MEASURING THE AZIMUTHAL VARIABILITY OF ACOUSTIC BACKSCATTER FROM LITTORAL SEABEDS PAUL C. HINES, JOHN C. OSLER AND DARCY J. MACDOUGALD Defence Research Establishment Atlantic, P.O. Box 1012, Dartmouth, NS, Canada, B2Y 3Z7 E-mail: [email protected] The acoustic backscattering strength of the seabed has been demonstrated to be one of the key inputs required in sonar performance prediction (SPP) models. Extending range independent SPP models to full 3-dimensional – or even the simpler Nx2-dimensional models – requires measurements of the azimuthal variability of the backscattering strength. DREA’s Wide Band Sonar (WBS) system, which consists of a parametric transmitter and a superdirective receiver, is ideally suited to make these measurements. In May 2001 the system was used as part of a joint US-SACLANTCEN-CA experiment referred to as Boundary Characterization 2001. The system collected acoustic backscatter data as a function of azimuth at two shallow water sites off the east coast of North America. In addition, backscattering strength measurements were made at several subcritical grazing angles. In this paper the attributes of the WBS are outlined and some of the results from the experiment are presented. 1 Introduction Sonar performance prediction (SPP) models require several environmental inputs in order to estimate detection ranges. For sonars operating in littoral waters in the low kHz band, key inputs include bottom loss, sea surface loss, backscattering strength (BSS) of the seabed and the sea surface, ambient noise, and the sound-speed profile for the water column. Reasonable estimates of sea surface scatter, forward loss, and ambient noise can be obtained using the wind speed [1–3], and bathythermographs are routinely used to obtain the sound-speed profile. In fact, advances in satellite sensing show potential for remotely estimating both the wind speed and sound-speed profile [2]. By contrast, estimating those sonar parameters related to the seabed poses a greater problem. For example, there is no easily measured correlate from which to infer the bottom backscattering strength in the way one uses wind speed to estimate surface scatter. In fact, the relative importance of seabed roughness, sediment type, and grain size to bottom scattering strength is still widely debated. As a result, many sonar performance prediction models rely on data bases to estimate seabed scatter. Often, these data bases are sparsely sampled spatially or use broadly defined regional descriptors such as “silt” or “rock” to estimate the scattering strength. Measurements of seabed scatter are critical to provide ground truth validation for these data bases. Measurements should also unravel the underlying physics of scattering which will improve ones ability to predict scatter given geo-technical information about the seabed. 179 N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (eds.), Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 179-186. © 2002 All Rights Reserved. Printed in the Netherlands. 180 PAUL C. HINES ET AL. Scattering strength estimates for littoral seabeds have been extracted from reverberation experiments [e.g. 3]; however, this technique requires careful interpretation because scatter from several grazing angles having undergone different numbers of boundary interactions arrive simultaneously. We require direct measurements of seabed scattering – preferably unhindered by vertically directed sidelobes which generate unwelcome fathometer returns. Furthermore, if one hopes to extend range independent SPP models to full 3-dimensional (or even the simpler Nx2dimensional models) measurements of the azimuthal variability of the backscattering strength are required. In shallow water, conventional sonars are poorly suited for this task at low kiloHertz frequencies. This is because the sonar’s size is roughly proportional to its acoustic wavelength and to project a narrow acoustic beam, the sonar must be many wavelengths long. This in turn places the seabed in the near-field of the array which adds an extra layer of complexity to data interpretation. Additionally, strong returns on array sidelobes can mask weak on-axis returns resulting in erroneous estimates of the directional dependence of the scatter. To address these issues the Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) Atlantic (formerly DREA) has developed a wide-band active sonar (WBS) with which to interrogate the seabed and quantify its geo-acoustic properties. The WBS employs a parametric transmitter to make these measurements. The parametric transmitter offers several advantages for the current experimental requirement. First and foremost, due to the nature of signal generation in the parametric array, no sidelobes are formed. This feature avoids extraneous boundary interactions when making measurements in