substantially modified (no discrete spectrum, no asymptotic free-fields but “generalized free-fields and asymptotic dynamics”, complex singularities of toroidal shape and smoother than poles to be associated with particles): this suggests that a “reasonable” starting point for an analytic perturbation formalism in momentum space should already take into account the form of the interaction in the approximate form of the propagator. References [1] J. Bros and U. Moschella, “Two-point functions and quantum fields in de Sitter universe”, Rev. Math. Phys. 8, 327–391 (1996). [2] J. Bros and U. Moschella, “Fourier analysis and holomorphic decomposition on the one-sheeted hyperboloid” in Géométrie Complexe II, F. Norguet and S. Ofman ed, Paris: Hermann, 2003. [3] J. Bros, H. Epstein and U. Moschella, “Analyticity properties and thermal effects for general quantum field theory on de Sitter spacetime”, Commun. Math. 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