Advances in X-ray Reflectivity (XRR) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) Measurements Provide Unique Advantages for Semiconductor Applications Jennifer Spear, Hiroyuki Murakami , and Shinichi Terada TECHNOS International Inc. Tempe, AZ 85283 *TECHNOS Co., Ltd. Hirakata, Osaka 5730164 JAPAN Abstract. We have developed a thin-film metrology tool that fulfills the metrology requirements for the production of 65nm node technology and beyond. This tool combines X-ray Reflectivity (XRR) and X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) measurements to provide accurate, high throughput, measurements. Improvements in both the XRR and XRF configurations were made to allow high throughput measurements on films as thin as 0.5 nm. The source intensity for the XRR measurements was increased using focusing X-ray optics. Wafer alignment, which is critical for XRR measurements to be accurate, is done using both X-rays and lasers to reduce the time required. A monochromatic X-ray source is used for XRF measurements since peak-to-background ratio is extremely important when detecting the XRF signal from ultra-thin films. INTRODUCTION High Intensity XRR Future device generations are incorporating thinner and thinner layers. Barrier layers are predicted to be as thin as Inm in the 65 nm device node. When layers become this thin, measuring their thickness with acceptable precision becomes difficult. This is because there is only a small amount of material to measure, and it must be measured precisely. Also, the layer properties such as index of refraction, density, and acoustic velocity are very different in thin layers than in bulk materials. The goal was to produce a fab-ready, fully-automated, metrology tool that is capable of measuring ultra thin films. A curved, multi-layer, mirror was used in the XRR beam path. This mirror focuses the X-rays on a small region of the sample. This configuration maximizes the X-rays intensity one the sample. A slit with a variable width is used in this configuration to allow for the optimization of X-ray intensity and angular resolution for each application. Signal-to-background ratio was improved by suppression of X-ray background with a beam knife, and reduction of electric noise. As a result, 1E8 photons per second incident intensity and a dynamic range of 3E7:1 are achieved. These are sufficient numbers for measuring films with a thickness around 2nm as shown by the data in Fig.2. IMPROVEMENTS IN XRR Curved Monochromator The objective was to choose an instrumental configuration that gives high data precision, and high throughput for very thin films. To obtain reliable data for ultra thin films, the data needs to be collected over a wide range of incident angle. To achieve both high throughput and high precision, high intensity X-ray irradiation and high signal-to-background ratio are required. Slit Beam Knife Detector Sample FIGURE 1. High Intensity XRR configuration CP683, Characterization and Metrology for VLSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 646 >1 *J 1 E ni £l E n9 •H \ \ o L-\ E r\ "5 <u ' 1 11 1 .E-04 \ •H fd E A C 1 .E-06 -i E AT X 1 — — — -30000001 (a) ——V^^ v^^. ^ .F.-Ofi 1 X-ray Detector Reference Chip V 4J i! "i >i Zr02{2.5nmj/Si02(1.4nm)/Si Reference Chip "^^^ii^; 2 3 Incident Angle i X-ray Detector (b) Positionsensitive Light Detectors FIGURE 2. XRR simulation for 2.5nm ZrO2 Laser Assisted Wafer Alignment Alignment of the wafer surface to the incident X-rays is critical to the accuracy of XRR measurements. In the past this alignment was achieved by measuring how the sample obstructs the X-ray beam. As shown in Fig.3(a), a rotation scan of the sample was performed to determine the position of maximum Xray counts. The sample is parallel to the incident X-ray beam at this angle. Next a vertical scan of the sample was performed to determine the height at which half of X-ray photons are obstructed by the sample. This scan is shown in Fig.3(b). Reference Chip (c) Positionsensitive Light Detectors This method is good because the sample is always aligned accurately with respect to the incident X-ray beam. However, the method is slow because we need to accumulate appropriate X-ray counts for precision. In addition, curvature of the sample can cause errors in this alignment process. Sample Wafer FIGURE 4. Laser Assisted X-ray based sample alignment procedure Sample Wafer X-ray Detector FIGURE 3. X-ray based sample alignment procedure 647 The configuration used for XRF measurements is shown in Fig.5. Monochromatic excitation was chosen to remove the X-ray Bremsstrahlung that overlaps with X-ray fluorescence peaks and cause a high background. To obtain high sensitivity for a wide range in atomic number of the analyte, both a Molybdenum anode tube and a Copper anode tube were used. Curved monochromator were used to collect larger number of photons produced by tubes. These monochromators are tuned to Mo-Ka and Cu-Ka for the Mo and Cu tubes respectively. To solve these problems, two sets of lasers with position sensitive light detector were added to the tool to record the height and tilt of the sample. As shown in Fig.4(a)-(b), X-ray based alignment is performed on a flat reference chip embedded in the stage of the tool. Then, the positions of the two laser reflections are recorded (Fig.4(c)). Once the correct laser positions are recorder the height and tilt of any position on a sample can be correctly set for XRR measurement by making adjustments to reproduce the correct positions of the lasers on the detectors. Fig.6 shows the comparison of the XRF spectra acquired on a 5nm Co film sample using different XRF configurations. The X-ray intensity of the CoKcc peak is dramatically improved when we use CuKa monochromatic excitation. XRR Data Processing A genetic algorithm was added to the XRR curve fitting software. This software calculates and fits full theoretical simulations of XRR data. Adding the genetic algorithm for fitting has resulted in a wider range of parameters being fit