Impact of Low k Dielectrics on Electromigration Reliability for Cu Interconnects Paul S. Ho*, Ki-Don Lee*, Ennis T. Ogawa+, Sean Yoon*, and Xia Lu* *Laboratory for Interconnect and Packaging, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712-1063 ^Silicon Technology Development, Texas Instruments, Inc., MS 3737, Dallas TX 75243 Abstract. Multi-link statistical test structures were used to study the effect of low k dielectrics on EM reliability of Cu interconnects. Experiments were performed on dual-damascene Cu interconnects integrated with oxide, CVD low k, porous MSQ, and organic polymer ILD. The EM activation energy for Cu structures was found to be between 0.8 and 1.0 eV, indicating mass transport is dominated by diffusion at the Cu/SiNx cap-layer interface, independent of ILD. Compared with oxide, the decrease in lifetime and (jL)c observed for low-k structures can be attributed to less dielectric confinement in the low k structures. An effective modulus B obtained by finite element analysis was used to account for the dielectric confinement effect on EM. For all the ILDs studied, (jL)c showed no temperature dependence. INTRODUCTION DIELECTRIC CONFINEMENT ON EM Electromigration (EM), a major reliability concern for on-chip interconnects, has been extensively studied in Cu structures with oxide interlevel dielectrics (ILD) in the past several years [1-3]. Compared with Al/oxide interconnects, Cu/oxide structures have distinct EM characteristics due to the dual-damascene architecture introducing different transport path, flux divergence and damage mechanisms. Statistical studies have revealed multi-mode failures in the Cu/oxide structures with early failures dominated by void formation at the via bottom interface [4,5]. With device scaling continuing beyond the 130nm node, low k ILD is being implemented to replace oxide in Cu interconnects. Compared with oxide, low k dielectrics are softer, expand more and conduct less heat. The weak thermomechanical properties cause significant concern on EM reliability of Cu/low k interconnects and its impact has to be investigated. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of low k dielectrics on EM reliability of Cu interconnects. This paper discusses first the effect of dielectric confinement on EM reliability. This is followed by a summary of recent results from our laboratory on Cu/low k interconnects focusing on the EM lifetime and the threshold current density-length (JL)C product. Both are sensitive to the dielectric confinement and the implications on EM reliability will be discussed. Consider a line/via element in a Cu dual-damascene structure as shown in Fig.l. Under a current driving force, the drift velocity (v^) of Cu ions induced by EM can be expressed as [6], = JU (Z*epj - OAcr/L) (1) where Z*e is the effective charge, j is the current density, I? is the atomic volume and Ao/L is the EM induced stress gradient along the line. In a confined structure, the current induced mass transport VEM is opposed by a back flow vBr induced by the Blech stress gradient as a result of mass transport from the cathode to the anode. According to Eq. 1, a threshold product (jL)c can be defined when vd = 0 as: (2) With n and Z ep being material constants, (jL)c is proportional to Acr. For a Cu damascene structure, the value of Acr that can be sustained depends on the confinement on the Cu structure imposed by the ILD and the surrounding barrier and cap layers. Thus the (jL)c product provides an effective measure to evaluate the back-flow stress and the dielectric confinement effect on EM. CP683, Characterization and Metrology for VLSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 533 will decrease the back-flow stress Aa resulting in an increase of the net drift velocity and a reduction of the EM lifetime. The confinement effect on EM can be further examined by considering the kinetics of stress evolution and void formation under EM, which have distinct characteristics for Cu interconnects comparing with Al interconnects and have different implications on EM reliability [10,11]. In Fig.2, we show the initial state of a Cu line with a uniform tensile stress at time to before EM. Upon EM, mass transport builds up a small tensile stress at the cathode at ti with a corresponding compressive stress at the anode. With continuing EM at t2, the tensile stress at the cathode can reach a critical value to induce void formation. Different from the Al interconnect, void can nucleate and grow more readily at the Cu interface near the cathode end under a moderate tensile stress of about 100 MPa [11]. Void formation releases the local tensile stress but continues to build up the compressive stress in the Cu line at t3 until reaching the steady state at t4 as shown. With void formation, a large steadystate compressive stress can occur at the anode and causes the Cu interconnect more prone to metal extrusion at the anode. Based on void growth kinetics, Korhonen et al. deduced a critical void volume at the steady state as [10], FIGURE 1. Mass transport under EM in a confined structure. The drift velocity driven by the current VEM is opposed by a stress-induced back flow VBF. The confinement effect can be quantified using an effective elastic modulus as first formulated by Korhonen et al. for Al interconnects [7]. The