SUB-BOTTOM VARIABILITY CHARACTERIZATION USING SURFACE ACOUSTIC WAVES MANELL E. ZAKHARIA French Naval Academy IRENAV BP 600 F-29240 BREST NAVAL, France E-mail: [email protected] The study of both acoustic propagation and reverberation require a “realistic” information on bottom and sub-bottom properties, especially in shallow water environment. Several methods have been proposed to study the sub-bottom structure that are often faced to a “blurring” effect due to the strong echo corresponding to the water-sediment interface. We propose a new approach that, unlike conventional ones, relies on this interface as an “information carrier” and make use of the Stoneley-Scholte surface acoustic waves, SSW. After describing briefly the properties of SSW, we will use their velocity dispersion to recover the main properties of the sediment: density profile, profile of shear and compression waves velocity. The investigation of the reflection and refraction properties of SSW show that they can be treated as “conventional” ones. A new concept of “surface wave sonar” for detecting embedded objects as well as sediment inhomogeneities is thus possible. Several illustrations will be given displaying results issued from tank experiment on scaled mock-ups (scale of about a hundred). 1 Introduction Prediction models and accurate investigation of acoustic fields require detailed information on the bottom and sub-bottom variability mainly in the low frequency or /and shallow water cases. Several approaches have been used to estimate the bottom topography and the properties of the top few meters of sediment. They commonly use conventional sonar (or seismic) systems towed in the water column and exploiting information issued from the reflection and refraction of an incident P wave (emitted in the water column). Most of these systems are faced with a "blurring" effect due to the strong echo from the water-sediment interface. Several methods have been developed to overcome this problem by using low-frequency high-resolution arrays (synthetic aperture or/and parametric arrays for detecting embedded objects, for instance). The approach we use in this paper is a complementary one based on the use of the seabed interface as a "carrier of information" or a "waveguide". The corresponding system is a sonar system towed on the bottom and using the surface acoustic waves for sediment characterization and object detection (Fig. 1). Although such an approach can be found in some marine seismic devices, conventional sonar processing is seldom used [1]. 131 N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (eds.), Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 131-138. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 132 MANELL E. ZAKHARIA Figure 1. Surface wave sonar concept. 2 Velocity dispersion of SSW The Stoneley-Scholte Waves, SSW, are heterogeneous dispersive waves guided along the interface and possessing a vertical exponential decrease in both the water column and the sediment [2]. They are relevant waves for sediment characterization for several reasons: 1. Their group velocity is highly dependant on the shear velocity in the sediment. 2. Their penetration into the sediment is about a wavelength (a few meters). 3. They are not affected by geometrical spreading loss (guided waves); nevertheless they are evanescent ones (exponential vertical decrease of amplitude) and have to be generated at the interface and detected very close to it. Several modes could be generated [3]. In the work described, only the first-order mode has been used (for transmitter simplicity considerations). Its energy distribution in the water and the sediment depends on the impedance contrast. Two major cases can be distinguished. For both cases, the major properties are summarized in Table 1: 1. Soft bottom: css (z) < cw, the shear velocity in the sediment css (z) is lower than the sound velocity in the water cw. The energy is mostly concentrated in the sediment but enough energy is present in the water for characterizing bottom properties. This is the most common case for "conventional" sediments. 2. Hard bottom: css (z) > cw. SSW energy is mostly concentrated in the water. Although the generation and detection is easier, the bottom variability is of lower interest (rocky bottom). Table 1. Main properties of SSW [4]. Energy concentration Penetration depth Velocity Soft bottom Hard bottom in the sediment one λ in the sediment one λ in the water dispersion equation approximated by 0.8 cSS in the water one λ in the sediment several λ in the water dispersion equation no simple approximation SUB-BOTTOM VARIABILITY AND SURFACE ACOUSTIC WAVES a- experiment geometry 133 b- dispersion law (experimental results) Figure 2. Velocity dispersion of SSW. As the penetration depth of SSW depends on the frequency, each frequency bin carries some information on a corresponding depth layer; when using wideband signals, several propagation depth are investigated and the group velocity dispersion of the SSW depends on the velocity profile in the sediment. The group velocity can be easily measured on a time-frequency representation of wideband transmitted signals [5]. Figure 2b shows a typical example of velocity dispersion of SSW. Full squares represent theoretical data and hollow ones experimental results. The sediment is modeled by 1-cm PVC layer with constant density and linear profiles