automatically more quickly. Co*Ka •Direct (Mo Anode) Cu-Ka Monochromatic IMPROVEMENTS IN XRF Sample: 5nm Co x Energy FIGURE 6. Comparison of the spectra acquired using Mo Direct excitation and Cu-Ka Monochromatic Excitation High Intensity Monochromatic X-ray Source Solid State Detector Curved Monochromator X-ray Tube(Cu) Mo-Ka Cu-Ka **•»* In the case of ultra thin films, the amount of analyte in the film irradiated is much smaller than the amount of material in the substrate irradiated. This causes poor peak-to-background ratio and saturation of X-ray detector. Improvement of the peak-tobackground ratio and increased incident X-ray intensity allow high throughput measurements of films as thin as 0.5 nm. Curved Monochromator X-ray Tube(Mo) FIGURE 5. High Intensity Monochromatic XRF configuration using two X-ray tubes 648 Since XRF is much faster than XRR, an automatic measurement was developed, along with data processing software for fast multi-point thickness determination. Both XRR and XRF measurements are collected at the center of a sample. Then, the instrument factor A is calculated, and XRF thickness measurements can be made for other points. With this sequence, fast multi-point thickness determination was achieved based on better assumptions than when XRF measurements are used alone. This assumes that intra wafer difference in density and composition are smaller than inter wafer differences in these properties. COMBINATION OF XRF AND XRR Since both XRR and XRF have advantages and disadvantages as shown in Table 1, both have been built into one tool [1]. Though both can be used to determine the thickness of films on wafers, XRF primarily determines number of atoms per unit area and XRR determines thickness and density. Composition Determination of A x Sii_ x Composition determination is also a typical application of XRF. However, if A x Sii_ x is deposited on a Si wafer, composition determination using XRF alone is impossible. However, since the amount of non-Silicon element per unit area can be determined using XRF and thickness can be determined using XRR, the amount of non-Silicon element per unit volume can be determined using both results. TABLE 1. Comparison of XRR and XRF XRR Thickness Range Spatial Resolution Measurement Time Calibration curve and Reference Samples Density Effect Common Element Effect Rough Surface / Interface Composition determination of Co x Sii_ x was measured with this approach, and reported [2]. Composition determination of Si x Gei_ x could be performed as well. Calibration of XRF for thickness using XRR X-ray fluorescence intensity Fz is expressed by the following equation. Fz=A-Cz-p-T (1) where A is the instrumental factor, Cz is the concentration of the element z, p is the density, and T is the thickness. Since there is an instrumental factor (A) in this equation, at least one reference sample is necessary for the thickness determination using XRF. After making the calibration using a reference sample, thickness measurements can be made by XRF with the assumptions that the composition and the density of the unknown samples are the same as the reference sample used in the calibration. An XRR measurement can be used to directly to determine layer thickness. The results of the XRR analysis serve as the required calibration data for XRF measurements. This allows any wafer to become a reference wafer. 649 XRF l-l,000nm 2mm IminUnnecessary 0.5-10,000nm O.lmm 5 secNecessary No No Yes Yes No Yes RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS CONCLUSIONS Thickness of films is a critical measurement in the production of devices. As the device generations get smaller making thickness measurements accurately becomes more challenging. As discussed in the preceding sections optical arrangements to make XRF and XRR measurements on thin films were developed. The measurements that can be collected with these configurations are suitable for measuring a variety of materials with film thicknesses as thin as 0.5 nm. Table 2 gives some examples of XRF measurements that have been collected on thin films. For each material the thickness, measurement time, and repeatability are given. The repeatability is given as a relative standard deviation (R.S.D.). The RSD numbers were calculated from a set of measurements that were collected 10 times statically, meaning the wafer was not removed from the wafer stage between measurements. Table 3 gives the same type of information for XRR measurements collected on different materials. TABLE 2. Repeatability of XRF thickness determination Material Thickness Measurement Time (nm) (Live, sec) Co TaN TiSiN Cu/TaN 5.0 2.0 1.0 1.0/0.26* 2 10 10 15 TABLE 3. Repeatability of XRR thickness determination Material Measurement Thickness Time (nm) (min) ZrO2 Ta/TaN Cu/TaN 3.0 1.0/0.94* 1.0/0.21* 4.0 4.1 5.1 It has been shown that improvement in the hardware for XRR and XRF measurements results in the ability to measure ultra thin films. The combination of XRR and XRF measurement capability in a single fab-suitable tool allows the measurements to be optimized for precision and throughput for different applications. In addition to thickness, density, roughness, and composition information can be provided for thin films. REFERENCES Terada, S. Murakami, H., Furukawa, H., and Nishihagi, K., "Thickness and Density Measurement for New Materials with Combined X-ray Technique" in 2001 IEEE/SEMI ASMC Proceedings, Piscataway: Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Inc., 2001, pp!25130. 2. Terada, S., "Recent Developments in Combined X-ray Metrology Tool for Thin-film on Semiconductor Wafers" in SEMICON Southwest 2001: Critical Technologies Conference: Gate Stack Engineering Abstract book, Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International; 2001,pp85-96. R.S.D. (%) 0.47 0.95 0.99 0.21/0.26 R.S.D. (%) 0.29 0.56/0.61 0.03/0.03 * This thickness is given as a ratio rather than in nm to keep the actual thickness information confidential 650
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