VARIABILITY OF SHEAR WAVE SPEED AND ATTENUATION IN SURFICIAL MARINE SEDIMENTS MICHAEL D. RICHARDSON Marine Geosciences Division, Naval Research Laboratory, SSC, MS 39529-5004, USA E-mail: [email protected] Values of shear wave speed and attenuation in surficial marine sediments (upper 30 cm) are summarized and then correlated with easily measured sediment physical properties (porosity, bulk density, and mean grain size). Shear wave speed ranges from a low of 5 m/s in soft silty-clays to a high of 150 m/s in hard pack fine sands. Shear wave speed increases with decreasing porosity, increasing bulk density, and increasing mean grain size. Strong gradients in shear wave speed in the upper meter of sediment, related to increased effective stress (overburden pressure) and vertical gradients in sediment properties complicate theses predictive relationships. Shear wave attenuation follows the opposite trends as shear wave speed, increasing with increasing porosity, decreasing mean grain size and decreasing bulk density. 1 Introduction Knowledge of sediment geoacoustic properties is of fundamental importance to marine environmental, military, and engineering applications. For instance, geoacoustic properties are used to predict the stability of marine slopes, sediment consolidation behavior, strength of marine foundations, liquefaction potential, mine burial, and scattering of acoustic energy into and from the seafloor. In situ measurement of compressional and shear wave speed and attenuation in marine sediments is a welldeveloped technology [1,2]. Values of shear wave speed and attenuation measured in a variety of silicilastic and carbonate sediments over the past 14 years are compiled and new regressions developed between sediment physical and geoacoustic properties are presented. 2 Methods Shear wave speed and attenuation were measured using several different versions of the In situ Sediment geoAcoustic Measurement System (ISSAMS) [1,2]. The compiled data include previously published studies near La Speizia, Italy during 1988 [1,3,13], in the Adriatic Sea during 1989 [1,8], in Eckernförde Bay, Baltic Sea during 1993, 1995, and 1997 [7,12], off Boca Raton, Florida in 1994 [8], in the West Sound off Orcacs Island in Puget Sound, Washington during 1995 [10], offshore the Eel River, along the Northern California Coast in 1996 [4,5], in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, near Panama City during 1989, 1993, 1998 [7,8] and near Ft Walton Beach during 1998 [9,11], and in the lower Florida Keys during 1994–1997 [6]. The data base also includes unpublished data from the North Sea (1997) and unpublished data collected 107 N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (eds.), Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 107-114. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 108 M.D. RICHARDSON along the lower Florida Peninsula during 1998. Sediments range from very soft, lowporosity mud in Eckernförde Bay to fine-to-medium well-sorted sands in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. A few sites near La Spezia and in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico were poorly sorted coarse sands. Carbonate sediments in the Florida Keys and along the lower Florida Peninsula, were generally poorly sorted with a variety of coarser reef debris and shell fragments mixed with finer grained calcareous algae. Calcareous sediments have been shown to slightly different values of sediment geoacoustic properties than silicilastic sediment of the same physical properties [6]. 2.1 Geoacoustic Measurements Values of shear and compressional wave speed and attenuation were measured using several different versions of the In Situ sediment geoAcoustic Measurement System (ISSAMS) [1,2,8,13]. Pulse techniques that utilize time-of-flight and amplitude measurements between pairs of compressional and shear wave probes are used to measure speed and attenuation. The geoacoustic probes are driven into the sediment using a variety of platforms including diver-deployed, mechanically-operated, and hydraulically-operated systems [8]. Although electro-mechanical methodologies of data acquisition and probe deployment have evolved over the years, actual geoacoustic probe design and signal processing has changed little. Compressional wave transmit and receive probes are identical radial-poled ceramic cylinders mounted on a hollow stainless steel tubes. The ceramic cylinders are potted in polyurethane resin to electrically isolate the probes from seawater and for