BACKSCATTER FROM ELASTIC OCEAN BOTTOMS: USING THE SMALL SLOPE MODEL TO ASSESS ACOUSTICAL VARIABILITY AND UNCERTAINTY ROBERT F. GRAGG, RAYMOND J. SOUKUP AND ROGER C. GAUSS Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC 20375-5350,USA E-mail: [email protected] The scattering strength of the ocean bottom as a function of angle and frequency is a fundamental input for predicting the performance of active sonar systems, particularly in littoral waters. The small-slope formulation for scattering from the rough water/bottom interface is by now well established both as a physical theory and as a numerical algorithm [Gragg et al., JASA 110 (2001)]. In this work, a data-model comparison is used to address the following questions. How well do the predictions of this elastic theory agree with data measured at sea? How sensitively does the theoretical prediction depend on the set of input parameters that characterize (a) the geoacoustics of the bottom material and (b) the spectrum of the surface roughness? For a given littoral area, how much needs to be known about these parameters for ASW/MCM purposes? How much of that could be estimated by remote (e.g., acoustic inversion) methods? 1 Introduction We first extract the bottom scattering strength (in the 2.0–3.5 kHz band) from LWAD >dH data sets taken at a pair of nearby littoral sites that have a bare limestone bottom. The processing techniques complement those of Holland et al. >1H, with special emphasis on squeezing the widest possible range of grazing angles out of a relatively simple system (omni source and VLA receiver). We then use small-slope theory to model the scattering, given a minimal set of input parameters that specify the bottom’s roughness and geoacoustic properties (including shear). Finally, we adjust these inputs, under the control of a simplex/annealing search algorithm, to maximize the data-model agreement across frequency and grazing angle (W , ). These geoacoustic inversions yield information on the importance of each of the parameters in scattering and on their site-to-site variability. The water/sediment interface is the dominant scattering mechanism often enough that a solid understanding of it is essential—especially for sand or rock because these have significant ranges of sub-critical that are important in sonar operation. CST >nH measurements in the 100–1000 Hz band have supported a variety of W and dependences, illustrating the need for an improved physical model. The small-slope theory of scattering from rough interfaces has recently been used to develop such a physics-based formulation for elastic bottoms >;H. This model typically predicts dependences that are considerably more complex than the familiar R$tz empirical descriptions (e.g. in Ref. >xH). Our procedure relies on data with multiple frequencies and a wide range of sub-critical angles to get enough information to invert for parameters that are rarely measured in-situ; 187 N.G. Pace and F.B. Jensen (eds.), Impact of Littoral Environmental Variability on Acoustic Predictions and Sonar Performance, 187-194. © 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 188 R.F. GRAGG ET AL. Figure 1. Test sites described in the text. e.g. the bottom roughness spectrum. We use LWAD data from the FTE 96-2 experiment [1, 6, 7]—specifically from Sites Q and C, Fig. 1. MKS units are tacitly used throughout this article; e.g., “c = 1500” with the “m/s” that specifies the units left implicit. 2 Acquiring and processing the data Both experiments were essentially monostatic. (The source and receiver were mounted only 3 m apart on a common cable.) At each site, deployments were made in shallow, middle and deep configurations (source depths 35 m, 60 or 65 m, and 105 m respectively). The receiver (a 9-phone VLA cut for 3750 Hz) provided ten beams, five of which are relevant here. These were steered at 90◦ , 51◦ , 34◦ , 19◦ and 6◦ below horizontal, and are designated 0 through 4, respectively. At each frequency, sets of 12–15 gated 10-ms CW waveforms (separated by 3 s) were transmitted. Analysis of longer (50-ms) pulses from these experiments has already been reported [1, 8]. Our use of these shorter signals is supported by the weak frequency dependence seen in the scattering data (∼ 1 dB/kHz across the 240 Hz analysis band). After beamforming, power