
Dear Rural Health Colleagues,
The Minnesota Rural Health Conference is an
opportunity for those working in or providing
rural health care to exchange ideas, share
innovations and collaborations. Our theme this
year, Leading Change for Rural Health,
suggests that change is in the air and rural health
can flourish as these exciting changes occur. This
two-day conference provides solutions to current
challenges and recognizes the rural health hero and
team award winners.
Monday focuses on Critical Access Hospitals and
the challenges and changes that specifically impact
them. Monday afternoon features a Rural Health
Policy Forum with the Minnesota candidates
for governor, followed by an evening reception
overlooking the Duluth Harbor. The conference
will take an in-depth look at health care reform,
workforce, health information technology, financing
and reimbursement, with a full day of keynotes
and breakout sessions.
Please join us in Duluth—your participation
ensures that this event is an effective forum for
learning and collaborating about critical rural health
issues. We look forward to seeing you there.
Mark Schoenbaum, Director
Office of Rural Health
and Primary Care
Minnesota Department of Health
Tim Stratton, President
Minnesota Rural
Health Association
Sally Buck, Associate Director
National Rural Health
Resource Center
2010 Minnesota
Rural Health
Planning Committee
n Healthcare Education -
Industry Partnership
n Minnesota Academy of
Family Physicians
n Minnesota Ambulance
n Minnesota Association of
Community Health Centers
n Minnesota Dental Association
n Minnesota e-Health Initiative
n Minnesota Hospital Association
n Minnesota Medical Association
n Minnesota Nurses Association
n Minnesota Pharmacists
n Minnesota Rural Health
Advisory Committee
n Minnesota Rural Hospital
Flexibility Committee
n Stratis Health
n University of Minnesota
School of Medicine, Duluth
n University of Minnesota
Health Sciences Libraries
n University of Minnesota Rural
Health Research Center
n Veterans Health Administration
The Minnesota Department of
Health - Office of Rural Health
and Primary Care, Minnesota
Rural Health Association and
National Rural Health Resource
Center thank members of
the Planning Committee who
contributed time and resources
to develop the program, provide
networking opportunities and
promote the conference.
Patricia Moten Marshall, M.H.A. President, SynerChange Chicago
Patricia Moten Marshall is a consultant to senior
executives, top management and boards of directors
across the United States. She has attained firsthand
experience as a former hospital director for the Loyola
University Medical Center, chief operating officer for
Saint Joseph Hospital and Healthcare Centers, and vice
president for the Lutheran General Health System. In
1996, Marshall founded SynerChange Chicago, was chosen as Healthcare
Executive of the Year by the Chicago Chapter of the National Association of
Health Services Executives, and chosen for the Crain’s Chicago Business
Who’s Who in Business list. SynerChange Chicago helps to foster
relationships and organizational practices that are needed for Creative
Interchange. Creative Interchange describes the way individuals, groups and
entire organizations learn, change and perform to their highest potential.
Paul Moore, D.PH. Senior Health Policy Advisor to the Department
of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Health Services Resource
Administration, Office of Rural Health Policy
Dr. Moore brings a lifetime of experience related to
rural health care from both his family heritage and more
than 30 years in community and hospital pharmacy.
His career reaches beyond pharmacy as he has served
as the chief executive officer of a County Healthcare
Authority, consisting of the hospital, the county EMS, a
physician clinic and a home health agency. Moore also served as president
of the National Rural Health Association in 2008.
Sanne Magnan, M.D., Ph.D. Commissioner, Minnesota Department
of Health
Dr. Sanne Magnan was appointed Minnesota
Commissioner of Health in September 2007. She is
also a staff physician at the Tuberculosis Clinic at St.
Paul-Ramsey County Department of Public Health and a
clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University
of Minnesota. Prior to being appointed commissioner,
Magnan served as president of the Institute for Clinical
Systems Improvement (ICSI) in Bloomington and was vice president and
medical director of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota. Magnan holds a
medical degree and a doctorate in medicinal chemistry from the University
of Minnesota and is a board certified general internist. Magnan was named
one of the 100 Influential Health Care Leaders by Minnesota Physician in
2004 and 2008.
7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Registration and
Continental Breakfast
9:00 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
Welcome (Lake Superior Ballroom)
9:15 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Opening Keynote
The Challenge of Change
n Patricia Moten Marshall, President,
SynerChange Chicago
10:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Break (Exhibit Hall)
10:50 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.
