CHALLENGES OF ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENTS OF ADVANCED GATE DIELECTRICS IN METALOXIDE-SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Eric M. Vogel11 and George A. Brown* ^National Institute of Standards and Technology, Semiconductor Electronics Division *International SEMATECH Abstract. Experimental measurements and simulations are used to provide an overview of key issues with the electrical characterization of metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices with ultra-thin oxide and alternate gate dielectrics. Experimental issues associated with the most common electrical characterization method, capacitance-voltage (C-V), are first described. Issues associated with equivalent oxide thickness extraction and comparison, interface state measurement, extrinsic defects, and defect generation are then overviewed. INTRODUCTION As the lateral feature sizes of Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Field-EffectTransistors (FETs) are scaled downward, the gate dielectric capacitance must be increased in order to keep at least the same drive current. Historically, this has been accomplished by decreasing the physical thickness of SiO2. As the thickness of SiO2 moves towards 1 nm, the gate leakage current becomes unacceptably high. Therefore, numerous alternate dielectrics (e.g., ZrO2, HfO2, Hf or Zr silicates, La2O3) with dielectric constants greater than SiO2 have recently been under intense investigation [1]. However, these dielectrics have a large number of technological problems, perhaps the worst of which is a generally poor interface with silicon. Both ultra-thin SiO2 and alternate dielectrics pose numerous problems to MOS device electrical characterization. The purpose of this overview is not to provide a discussion of all electrical characterization methods and gate dielectric parameters of interest. Instead, the overview presented here highlights issues with the most common electrical characterization methods (e.g., C-V) and the most fundamental parameters of interest (e.g., equivalent oxide thickness and electrically active defect density in the dielectric). Experimental issues with C-V measurements are first presented including measurement errors and equivalent circuits. Next, issues with extracting and comparing equivalent oxide thickness from C-V are presented. Issues associated with extracting interfacial and near-interfacial electrically active defects are then presented. Finally, issues associated with characterizing extrinsic defects and defect generation are briefly discussed. EXPERIMENTAL ISSUES WITH CAPACITANCE-VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTS Measurement Conditions and Errors Capacitance-voltage has historically been the most common technique to extract the gate dielectric parameters such as thickness and interface state density [2,3]. The most popular method for measuring capacitance in the 100 Hz to 1 MHz frequency regime is through the use of an LCR meter which uses a small ac signal superimposed over a dc bias to measure capacitance, conductance, and inductance as a function of dc voltage. In general, the ac voltage used in these measurements should be kept as small as possible (25 CP683, Characterization and Metrology for VLSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 771 mV to 50 mV) while still allowing accurate measurement. Niccolian and Brews suggest that the small signal range is the range over which the capacitance and conductance are independent of the ac signal amplitude [3]. An LCR meter can usually assume that the equivalent capacitance and conductance of the device under test is either in parallel or in series. Assuming that device capacitance is properly extracted from the measured capacitance, both parallel and series equivalent circuit modes may be used, since the one can be derived from the other as: 103 C =C paralle D =- (i) ' parallel (2) parallel where Cseries is the series equivalent capacitance, Cparaiiei *s tne parallel equivalent capacitance, Gparanei is the parallel equivalent conductance, and F is the frequency [4]. The relative measurement accuracy of an LCR meter depends on the frequency, the ac voltage amplitude, and the nominal capacitance and conductance of the device under test. The calculation for this error is sometimes complex and is usually given in the meter manual. Since many researchers use the HP4284A LCR meter*, we have produced a spreadsheet that calculates its relative measurement accuracy [4]. Figure 1 shows the relative capacitance measurement accuracy as a function of frequency for several values of equivalent parallel capacitance and conductance. As observed in this figure, the relative capacitance measurement error increases with decreasing frequency, increasing conductance, and decreasing capacitance. In general, capacitance measured in a regime where the error is high (e.g., dielectric with large leakage