of velocity (Fig. 2a): cl (z)= 2090 + 101z, cs (z) = 778 + 20 z; (c in m/s and z in mm). The velocity profiles have been measured (with an accuracy of 5%) and the experimental profiles have been introduced in a numerical model for predicting velocity dispersion. Bias of ± 5% have been added to the data in order to take into account the input error. The two model outputs (with ± 5% error) have been plotted as full squares. An experiment was conducted using the PVC layer over a marble substrate [6]. A shear wedge generator and a point receiver were used. For two positions of the receiver, the wideband signals were analyzed using the Wigner-Ville time-frequency distribution [5] from which, the group delay was extracted and the velocity dispersion computed and plotted (hollow squares, with an error bar of 5%). Figure 2b shows that the match between the predicted and the computed data is better than a few percents. 3 Inversion The inverse problem consists in determining the sediment properties from SSW properties. We proposed a new method based on the use of an artificial neural network ANN [5,7]. For computation time reasons, we show results only for a simple benchmark including a single uniform layer. In this case, the number of parameters to recover is reduced to a few: thickness, shear velocity, compression velocity and density (for N layers, it would be 4N parameters). The method can be summarized as follows: 1. Several simulations of a benchmark case are realized for various input data values; a few frequency bins of the dispersion curve are used (typically 7). 2. A random data selection (frequency bins and geoacoustical properties) is used for training an artificial neural network (ANN). 134 MANELL E. ZAKHARIA 3. The ANN input is then reduced to the frequency bins (no more geoacoustical data) and the network is asked to classify the input vector. While doing the classification, an error minimization is achieved and the values corresponding to the minimal error are extracted and compared to the actual ones. The operation is repeated several times to reduce the influence of training set. In order to solve the inverse problem, very loose a priori information needs to be used (as opposed to methods such as conjugate gradient). An example is presented in Table 2. Table 2. A priori information for solving the inverse problem Material Thickness Shear velocity Compression velocity Sediment Substratum m 3≤h≤19 semi ∞ m/s 140≤ css≤460 3850 km/s 1.7 ≤ cls ≤ 2.9 6.3 density 1.4 ≤ ρ ≤ 2.2 2.7 Only five values were used for each parameter leading to 625 realizations of the direct problem. Half of the data (randomly selected) were used for training the ANN and the other half for inversion. The results of data inversion (simulation) are given in Table 3. Table 3. Error on the inversion of sediment properties. parameter Thickness error εh < 5% Shear velocity εcs < 2% Compression velocity εcl < 18% Density εd < 17% For tank experiments, a similar approach was applied: several simulated realizations of the direct problem were used for ANN training and the ANN tried to classify data issued from the experiment (estimated group velocity). Similar accuracy was obtained: shear velocity: ε< 0.5%, thickness: ε< 11%, other parameters: ε< 20%. These results show the relevance of SSW for describing the sediment properties and detecting their small variations. In order to investigate the performance of a SSW based sonar system, we have studied the reflection and refraction properties of these waves. 4 Reflection and refraction of SSW In the case of solid-solid interface (such as the presence of a rock in a sediment), the reflection and transmission coefficients of SSW were investigated. As SSW are evanescent waves (two components), two hypotheses have been found in the literature (theoretical work) concerning the continuity conditions at the interface: continuity of each component of SSW or continuity of their resultant. Several experiments were run using various materials possessing impedance contrast close to the one encountered in the seabed. Figure 3 shows the reflection of an SSW in the case of a PEHD/Polyester interface (two bonded solids) with the following properties: • PEHD: ρ=920±50 kg/m3, cl=2000±30 m/s, ct=1000±30 m/s, cs=760±30 m/s • Polyester: ρ=1120±50 kg/m3, cl=2480±30 m/s, ct =1230±30 m/s, cs=950±30 m/s SUB-BOTTOM VARIABILITY AND SURFACE ACOUSTIC WAVES 135 Figure 3. Reflection and refraction of SSW at solid-solid interface. Vertical: time axis, horizontal: receiver position (for a normal incidence transmitter). From experiments, we have found that the second hypothesis (continuity of the resultant) matches better the results and that, at oblique incidence, SSW follow laws similar to the Snell-Descartes ones [8]: 1. SSW is reflected as a SSW (with same velocity). 2. SSW is transmitted as another SSW (with a SSW velocity corresponding to the second medium). 3. A critical angle was observed (similarity with the case of compression waves). 