Breakout Session 1
1A—Supporting Seniors
and Patients with
Chronic Conditions
n Trudi Paulson, L.S.W, Fairview Red
Wing Health Services
n Sheryl Voth, R.N., Fairview Red Wing
Health Services
Patient advocates at Fairview Red
Wing Health Services empower seniors
and people with chronic conditions to
actively plan for their health care needs.
A palliative care specialist and certified
palliative care nurse practitioner provide
comprehensive support to community
members and residents in skilled
nursing facilities. This session will
explain the benefits of implementing
these positions along with Living Well
with Chronic Conditions workshops
and participating in Twin Cities Medical
Society on Advance Care Planning.
1B—Networking Your Way to
an Interoperable EHR
n Jackie Moen, Northern
Minnesota Network
n Mark Roisen, Lac qui Parle
Health Network
n Anne Schloegel, Minnesota
Department of Health
Minnesota providers are working
toward meaningful use by 2011 and
interoperable electronic health record
(EHR) systems by 2015. To get there,
providers must adopt an EHR, use it,
and exchange information with other
providers—through a health information
exchange organization or an interface.
Two networks will highlight lessons
learned during electronic health record
system implementation and use.
Administrators from both networks have
been invited to share their experiences.
1C—A New Option for Critical
Access Hospitals with Attached
Nursing Homes
n Laura Ackman, J.D., White
Community Hospital
n James Koppen, Pine Medical Center
n Patricia McCullough, M.A.,
Health Planning & Management
Resources, Inc.
This presentation will share the
benefits to both the Critical Access
Hospital (CAH) and the nursing home
for separating—yet retaining the
nursing home in the community. White
Community Hospital and Nursing Home
is in the process of separating the
nursing home from the CAH operations
and with other collaborators is creating
a regional approach to nursing home
operations. In a move that is seen as
replicable, the collaborators are looking
at various ways to manage nursing
home operations. This offers significant
positive financial benefit to the CAH
and removes the nursing home from a
burdensome structure. The panel will
also explain the new position of care
navigator, which coordinates services
between the hospital and nursing home.
1D—Opportunities for Retail
Clinics in Rural Minnesota
n Mike Flicker, M.B.A., Lakeview
Medical Clinic
National retail chains are within 30
miles of most health care systems in
rural Minnesota. When these large
retailers expanded into rural Minnesota
with retail pharmacies and optical
services, they permanently changed
those markets. If retail chains expand
into primary care services with walk
in clinics, the impact on existing rural
facilities could be significant. This
session will present an alternative retail
clinic model for existing rural providers
based on a consortium of rural facilities
operating under a cooperative umbrella.
7:30–9:00 Registration & Breakfast
9:00–9:15 Welcome
9:15–10:15 Keynote: Patricia
Moten Marshall
10:15–10:45 Exhibit Break
10:50–11:50 Breakout Session 1
12:00–1:00 Networking Lunch
12:00–1:00 R
ural Health Advisory
Committee Meeting
1:00–2:00 Breakout Session 2
2:00–2:30 Exhibit Break
2:35–3:35 Breakout Session 3
3:45–5:00 MRHA Policy Forum
5:00–6:30 Social Reception
7:00–8:00 Registration & Breakfast
8:00–8:15 Welcome
8:15–9:15 Keynote: Paul
Moore D.PH.
9:15–9:45 Exhibit Break
9:50–10:50 Breakout Session 4
11:00–12:00 Breakout Session 5
12:15–1:15 Awards Luncheon
1:15–2:00Closing Keynote: Sanne
Magnan, M.D.
2:00–2:15Closing Comments and
Prize Giveaway
The care delivery under a consortium
model offers unique strategic and
financial advantages. An open
discussion of this model with potential
barriers will conclude the session.
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Networking Lunch (Exhibit Hall)
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Rural Health Advisory
Committee Meeting (Board Room)
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Breakout Session 2
2A—Avera eEmergency and
eConsult: A Telehealth
Solution for Rural Access
to Specialty Care
n Mandy Bell, Avera Health
n Mary Hughs, R.N., Avera Health
n Jay Weems, M.B.A., Avera Health
Avera eEmergency is a telehealth
program that links Critical Access
Hospitals and Prospective Payment
System hospitals to a Level II Trauma
Center, board-certified emergency
physicians, seasoned emergency
nurses and other specialists. This
presentation will discuss how the
eEmergency network was developed,
how it works in southwest Minnesota,
and the measurable impact on access
to high-quality care. Additionally the
presenters will explore the value
of eEmergency as part of a larger
telehealth program that includes eICU,
ePharmacy and eConsult.