current measured at low frequency) will show noisy behavior. Frequency dispersion, a turnaround of capacitance with increasing bias, or negative capacitance is usually not due to the error of the LCR meter, but is instead due to equivalent circuit effects which will be discussed later in this section. The most popular method for obtaining lowfrequency capacitance is the quasi-static technique in which the displacement current or charge, associated with a linear voltage ramp or steps, is measured [2,5]. However, quasi-static techniques cannot be used for measurements of most advanced gate dielectrics since the dc leakage current is usually greater than the 772 104 105 106 Frequency (Hz) FIGURE 1. Relative capacitance measurement accuracy as a function of frequency for various nominal capacitance (C) and conductance (G). displacement current. A low-frequency C-V curve can be obtained using an LCR meter on a FET. This is because the source-drain supplies minority carriers at a rate faster than the measurement frequency. However, it should be mentioned that this does not produce a true quasi-static C-V curve. For example, interface state capacitance will not be truly quasi-static since the measurement is being performed at some higher frequency. Equivalent Circuits As mentioned above, an LCR meter measures either a parallel or series equivalent circuit consisting of, for this discussion, capacitance and conductance. In the following, a parallel equivalent measurement circuit, as shown in Fig. 2a, will be assumed. The actual circuit of the MOS capacitor being measured contains oxide, gate, substrate, and interface state capacitance, tunneling and interface state conductance, and contact resistance [6,7]. A FET is even more complicated since many of the circuit elements are distributed across the channel [8]. To simplify this discussion, a capacitor test structure will be assumed. In order to extract parameters such as thickness from C-V measurements, the correct device capacitance (Cc), as shown in Fig. 2b, must be extracted from the measured capacitance (Cm). Cc contains the capacitance associated with the oxide, the gate electrode, the substrate, etc. Cc can then be used with theory, models, or simulation to extract parameters such as oxide thickness. The series resistance (Rs) and inductance (L0) in Fig. 2b are due to cabling, contacts, etc and not to the intrinsic MOS capacitor. becoming negative. The measured capacitance as a function of Cc, Gc, Rs, L0, and measurement frequency in radians (CO) is given as: ^C c (l-o) 2 C c L 0 )-G 2 L 0 X •0. : = (G c R s -« 2 C c L 0 +l) 2 + (a) 0) 2 (C C R S +G C L 0 ) 2 (b) FIGURE 2. (a) Parallel equivalent measurement circuit, and (b) corrected circuit. The correct device conductance (Gc) in Fig. 2b is conductance intrinsic to the MOS capacitor due to tunneling, interface states, etc. Each of these terms may result in deviation of the measured capacitance from the correct device capacitance. There are many possible observations associated with non-ideal C-V (i.e., Cm^Cc). Figure 3a shows a case where the capacitance measured at some high frequency shows a simple reduction as compared to the capacitance measured at a lower frequency. Figure 3b shows cases where the capacitance increases dramatically or decreases with increasing bias, even (3) (4) Note that the negative signs are only associated with the inductance, indicating that the negative capacitance can only be explained by an effective inductance term. It is unknown whether this series inductance is due to measurement (e.g., cabling) [9] or a physical phenomenon [10]. Yang et al. provided a methodology to correct the measured C-V curve for series resistance when the capacitance shows frequency dispersion [11]. Lue et al. recently showed how to correct C-V including both series resistance and inductance when the capacitance shows frequency dispersion [12]. It is possible to observe a strong rollover of capacitance with no frequency dispersion. A methodology provided in [7] can be used to correct CV measurements that show a strong roll-over with increasing bias and no frequency dispersion. 600 -3 (a) (b) Figure 3. (a) Examples of measured C-V curves indicating a simple reduction in capacitance at high frequency, and (b) roll-over, increasing, and negative capacitance with increasing bias. 773 ISSUES WITH OXIDE THICKNESS EXTRACTION AND COMPARISON 1.70 1-65 Impact of Device Parameters The gate dielectric thickness is the most fundamental parameter that can be obtained from C-V measurements. There are two different definitions of C-V measured oxide thickness that we will be using. The Equivalent Oxide Thickness (EOT) is obtained from the gate dielectric capacitance, that is, the capacitance of the dielectric alone without effects from substrate, electrode, or defects. The EOT must be determined from C-V measurements using a fitting or extraction algorithm that includes quantum