spectra were obtained using Fourier transforms of length equal to the ping duration, the successive transforms proceeding to the end of the time series with 90% overlap. A frequency band representing the total energy about the zeroDoppler peak was selected and a time series was formed for each ping using only the energy in that band. The pings’ direct arrivals were then temporally aligned and then averaged (before conversion to dB), producing a single reverberation curve for each beam and frequency bin. Integration over the zero-Doppler spectral peak yielded the total returned power over time and beam. Transmission loss terms to and from the scattering patch were obtained from the geometric spreading loss along each ray path. The computed beam pattern and ray trace were used to calculate the scattering patch area. With these inputs, bottom scattering strength was calculated from the sonar equation as a function of beam, f and θ. BACKSCATTER FROM ELASTIC OCEAN BOTTOMS 189 Figure 2. Scattering strength vs grazing angle at 3 kHz for a deep deployment at Site Q. The two types of corrections mentioned in the text are illustrated. Multipath designations B, SB, BSB etc. correspond to Fig. 3. Figure 3. Sketch of multipaths that produce ambiguous returns. (See Fig. 2.) As a final step, the data were processed to correct for (a) multipaths (as described in detail in Ref. [9]) and (b) reverberation decay over the pulse length. Figure 2 illustrates the situation, with multipaths labeled according to their boundary interactions (bottom and surface are abbreviated B and S). These are most prominent in the “Phone Data” curve, which comes from a single hydrophone. Two examples of uncorrected data are included for illustration. There is a sizable disparity between the uncorrected levels for beam 2 on either side of the BS/SB arrival. However, after correction for multipath effects, these levels agree and are consistent with beam 3. For beam 0, reverberation slope corrections become significant at high θ. 3 Geoacoustic inversion The geoacoustic parameters of the problem are the densities and sound speeds of the two media. For the water, these are ρw and cw (both real); for the bottom, they are the density ρb and the complex-valued compressional and shear speeds, cp and cs . We assume the water/bottom interface to have an isotropic, power-law, roughness spectrum of the form S(k) = w2 /(h0 k)γ2 with 2 < γ2 < 4 (which corresponds to a fractal 190 R.F. GRAGG ET AL. dimension between 1 and 2). We take the essentially arbitrary [4] reference length h0 to be 1. This leaves ρw , cw , w2 , γ2 , ρb , cp , and cs as model inputs. Before inverting for their values, we impose two conditions. We fix the parameters whose values are in no real doubt, ρw = 1000 (nominal sea water) and cw = 1487 (from in-situ measurement), and vary the others within appropriate bounds. We also examine the data to identify a grazing angle θ̂ that appears to mark the onset of sub-bottom scattering, and then limit our data/model comparisons to θ < θ̂. Inversion is then a matter of quantifying the data-model deviation across all the experimental frequencies and allowed grazing angles by devising a cost function Φ, and then searching the appropriate region of the parameter space for the minimum of Φ(w2 , γ2 , ρb , cp , cs ). All that remains is to specify the cost function, the search algorithm, and the search region. As with most inversion techniques, some uniqueness problems are to be expected. One should anticipate fairly precise evaluations for the parameters that strongly affect scattering, but only rough estimates for the rest. We examined several cost functions based on the calculated theory-minus-data deviations over the experimental θ and f ranges. The simplest choice, an RMS average deviation (in decibels), performed relatively poorly. We concluded that this was due to (i) the high concentration of data points at low angles (the median data angle is only about 20◦ ), and (ii) an unexplained ripple that persists in some of the data at higher angles. To counter these effects, we inserted a bin-averaging step in which the data points are assigned to bins of width ∆θ ≈ 4◦ , bin values are computed by averaging (of the signed deviations, not their absolute values), and finally the bin values are RMS averaged to form