2B—Making a Difference with
Clinical Laboratory Internships
n Valerie DeFor, M.H.S.A., Healthcare
Education - Industry Partnership,
Minnesota State University Mankato
n Karen Renaud, C.L.S.,
Kanabec Hospital
At a time when clinical laboratory
programs are closing, Minnesota
is increasing the number of clinical
laboratory scientists and clinical
laboratory technology graduates. But
our students need clinical internships.
Learn how a Critical Access Hospital,
a regional hospital and a large system
made a difference by committing to
student education through clinical
internships. Review a cost/benefit
analysis of the value of students in the
clinical laboratory. While the session
features clinical laboratory education,
the lessons and experiences apply to
all disciplines.
2C—Collaborating & Improving
Financial Performance
n David Brenne, M.B.A, Wipfli, LLP
n Scott Larson, Madison Lutheran Home
Madison Lutheran Home enjoyed
years of financial success operating
physician clinics, senior living
apartments, a hospital, a home
health agency, a nursing home and a
foundation. Then substantial nursing
home losses converged to cause
financial performance to deteriorate
significantly. This presentation will
explain the steps Madison Lutheran
Home took to correct the unfavorable
financial performance.
2D—Leading Community-Based
Rural Palliative Care
n Julie Benson, M.D., Lakewood
Health System
n Cindy Sauber, R.N., Lakewood
Health System
n Karla Weng, M.P.H., Stratis Health
Palliative care focuses on reducing
suffering and improving the quality of
life for people with advanced illnesses
and for their families. Although several
metro area hospitals offer palliative
care services, it is still an emerging
field, and programs are not found
as frequently in rural communities.
Stratis Health and Fairview Health
Services are collaborating to help
10 rural communities develop or
strengthen palliative care programs.
Representatives from a Minnesota
Rural Palliative Care Initiative
community will share strategies for
building awareness and skills among
health care professionals.
2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Break (Exhibit Hall)
2:35 p.m. – 3:35 p.m.
Breakout Session 3
3A—Preparing Critical Access
Hospitals for the Minnesota
Statewide Quality Reporting
and Measurement System
n Annette Kritzler, R.H.I.T., Stratis Health
As part of the Health Reform Initiative,
Minnesota adopted Permanent
Rules Relating to Health Care Quality
Measures. Reporting requirements
include clinical data, patient experience
and structural measures. Learn how
these requirements affect Critical
Access Hospitals (CAHs) differently than
Prospective Payment System Hospitals.
Share ideas and strategies with fellow
CAHs to comply with the requirements
and use them to improve quality.
3B—Navigating Medicare and
Medicaid HIT Incentives
n Liz Cinqueonce, Minnesota
Department of Health, Office of
Health Information Technology
n Bob Paulsen, Minnesota Department
of Human Services
n Karen Welle, Minnesota Department
of Health, Office of Rural Health and
Primary Care
The Medicare and Medicaid Health
information technology incentive
programs were established under the
Recovery Act in 2009 to help providers
adopt and become meaningful users
of health information technology.
Medicare and Medicaid incentives
begin in 2011. Medicare penalties for
failure to meet meaningful use will
begin in 2016. In this session, providers
will learn how to determine their
eligibility for incentives, understand
how to access the incentives and plan
their health information technology
investments to maximize payments.
n Mike Delfs, M.B.A.,
Riverwood Healthcare
n Tim Arnold M.D.,
Riverwood Healthcare
This hospital and nursing home model
offers an alternative to physicians
leaving their clinic practice ad hoc
to serve hospital and nursing home
patients. In a variation of the hospitalist
concept, each week one family practice
physician makes rounds in the hospital.
This covers all admits and discharges
during daytime hours, with a single
physician from North Clinic Geriatric
Services serving all patients in the
nursing home. Riverwood Healthcare
will explain how both innovative
models stabilize clinic schedules and
offer consistency in care.
3D—Instituting a Stop
Stroke Initiative
n Stacy Barstad, Sanford Tracy
Medical Center
n Danette Ronnfeldt, M.S.P.A, Sanford
Tracy Medical Center
n Jeri Schons, R.N., Sanford Tracy
Medical Center
Sanford Tracy Medical Center, a
Critical Access Hospital in southwest
Minnesota, implemented “Stop
Stroke Initiative.” This comprehensive
initiative focuses on improving primary
prevention efforts at affiliated clinics,
increasing public awareness of the
signs and symptoms of stroke, creating
stroke care protocols for Emergency
Medical System and Emergency
Department staff, and developing
transfer protocols with a Stroke Center.
