Fiber Optic Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopic Techniques for Advanced On-Line Chemical Analysis in Semiconductor Fabrication Tools Michael Kester*, Marc Trygstad*, and Paul Chabot1 * ABB, Analytical and Advanced Solutions, 433 Northpark Central Drive, Suite 100, Houston, TX 77073, USA , Analytical and Advanced Solutions, 585 Char est Blvd. East, Suite 300, Quebec, Quebec G1K9H4, Canada Abstract. A unique analytical methodology has recently been developed to perform real-time, on-line chemical analysis of bath solutions in semiconductor fabrication tools. A novel, patented fiber optic sensor is used to transmit infrared light directly through the tube walls of the circulating bath solutions within the fabrication tool in a completely noninvasive, non-extractive way. The sensor simply "clips" onto the tubing, thus permitting immediate analysis of the bath composition by Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The infrared spectrometer is capable of multiplexing up to eight "Clippir™" sensor heads to a single interferometer using fiber optic cables. The instrument can analyze almost any bath solution utilized today. The analysis is performed using the near-infrared (NIR) portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, where absorption bands related to molecular vibrations can be found. The Fourier Transform infrared spectrometer gives access to absorption bands over a wide range of frequencies (or wavelengths), and the absorptions are correlated to concentrations using a chemometric approach employing a partial least-squares algorithm. Models are generated from this approach for each chemistry to be analyzed. This paper will review the analytical technology necessary to make such measurements, and discuss the instrument performance criteria required to achieve accurate and precise measurements of bath chemistries. The ability to measure non-infrared absorbing compounds will be discussed, as will the nature of the influence of sample temperature on measurement. Issues critical to the development of robust models and their direct implementation on multiple channels and even different instruments will be considered. INTRODUCTION Semiconductor fabrication tools use several different aqueous and organic solutions to effect change on silicon wafers during the chip manufacturing process. The concentration of these chemicals over the lifetime of a bath is important to determine and control for the production of consistent, high quality products. Current methods of analysis can be categorized into two broad categories: in-situ and extractive. In-situ measurements, such as conductivity, offer rapid realtime measurement of the chemical bath, but suffer from a lack of selectivity between ionic or organic species within the bath, and often require daily recalibration due to instrument drift over time. There are also contamination issues associated with inserting a measurement device into the chemical bath. More selective extractive methods such as infrared spectroscopy, can be used, but suffer from lag-time and bath contamination issues associated with the extraction process. A new technique for measuring chemical bath concentrations, which combines the advantages of insitu, real-time, non-invasive measurement with the necessary level of component selectively, has recently been developed. The measurement concept is relatively straightforward: near infrared light is delivered to the bath solution from a centralized Fourier Transform Near Infrared (FT-NIR) spectrometer using spectroscopy-grade fiber-optic cable; with the use of a Clippir™ sensor head, the CP683, Characterization and Metrology for VLSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 764 infrared light passes directly through the circulation tubing wall, through the circulating bath solution, and exits the solution through the tubing wall; the transmitted light is collected and returned to the spectrometer by means of a second fiber-optic cable. The individual chemical components in the bath are then selectively determined by applying a Partial Least Squares (PLS) chemometric algorithm to the transmitted infrared spectrum. APPARATUS The ABB model FTPA2000-260 spectrometer is used in this application. It has eight SMA-905 fiber optic connectors that simultaneously launch the modulated infrared light into a maximum of eight separate 300 jim diameter, ultra-low OH, spectroscopic-grade fiber optic cables. The infrared light travels through the fiber optic cable, through the Clippir™ sensor head and back to the spectrometer through a second fiber optic cable as shown in Figure 1. The transmitted light is received at the spectrometer by eight separate germanium detectors, which operate efficiently at room temperature. The gains on the operation amplifiers can be adjusted electronically to account for transmission losses through the fiber, sample and Clippir™ sensor head. The advantages of this technique over traditional methods are numerous: (1) installation of the Clippir™ sensor head is rapid with little or no process interruption - it simply clips onto the existing recirculating bath tubing, (2) the installed sensor head does not come into contact with the solution at any point, thereby eliminating any possibility of bath contamination, (3) the spectrometer can electronically multiplex up to eight sensor heads simultaneously, (4) the rack-mountable spectrometer can be located up to 100 meters away from the wet stations, (5) the hardware is identical for all measured chemistries - a chemistry-specific software calibration model is all that is required to measure the components of almost every bath solution in use today, (6) sample preparation or sample conditioning is not required, (7) no additional reagents or solvents are necessary, and (8) the measurements are precise, accurate, obtained quickly, drift-free, and operator-independent. The collected spectral data is transferred from the spectrometer to a computer via an Ethernet connection. The ABB FTSW2000 process software is used for continuous collection of spectra, prediction of bath concentrations using the PLS models, and exporting of digital and analog results to a local DCS or LAN server via industry-standard protocols. FIGURE 1. Diagram of FT-NIR spectrometer and Clippir™ hardware connected by fiber optic cables, with the Clippir™ sensor head mounted on a bath recirculation line. 765 usually temperature dependent. Typically, multiple spectra of the same sample are recorded over a temperature range of ± 5 C. When these spectra are included into the PLS calibration model, the sensitivity to temperature is eliminated. METHOD DEVELOPMENT The PLS calibration model is typically generated in a laboratory setting by carefully preparing mixtures of bath solutions gravimetrically, such that the concentration of each component in the bath varies independently over the typical concentration range of operation. For one-component chemistries (e.g., HF in water), a univariate experimental design is set up, whereas for two- or three-component chemistries (e.g., HF and HC1 in water), a full factorial experimental design is devised. Anywhere from 20 to 40 individual solutions are prepared for calibration development. An example experimental design for development of a BOB calibration is shown in Figure 2. Usually, 128 individual near infrared spectral scans are co-added into one spectrum at a resolution of 32 cm"1, over a period of approximately one minute. Therefore, the refresh frequency of the measurements made on each Clippir™ is approximately one minute multiplied by the number of Clippirs installed on a given spectrometer. A background reference spectrum is periodically collected on the circulation tube when it is empty. The sample absorbance spectrum is then calculated by taking the negative log of the ratio of the sample spectrum divided by the reference spectrum. Therefore, the sample absorbance spectrum is independent of most of the instrument function, and is only related to infrared absorbance due to the sample. O I 24 Once all of the calibration absorbance spectra are collected (at various temperatures if necessary), they are loaded into standard, commercial PLS modeling software (e.g., PLSplus/IQ by Thermo Galactic), along with their gravimetrically determined concentrations. The spectra are pre-processed by the software before calculating the PLS calibration model and its statistical parameters. The statistical parameters of the resulting calibration model are then used to determine the expected standard error of covariance (SECV) for the model, and to eliminate potential outliers. 20 2 3 HF (wt %) » » ' » » 9 ®& » * $ 2> 24 » «» * 2 »> g » •» » » ® < ^| I 2 2 ,! * » » ff 20 —————————————————————————————— 0 1 2 3 4 5 § » RESULTS AND DISCUSSION HCI (wt %) Calibration Performance O As an example of calibration performance, the HFHC1 bath chemistry will be considered. As shown in Figure 2, this calibration was constructed where HF ranged from 0 to 5 % (by weight), the HCI ranged from 0 to 5 % (by weight), and the temperature ranged from 21.0-25.5 C. 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 HF(wt%) FIGURE 2. Calibration solution concentrations (in weight %) for an HF-HC1 bath. Temperature variations of the sample must be taken into account since near infrared absorbance bands are 766 The results show that excellent repeatability repeal (standard deviation of measurement of the same sample repeatedly) and low uncertainty (standard deviation of the agreement with the gravimetric value) can be obtained. The uncertainty associated with monitoring HF is 0.06 wt %, the uncertainty associated with monitoring HCI is 0.10 wt %, and the uncertainty associated with monitoring H2O is 0.10 wt %. A repeatability study performed by measuring the same sample 20 times indicates that the standard deviation associated with monitoring HF is 0.02 wt %, and HC1 is 0.04 wt %. Calibration Model Transfer Due to a slight optical shift inherent in the nonuniformity of the Clippir™ sensor heads and/or