shallow water. Second, the beamwidth of the parametric array is extremely narrow relative to the transmitter aperture. In the present case a square transducer measuring 41 cm on a side yields horizontal and vertical beam widths of approximately 3° across the difference frequency band. This coupled with the absence of sidelobes enables accurate measurements of the azimuthal variability of the backscattering strength. Third, one can obtain a wider bandwidth than that obtained using a conventional source. In the present case a bandwidth of 1 kHz to 10 kHz is realized from a single transducer. The wide bandwidth means that a single transducer can be used in place of a suite of transducers, each of which may require separate power and tuning circuitry. In May 2001 the system was used as part of a joint US-SACLANTCEN-CA experiment referred to as Boundary Characterization 2001. The system collected acoustic backscatter data as a function of azimuth and grazing angle at two shallow water sites off the east coast of North America – one near New Jersey and one near Nova Scotia. Measurements were made at grazing angles ranging from 30° down to 2.5°, at frequencies of 4 and 8 kHz. Following the introduction, the attributes of the WBS are outlined and a sample of the measurements of backscatter variability are presented. 2 The Wide Band Sonar (WBS) Defence Research Establishment Atlantic has developed a wide-band sonar (WBS) for collecting environmental acoustic data in the open ocean [4]. A schematic of the system is shown in Fig. 1. The primary acoustic sensor suite consists of a parametric array transmitter (PATS) and a superdirective endfire line array receiver (SIREM). AZIMUTHAL VARIABILITY OF ACOUSTIC BACKSCATTER 181 Mechanical steering of these arrays is remotely controlled from the research ship via an RF radio link fixed to the system’s surface float. This minimizes the risk of acoustic interference from the ship and prevents ship motion from compromising its stability. In addition to acoustic sensors, the system is instrumented with a range of non-acoustic sensors to assist in the evaluation of the data. The non-acoustic sensors include depth, tilt, roll, and heading sensors to monitor the position and direction of the parametric array, as well as accelerometers to monitor platform vibration. The sonar head can be panned through 360° azimuth. The system can be configured to be either bottomtethered (Fig. 1a) or bottom-mounted (Fig. 1b). In bottom-tethered mode the sonar support arm can be rotated 180° vertically so that the sonar can be positioned above or below the space frame. This enables measurements through 4π steradians. In this configuration, platform stability is achieved by de-coupling the space frame from the surface float through a weighted cable and streaming the space frame into the prevailing shear current. In bottom-mounted mode a remote command is sent from the ship to the surface float to flood the sub-surface floats on the space frame following deployment. This causes the system to descend slowly to the seabed. Once the floats are fully flooded the system weight in water is approximately 4500 N. This offers an extremely stable platform that permits coherent averaging of multiple pings. This is used in low SNR conditions such as measurements of backscattering strength at very shallow grazing angles. Prior to recovery, compressed air is forced into the sub-surface floats to evacuate the water. When the system is bottom mounted, physical constraints limit the range of vertical angles to -30° from the horizontal up to +90°; however, the head is still able to rotate 360° in azimuth. The experiments discussed in this document were all performed with the system in bottom-mounted mode. The parametric transmitter – the advantages of which have been highlighted already – consists of nine square ceramic piston transducers arranged in a 3-by-3 grid. At full power, the primary source level is 242 dB re 1µPa@1m at 100 kHz. Pulse duration can range from 50 µs to 250 ms. The main disadvantage in employing a parametric array is that the conversion of energy from the primary frequencies to the difference frequency is a second order process, and therefore inefficient. Table 1 lists the difference frequency source level (SLd) referred to 1 m range measured at a selection of difference frequencies. Table 1. Parametric array source levels measured at several difference frequencies. fd (kHz) 1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 2 SLd (dB//1µPa ) 166 172 182 188 To complement the compactness of the parametric transmitter, a six-channel superdirective hydrophone line array (SIREM) was developed as the principal receiver. SIREM is mounted on the parametric array head and turns with the array. (Recall Fig. 1). A superdirective array relies on computing pressure gradients