Sanford Tracy expanded these activities
to include quality improvement
activities around acute stroke care
and a rural stroke quality improvement
project. The presentation includes
a how-to session for attendees to
develop their own stroke program.
3E—Creating a Community
Response to Drug Abuse
n Kathleen Meier, M.B.A.,
Northfield Hospital
n Andrew Yurek, Paramedic,
Northfield Hospital
In one year eight teens in the
Northfield area died from overdoses.
Now the community has come
together to reduce the use of opiates.
Learn how this grassroots collaborative
enhanced the ability of the medical
community to respond to patients with
addictions and increased community
and regional knowledge and
understanding. Participants will learn
how to implement education and safe
disposal of prescription medications
programs, develop pain management
protocols and facilitate conversations
with pharmacists.
3:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Minnesota Rural Health
Association (MRHA) Rural Policy
Forum (Harbor Side Ballroom)
Candidates for Minnesota Governor
Facilitator: Lori Sturdevant, Star Tribune
The endorsed candidates from the
Democratic-Farmer-Labor, Republican
and Independent parties have been
invited. Hear updates regarding the
potential impact on rural communities
of health care reform initiatives being
considered at the federal and state
levels. After the presentations, join
lively small group table discussions
and share your views regarding health
care priorities you would like to see
addressed during the upcoming
legislative session.
5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Social Reception
(Harbor Side Ballroom)
7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.
Registration and Continental
Breakfast (Exhibit Hall)
8:00 a.m. – 8:15 a.m.
Welcome (Lake Superior Ballroom)
8:15 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.
Federal Health Care Reform:
The Impact on Rural
n Paul Moore D.PH., Senior Health
Policy Advisor to the Department of
Health and Human Services, Health
Services Resource Administration,
Office of Rural Health Policy
9:15 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
Break (Exhibit Hall) & Prize Giveaway
9:50 a.m. – 10:50 a.m.
Breakout Session 4
4A—Reducing Obesity & Tobacco
Use in Rural Communities
n Kristin J. Erickson, R.N, P.H.N., Otter
Tail County Public Health
n Marion Kershner, R.N., P.H.N., M.S.,
Otter Tail County Public Health
n Cara McNulty, M.S., Minnesota
Department of Health
The Statewide Health Improvement
Program (SHIP) seeks to reduce the
risk factors leading to chronic disease.
SHIP participants will present their
successes implementing obesity
and tobacco prevention programs
in schools, communities, work sites
and health care settings in their rural
communities. Two SHIP projects in
rural northwestern Minnesota will be
highlighted in this panel discussion.
4B—Finding EHR/HIT
Opportunities and Support
n Shirley Eichenwald-Maki, Key Health
n Terry Hill, M.P.A., Key Health
n Susan Severson, Key Health
The Regional Extension Assistance
Center for Health Information
Technology (REACH) program assists
providers as they attain meaningful use
through adopting and using electronic
health record technology. REACH also
helps providers become eligible for
Medicare and/or Medicaid incentive
payments. Panelists will describe which
providers are eligible for subsidized
services, how to apply for services and
meet electronic health record/health
information technology requirements
for 2015. REACH services include
technical assistance, consultation, tools
and resources, communications and
outreach. REACH is a program of Key
Health Alliance, the Health Information
Technology Regional Extension Center
for Minnesota and North Dakota.
4C—Recruiting Physician
Specialists to Rural Communities
n Michael Hagen, M.H.A., Riverwood
Healthcare Center
n Patricia McCullough, M.A., Health
Planning & Managing Resources, Inc.
n Thomas Reek, Cuyuna Regional
Medical Center
Participants will learn about the highly
successful collaborative strategies
Riverwood Healthcare Center (Aitkin)
and Cuyuna Regional Medical Center
(Crosby) use to recruit specialty
services. The result is a somewhat
unprecedented general surgery,
orthopedic surgery, cardiology,
ophthalmology, oncology, urology, and
obstetrician/gynecology presence.
The organizations will outline their
recruitment process and materials and
discuss the growth and change at their
organizations as a result of extended
physician specialty coverage.