protection during insertion. Shear wave transmit and receive probes are bimorph ceramic benders, potted in a stainless steel ring with silicone rubber to allow unrestricted bender movement. A thin coating of much harder polyurethane resin holds the ceramics in place and provides a tough coating to protect the ceramics during insertion. Compressional and shear wave speed and attenuation are typically measured over pathlengths ranging from of 30 to 100 cm at depths of 5–30 cm below the sedimentwater interface. For compressional wave measurements, transmit pulses are driven utilizing 38 to 58 kHz pulsed sine waves and time delays and voltages are used to determine values of speed and attenuation. Actual values of compressional speed and attenuation are calculated by comparison of received signals transmitted through the sediment with those transmitted through seawater overlying the sediments. Shear speed is measured as time of flight between probes driven at 100 to 2000 Hz. Recently; techniques based on transposition have been developed to measure compressional and shear attenuation without standards [5]. Even more recent improvements to compressional wave measurement techniques, based on comparison of signals of paired receivers [8], have not yet been applied to these data sets but would probably change values of shear wave speed and attenuation very little. 2.2 Sediments Sediment cores were carefully collected by either by divers in shallow water or from box core samples in deeper water. After cores are acoustically logged, sediments were sectioned at 2-cm intervals and water content was determined by water loss of samples dried in an oven at 105°C for 24 h. Porosity and bulk density were calculated from SEDIMENT SHEAR WAVE SPEED AND ATTENUATION 109 values of water content and values of grain density measured with a Quantachrome Ultrapycnometer. The size distribution of gravel- and sand-sized particles was determined by dry-sieving and a Micromeritics sedigraph or pipette analysis was used to determine the silt- and clay-sized fractions. Grain size distributions are described by the graphical methods of Folk [7]. Great care was exercised to minimize disturbance on sediment cores and physical properties are measured soon as physically possible. The original data for most of the data sets analyzed here can be found in the references [1–13]. 3 Data compilation Shear wave speeds together with sediment physical properties (porosity, bulk density and mean grain size) were measured at approximately 100 sites during that last 14 years. In most cases the original data has been published as part of regional and local geological and geophysical studies, high-frequency acoustic experiments, site surveys, or papers on development and/or improvements to ISSAMS or data analysis techniques. Several papers have provided summaries of past in situ measurements [6,8]. This paper is confined to comparisons of values of shear wave speed and attenuation to sediment physical properties. In most cases shear wave speed was measured on multiple deployments of ISSAMS within 25-m of the same location. Shear wave speed and attenuation were compiled from multiple depths (10–30 cm) below the sediment water interface and between multiple pairs of transducers. A typical deployment would yield 12 independent values shear wave speed, and 3 independent values of shear wave attenuation. The measurement frequency (70–2000 Hz) is dependent of transducer loading with lower frequencies used in softer muddy sediments and higher frequencies used in sandy sediments. Typically, 1000 Hz is used for most fine-to-medium sands and 100–300 Hz is used in soft muddy sediments. Shear wave speed was measured at 100 sites but shear wave attenuation has been only been compiled for 18 silicilastic sites. Work proceeds slowly on the reanalysis waveforms to determine shear wave attenuation. Usually multiple cores were collected are each site and sediment physical properties measured at 2-cm interval down cores. 