and as such 182 PAUL C. HINES ET AL. requires inter-element spacings that are a small fraction of an acoustic wavelength. Thus, by its very nature, a superdirective array is much more compact than a conventional array. The principal disadvantage with a superdirective array is its susceptibility to incoherent noise such as sensor self-noise and inter-channel phase errors. That is to say, the very process of taking the difference between the acoustic signals at two sensors means that the signal to noise ratio (SNR) must degrade. In practice the array yields gains of up to 15 dB across the sonar's frequency band from an array aperture only 0.8 m long. The system also has a tri-axial intensity array known as SIRA (Sound Intensity Receiver Array) fixed to the spaceframe. This secondary receiver is used to measure ambient noise directionality. The superdirective array weights can then be optimized for the specific ambient noise field. (SIRA can also be used to localize the platform during bistatic experiments. It’s bearing accuracy is better than ±0.5°.) Note that all data reported in this paper were collected using a single hydrophone from SIREM. In the following section, an experiment to measure the scattering strength of the seabed as a function of azimuth and grazing angle is described. Particular emphasis will be placed on the variability of the scattered energy as a function of azimuth. Figure 1. Schematic of Wide Band Sonar bottom-tethered (left), bottom-mounted (right). Note that the pivot point for the sonar support arm is different for the two configurations. 3 The scattering experiments A series of experiments to measure the dependence of seabed backscatter on azimuth and grazing angle was performed at two shallow water sites on North America’s Eastern Seaboard – one site known as Strataform is located off the New Jersey coast and the second site is about 100 nmi. southeast of Halifax, Nova Scotia on Canada’s Scotian AZIMUTHAL VARIABILITY OF ACOUSTIC BACKSCATTER 183 Shelf. The sites were chosen primarily because of the availability of supporting geotechnical measurements to assist in data interpretation and modeling [5, 6]. Figure 2 contains a sketch of the geometry for the measurements of azimuthal scattering. The array was pointed at a grazing angle in the range of 5° to 15°. At each azimuthal angle, a series of 50 pulses was transmitted by the WBS at 4 and 8 kHz and Figure 2. Geometry for measurements of the azimuthal variability of acoustic scattering. acoustic backscatter from the seabed was recorded on SIREM. A pulse duration of 2 ms was used with a pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 4 per second. The parametric array transmitter was rotated approximately 1.5° in azimuth and the sequence was repeated. This sector scan covered approximately ∆θ = 25°. Time constraints did not permit a 360° sector scan; as a compromise, the parametric array was rotated 90° in azimuth relative to the center of the sector scan and the experiment was repeated for 2 azimuthal angles separated by 3°. This procedure was adopted to allow an examination of the small scale transition of backscatter across azimuth, while at the same time providing an opportunity to observe any drastic variations that might only show up with a substantial change in azimuth. Backscattering strength was measured at grazing angles ranging from 20° down to 2.5° at the midpoint and the extrema of the sector scan. In the following section, samples of the azimuthal variability and the grazing dependence of the backscatter are presented. PAUL C. HINES ET AL. 184 4 Results and discussion Figure 3 shows waterfall displays of the azimuthal dependence of the backscattered energy vs. time as measured on a single hydrophone in SIREM. The data are from the Strataform site at 4 kHz (left) and 8 kHz (right). The top (dashed) trace is the average of the 17 angles used in the sector scan. The 17 solid lines below it correspond to the data at each azimuthal angle. Each trace in the waterfall represents the coherent average of 50 pulses at a single azimuth. These data were taken with the parametric array pointed at 10° grazing. This corresponds to a two-way travel time of approximately 20 ms at the center of the beam. The two dashed lines at the bottom correspond to measurements at azimuths of 90°and 93° from the center of the sector scan. Unfortunately, experimental constraints required that for these measurements the sonar be pointed at 13° grazing (rather than 10° as was used during the sector scan). This corresponds to a two-way travel time of 15 ms to the center of the beam. The waterfall display shows rich structure in the azimuthal dependence of the data. For example the arrow in the 8 kHz data points to a single peak splitting in two and then consolidating back into a single peak. This occurs a couple of times as one passes through azimuth. Similar features occur in the 4 kHz data. Additionally at 4 kHz, a sharp ridge (denoted by the arrow) can be seen in the upper traces that disappears near the bottom of the figure. At this time it is unclear whether these features result from interface structure or possibly shallow sub-bottom layering. 