Non-Contact Electrical Doping Profiling D. Marinskiy, J. Lagowski, J. D'Amico, A. Findlay, L. Jastrzebski Semiconductor Diagnostics, Inc., Tampa, FL 33612, USA Abstract. Monitoring of dopant concentration in the near surface region is very important in semiconductor manufacturing, especially for epi-technology and ion implantation. Two relevant techniques which have been used are Mercury probe and Elastic probe. Both of them allow profiling of dopant concentration by measuring the capacitance of the depletion layer, CD, versus the applied bias. These techniques are contact in nature. In addition Mercury probe uses Hg, which may be considered undesirable in cleanroom environment. The method being presented is non-contact and non-destructive. A deep depletion layer is created by corona charging of the wafer surface. This depletion layer decays to an equilibrium value due to thermal generation of minority carriers. Two transients are simultaneously monitored during this process: 1) the small signal ac surface photovoltage that measures the depletion layer capacitance, and 2) the contact potential difference that measures the voltage drop across the depletion layer. The set of corresponding C-V data is used to calculate the dopant concentration profile. In silicon, the technique is applicable for dopant concentrations in the range from Iel4to Iel8 cm"3. The probing depth is limited at the upper end by avalanche breakdown in the semiconductor and at the lower end by the minimum surface barrier. Measurements of dopant profiles on bare and oxidized surfaces using this technique are presented for epitaxial p/p+ and n/n+ substrates, n/p structures, and implanted wafers, covering probing depths from 0.05 urn to 7 Jim. This non-contact technique can be realized in a simple configuration that may be of interest for universities and research and development centers. Knowing CD is not sufficient for determination of doping. A voltage drop across a depletion layer corresponding to a given capacitance must also be known. This was overcome with a wafer treatment that created deep inversion. The corresponding voltage drop across the depletion layer is given by the Lindner approximation [4]: INTRODUCTION Control of the dopant concentration profile in the near surface region is very important in semiconductor manufacturing, especially for epi-technology and ion implantation. A variety of techniques have been developed for measuring of dopant concentrations [1]. Two commonly used techniques are based on capacitance-voltage measurements of metalsemiconductor contacts formed with a Mercury probe or Elastic probe. A non-contact technique for measuring dopant concentration near the surface was introduced by Kamieniecki et al. [2]. In this approach, a depletion capacitance is determined from the small ac-SPV signal, VSPV, using a relationship derived by Nakhmanson [3], ^ const • leff = — [2.1 ln(N A /ni) + 2.08]» q (2) where kT is the thermal energy, q is the elementary charge, NA is the dopant concentration, and nf is the intrinsic carrier concentration. An extension of Kamieniecki's approach to doping profiling was done using a ramping voltage bias applied to a transparent capacitive SPY electrode placed on the wafer surface. It was assumed that all induced charge was reflected in a semiconductor as a depletion layer charge. This is a questionable assumption for a bare silicon surface with a large density of surface traps. In reality, only a portion of the induced charge should be expected to be imaged in the semiconductor space charge region, while the rest will be imaged in the surface or interface traps. n\ where const is the calibration constant, leff is the effective photon flux, (D is the light modulation frequency, and Im VSpy is the imaginary component of SPY signal CP683, Characterization and Metrology for VLSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 802 The refined SPY method by Lagowski et al. [5] involved an additional measurement of the semiconductor surface barrier, VSB, that complemented the measurement of CD by ac-SPV. From CD and VSB the Near Surface Doping, NSD, was obtained as: 2-(V s b - ^--|t: 10- ——Avalanche breakdown theory ED Experiment — — W minimum ^SS^....:.....:, 1- kT ""^1? (3) CD Q. 0 D "*" *••» ^ • ;; ^Y^ 0.1 . ... ... ... ...; ..,: ... ... ... ;.. . ... ... .. ... L ... I. ... U where e0 is the permittivity of free space