THE INFLUENCE OF NOISE AND COHERENCE FLUCTUATIONS ON A NEW GEO-ACOUSTIC INVERSION TECHNIQUE C.H. HARRISON SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, Viale S. Bartolomeo 400, 19138 La Spezia, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] Distributed noise sources at the sea surface (wind, rain, waves) and distant shipping provide an ideal plane wave spectrum for investigating geo-acoustic properties. Using the fact that the vertical noise directionality is closely related to the bottom properties, a technique has recently been established theoretically and experimentally [C.H. Harrison, D.G. Simons, “Geoacoustic Inversion of Ambient Noise: A Simple Method.” Submitted to JASA] for deducing geo-acoustic properties from the noise directionality. Theory suggests that the simple ratio of up-to-down beam-steered power is, in fact, the power reflection coefficient of the seabed – potentially a function of angle and frequency. Experiments at six sites in the Mediterranean and on the New Jersey Shelf with a 64element vertical array have shown that stable solutions can be obtained in a few minutes. In preparation to extend the technique to the use of a vertical synthetic aperture the sptial and temporal variability of the coherence has been investigated by selecting pairs of hydrophones still from the VLA. Surprisingly the coherence for a pair is quite unstable on a period of 10 seconds while the reflection loss derived from the entire array remains reasonably stable. The paper discusses reasons for the fluctuations and implications for the inversion technique when synthesising an aperture. 1 Introduction A new method of deriving bottom reflection loss from ambient noise [1–3] has been tried at five Mediterranean sites (during ADVENT99 and MAPEX2000bis) and most recently at one site on the New Jersey Shelf (during Boundary2001). It can be shown by ray or flux arguments [1,2,4] that if the wind provides a sheet source (with or without distant shipping) the ratio of down-going to up-going noise at a given angle to the horizontal is simply the bottom power reflection coefficient. This results from the peculiarity of sheet sources that the propagation does not undergo the usual geometric spreading with range. Instead there is a geometric series of noise contributions resulting from the surface interaction once per ray cycle. The downward beam has exactly the same geometric series as the upward beam but with one extra bottom reflection near the receiver. Therefore a VLA can measure reflection loss almost directly as a function of angle and frequency. From this measurement one can then deduce the geoacoustic parameters (if necessary!) by employing a model of plane wave reflection loss, such as OASR [5] or more simply, the formulae in [6] for multiple fluid layers with an underlying solid bottom. The only significant effect of refraction is to modify angles according to Snell’s law and the sound speeds at the bottom and receiver. A numerical 139 N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (eds.), Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 139-146. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 140 C.H. HARRISON demonstration of the fidelity of the theory was given in [1,7], and it was shown in [7,8] that the measured properties are within about a water depth of the receiver. In this paper we take the experimental results from two Mediterranean sites and the New Jersey Shelf site to demonstrate geographic variability. Then at the first site we look at the influence of spatial and temporal variability on the deduced reflection loss. One aim is to investigate the feasibility of using a synthetic aperture rather than a full VLA, and we will find that variability has a dramatically different impact in the two cases. 2 Geographic variation of reflection loss If the method really works we naturally expect to see changes from site to site since bottom properties are known to vary. Here we demonstrate geographic changes with examples from three out of the six sites visited to date. The full array method is deliberately insensitive to non-uniformity of noise source distribution. Figure 1. Sicily sand VLA beam response. One of the sites visited in November 2000 during MAPEX2000bis was south of Sicily at the northern end of the Ragusa Ridge, where the bottom was thought to be sandy. The vertical beam response of the central 32 elements (0.5m spacing) of the 62m VLA is shown in Fig. 1. The “noise-notch” is evidence of the strong downward refraction. The “up-to-down” ratio is shown in Fig. 2. Interpreting this as reflection loss we immediately see the classical interference fringes [6] (indeed these can be seen in the lower part of Fig. 1 when we know what to look for). By inspection we can deduce several things, the most obvious of which is the critical angle (about 30°). In this example the fringes are regular in frequency (notwithstanding the experimental artefacts caused by grating lobes at high frequencies and broad beams at low frequencies [1]) which means there must be only two dominant reflectors or boundaries. Also the layer separation is directly related to the fringe separation (see later). The strength of the reflection and the depth of modulation of the FLUCTUATIONS IN GEOACOUSTIC INVERSION OF NOISE 141 fringes provide information about the