symbol B in eq. (3) is used to represent the stiffness response of the interconnect structure to the stress generated by mass transport under confinement. dC/C=-da/B (3) Here dC/C is the volumetric strain induced by EM, and da is the corresponding amount of stress generated as measured by the effective modulus B of the metal structure. Defined in this way, B depends on the elastic properties and geometry of the metal line and surrounding materials. It also depends on the mass transport mechanism because the mechanical response of the interconnect structure depends on how mass transport is distributed along different directions. In Al interconnects, mass transport is primarily through the grain boundaries, resulting in an isotropic mass distribution and da. For Cu interconnects, mass transport is dominated by diffusion at the cap layer interface [8], which results in an anisotropic mass distribution mainly along the normal to the line direction. Using a finite element analysis, Hau-Riege calculated B for AlCu interconnects under EM assuming an isotropic mass transport [9]. He found that as the elastic modulus of ILD decreases from 72 GPa for oxide to below 10 GPa for low k materials, the value of B is reduced but to a significantly less degree, from 25 GPa to about 10 GPa. This indicates that the Ti/TiN upper and lower layers of the Al line and the W via contribute substantially in additional to that from ILD to metal confinement. When an Al line was embedded in a damascene structure with additional side-wall barriers, B of low k ILD was found to increase about 50%. This demonstrated that the barrier and cap layers in the damascene structures make significant contributions to metal confinement, particularly for low k dielectrics. The confinement effect on EM reliability can be readily observed from Eq.l where a weak confinement V = B 2QS (4) Here <? is the initial thermal stress and L is the length of the metal line and both the initial thermal stress and EM contribute to the void volume. Assuming that the EM lifetime is determined by the critical void volume Vc, Eq.4 provides a relationship to correlate EM lifetime to the confinement effect via the effective modulus B and the line length L under test conditions ofy and d. FIGURE 2. Stress evolution in confined Cu line under EM as a function of time, ob is the initial thermal stress. 534 In deducing Fc, the EM induced stress at the steady state is assumed to be built up with a uniform stress gradient over the length of the Cu line and void formation occurs only at the cathode end. The assumption on stress distribution may be reasonable for Cu structure since mass transport in Cu is dominated by interfacial diffusion, so "blocking" grain boundaries [10], even if they exist, would not disrupt the stress buildup over the line length. However, voids are often formed at other locations near the cathode, this will release the local stress at the void site. As the back-flow stress reaches the steady state in the remaining part of the line, the stress gradient will be the same but the maximum compressive stress at the anode will be reduced. This will reduce the driving force for metal extrusion at the anode end, making EM failure more likely to occur as a result of void formation. For Cu/low k structures with weak adhesion strength at the cap/etch stop interface, interfacial delamination can occur prematurely to cause line failure by metal extrusion before the steady-state is reached. In this case, the EM lifetime will be lower than that estimated from B based on the confinement effect. Another factor affecting EM reliability concerns void evolution where recent Cu EM results showed that the evolution of void morphology may be important in determining the EM failure statistics [12]. This can be particularly relevant regarding early failures induced by void formation at via bottom as a result of void evolution from the line at the cathode end to the via bottom. Based on these discussions, EM reliability and the confinement effect for Cu/low k interconnect seem to be a complex phenomenon depending on material properties, interconnect geometry and processing defects. The effect of dielectric confinement was first investigated using x-ray diffraction to measure thermal stresses under thermal cycling in Cu damascene line structures with oxide and low k dielectrics [13]. The results confirmed that the cap and barrier layers are important and have to be considered in order to account for the observed triaxial stress characteristics, particularly for the stress component normal to the line direction. In this paper, we summarize the results of EM studies on lifetime and (jL)c for Cu damascene structures with oxide and low k ILDs using a statistical approach. The results show a good correlation of the confinement effect on EM with the effective elastic modulus calculated using finite element analysis for most of the Cu/low k structures investigated. For organic polymer low k ILD, the discrepancy from the general correlation can be traced to premature failure due to interfacial delamination. The results and experimental details are presented in the following sections. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS Experiments were performed using Cu/low k damascene structures to examine the effect of low k dielectrics on EM reliability. For this study, a critical length (LC) test structure was used consisting of a collection of serially connected line/via interconnects. As shown in Fig.3a, this test structure contains 6 repeating sets of 14 interconnects where the M2 length varies from 10 to 300 jam and with a line width of 0.5 jam. The length of Ml remains constant at about 5 jam in order to drive the failure to occur above the Ml level at either the via or the M2 trench to facilitate failure analysis. Designed in this way, the serial connection of test structures provides an ensemble of line/via elements with varying line lengths to measure the dielectric confinement effect on EM failure statistics and threshold (jL)c product. FIGURE 3. (a) Schematic overview of LC test structure, (b) Stacking layers of dual-damascene Cu/low k interconnects The low k ILDs used included CVD low k, porous MSQ, and organic polymer. Their EM behaviors are compared with oxide. The material properties of the dielectric materials are listed in Table 1. Test structures were designed at UT-Austin and fabricated at International Sematech and LSI Logic. The samples were prepared using 200 mm wafers and consisted of two-level interconnect structures based on a Ta/low temperature PVD seed Cu/ electroplated (EP) Cu stack [14]. The metal lines in the test structures show an apparent "near bamboo" microstructure with a significant amount of twinning that is associated with 535 Cu film growth. In Fig.3b> we show the schematic structure of the Cu/low k dual-damascene interconnect where the low k material was fully implemented in all levels. EM experiments were performed in a high vacuum chamber filled with 20 torr of N2 gas to reduce oxidation and to improve temperature uniformity for all test samples. More experimental details have been described previously [5, 15]. B is significantly less than that of E indicating that the barrier and cap layers are important in addition to the ILD in confining the Cu lines. Except for the organic polymer, the EM lifetime seems to be proportional to B, which is consistent with void-induced failure at the steady state. For the organic polymer, the EM lifetime is lower than that estimated from B. This can be attributed to premature failures caused by interfacial delamination at the cap/etch stop interface and will be further discussed in the failure analysis section. TABLE 1. Dielectric constant (k), coefficient of temperature expansion (CTE) and Young's modulus (E) for different dielectric ILDs and simulated effective bulk modulus (B) and (jL)c for dual-damascene Cu interconnects are summarized. k Oxide 3.9 CTE (ppm/°C) 0.51 71.4 8 (Gpa) 13.7 CVD low k 2.7 25 6 7.6 2000 Porous MSQ 2.2 7.3 3.6 7.3 2500 7.2 Org. Polymer 2.7 66 2.5 p These values were determined at 1.0 MA/cm2. 1200 E (Gpa) jLc (A/cm) 3700 Cu/CVD Low k Q = 0.86eV j = 1.0 MA/cm2 10 2 : Cu/Oxide Q = 0.81 eV j = 1.0 MA/cm2 I s Cu/Org. Pol. Q = 0.97 eV 1.0 MA/cm2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 17 18 19 20 Cu/Porous MSQ Q = 0.93 eV = 1.0 MA/cm2 21 22 1/KT EM Lifetime and Threshold (jL)c Product FIGURE 4. Graph shows t50 vs. l/KT for Cu/oxide, Cu/CVD Low k, Cu/Porous MSQ, and Cu/Organic Polymer. The activation energies determined from the slope of Arrhenius plot were found to be between 0.8 and 1.0 eV. EM experiments were performed on LC test structures at temperatures between 190 and 360°C. The first abrupt change or instability in resistance trace during EM stressing was considered as an "onset" EM failure and was used to determine EM lifetime. In Fig.4, Arrhenius plots of t5o, vs. 1/kT obtained at 1.0 MA/cm2 are plotted for Cu/oxide, Cu/CVD low k, Cu/porous MSQ, and Cu/organic polymer structures integrated with Ta barrier and SiNx cap layer. The activation energies of Cu structures were found to be between 0.8 and 1.0 eV. This is commonly associated with mass transport at the Cu/SiNx interface, suggesting that interfacial diffusion dominates EM mass transport [15]. The test structures had the same Cu/Ta and Cu/SiNx interfaces, so EM occurred via the same mechanism independent of ILD. In Fig.4, the EM lifetimes of Cu/low k structures are generally shorter than that of Cu/oxide structures under similar test conditions, which can be attributed to the confinement effect. As shown in Eq. 1, the lower dielectric confinement by low k ILD reduces the backflow term vBh^ resulting in an increase in the net mass transport and a reduction of EM lifetime. To estimate the confinement effect, B was calculated using finite element analysis for the Cu test structures in this study assuming mass transport only at the cap layer interface. The results are listed in Table 1. The values of B for all low k ILDs are very similar, equal to about half of that of oxide. The difference of After a long EM stressing, individual lines in LC structures were examined using a focused-ion beam (FIB) microprobe and an optical microscope to identify EM induced damages. In this way, the failure statistics as a function of line length can be determined. As shown in Fig.5, the failure probability drops sharply as the line length decreases. The critical length (Lc) for a given current density (/) can be determined from the intercept of the regression line generated by assuming that failure probability is proportional