mechanical effects, polysilicon depletion, etc. The Capacitance Equivalent Thickness (CET) is determined by simply taking £Si02xArea/Cm where Cm is the capacitance measured in inversion or accumulation at some defined voltage. The purpose of the work in this section is to indicate some issues with extracting a universal thickness metric. Ideally, one would like to have a thickness metric that can be used to compare equivalent dielectric thickness independent of device parameters (e.g., substrate doping, interface state density) across various research labs. To analyze the impact of substrate and gate type and doping on equivalent thickness, we have simulated C-V curves with various device parameters and then used these curves to extract CET. The simulations were performed using code developed at NIST. The NIST code quickly provides C-V data including quantum-mechanical effects, polysilicon depletion, and interface states. Figure 4 shows the extracted CET at Vg = -2 V for a nominal EOT of 1.0 nm and various gate electrodes as a function of substrate doping. It is observed that the polysilicon doping (1019 cm"3 to 1020 cm"3) and substrate doping density doping (1016 cm"3 to 1018 cm"3) do not have a large impact on the extracted CET. The capacitance associated with the polysilicon is approximately independent of doping since the polysilicon is accumulated. However, the CET is much different when comparing a polysilicon gate to a metal gate. This is because of the finite capacitance associated with the accumulated polysilicon as compared to the metal gate. The results indicate that, at the very least, one should state whether the measurement is performed on a metal or polysilicon gate when reporting CET measurements. 774 W 1.55 O 1.50 EOT= 1.0 nm N-channel Device V = -2 V Metal 1.45 1.40 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 3 Nsub(cm- ) FIGURE 4. Extracted CET as a function of substrate doping (Nsub) for various values of polysilicon doping (Npoiy) and a metal gate electrode. The impact of interface state density was determined by simulating C-V curves with various levels of interface state density (Dit). Figure 5 shows the simulated C-V curves for a simple uniform energy distribution of interface states used (donor below midgap, acceptor above). The commonly used EOT extraction code CVC, which was developed by Hauser [13], was then used to extract the EOT from the simulated "experimental" curves. The CVC program can extract EOT from the entire curve or just from the depletion portion (-1.5 V to -0.5 V). FIGURE 5. Simulated quasi-static C-V curves with different values of Dit. Figure 6 shows -the extracted EOT a a function of Dit using the entire curve or the depletion portion. The extracted EOT is observed to be constant (within .03 nm) up to an interface state density of 1012 cm^eV"1 for both extraction cases. A bias is observed between the "experimental" EOT (~1.0 nm) and the value extracted by CVC (~1.2 nm). This bias will be 1.5 1.0 o Full Curve Fit -•— Depletion Portion Fit 0.5 9 10 11 12 -1 13 V g (V) log(Dit) FIGURE 6. CVC extracted EOT as a function of the interface state density. FIGURE 7. Simulated C-V curves for a variety of different simulators. The simulators are described within [14]. described in the next section. The results indicate that interface state density does not strongly impact the extraction of EOT for oxide or high-K gate dielectrics. Impact of Simulation/Extraction Code Simulation or modeling is usually needed in order to extract EOT from measured C-V data. These models must include effects such as quantization in the substrate and polysilicon depletion. There have been numerous such models and simulators [14]. Figure 7 shows C-V curves for the same nominal device structure from a variety of different simulators. In inversion, polysilicon depletion causes each of the simulators to agree reasonably well. However, the capacitance in accumulation and the threshold voltage is observed to vary dramatically depending on the simulator used. It has been shown that these various simulators can be different by as much as 0.2 nm. Possible reasons for these differences include the use of approximations for quantum effects, wave function boundary conditions, and type of carrier statistics. The results indicate that, at the very least, the simulator or extraction methodology must be indicated when reporting EOT. ISSUES WITH INTERFACE STATE MEASUREMENTS Historically, the main methods to extract Dit using capacitance were the low-high frequency method and the Terman method [2,3]. The low-high frequency method was based on the difference in quasi-static capacitance with that measured at high frequency. However, since quasi-static measurements generally cannot be performed on advanced dielectrics with leakage currents, this method can not usually be used. The Terman method is based on the voltage stretch-out observed in a high frequency C-V measurement as compared to a theoretical ideal (no Dit) C-V curve. As the EOT decreases, the amount of voltage shift associated with the interface state charge also decreases as shown in Fig. 8. 