combined speed and density in the two layers. Volume absorption in the sediment will certainly affect the low loss region to the left of the critical angle, but experimentally this region is rather unreliable since the up-todown ratio is so close to unity. Inversions and goodness of fit are discussed in [1,7]. Figure 2. Sicily sand: Experimentally deduced reflection loss. Figure 3. Elba mud: Experimentally deduced reflection loss. A contrasting site in the same experiment was ‘lossy mud’ east of Elba. This resulted in the reflection loss plot of Fig. 3. Here we see evidence of higher losses at low angles, i.e. an absence of a clear critical angle. Also we see two superimposed fringe patterns, one fine – with seven or eight loss maxima visible at, say 90°, and one coarse – with only one maximum and one minimum visible. It is immediately obvious that one 142 C.H. HARRISON cannot use a simple three layer (i.e. two boundary) model to explain this data. Indeed the pattern suggests three boundaries, two of which are wide apart and two of which are close together. In fact this can be matched very well with a three boundary calculation [1,7]; furthermore the deduced layer spacing agrees with independent experiments in the vicinity. At the New Jersey Shelf site (39°19’N 72°33’W), where we expect a ‘stiff clay’, we see in Fig. 4 a clear critical angle again (about 30°) but subjectively either many complicated fringes or none at all. This suggests many equally weakly reflecting layers, effectively a half-space. Figure 4. New Jersey Shelf clay: Experimentally deduced reflection loss. 3 Spatial variability of coherence Spatial variability is a crucial issue for vertical synthetic aperture processing. By definition we build a cross-spectral density (CSD) matrix for the synthetic aperture by taking real pairs of hydrophones at real depths. For the sake of economy we keep one hydrophone fixed, so we rely on the coherence estimates being only dependent on separation and independent of depth (i.e. the CSD matrix must be Toeplitz). However normal mode theory tells us to expect non-Toeplitz behaviour especially within a few wavelengths of boundaries. In the current applications where water depths are about 100 m and frequencies are between 100 Hz and 2000 Hz we expect only residual effects. There are various experimental ways of demonstrating this. One is to plot the CSD matrix as a colour contour surface; we expect to see bands parallel to the diagonals and no variation along the diagonals. Another way is to use each row of the CSD matrix to plot a graph of coherence vs separation; a spread indicates deviation from Toeplitz. A more enlightening way, in the current context, is to compare full array reflection loss with a forced Toeplitz array reflection loss. “Forced Toeplitz” means that we use instead a Toeplitz array whose diagonals are the average values along the diagonals of the true FLUCTUATIONS IN GEOACOUSTIC INVERSION OF NOISE 143 CSD matrix. In practice it is difficult to see any difference at all in these reflection loss plots, which means the Toeplitz assumption is good enough for this application. 4 Temporal variability of coherence, beam response, and deduced reflection loss Using the full array this geoacoustic inversion technique is remarkably insensitive to variations in noise directionality. However, temporal variability becomes important when we build the CSD matrix from the coherence between hydrophone pairs taken at different times. In this section we try out several processing options solely to investigate behaviour. It is hoped that the requirement for averaging can be moderated by future processing schemes. 4.1 Full Array Processing (Unmodified CSD Matrix) Figure 2 shows the average of 20 batches of 10-second files (3 minutes’ worth of data). The noise is sampled at 6kHz, enabling several hundred 128-point FFTs to be averaged during each 10 seconds. In fact the solution is fairly well converged after only one 10second file, as Fig. 5 shows. Figure 5. Experimental reflection loss deduced from a single 10 second file, cf the 20 file average shown in Fig. 2. 4.2 “Forced Toeplitz” Processing (Toeplitz Array built from Complete Array) Our first option is to build a Toeplitz array from the full array for one time. However, as noted in Section 3 there is hardly any difference between this and the original. The next possibility is to take each diagonal (whilst retaining Hermitian symmetry) from a different 10-second file. Naturally we need 32 files to construct each new array. Figure 6 shows that even allowing for this, after 7×32 files (exhausting the file supply!), we still have relatively poor convergence compared with Figs. 2 and 5. So even with the 144 C.H. HARRISON spatial averaging (along the diagonals) combining coherence measurements from different times introduces instability. Figure 6. Reflection loss deduced via the average beam response (over 224 (=7×32) 10-second files) from a Toeplitz CSD matrix constructed from averages along diagonals taken from separate 10-second files. Figure 7. Reflection loss deduced via the average beam response (over 30 10-second files) from a Toeplitz CSD matrix constructed from simultaneous hydrophone pairs 32 and n. 4.3 Hydrophone Pair Processing (Toeplitz Array built from Hydrophones 1 and n) If we now select hydrophone pairs (1 and n, up