4 Regressions Near surface gradients of shear wave speed are common, especially in sandy sediment (Fig.1), These gradients are primarily in response to increases in mean effective stress, rather than changes in sediment physical properties [3]. The empirical relationships developed in this paper do not account for the effects of these gradients and can best be considered averages for the upper 30 cm of sediments. Corrections can be easily applied to the relationship between shear wave speed and physical properties which will account for these gradients. Scatter diagrams with empirical fits for shear wave speed and attenuation compared to sediment physical properties are presented in Figs. 2 and 3. As expected from past compilations of shear wave speed [6,8,13] shear wave speed is highest in sandy sediments with high density and low porosity. The regressions for shear wave speeds with porosity (R2 = 0.73) and density (R2 = 0.85) were improved when restricted to silicilastic sediments (R2 = 0.897 and 0.92 respectively). Regressions 110 M.D. RICHARDSON of shear wave speed with mean grain size were not improved with the deletion of carbonate sediments. Shear wave speeds for the poorly-sorted carbonate sediment found in the lower Florida Keys were higher than shear wave speeds in silicilastic sediments, given the same porosity and density, and accounted for most of the differences between sediment types. Very little evidence of cementation was evident in TEM micrographs of these sediments suggesting other causes for the higher rigidity or shear wave speed [6]. It was suggested that high intraparticle porosity (10–15%) in lower Florida Keys sediments is sufficient to account for the difference higher shear wave speeds given porosity or bulk density and yet preserve the shear wave mean grain size relationships. For now it is suggested that the two different predictive regressions be used for silicilastic and carbonate sediments or grain size be used to predict shear wave speed. The first extensive compilation of shear wave attenuation and sediment physical properties appears to yield some useful relationships. Shear wave attenuation follows the opposite trends as shear wave speed, increasing with increasing porosity, decreasing mean grain size and decreasing bulk density. Although the percentage of the data accounted for by these linear regressions in not high (Fig. 3) the trends appear convincing. Shear Wave Speed (m/s) 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 -1 4 Depth (cm) 9 14 19 24 29 Figure 1. Gradients in shear wave speed at a well-sorted fine sand site (C1) in the North Sea. Depth regressions include a linear fit (Vs = 72.9 = 2.3D) and the traditional power law fit (Vs = 56.8D0.25). 111 SEDIMENT SHEAR WAVE SPEED AND ATTENUATION 160 Shear Wave Speed (m/s) 140 120 100 y = 163896x-1.937 R2 = 0.6513 80 60 40 y = 2E+06x-2.7087 2 R = 0.8712 20 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Porosity (%) 160 Shear Wave Speed (m/s) 140 y = -12.195x + 134.24 R2 = 0.806 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Mean Grain SIze (Phi) 160 Shear Wave Speed (m/s) 140 120 0.0021x y = 1.4819e 2 R = 0.6198 100 80 60 40 0.0030x y = 0.2340e 2 R = 0.9236 20 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 Bulk Density (kg/m3) Figure 2. Empirical relationships between shear wave speed (m s-1) and sediment physical properties (porosity, mean grain size and bulk density). 112 M.D. RICHARDSON Vs Attenuation (dB/m/kHz) 250 200 y = 2.27x - 42.16 R2 = 0.64 150 100 50 0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 80.0 90.0 8.00 10.00 12.00 Porosity (%) Vs Attenuation (dB/m/kHz) 250 200 150 y = 9.2271x + 20.236 2 R = 0.4956 100 50 0 -2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 Mean Grain Size (Phi) Vs Attenuation (dB/m/kHz) 250 200 y = -0.1364x + 321.82 2 R = 0.6521 150 100 50 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 Bulk Density (Kg/m3) Figure 3. Empirical relationships between shear wave attenuation (dB m-1 kHz-1) and sediment physical properties (porosity, mean grain size and bulk density). SEDIMENT SHEAR WAVE SPEED AND ATTENUATION 113 Acknowledgements ISSAMS benefited from the electro-mechanical expertise of Enrico Muzi and Bruno Miaschi (SACLANTCEN) during early development and from engineering expertise of Sean Griffin and Frances Grosz (Omni Technologies) for its current remotely-operated, hydraulic configuration. Kevin Briggs (NRL), Briano Tonarelli (SACLANTCEN) and Fedra Turgutcan (SACLANTCEN) provided most of the sediment characterization. This work was supported by NRL Program Element 601153N, Herb Eppert, Program Manager and is NRL contribution NRL/PP/7430-02-0003. References 1. A. Barbagelata, M.D. Richardson, B. Miaschi, E. Muzi, P. Guerrini, L. Troiano and T. Akal, ISSAMS: An in situ sediment geoacoustic measurement system. In Shear Waves in Marine Sediments, edited by J.M. Hovem, M.D. Richardson and R.D. Stoll (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1991) pp. 305–312. 2. S.F. Griffin, F.B. 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