and € is the Si dielectric constant. The concentration measured by this method corresponds to an average dopant concentration over the depletion width, W. 0.01 - 1E+15 1E+16 1E+17 1En Concentration, [cm"3] FIGURE 1. Probing depth in Si for dynamic C-V technique is limited in the upper end by the avalanche breakdown in the semiconductor and in the lower end by the minimum surface barrier. (4) After a large pulse of the corona charging, the depletion layer collapses with time from a maximum value determined by the silicon breakdown voltage until it reaches an equilibrium value with the voltage drop across the depletion layer given by the Lindner approximation. These two limiting voltages determine Extension of this non-contact NSD technique to profiling of dopant concentration is done using corona charging in order to vary the depletion layer width. PRINCIPLE OF THE METHOD the range of depth profiling. The time constant of the corresponding transients depends on the generation lifetime. In Fig. 1, the maximum and minimum probing depths are given versus dopant concentration. A theoretical value of the upper limit is calculated using the silicon avalanche breakdown field [6]: The technique relies on a non-equilibrium deep depletion transient condition that is created by charging the surface with ions from a corona discharge in the air. Negative corona is used for n-type and positive corona for p-type silicon, respectively. 4-l(r E=- (5) TABLE 1. Basic equations used in the dynamic CV and in standard MS - CV methods. C-V Dynamic CV Measured Vbias; CD VCPD J VSpv parameters Calculated from VSPV. Capacitance of depletion layer, Directly measured CD const -I ff i CD 0) Depletion width, W Dopant concentration, NA(W) £ 0 8- A W W CD SPV S08 V const • leff SPV -1 XT f\*r\ 8o fcE -A A £ 2 <*V 803 fconst'Ieffl I <* J 2 {(VSPV)2] qeo6 dVCPD The depletion layer relationship at avalanche breakdown [6]: Measurements on n/p Epi Wafers An n-type epi-layer was prepared on a p-type substrate. The substrate resistivity was between 4 - 8 Q-cm. The target epi-layer concentration was about 1.4 e!5 cm"3 and the epi thickness 4.0 |nm. The structure has a p/n junction at the epi-substrate boundary and an associated p/n junction depletion layer. This depletion layer width is 0.9 Jim. The depletion width on the nside of the junction is 0.6 (im. The structure is shown schematically in Fig. 4. For a structure with a p/n junction, the measurements will be limited by the junction depth rather then the condition of avalanche breakdown corresponding to epi-doping. A large dose of negative corona ions deposited on the surface would deplete the entire n-type layer before reaching the breakdown limit of 15 |um for 1.4 ell cm"3 doping (see Fig. 1). When the depletion layer reaches the n/p junction, the hole injection will take place from the p-type substrate to the epi-layer accelerating the depletion layer collapse. This condition can be prevented by reducing the dose of negative corona ions. Such measurements are given in Fig. 5. (6) q-N A The lower limit is obtained from the Lindner's approximation. Experimental values were calculated from the maximum value of the initial contact potential difference attainable for a given dopant concentration. If necessary, the lower limit of probing depth can be reduced by decreasing the depletion width using corona charging with an opposite polarity. During a depletion layer transient, following cessation of corona charging, two parameters are simultaneously recorded, the contact potential difference, VCPD, and the small signal ac-surface photovoltage, VSPV. We refer to this technique as "the dynamic CV method". The equations used to calculate the dopant depth profile (DDP) from the two measured quantities, are summarized in Table 1, together with corresponding equations used in the MS-CV profiling technique. RESULTS Measurements on p/p+ Epitaxial Wafers A typical VSpy2 versus VCPD plot is shown in Fig. 2 for a p/p+ wafer with an epi-layer thickness of about 6.0 \im and a nominal epi-layer concentration around 1.1 el5 cm"3. The corresponding dopant depth profile (DDP) is shown in the upper portion of Fig. 3. For a comparison, the depth profile obtained with a Hg-probe is shown in the lower portion of Fig. 3. „ 1.00E+16 IT lE^EEEEEfEEEEEEEEEi . _ .