4D—Telehealth—It Isn’t Just
About Reimbursement
n Mary DeVany, Great Plains Telehealth
Resource & Assistance Center
While reimbursement is a topic of
concern—and this session will examine
the current reimbursement picture in
Minnesota—it is not the only factor to
consider when initiating and growing
your telehealth services. This session
will also identify at least two other
methods to justify telehealth-related
services within a rural facility.
4E—Develop, Design, Finance &
Build a Campus to Serve Your
Senior Community
n John Curran, Yanik
The Inn on Lake Superior
350 Canal Park Drive
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 726-1111 or (888) 668-4352
Group Name:
Minnesota Rural Health Conference
$99/night (plus 13% tax)
Special rate held until May 28, 2010
In June, temperatures in Duluth
range from 56 to 78 degrees. We
recommend that you dress in layers!
Superior St
Lake Ave
Minnesota’s Vision: A Better
State of Health
n Sanne Magnan, M.D., Ph.D.,
Commissioner, Minnesota
Department of Health
Lake Superior
2:00 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
Closing Comments &
Prize Giveaways
1st Ave W
Duluth, MN
1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Closing Keynote
Group Name:
Minnesota Rural Health Conference
$96/night (plus 13% tax)
Special rate held until May 28, 2010
e Av
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Awards luncheon (Harbor Side
Canal Park Lodge
250 Canal Park Drive
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 279-6000 or (800) 777-8560
2nd Ave W
Interprofessional Falls Prevention and
Education Program began as a student
project in Fergus Falls. This session will
detail how it evolved into a countywide
collaborative by successfully
implementing fall prevention strategies
and coordinating previously-fragmented
service delivery systems.
3rd Ave W
5B—Meeting Physician
Workforce Needs in Minnesota
n James Boulger, Ph.D., Behavioral
Sciences Department, Family Medicine
Preceptorship Program, University of
Minnesota Medical School Duluth
The University of Minnesota Medical
School Duluth trains physicians who will
practice in rural Minnesota and in family
medicine. At a rate of 43.6 percent,
Duluth students practice in communities
with populations of less than 20,000.
The national figure is closer to 5 percent.
This session will describe the process
Duluth uses to select physicians for rural
practice so participants will be better
able to advise medical school applicants.
Participants will also learn the key roles
that rural and small communities play in
training health care professionals.
5D—Right Side Up in Otter
Tail County
n Marie Braaten, A.P.R.N., B.C., G.N.P,
Fergus Falls Medical Group
n Todd Johnson, Pharm D., Lake
Region Healthcare
n Diane Thorson, R.N., P.H.N., M.S.,
Otter Tail County Public Health
Falls are the number one cause of
all trauma care and trauma deaths in
Minnesota hospitals. The death rate in
Minnesota attributed to falls for those
65 and older is three times the national
average and continues to increase.
Falls among the elderly are a significant
driver in health care costs.
Duluth Entertainment and
Convention Center (DECC)
350 Harbor Drive
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 722-5573 /
5A—Health Information
Exchange Opportunities
n Alan Abramson, Ph.D., Health Partners
n Anne Dobbins, R.N., Minnesota Health
Information Exchange (MN HIE)
n Cheryl Stephens, Community Health
Information Collaboration (CHIC)
Minnesota e-Health Connect is a project
of the Minnesota e-Health Initiative for
statewide health information exchange,
to include governance, finance,
technical infrastructure, business and
technical operations and legal/policy
components. Minnesota e-Health
Connect will help Minnesota providers
meet federal requirements within
Minnesota and across state borders.
Hear more about two of Minnesota’s
resources for health information
exchange and see demonstrations of
available exchange options.
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Breakout Session 5
5C—Transforming Primary
Care through the Health Care
Home Model
n Cherylee Sherry, M.P.H., C.H.E.S.,
Minnesota Department of Health,
Health Care Homes
In a health care home approach to primary
care, clinicians, families and patients
form a partnership. As partners they plan
and coordinate care to improve health
outcomes and quality of life for individuals
with chronic and/or complex health
conditions. A panel of care coordinators,
clinicians, administrators and patients will
explain the benefits of a health care home
and how the transformation occurred in
their clinics and around the state.
4th Ave W
Services ACA
n Linda Nelson, M.L.T.C.A., Benedictine
Living Community of St. Peter
This is a how-to session on successfully
developing, financing, constructing
and operating a vibrant campus that is
warm, safe, responsive, efficient and
inviting for seniors, their families and
your staff. Participants will learn how
to create a multiservice and integrated
rural campus that will enhance longterm operational success and improve
capital financing opportunities.