10° io-1 io-2 N ; =10 l u cm z io-3 io-4 0 4 6 8 EOT (nm) 10 12 FIGURE 8. Voltage shift associated with interface charge density (Nit) as a function of EOT. 775 The other assumption associated with the Terman method is that the measured high frequency C-V curve does not contain appreciable interface state capacitance. In the C-V simulation code developed at NIST, we have included the capability of simulating the frequency response of the interface state capacitance. Figure 9 shows a simulated C-V curve for the case of no Dit, a true (infinite) high-frequency curve including Dit, and a 1 MHz C-V curve including Dit. It is observed that the difference between the true high-frequency C-V curve and the 1 MHz curve is on the same order of the difference between the no Dit curve and the 1 MHz curve. The reason is that the interface state capacitance is small, but non-negligible, as compared to the voltage stretch-out for small EOT dielectrics. For thicker dielectrics, the interface state capacitance would be the same, but the voltage stretchout would be much larger. Since both interface state capacitance and voltage stretch-out scale with Dit, the results indicate that the Terman method is not valid for advanced (small EOT) gate dielectrics. Further work is required to determine the thickness at which the Terman method is no longer valid. 2.0 ——— NoDit True HF with Dit ——— F = l MHz with Dit I 1-5 \ ^ « O 1 r\ 1.0 'o ~ Crt V.J FIGURE 10. Measured conductance versus gate voltage for a 2.0 nm SiO2 capacitor for various frequencies. observed due to interface states. By correcting the conductance for series resistance and tunneling, the interface state portion can be isolated. From this, the interface state density as a function of energy can be extracted. It has been shown that the interface state density of ultra-thin SiO2 can be determined down to approximately 1.5 nm [7]. The Dit of high dielectric constant materials can usually be extracted easily using conductance since leakage currents tend to be smaller and interface state density tends to be larger. Figure 11 shows the interface state density and the average interface state time constant as a function of energy extracted using conductance for two ZrO2 films and thin (~ 2 nm) SiO2. We have observed this for many different high dielectric constant dielectrics. C3 P, A ^ a=10- I4 cm 2 io-3 IO13 0.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 IO12 Zr02-Si3N4 10-4 V B (V) FIGURE 9. Simulated C-V curves including a dielectric with no Dit, a true high-frequency curve with Dit, and a 1 MHz curve with Dit. Since the main methods based on capacitance cannot be used to determine Dit, other methods are required. One of the methods that employ a capacitor test structure is that of AC conductance [2,7]. Figure 10 shows the measured conductance of a thin SiO2 film as a function of gate voltage for several frequencies. At large negative bias, the conductance is high due to tunneling. The conductance at high frequencies is observed to be larger than that at low frequency. This is due to dispersion caused by series resistance. In depletion, a peak in the conductance is 776 1011 10-^ 1010 io-6 ^ Open Symbols: io-7 9 10 -0.30 -0.25 -0.20 -0.15 E-Ei(eV) -0.10 -0.05 FIGURE 11. Extracted Dit and interface state time constant (T) as a function of energy from midgap (E-Ej). The interface state time constant is inversely proportional to the capture cross-section of the defect [2]. The results suggest that the dominant interface state for high dielectric constant dielectrics is the same as that of SiO2. This is likely because most high dielectric constant dielectrics have a layer of SiO2 at the interface. -2.0 (a) (b) FIGURE 12. (a) Current measured during CP (Imeas), and (b) CP current corrected for leakage (Icp). Charge pumping (CP) is the other main method to extract interface state density [15]. However, CP requires a FET test structure. In CP, a pulse is applied to the gate of the transistor, and the resulting substrate current is measured. The peak of this current with the pulse base level is proportional to the interface or nearinterface state density. For advanced dielectrics with moderate leakage current, the leakage current adds to the measured CP current [16]. The correct CP current can be obtained by subtracting a low frequency curve, which is dominated by leakage as shown in Fig. 12. For dielectrics with high leakage current, modifications to this standard method are required [17]. Charge-pumping can also provide information on the spatial (into the dielectric) distribution of defects. Modeling by Weintraub et al. [18] has shown that a gate dielectric stack consisting of fast interface states, slow states in the interfacial region, and