„! _. ... .... ... _ .1 ._ ... ... ... .... }_ ... _. .... , 1.00E+15 1.00E+14 7E-06 T 1.0 6E-06 \ 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Depth, [um] cT1 5E-06 \ E. 4E-06 : "> 3E-06 j > 2E-06 j 1E-06 i OE+00 : 10 20 30 40 50 60 1.0 Vcpd.tV] FIGURE 3. Dopant depth profile for a p/p+ wafer. Top measured with non-contact dynamic CV method; bottom measured with Hg-probe. Average dopant concentration at a depth between 2.0 to 3.0 urn is 1.17 e!5 and 1.27 e!5 cm"3, respectively. 2 FIGURE 2. VSPV versus VCpD plot for a p/p+ wafer. Change of the slope shows the transition from the lightly doped epilayer to the heavier doped substrate. 804 Measurements of Ion Implanted Wafers Repeatability of the Method This method can be used to measure doping concentration up to lei8 cm"3. Therefore, it can be used to monitor low and medium implant dose. In this experiment, a p-type wafer was used with a 150A thick oxide. The boron implanted at 25 keV was activated by a RTF. The results of DDP are shown in Fig. 6. The implanted peak is observed at a depth of 0.08 um. The concentration at the maximum is about 2el7 cm"3, while the background dopant concentration measured at larger depth was 3el5 cm"3. The obtained 0.08 |0m depth position of the implantation peak and the peak concentration is in good agreement with the selected implant conditions. The wafer was also measured with the NSD method (i.e., without corona charging) that relies on a native surface depletion with a measurement of VSB and ac-SPV. The NSD measurement of dopant concentration was 137 el? cm"39 which is an average over a depth 0.053 jim. Repeatability was studied on a wafer with a thermal oxide. The wafer had uniform doping level (Fig. 7). The average concentration was calculated between 3.0 to 5.0 jim. The data in Table 2 was obtained in a series of 10 measurements repeated on the same site. A standard deviation was 0.26% of the average value of 7.95 e!4 cm"3. A repeatability study on various nonoxidized wafers is underway. 1.00E+18 q 1.00E+18 3 FT : ,0, 1.00E+17 : •.v :.v v.. ..:. :::. .;i .v. v:. ::. :.v :.v.l*/*.tt.*' ~ 1.00E+17 : 0 '- 1 •-•"q^-J.- rv:::]^:: : 1.00E-H6 - S 1.00E+16 ; 0.04 ; " ~ ••" '" "" '^ * * ' o o : 0.09 0.14 * ° :*i o o::.* «, > * o o *!« o o 0 1 -|— - - f - - - - 1 — -] 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.£ Depth, [um] FIGURE 6. DDP measured on a wafer implanted with Boron with 25 keV energy and 4el2 cm"2 dose. „ 1.00E+16 T H CO '•g 1.00E+15 0 O ~i—N 8 1.00E+14 1.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 TABLE 2. Results of DDP repeatability measurements. Concentration, [cm"3] 7.96E+14 runOl run02 7.98E+14 7.97E+14 runOS run04 7.93E+14 7.95E+14 run05 7.96E+14 run06 7.93E+14 nm07 7.93E+14 runOS 7.93E+14 run09 7.92E+14 runlO 7.95E+14 Avg= StDev= 2.1E+12 %= 0.26% 1.00E+16 o o To 1.00E+15 I O 1.00E+14 2.0 4.0 8.0 FIGURE 7. An example of a DDP of a p-type wafer with a thermal oxide. FIGURE 4. Schematic diagram of n/p structure. 1.5 3.0 Depth, [um] .6 put 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Depth, [um] FIGURE 5. Results of DDP measurements on an n/p structure. Average doping concentration between 1.5 to 2.5 umis 1.28 el5 cm"3. 805 CONCLUSIONS A non-contact dynamic CV method for dopant depth profiling has been developed based on corona charging into deep depletion and simultaneously measuring two transients during the collapsing of the depletion layer. Contact potential voltage transients are used to monitor the voltage across the depletion layer, while small signal ac-surface photovoltage transients are used to determine the corresponding value of the depletion layer capacitance. The method was applied to p/p, n/n, n/p epi-wafers, and ion implanted wafers with dopant concentrations in the range from Iel4 to lei8 cm"3. Repeatability of the method was demonstrated to be better than 0.3% for oxidized bulk silicon wafers with a uniform concentration of 7.95 e!4 cm"3. The method offers advantages of a quick turnaround of results due to a preparation-free non-contact approach. The method employs corona charging; however, the results are obtained without using the corona dose or any corona parameter. This simplifies very much the experimental approach and is distinctly different from previous doping measurements based on corona charging. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 806 D. Schroder, Semiconductor Material and Device Characterization, J. 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