the sample tube wall, it is sometimes necessary to make minor adjustments to the initial factory calibration. There are two ways to do this: (1) new spectral data, acquired after the system is installed, is added to the original calibration model, resulting in the Clippirspecific optical shift being directly incorporated into the calibration model, or (2) a minor slope and bias correction is determined and applied to the predicted results from the original calibration model. Once the new spectral data are incorporated into the PLS model, or the slope and bias are determined for a given installation of a particular Clippir™ sensor head, further adjustment of the calibration model is usually not necessary. FT-NIR measurements plotted against gravimetric measurements for the calibration sample set are shown in Figure 3. R2 values are all greater than or equal to 0.995 and the standard error of covariance (SECV, equivalent to the calibration uncertainty) for each component was less than 0.10 %. R 2 = 0.998 SECV = 0.06 % Process Control Trendlines 0 1 2 3 4 5 Even though this device measures non-invasively through the sample tube wall, the repeatability of the measurements has been shown to be more than adequate for real-time, process control of the bath concentrations. Figure 4 shows an SCI bath concentration over a period of approximately 4 hours. While the H2O2 concentration remains relatively constant, the NH4OH concentration is continuously depleted, with the control system periodically injecting more NH4OH to try and maintain a constant concentration. HF (Gravimetric wt%) R 2 = 0.995 SECV = 0.10% 3 1 2 3 4 o.u HCI (Gravimetric wt %) 100 z t 2.5 ^ 8 2.0 | 6 R 2 = 0.998 SECV = 0.10% OCM 96 H 2 94 0 0: 00 92 1.5 i 4 ***/^»*«/\tf»*&^ 1.0 £ 0.5 Z 0.0 1:12 2:24 3:36 Time (hours) 90 90 92 94 96 98 100 FIGURE 4. H2O2 (upper trace) and NH4OH (lower trace) concentrations of an SCI bath over approximately four hours. The NH4OH concentration is maintained by periodically injecting more NH4OH as the concentration is depleted, creating a saw-tooth trendline. H2O (Gravimetric wt %) FIGURE 3. Calibration solution concentrations (in weight %) as determined by weight (gravimetric) and by FT-NIR for an HF-HC1 bath. 767 It should also be noted that having an infraredactive bond in each measured component is not a prerequisite for measurement. Ions that dissolve in water often have an influence on the hydration sphere of water, thereby creating an indirect means of measuring the non-infrared active component. This shift in energy of the strong water absorbance bands can then be used to quantify non-absorbing ionic species. Chemistries and Analyzer Performance Numerous bath components have been studied to date. Table 1 provides a listing of the chemistry, concentration range, repeatability, and temperature range of each chemistry that has been calibrated. It should be noted that the repeatability values listed in the table are the upper limit of what can be achieved normally, a much lower (better) repeatability is observed. TABLE 1. Bath types that have been successfully monitored using FT-NIR spectroscopy. Several proprietary bath types have been successfully monitored, but are not shown here. Concentration Chemical Repeatability ** Temperature (C) Type of Bath Component Range (wt %) (wt %) 0-5 HF 0. 15-25 0-5 0. 15-25 HC1 H20 91 - 100 0. 15-25 0-10 HF 20-25 HF 0. 0-10 20-25 Buffered Oxide HF 0. NH4F 22-40 0. 20-25 56-72 0.2 H2O 20-25 NH4OH 0-3 Standard Clean 1 0. 20-70 H202 0-6 0. 20-70 (SCI) 91-100 H2O 0.2 20-70 0-3 Standard Clean 2 35-45 HC1 0. 0-6 H2O2 (SC2) 0. 35-45 91 - 100 0.2 H20 35-45 H2S04 0-10 0.1 20-25 Dilute Sulphuric 0-10 H202 20-25 (DSP) 0.1 80-100 H20 0.1 20-25 80-95 0.4 H2S04 130 Sulphuric Peroxide H202 0-0.5 130 (SPM) 0-20 0.4 130 H2O 0-10 20-25 KOH / H2O2 KOH 0.1 0-10 20-25 H202 0.1 7-22 0.3 20 Mixed Acids HF 22-40 20 HN03 0.3 5-35 CH3COOH 0.3 20 0.4 25-50 20 H2O 32 CH3COOH 25-35 0.3 Vapox Etch 32 NH4F 7-18 0.2 15-25 32 0.3 Ethylene Glycol 17-32 20-25 TMAH TMAH 0.5 68-83 20-25 0.5 H2O 0-3 0.2 60-70 TMAH / H2O2 TMAH 0-3 60-70 H2O2 0.5 94-100 60-70 0.5 H2O 0-5 Citric Acid 0.1 20-25 Citric Acid 20-25 95-100 0.1 H2O 0-10 H3PO4 0.1 20-40 Cold Phosphoric 75-90 H3PO4 0.5 140-170 Hot Phosphoric 0-8 Cyantek CR-7S HC104 0.3 20-25 0-10 0.4 20-25 Ce(NH4)2(N03)6 82 - 100 20-25 0.3 H20 ** Achievable repeatability is typically better than the values listed in this table. For example, in the case of HF or NH4OH, online performance of < 0.04 wt % is routinely achieved. HF-HC1 wall has been described. The benefits of this noninvasive, multiplexing technique provide significant advantages over traditional measurement methods. The analytical performance of this infrared-based method is more that adequate for real-time process control and monitoring of most bath chemistries in use today. CONCLUSIONS A unique analytical methodology for noninvasively measuring semiconductor bath concentrations directly through bath circulation tubing 768
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