slow states in the bulk dielectric result in a significantly modified CP current versus base level curve as compared to the case of pure fast interface states. The frequency dependence of the extracted defect density can also give semi-quantitative information regarding the spatial distribution of defects [19]. Defect density measured at low frequency contains defects further into the bulk of the dielectric as compared to that at high frequency. ISSUES WITH CHARACTERIZING EXTRINSIC DEFECT DENSITY Traditionally, extrinsic defect density in gate dielectrics has been measured by identifying abnormally low breakdown voltage in arrays of MOS capacitors incorporating the dielectric film. These abnormal breakdown voltages are detected by either ramp voltage breakdown testing, which measures the low breakdown voltage directly, or by constant current stress, where the low breakdown is associated with a time-to-breakdown that is shorter than those of the bulk of the distribution. Once these low or early breakdowns are identified, the yield of 'good' devices may be calculated and a defect density computed using the known area of the capacitors being tested. For the low defect densities required by modern device technology, large areas of the gate dielectric 777 must be tested, which implies use of large area capacitors. In the case of ultra-thin oxides or scaled high-k dielectrics, these large areas lead to highly conductive samples, and it is found that breakdown of these structures is often difficult to measure accurately. There may be several reasons for this. The relatively high series resistance of the capacitor substrate can lead to significant voltage drops, reducing the voltage appearing across the dielectric below that of the supply voltage. Another reason is simply because the conductivity of the breakdown site is not sufficiently lower than that of the large area capacitor to make a resolvable difference in its current-voltage characteristics. It has been observed in these cases of ultra-thin oxides or high-k dielectric stacks that extrinsic defects most often have the effect of increasing the entire I-V characteristic of the defective capacitor instead of only changing its breakdown voltage. This is illustrated in Fig. 13, which is a plot of 52 I-V characteristics of high-k capacitors having an area of 5.0xlO~3 cm2, all measured on a single wafer. It is seen that about 35 of measurements on several other arrays of capacitors on this test wafer are shown in Fig. 14, in which the yields determined from this data are plotted versus capacitor area. It is seen that yield decreases as capacitor area increases, as would be expected. In fact, the solid curve plotted over the data points is a Poisson distribution, following the dependence = exp(-DA) (5) where Y is the yield of good capacitors in a given array, A is the area of the capacitors in the individual array [cm ], and D is the extrinsic defect density [cm" 2 ]. It is seen that the Poisson distribution provides a good description of the yield data collected on the test wafer, leading to specification of an extrinsic defect density of 60 defects/cm2. them are all very tightly grouped, while defective units have a wide variety of higher current values, all more than an order of magnitude higher than the group. Definition of a yield criterion is very straightforward in this case, as well as in most cases observed for these films, and this criterion is indicated on the I-V plot of Fig. 13. A yield of 71% is thus derived for this distribution, and given the known area, sufficient information is present to allow computation of a defect density. Measured Parameter: Gate Current at Vg = -2 V 52 units/sample area Defect Density = 60 /cm2 lo-6 io-5 Area (cm2) FIGURE 14. Capacitor yield data as a function of capacitor area together with a Poisson statistical model for defect density determination. Measurements of this type have been made on a number of wafers with high-k films including those deposited by MOCVD and ALD techniques, as well as combinations of the two, with defect densities ranging FIGURE 13. Current-voltage characteristics of 52 units for extrinsic defect density determination. A more strongly based calculation is possible by making similar measurements on other capacitor arrays of different area on the same wafer. The test patterns used in these studies contain 14 such arrays, having areas varying from l.OxlO"6 cm2 to 0.1 cm2, providing sets of areas sufficient for resolution of a wide range of defect densities. Results of such 778 from about 1.0 /cm2 to 2.2xl04/cm2. While no clear relationship between process technology and defect density has been uncovered so far, it is clear that extrinsic defect density is parameter that must be included in any complete characterization of high-k films. It appears that it is likely to be a more serious limitation for these materials than it has become for silicon oxide or oxynitride. ISSUES WITH CHARACTERIZING DEFECT GENERATION AND RELIABILITY Defect generation and reliability of advanced gate dielectrics during electrical stress is an extremely important aspect of their technological viability. Defect generation and reliability of ultra-thin SiO2 has been intensely studied and discussed over the last 1 several years [20]. Therefore, the focus here will be to indicate several main issues associated with defect generation and reliability of alternate dielectrics. Figure 15(a) shows a constant voltage stress Qbd Weibull plot for approximately 30 MOS capacitors having a ZrO2 gate dielectric. A large extrinsic tail is observed. 