MAPPING SEABED VARIABILITY USING COMBINED ECHOSOUNDER AND XBPS FOR SONAR PERFORMANCE PREDICTION K.M. KELLY AND G.J. HEALD QinetiQ, Winfrith Technology Centre, Dorchester, Dorset, UK E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] The acoustic experiment, Cerberus, took place in the SouthWest Approaches to the English Channel in August 2001. During this experiment geoacoustic information was obtained using a combination of Expendable Bottom Penetrometers (XBPs) and the echosounder seabed classification systems, EchoPlus and Roxann. The results of combining these geophysical techniques mapped both variations in sediment type and the presence of large bathymetric features in the region. This improved understanding of the seabed type and variability will lead to improved acoustic prediction. Combining these techniques provides a simple and effective method for gathering seabed variability data for input to acoustic models. This paper investigates the practicability of using XBPs for ground truthing the echosounder systems and compares the results from the three systems. The effect of the seabed variability on sonar performance prediction is discussed. 1 Introduction During August and September 2001 an Active Sonar experiment (Cerberus) took place in the Southwest Approaches. Environmental data was obtained during the experiment in support of the sonar operations. This included a geophysical dataset from the outer shelf of the Southwest Approaches continental shelf region. The geophysical dataset obtained included data from two sediment discrimination systems, EchoPlus and Roxann, and from expendable Bottom Penetrometers (XBPs). The two discrimination systems use the first and second echoes from the echosounder which are related to roughness and hardness respectively. Background on these systems can be found in Chivers [1] and the theory of the first and second echo for sediment discrimination is given by Heald [2]. These systems give an indication of seabed spatial variability. The XBPs were cone penetrometers deployed using the ship’s Expendable bathythermograph (XBT) launcher. They measured deceleration (g) and seabed penetration (cm). These parameters can be related to different sediment characteristices and hence to seabed type [3]. The seabed in this region is composed mainly of Quaternary sands and gravels which overlie the Pleistocene clayey sands of the Upper Little Sole Formation [4]. These Quaternary deposits are formed into a series of large tidal sand ridges, which are the main bathymetric feature of the outer shelf. They form ridges up to 60 m high, 200 m long and 15 km spacing and are relict features which formed during the Late Devensian 99 N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (eds.), Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 99-106. © 2002 All Rights Reserved. Printed in the Netherlands. 100 K.M. KELLY AND G.J. HEALD lowstand of the ice age, when sea levels were lower and tidal forces over the shelf were stronger [5]. They are now in a state of decay. After the Ice Age, as the sea levels rose, the ridges advanced landward until they reached the part of the shelf where sediment supply was insufficient to maintain their growth. Their landward extension stopped at about the 120 m isobath. Seabed reworking during this period formed a sandy gravelly lag pavement. The present seabed consists of partly mobile sediments which are swept by tides and wave induced currents into a series of beforms which range in size from minor sand ripples to tidal sand ridges. Figure 1 is the British Geological Survey (BGS) surface sediment map for the region. Figure 1. BGS surface sediment map for the survey area. 2 2.1 Geophysical datasets Echoplus EchoPlus is a seabed discrimination system that can be installed on any vessel with a single beam echosounder. It is hardwired into the ship’s echosounder and uses the echosounder returns from the first and second echoes to determine the roughness and hardness of the seabed. Mapping the variations in the roughness and hardness outputs gives an indication of seabed variability and allows classification into discrete regions. The first echo consists of a leading edge, which is caused by the initial reflection and scattering from the seabed, and a trailing edge, which is dominated by scattering from the seabed and possibly reflections from the sub-bottom. The analysis window integrates the trailing edge of this first echo to determine a measure of the seabed roughness. The rougher the seabed the more energy will be scattered back to the transducer and the more energy will appear in the integrated analysis window. The MAPPING SEABED VARIABILITY 101 second echo includes contributions from seabed, sea surface and sub-bottom. This echo is used to determine the hardness of the seabed. The harder the seabed the stronger the nearfield scattering will be and the more energy appears in the analysis window [1]. EchoPlus was hardwired into the MV BREMEN echosounder which was an Elac LAZ 72 echosounder which was operating at 30 kHz. The system operated well throughout the exercise and a good quality dataset was obtained. 