4. No other waves (mode conversion) or components could be observed. Thanks to these properties, the propagation of the SSW can be interpreted in a simple and conventional manner. Even for 3D geometry, one can easily talk about reflection, diffraction, directivity pattern, ray description, SSW beam forming, SSW tomography, etc. 5 SAW sonar The first sonar application we have investigated is the detection of embedded objects using a surface acoustic wave sonar approach (Fig. 1). Several tank experiments have been carried out on buried targets in a homogeneous resin [9]. The impedance contrast has been chosen to be as close as possible to real conditions as shown in Table 4. Table 4. Impedance contrast at sea and in tank. SEA Sediment: Z = 2.5 Mrayls Rocks: Z = 14 Mrayls Impedance contrast: 5.6 TANK Polyester resin: Z = 3 Mrayls Metal: Z = 46 Mrayls Impedance contrast: 8 136 MANELL E. ZAKHARIA Figure 4. Energy scattering by a buried sphere. Shadow effect similar to sidescan sonar case. Sphere (16 mm); frequency 100 kHz, λs: 10 mm. Scale: 10 x 10 cm. 2 dB/color Figure 5. SSW sector scanning sonar. Imaging of a buried solid sphere. Sphere (16 mm); frequency 100 kHz, λs: 10 mm. Scale: 10 x 10 cm. 3 dB/color SSW transmission was achieved using a periodic excitation of the water-resin interface (comb transducer centered around 100 kHz, scale factor: about 100). SSWs were clearly identified by their velocity and by their vertical exponential decrease. Figures 4 and 5 show experimental results for a sphere of 16 mm (about 1.5 λs). In Fig. 4, for a given transmitter position, the surface was finely scanned and the SSW energy on the interface was computed. In this figure, one can see from top to bottom: 1. The incoming wave loosing some energy while propagating; the source position is 10 cm above the top of the figure. 2. An interference zone (between the incident signal and the sphere-reflected echo). 3. A shadow zone after the sphere, similar to the one encountered in sidescan sonar. Similar results were obtained with several other embedded objects [9]. In all cases, the presence of an object was clearly defined by SSW energy scattering even for a small sphere (diameter = 0.4 mm ≈ 0.4 λ) where shadow contrast was better than 10 dB. Figure 5 shows an example of experimental results for a monostatic sonar configuration. A sector scanning approach was used: A transmitter with low directivity index (aperture ≈ 60°, range to target: 10 cm). A fixed receiving array of hydrophones (broadside configuration at 2 cm from the target, array length: 8 cm ≈ 8 λ). 3. A digital beamforming for sector scanning (Hamming array shading). 1. 2. Figure 5 clearly shows the possibility of using SSW in sector scanning surface wave sonar. The 3 dB resolution (white color) is comparable to the target size (extended on each side, due to the limited array resolution). Comparable results were obtained for various targets in other geometrical configurations for both broadside and endfire arrays (endfire arrays are easier to tow and to handle at sea). SUB-BOTTOM VARIABILITY AND SURFACE ACOUSTIC WAVES 6 137 Tomographic reconstruction of SAW velocity Several applications such as the survey of hazardous areas in offshore (continental slope stability), the survey of harbor sedimentology, the prediction of acoustical propagation, etc. require a permanent survey tool. The tool could be sitting on the bottom and monitoring the changes in some sub-bottom properties [8,10]. For such a purpose, we have investigated the ability of SSW to provide insight description of the seabed from remote distance. A transmission tomography approach was developed and applied to the characterization of changes of sediment properties. A tomographic experiment has been conducted in a tank using a cylindrical inclusion in a homogeneous resin. It simulates the effect of gas migration through the sediment (gas hydrates in hazardous areas). The cylindrical inclusion of polyester was inserted in a homogeneous resin (PEHD). The properties of the SSW waves in both cases are the following: • Polyester: cs = 960 ± 30 m/s, Zs = 1.07 ± 0.07 Mrayls • PEHD: cs = 760 ± 30 m/s, Zs = 0.7 ± 0.07 Mrayls Both transmitter and receiver were moved along a circle in angular steps of 10° for the transmitter and 5° for the receiver. Conventional transmission tomography algorithms were developed based on the measurement of time of flight. Figure 6 shows an example of reconstructing velocity values in the mock-up using the back-propagation method. The error on the substrate velocity is very low (2%). Although the error on the inclusion is higher (18%), the shape of the cylindrical insert is quite well reconstructed. Other methods (such as SIRT) provided comparable results. Figure 6. Tomographic reconstruction of a cylindrical inclusion in a homogeneous substrate. 138 7 MANELL E. ZAKHARIA Conclusions This paper shows that, like conventional p or s waves, SSW can be used for detailed description of the seabed: velocity profile estimation, sector scanning sonar, detection of embedded objects, tomographic reconstruction of sediment inhomogeneities, etc. The concepts presented have been illustrated by several tank experiments showing the feasibility of surface acoustic wave sonar. Effort is presently put on the development of an efficient single mode generator at sea, using preferably contact-less devices. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the European Commission and the French Ministry of transport. The author thanks Jérôme Guilbot (Total-Fina-Elf), Edouard Mouton (SageGeodia) and Emmanuelle Chauvet for their contribution. References 1. Stoll, R.D. and Batiste, E., New tools for studying seafloor geotechnical and geoacoustic properties, J. Acoust. Soc. 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