to 32) from the full array for one time we find that the response is poor to start with but converges reasonably well after 30 or so 10-second files (Fig. 7). Thus taking hydrophones pairs is worse than taking the full FLUCTUATIONS IN GEOACOUSTIC INVERSION OF NOISE 145 array, but remembering that here we have only N independent coherences whereas the full array has (N2−N)/2, it is not surprising that we need a further N averages (~ 30) to achieve similar stability. Finally if we take each hydrophone pair from a different 10-second file we find very slow convergence. The supply of files is exhausted long before we achieve convergence (Fig. 8). Figure 8. Reflection loss deduced via the average beam response (over 192 (=6×32) 10-second files) from a Toeplitz CSD matrix constructed with hydrophone pairs from separate 10-second files. 4.4 Explanation of these Anomalies So why is there such a big discrepancy between the required averaging time for the full array and for the various synthetic apertures? Obviously to build a n-element array takes at least n times longer, but the above results demonstrate an extra factor. Imagine a small array near the seabed with “point splashes” at the surface. Each splash (with beam-forming and up-down comparison) gives straight away an estimate of R at that ray angle and the frequencies of the broad-band splash. No averaging is required at all, we just need to fill in each angle and frequency. Therefore we have to wait for sounds to have arrived from all the required directions, but we don’t need to wait for any evening out or convergence process. It’s rather like scribbling on a piece of paper pressed on a coin; the image of the head appears wherever you scribble – scribbling harder doesn’t help. In contrast when we take hydrophone pairs we cannot do any steering at all until we have a complete set of Cnm . Since each Cnm originates at different times they each have been generated by a different splash (potentially a different angle and frequency). The resulting correlation matrix consists of a set of numbers that are all incorrect in as far as they are not the average for a sheet. To a certain extent there will be some averaging when we perform the ΣΣCnm process to get the beam response, however it is not at all obvious that the average of ‘wrong’ numbers converges to the right answer! What is 146 C.H. HARRISON true, though, is that we certainly have to wait for the ‘filling-in’ time in order to more or less cover all angles. In addition now, however, we need to ensure that we have the same angle distribution (i.e. source spatial distribution) for each n,m and this requires some time for the average to settle down. In short, the reason for the discrepancy is that the original full array method is self-compensating and builds its reflection loss picture from estimates of reflection loss (that need no averaging) rather than from coherence (which certainly does need averaging). 5 Conclusions A technique has been established for determining bottom reflection loss and hence geoacoustic parameters from noise directionality. It has already been shown that the theory is sound and that the measurement is local to the receiver array. In order to test the feasibility of using a synthetic aperture array instead of a full vertical array we have investigated the dependence on variability. Geographic, spatial (water column), and temporal variability were addressed. It is found that the averaging time for synthetic aperture is much more than n times the time for a n-element full array. This surprising finding is explained by the self-compensating nature (and therefore rapid convergence) of the full array technique rather than any anomalies with synthetic aperture. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the Captain and crew of RV Alliance and the chief scientists on the three cruises Jürgen Sellschopp (ADVENT99), Martin Siderius (MAPEX2000bis), Charles Holland (BOUNDARY2000) for making time available for these experiments. References 1. Harrison, C.H. and Simons, D.G., Geoacoustic inversion of ambient noise: a simple method, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (submitted Nov. 2001). 2. Harrison, C.H. and Simons, D.G., Geoacoustic inversion of ambient noise: a simple method. In Proc. Inst. of Acoust. Conf. on Acoustical Oceanography, Southampton, UK (April 2000). 3. Aredov, A.A. and Furduev, A.V., Angular and frequency dependencies of the bottom reflection coefficient from the anisotropic characteristics of a noise field, Acoustical Physics 40, 176–180 (1994). 4. Harrison, C.H., Noise directionality for surface sources in range-dependent environments, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102, 2655–2662 (1997). 5. Schmidt, H., OASES user’s guide and reference manual. Dept of Ocean Engineering, MIT (1999). 6. Jensen, F.B., Kuperman, W.A., Porter, M.B. and Schmidt, H., Computational Ocean Acoustics (AIP Press, New York, 1994) pp. 46, 50, 54. 7. Harrison, C.H. and Baldacci, A., Bottom reflection properties by inversion of ambient noise. In Proc. 6th European Conf. on Underwater Acoustics, Gdansk, Poland (2002). 8. Harrison, C.H. and Baldacci, A., Simulated geoacoustic inversion of ambient noise, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. (in preparation).
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