2.2 Roxann Roxann works on the same principle as that already described for EchoPlus, using the tail of the first echo (E1) and the second echo (E2) to give an indication of roughness and hardness [4]. In this case Roxann used a Simrad echosounder operating at 200 kHz. Normally the echosounder transducer is deployed over the side of the survey ship attached to a metal pole, but during Cerberus, due to the size of the ship, this could not be achieved. There was also no suitable moon pool available on the ship which could be used for tranducer deployment. Therefore a towed body arrangement was set up. This was by no means ideal since the length of cable required resulted in a reduced signal to noise ratio, meaning that the data obtained was very noisy. Also the system expects the transducer to be just below the surface, but with a towed body it was deployed somewhat deeper. This meant that the time delay until the second echo, calculated by the system using the water depth was slightly inaccurate resulting in a poor return from the second echo. This could be overcome by changing the timing based on the position of the transducer in the water column. 2.3 XBPs Expendable Bottom Pentrometers (XBPs) are expendable seabed probes for measuring the in-situ physical properties of seabed sediments. They use the same technology as the widely used expendable bathythermograph (XBT), except that an accelerometer replaces the usual thermistor and special electronics and computer logic are employed to sense and record several different aspects of impact and penetration into the seabed. When the probe impacts with the seabed the measured deceleration is proportional to the resistive force exerted by the sediment. This depends on the undrained shear strength of the sediment. After the probes downward motion stops there is a period of heavily damped oscillatory motion with no further net penetration, particularly in stiffer granular sediments. Whilst this motion is occurring the probe is behaving in a way analogous to a mass on an elastic foundation. This portion of the record can be analysed to obtain an estimate off the dynamic shear modulus which in turn can be used to calculate shear wave velocity [6]. There are much higher peak forces and rates of deceleration with very little penetration in areas where the surface sediment is sand. In softer fine grained sediments where porosites are typically greater than 50% the probe penetrates to a significant depth. The time required for full penetration is larger and the maximum deceleration is much smaller. 3 Comparison of geophysical datasets Deploying the two echosounder systems simultaneously during Cerberus meant that a comparison could be made between the two systems. They use essentially the same 102 K.M. KELLY AND G.J. HEALD processing techniques, the trailing edge of the first echo being used to give an indication of seabed roughness, and the second echo being used to give seabed hardness. The main differences between the two systems are their operating frequencies and the mode of deployment used. The Roxann E1 signal indicated several regions of increased seabed roughness but the E2 signal remained consistently low, only indicating increased seabed hardness on two occasions. Both coincided with Roxann transects across a large patch of gravelly sand and sandy gravel. Figure 2 shows both the Roxann and EchoPlus data for one of the transects of the gravel patch, section A-A Fig. 1. The Roxann E1 signal is giving a strong return associated with the gravelly sand patch. E2 shows a similar trend although the signal is weaker. The EchoPlus hardness signal is very similar to the Roxann E1 signal. There is no variation in roughness. This shows that both systems are detecting the same seabed features. Figure 2. EchoPlus, roughness and hardness and Roxann E1 and E2 for section A-A (see Fig. 1). Both the EchoPlus and Roxann systems provide information on seabed variability, but since the signal can be strongly affected by other environmental factors, such as the interaction of the second echo with the sea surface, repeated tracks under different environmental conditions can give different results. As a result the same roughness/hardness relationships will not always apply and some form of ground truth will be necessary in order to use these systems for actual seabed classification. They will however consistently show relative discrimination levels. Normally the ground truthing uses cores or grabs to identify the sediment present at the seabed. However this involves the ship stopping which is not always practical. The possibility of using XBPs for ground truth was therefore investigated. Figure 3 is a plot for all the XBP data showing the deceleration curves. Although all the XBP deployments were identified by the XBP software as seabed type I, sand and gravel, there are three distinct curve types visible in the data. The first type shows a maximum deceleration of greater than 200 g. This probe was deployed on the top of 103 MAPPING SEABED VARIABILITY Haddock Bank and is likely to be representative of coarse sand or gravel. The second type corresponds to most of the remaining XBP deployments. Decelerations are between 100 and 200 g. These deceleration curves are representative of sands which makes up most of the seabed in this area. The final type shows decelerations lower than 100 g and taking place over a greater time spread. They also show a distinct double deceleration, a small initial deceleration being followed by the main deceleration. This preliminary deceleration is probably caused by a disturbance of the sediment by the downforce of water just ahead of the probe. These probes were deployed in a region to the west of the trials area where muddy sands are more prevalent on the seabed. 