5th Ave W
n John Monson, AgStar Financial
Please return the completed form with
payment by June 11, 2010 to:
2010 Minnesota Rural
Health Conference
National Rural Health Resource Center
600 East Superior St. Suite 404
Duluth, MN 55802
Fax: (218) 727-9392
First Name
Last Name
Job Title
Organization Type:
PPS Hospital
Health System
Clinic Other
Job Category:
IT Professional
Register now!
Street Address
Registration Fees
Pre-payment Required
n $160 full conference registration
n $80 one-day registration
n $110 full conference registration
for speakers ($50 discount)
n Travel Discount: $110 full conference
registration for those who travel more
than 250 miles one-way to Duluth
n $40 full conference registration
for students
Continuing Education Credits
(CEUs and CMEs)
Application has been made for continuing
education for health care executives,
nurses, nursing home administrators,
pharmacists and physicians.
Registration fees, minus a $40
processing charge, will be refunded
if written cancellation is received by
June 14, 2010. If a registered
person cannot attend, a substitute is
welcome. Please fax or email the name
of the substitute to (218) 727-9392 or
[email protected], so the
attendee list can be updated.
Reasonable accommodations are
available (e.g., dietary needs or sign
language). Contact Sally Trnka,
National Rural Health Resource Center,
(218) 727-9390 ext. 233 or
[email protected].
Breakout Sessions (Please choose one from each session)
Session 1: 1A 1B 1C 1D
Session 4: 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E
Session 2: 2A 2B 2C 2D
Session 5: 5A 5B 5C 5D
Session 3: 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E
Special Events
These events are included in your
registration fee; please check if you
plan to attend:
ontinental breakfast (Monday)
etworking Lunch (Monday)
vening Reception (Monday)
ontinental Breakfast (Tuesday)
wards Luncheon, Tuesday, June 29
choose: Chicken, Walleye, Vegetarian
CEU/CME Credit requested
(check one):
merican Academy of
Family Physicians
innesota Board of Examiners for
Nursing Home Administrators
innesota Board of Nursing
innesota Board of Pharmacy
on-ACHE Category II
Healthcare Executive.
Registration fee
160 Full Conference
110 Speaker/Travel Discount
80 Monday Only
80 Tuesday Only
40 Student
Payment method
heck (make payable to National
Rural Health Resource Center)
Check #:
Card Number*
Expiration Date*
Card Holder Name*
Company Name* (if company credit card)
Credit Card Billing Address* (if different from address above)
Contact: Sally Trnka, (218) 727-9390
ext. 233 or [email protected].
Cardholder Email*
The registration brochure is also
available online at:
Card Holder Signature*
*Mandatory field
Note: By providing your contact information, you authorize the National Rural Health Resource
Center to communicate with you regarding event information and to process your registration,
including credit card charges, if you choose that format.
Prize Giveaway
Participants who visit the Exhibit Fair and stay until the
end of the conference are eligible for exciting prizes.
Minnesota Rural Health Conference 2010
National Rural Health Resource Center
600 E. Superior St. Ste. 404
Duluth, MN 55802
Monday Evening Reception
Monday, June 28
5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Join us for an evening reception including live
entertainment, appetizers and great conversation
overlooking the Duluth Harbor.
Minnesota Rural Health Awards Presentation
Tuesday, June 29
12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m.
The Minnesota Rural Health Hero and Team Awards will
be presented at the luncheon. Nominate an outstanding
individual or team who excel in Minnesota rural health
care at
conf/2010/award.html by May 4, 2010.
(218) 727-9390 / [email protected]
If your organization would like to sponsor the
Minnesota Rural Health Conference, contact Sally
Trnka at (218) 727-9390 ext. 233 or complete the forms
available online at
Hosted by: The Minnesota Department of
Health - Office of Rural Health and Primary Care,
the Minnesota Rural Health Association and the
National Rural Health Resource Center, together
with their partners.
Last year’s conference attracted over 70 exhibitors and
we anticipate an equally large number of exhibitors again
this year.
Minnesota Rural Health Association
Policy Forum
Monday, June 28
3:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Participate in a facilitated discussion with the
Minnesota candidates for governor. The endorsed
candidates from the Democratic-Farmer-Labor,
Republican and Independent parties have been invited.
Sponsored by:
Exhibit Fair
The Exhibit Fair will be the hub of activity for the
networking lunch, breakfasts and breaks. Informational
exhibits with program and resource information will be
on display throughout the conference.