the cost. This proved an effective remedy, and was adopted as our final working definition for Φ. Since the parameter space is seven-dimensional, some algorithm more efficient than an exhaustive search was called for. We chose the ”amebsa” algorithm—essentially a fast downhill simplex method that efficiently negotiates narrow valleys in parameter space and is augmented with simulated annealing to prevent trapping by local minima [10, 11]. Given a suitable empirically chosen cooling rate, the technique usually “freezes” into a final state of near-minimum Φ well within 50 temperature steps. We chose the parameter search region based, as far as possible, on archival records for the geoacoustics of limestone and on roughness data from rocky sea floors. For convenience, we first changed from using the shear speed Re(cs ) itself as a search parameter, and used the compressional/shear speed ratio ξ = Re(cp )/ Re(cs ) instead. This does not materially affect the operation of the search algorithm and is more convenient in two respects. Hamilton has concluded from his analysis of a large collection of data sets dealing with saturated marine limestone that, although Re(cp ) and Re(cs ) vary considerably, their ratio is to be found in the interval |ξ −1.90| < 0.06, “within 95% confidence limits” [12]. One can relax this empirical statistical rule somewhat, allowing a larger variance about the mean value ($ξ% = 1.90) by taking |ξ − 1.90| < n × 0.06 with n > 1. We use n = 5, and are thus dealing with the range 1.6 < ξ < 2.2 (Table 1).√(Since n < 12, this also automatically respects the physical requirement [13] ξ > 2/ 3.) The limits on Re(cp ) come from the observation that the compressional critical angle in our data appears to lie within the range 70◦ < θp < 73◦ . The low and high values for ρb embody the range reported in Hamilton’s references [14, 15]. The bounds on γ2 and w2 reflect our experience with seafloor spectra. Reference [16] reports γ2 ≈ 2.64 for a scarp of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). The range in Table 1 includes this value. The range of w2 191 BACKSCATTER FROM ELASTIC OCEAN BOTTOMS Table 1. Inversion parameters and their high and low values (MKS units). low high w2 0.0003 0.0009 γ2 2.4 3.0 ξ 1.6 2.2 Re(cp ) 4348 5086 ρb 2400 2800 Im(cp ) −300 −5 Im(cs ) −900 −5 is chosen to undershoot the MAR value [16], w2 ≈ 0.0021, because the present bottom is expected to have lower relief. The high values of Im(cp ) and Im(cs ) correspond to attenuations reported for pure, homogeneous, water-saturated limestone samples (Table I of Ref. [14] ). The low values (corresponding to compressional and shear attenuations of approximately 0.5 and 7 dB/m/kHz, respectively) are essentially guesswork inspired by the saprolitic (weathered-in-place) nature of the bottom [17]. 4 Results Figure 4 plots the data at all four experimental frequencies for site C along with a simulation curve produced using the optimal environmental parameters from the inversion. The curve is black where the data-model fit is calculated (min(θ) < θ < θ̂ = 70◦ ) and gray elsewhere. The critical angles θp , θs are calculated from the optimal values of Re(cp ), Re(cs ). As the frequency increases, the scattering strength, σ, in the figure rises by ∆σ ≈ 3dB at small θ, consistent with the dependence σ ∝ f 4−γ2 to be expected from small-slope computations [4]. The fit is quite good: Φ ≈ 0.5 dB and the maximum absolute data/model deviation is only ∆ ≈ 4 dB. There are large slope corrections near θp because the first derivative of the reverberation time series changes abruptly there. (In measuring the slope at such a discontinuity, we obtain not a consistent value among different frequencies and sites but rather an artifact that indicates that a change in a scattering mechanism has affected the derivative of the time series.) The marked data-model divergence as θ exceeds θp suggests the onset of significant sub-bottom volume scattering at that point. The optimal values of the parameters w2 , γ2 , ρb , Re(cp ), Im(cp ), Re(cs ), Im(cs ) are listed in the figure along with the associated values of Φ and ∆. These numbers are simply the raw output of the algorithm presented without any regard for significant figures. “γ2 = 2.8258,” for example, does not mean that we have determined the spectral