4 kHz 8 kHz 50 50 0 0 -50 -50 -100 -100 -150 -150 0 20 40 time (ms) 60 80 0 20 40 60 time (ms) 80 Figure 3. Waterfall display of azimuthal dependence of backscattered energy vs. time for the Strataform site taken at 4 kHz (left) and 8 kHz (right). The topmost (dashed) trace is the average for the entire sector scan. The two dashed lines at the bottom are measurements taken at azimuths 90° and 93° relative to the center of the sector scan (see text). 185 AZIMUTHAL VARIABILITY OF ACOUSTIC BACKSCATTER The backscattered energy was measured with the acoustic axis centered at slant angles of 5°, 7.5°, 10°, 15°, and 20°. To prevent discrete features from biasing the results, measurements were made at several azimuthal angles and the rms average was computed. The difference frequency source level at the seabed was estimated using a combination of calibration data and model evaluation [7]. Correcting the source level for the parametric array beam pattern and then converting time of flight to grazing angle allowed a range of grazing angles to be spanned for each slant angle. This procedure allowed for some overlap in the curves thereby increasing confidence in the results. -10 -20 BSS (dB) 8 kHz 4 kHz -30 -40 -50 -60 20 15 10 5 0 grazing angle (degrees) Figure 4. Backscattering strength vs. grazing angle at 4 and 8 kHz for the Strataform site. -10 -20 BSS (dB) 8 kHz 4 kHz -30 -40 -50 -60 20 15 10 5 0 grazing angle (degrees) Figure 5. Backscattering strength vs. grazing angle at 4 and 8 kHz for the Scotian Shelf site. PAUL C. HINES ET AL. 186 Figure 4 shows the BSS at 4 and 8 kHz for the Strataform site plotted as a function of grazing angle. There appears to be little, if any, frequency dependence in the scattering strength. The slope of the 8 kHz data appears to be slightly steeper than for the 4 kHz data; however, this may result from interference from the noise floor at 4 kHz at the shallow angles. Figure 5 shows the BSS at 4 and 8 kHz for the Scotian Shelf site plotted as a function of grazing angle. As for Strataform, the BSS appears to be independent of frequency within the statistical accuracy of the measurements. 5 Concluding remarks The Wide Band Sonar is an effective tool for examining seabed acoustics. It permits a wide range of experimental geometries, minimizes the risk of acoustic interference from the ship, and prevents ship motion from compromising array stability. It’s narrow beam width makes the system particularly well suited to measure the variability of acoustic scattering from the seabed in addition to making direct (rather than inferred) measurements of the backscattering strength of the seabed. In this paper, the azimuthal variability of the scattered intensity and the grazing angle dependence of the seabed backscattering strength are reported for frequencies of 4 and 8 kHz. The measurements were made at two shallow water sites referred to as Strataform and Scotian Shelf. Initial results show substantial azimuthal variability of seabed backscatter. At both sites, the backscattering strength measurements appear to be independent of frequency within the statistical accuracy of the data. References 1. M. Nicholas, P.M. Ogdan and F.T. Erskine, Improved empirical descriptions for acoustic surface backscatter in the ocean, J. Oceanic. Eng. 23, 81–95 (1998). 2. D. Hutt, Acoustical oceanography and satellite remote sensing, Backscatter Magazine published by Alliance for Marine Remote Sensing, Autumn issue, pp. 32–34 (2001). 3. D.D. Ellis, J.R. Preston, R. Hollett and J. Sellschopp, Analysis of towed array reverberation data from 160 to 4000 Hz during Rapid Response 97. SACLANTCEN SR-280 (2000). 4. P.C. Hines, W.C. Risley and M.P. O’Connor, A wide-band sonar for underwater acoustics measurements in shallow water. In Proc. Oceans’98, Nice, France (1998). 5. J.A. Goff, D.J.P. Swift, C.S. Duncan, L.A. Mayer and J. Hughes-Clarke, High-resolution swath sonar investigation of sand ridge, dune and ribbon morphology in the offshore environment of the New Jersey Margin, Marine Geology 161, 307–337 (1999). 6. J.C. Osler, Geoacoustic characterization of Boundary 2001 experimental locations. In Proc. Acoustic Interaction with the Seabed, Conference held at DREA, Canada, 2–3 Oct. 2001, DREA TM-2001-185. 7. R.H. Mellen and M.B. Moffett, A numerical method for calculating the nearfield of a parametric acoustic source, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 63, 1622–1624 (1978).
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