1012 Symbols: Experiment Line: Theory (P=2,T)=103 C/cm2) EOT = 1.2 nm, p-type Capacitor Prior to Breakdown 0 ZrO2 A = 4xlO"4cm2 -2 Initial -3 10 100 1000 10000 1011 -0.25 CUC/cm2) -0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 Ef-Ej (eV) (a) (b) FIGURE 15. (a) Qbd Weibull plot, and (b) Dit measured on a fresh device and immediately prior to breakdown for MOS capacitors with ZrO2 gate dielectric under constant voltage stress. Although the number of devices used for this example is not large enough to obtain an accurate Weibull slope value, the intrinsic portion of the distribution suggests a Weibull slope of approximately 2. It has been conjectured that the large physical thickness of high dielectric constant gate dielectrics may result in large Weibull slopes. Figure 15(b) shows the Dit measured using conductance for a fresh capacitor and immediately prior to breakdown. The number of interface states at breakdown is very high and correlates with the large value of the Weibull slope. There are obviously many issues associated with breakdown of alternate dielectrics that still need to be understood. However, the potential large defect density at breakdown for alternate dielectrics suggests that device parameter drift will likely be a more important issue for alternate dielectrics than dielectric breakdown. One of the largest differences between SiO2 and most alternate dielectrics is that SiO2 is quite uniform in composition, and electrical and physical properties, as compared to most alternate dielectric stacks. Figures 16(a) and 16(b) show the generation of near-interfacial defects measured using CP at different measurement frequencies as a function of stress time for ZrO2 and SiO2, respectively. The rate of defect generation in SiO2 is observed to be similar for different measurement frequencies, indicating that the rate of defect generation is approximately independent of distance into the dielectric. However, the rate of defect generation in ZrO2 is observed to have a strong dependence on CP measurement frequency, indicating a strong dependence on distance into the dielectric. Specifically, the rate of defect generation further into the bulk (low frequency) is observed to be larger than that nearer the interface (high frequency). The results indicate that fundamental understanding of defect generation in alternate dielectric stacks will require characterization techniques that can probe defects as a function of distance into the dielectric. Furthermore, this non-uniform defect generation may have a strong impact on dielectric breakdown [21]. 779 10° 10° 2.0 nm SiO 1 io- io-1 io-3 io-2 io-4 6 5 4 3 2 1 io- io- io- io- io- io- 10° io1 io2 io3 io-3 io-6 io-5 io-4 io-3 io-2 io-1 10° io1 io2 Time (s) Time (s) (a) (b) FIGURE 16. (a) Relative increase in interfacial state density measured using CP at different frequencies as a function of time under constant voltage stress for FETs having (a) ZrC>2 and (b) SiO2 gate dielectrics. SUMMARY An overview of the most common electrical characterization methods (e.g., C-V) and the most fundamental parameters of interest (e.g., equivalent oxide thickness and electrically active defect density in the dielectric) indicates a number of important issues. Measurement, equivalent circuit, and analysis issues complicate C-V measurements of advanced dielectrics. EOT and CET extracted from C-V were shown to be insensitive to most device parameters. C-V cannot be used to extract Dit for low EOT dielectrics. Methods such as conductance and charge pumping are required. Defect generation and parameter shift may be important issues in alternate dielectrics. Electrical characterization of advanced gate dielectrics poses numerous challenges. Further fundamental understanding of advanced gate dielectrics and development of characterization techniques is required. that the materials or equipment identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose. The authors would like to thank NIST and SEMATECH Inc. for financial support, and C. Richter, J. Suehle, D. Heh, C. Weintraub, P. Hung, C. Young, and J. Han for discussion. REFERENCES 1. see e.g. R. M. Wallace, and G. Wilk, MRS Bulletin 27, 192-196(2002). 2. E. H. Nicollian and J. R. 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