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 Time (ms) Figure 3. Deceleration curves for XBP dataset. Figure 4 is a plot of penetration against deceleration for the XBP data. In general the two are related, higher decelerations being associated with less penetration, although there is some variability within the sands. The groupings of the deployments into the three seabed types identified are shown. The definitions of gravel, sand and muddy sand determined from the XBP data were then used to identify the corresponding EchoPlus data distribution. Figure 5 shows roughness/hardness plots of EchoPlus data from a 1-min window surrounding 3 typical XBP deployment, one for each seabed type. The data shows distinct variations in the roughness/hardness relationships for the different seabed types. Sands appear to give lower hardness values that both muddy sand and gravel. The main difference between the muddy sand and the gravel is that roughness is lower for the muddy sands and the data forms a distinct cluster. The roughness/hardness relationship for the gravels shows a greater spread of data values. As a result, when an attempt was made to define seabed type using this raw data, it was difficult to distinguish between the muddy sand and gravel as a result of the spread of values associated with the gravel. However the regions of sand could be clearly identified, see Fig. 6. This type of acoustic signal “overlay” is not uncommon in these types of dataset and emphasizes the need for good ground truth. 104 K.M. KELLY AND G.J. HEALD Figure 4. Plot of penetration against deceleration for the XBP dataset showing the distribution of the different seabed types. 12 10 8 muddy Sand 6 Gravel Sand 4 2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Roughness Figure 5. Relationship of roughness and hardness for the three different seabed types. 105 MAPPING SEABED VARIABILITY Figure 6. Seabed type map based on the seabed type distributions defined in Fig. 5. Range (km) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 40 50 60 70 No Sandbars Sandbars 80 90 100 Figure 7. Propagation loss at 3.5 kHz for the Cerberus environment, with and without sandbars present. 106 4 K.M. KELLY AND G.J. HEALD Acoustic predictions The geophysical data obtained during Cerberus indicated that the seabed in the survey area was relatively consistent in composition, ranging from muddy sands to gravels with most of the region consisting of sands and gravelly sands. Model predictions indicated that these variations did not significantly affect propagation loss. Neither did the inclusion of the sandbars, as is illustrated in Fig. 7. Propagation loss predictions for this environment, both with and without sandbars present only differs by a few dB. 5 Conclusions The two echosounder based seabed discriminators, EchoPlus and Roxann, are useful survey tools for assessing seabed variability. In order to attempt to categorize the seabed types present some form of ground truth is required. This paper investigates the potential for using XBPs for such a purpose. The results would suggest that this is a potentially viable technique although there are some problems with acoustic overlay when relating the two types of data. The results indicate that the effects of seabed variability in the Cerberus area are not significant for sonar performance prediction. References 1. Chivers, R.C., Emerson, N.C. and Burns, D., New acoustic processing for underway surveying, The Hydrographic Journal 56, 9–17 (1990). 2. Heald, G.J. and Pace, N.G., Implications of a bi-static treatment for the second echo from a normal incidence sonar. In Proc. 3rd European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, edited by J.S. Papadakis, Crete, Greece (1996) pp. 649–654. 3. Hamilton, L.J., Mulhearn, P.J. and Poeckert, R., Comparison of RoxAnn and QTC-View acoustic bottom classification system performance for the Cairns area, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, Cont. Shelf Res. (1999). 4. Evans, C.D.R., United Kingdom offshore regional report: The geology of the western English Channel and its western approaches (London: HMSO for the British Geological Survey, 1990). 5. Belderson, R.H., Pingree, R.D. and Griffiths, D.K., Low sea-level tidal origin of Celtic Sea sandbanks – evidence from numerical modelling of M2 tidal streams, Marine Geology 73, 99–108 (1986). 6. Stoll, R.D. and Akal, T., XBP-tool for rapid assessment of seabed sediment properties, Sea Techology, 47–51 (Feb. 1999).
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