exponent to four decimal places. We have obtained very similar theoretical curves even using subsets of the allowed angles, e.g. with θ̂ = 50◦ . However, attempts to invert using still smaller subsets, e.g. with θ̂ < 45◦ or using only angles in the range 45◦ < θ < 70◦ , have had little success. Evidently, inversion in this environment requires data over a fairly broad range of angles and at least a modest bandwidth. Otherwise, the system point seems too easily lured into physically dubious regions of the parameter space. As noted above, inversion results are rarely, if ever, 100% repeatable. To investigate this tendency, we first ran a series of fifty independent inversions for Site C. The outcome, in Fig. 5, provides a look at how successfully our inversion process determines that site’s parameters. The results are displayed as • symbols in separate vertical panels (one for each of the seven parameters), with the fifty repetitions arranged along the horizontal. In each panel, the solid horizontal line marks the parameter’s mean value, and the dashed lines are one standard deviation away. (The third panel also has dotted lines to mark Hamilton’s nominal interval for limestone.) It is clear from this that the spectral parameters w2 and 192 R.F. GRAGG ET AL. Figure 4. Site C data (symbols) and associated inversion result (curves). Figure 5. Results of a series of 50 independent inversions for Site C. 193 BACKSCATTER FROM ELASTIC OCEAN BOTTOMS γ2 are both well determined (though in retrospect we might have extended the search range for w2 a bit higher). So is Im(cs ), which means that the shear attenuation is definitely substantial (presumably due to the saprolitic nature of the rock). The ξ ratio is also well determined, though definitely somewhat above Hamilton’s range. The remaining three—ρb and the real and imaginary parts of cp —are not well determined. They are not among the principal parameters that determine the scattering strength of this bottom (for 2.0 kHz≤ f ≤3.5 kHz and θ < θ̂, at least). Similar computations were also done for Site Q, with a similar outcome: w2 , γ2 , ξ, and Im(cs ) were well determined, but ρb , Re(cp ), and Im(cp ) were not. However, the results (summarized in Table 2) do exhibit some site-to-site variability. In particular, the spectral strength w2 more than doubles over the 10 miles between the two sites. Table 2. Summary of inversion results for the two sites. Site Q Site C 5 mean w2 × 104 4.11 γ2 2.59 ξ 2.04 Re(cp ) 4691 ρb 2630 Im(cp ) -172 Im(cs ) -721 std. dev mean 0.34 8.86 0.05 2.80 0.11 2.14 271 4733 139 2723 92 -141 90 -825 std. dev. 0.24 0.04 0.06 252 113 116 63 Discussion We have been able to invert acoustic backscatter measurements for the essential parameters in interface scattering from sea floors. One key to the success of this effort has been the use of data covering a wide range of grazing angles and a moderate frequency band. Of equal importance has been the availability of a physical theory of scattering (namely, small-slope) that allows both large roughness on the interface and elasticity in the bottom. The physical basis of such scattering models supports extrapolation in angle and frequency and also provides a foundation for relating geophysical variability to acoustic variability. Our results suggest that the geoacoustic parameters that are important for scattering in typical ASW scenarios could well be evaluated in-situ by inverse methods. Site-to-site variability is an important consideration here; however, preliminary indications from our geographically very sparse data sets indicate that the variability problem may not be too severe. (The spectral strength w2 changes by only about 3 dB over the 10 miles between Sites Q and C, for example.) Extending the technique to the MCM realm, where bottom penetration is more important, would probably require the inclusion of a volume scattering module in the scattering algorithm (a step which we have under active consideration). Acknowledgements This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research. 194 R.F. GRAGG ET AL. References 1. Soukup, R.J. and Ogden, P.M., Bottom backscattering measured off the South Carolina coast during Littoral Warfare Advanced Development Focused Technology Experiment 96-2. 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