to the net drift velocity and thus the line length [16]. In Fig.5, Lc was found from the intercept to be 10 jam giving an (jL)c of 3000 A/cm. 536 Failure Analysis Focused ion beam (FIB) microprobe was used to identify the EM failure characteristics together with FIB-induced contrast (FIBIC) technique to locate the locations of interconnect failures in the Cu lines as shown in Fig.Ta for Cu/porous MSQ structure. Here we found that voiding at the cathode end was large enough to stop electric current flow causing a failure. In most cases, test structures were found to fail by cathode voiding in the Cu/porous low k structures. Some of the Cu/porous MSQ structures showed lateral Cu extrusion near the anode under the SiNx cap layer, followed by interfacial delamination, as shown in Fig.Tb. FIGURE 5. Failure distribution of Cu/Porous MSQ LC test structures tested at 190 °C and 3.0 MA/cm2 is shown as a function of line length. Failure probability drops as line length decreases. Lc = 10 um. (jL\ = 3000 A/cm. The results of (JL)C measured for Cu/oxide and Cu/low k structures are summarized in Fig.6. Compared with oxide, low k ILDs have smaller threshold (jL)c products, corresponding to 3700, 2000, 2500 and 1200 A/cm with error limits of 250-500 A/cm for oxide, CVD low k, porous MSQ and organic polymer, respectively. In general, there is no temperature dependence for (jL)c under our test conditions. There is a good correlation between the lifetimes in Fig.3 and (jL)c since both are proportional to Aa, reflecting the dielectric confinement effect on EM characteristics. Similar to the lifetime, the extrinsic effect of interfacial delamination reduces (jL)c for the organic polymer. FIGURE 7. (a) void formation at the cathode end (b) extrusion at the anode end with interfacial delamination observed in Cu/porous MSQ structures. uuuu 4000 - • • A • Cu/Oxide Cu/Porous MSQ Cu/CVD Low k Cu/Org. Polymer T T T ? * T ? 3000 - I g. o 2000 - if 1000- While CVD low k and porous MSQ structures failed mainly by cathode void formation, organic polymer structures failed by cathode void formation followed by anode extrusion [17]. In both cases, EM lifetime depends on the amount of void formation at the cathode, so regardless of anode extrusion, voiding will fail the line. If anode extrusion occurs prematurely due to low adhesion strength at the anode interfaces, such an extrinsic failure effectively reduces the back stress and accelerates the cathode void formation. This mechanism can reduce the EM lifetime significantly as observed in the organic polymer structures. FIB was used to examine the failure mode at the anode of organic polymer low k interconnects and the results are shown Fig.8. Here the top view (Fig. 8a) shows an extrusion failure near the anode end. The h o . 200 240 280 320 360 400 Temperature (°C) FIGURE 6. Graph shows (jL\ vs T. There was no temperature dependence in our test conditions. (jL\ data were obtained from EM tests at 1.0 MA/cm2, except for Cu/CVD low k which was tested at 0.5 MA/cm2. 537 EM reliability of Cu interconnects. Experiments were performed on dual-damascene Cu interconnects integrated with oxide, CVD low k, porous MSQ, and organic polymer ILD. The EM activation energy for Cu structures was found to be between 0.8 and 1.0 eV, indicating mass transport is dominated by diffusion at the Cu/SiNx cap-layer interface, independent of ILD. Compared with oxide, the decrease in lifetime and (jL)c observed for low-k structures can be attributed to less dielectric confinement in the low k structures. An effective modulus B obtained by finite element analysis was used to account for the dielectric confinement effect on EM. For all the ILDs studied, QL)C showed no temperature dependence. A number of interesting questions remain to be answered. These include the contribution of plastic deformation to the confinement effect, the effect of premature failure before reaching the steady state on failure statistics, and the effect of residual thermal stress and stress relaxation on EM lifetime and threshold product. EM experiments will be performed on Cu/low k interconnects under various conditions in our laboratory to address these issues. cross-sectional FIB micrograph in Fig. 8b shows that the extrusion was initiated at the top corners of the Cu line beneath the oxide etch stop. (See schematic drawing in Fig. 8c). This suggests that the corner at the barrier, low k ILD and cap/etch stop layer intersection is a mechanical weak point where failure can occur by interfacial delamination induced by a large compressive back-flow stress at the anode. This was confirmed by high resolution SEM observations which identified interfacial delamination and anode extrusion along the low k and oxide etch stop interface, as shown in Fig. 9. Additionally, atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to examine the surface topology, revealing that SiNx at the anode end was lifted by EM by about 180 nm [17]. Thus the weak adhesion of low k/etch stop interface causes the interfacial breakdown and premature EM failure. In this case, the Cu/low k structure was able to sustain less back-flow stress than that estimated from the effective elastic modulus. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to thank the International SEMATECH and LSI Logic Corporation for providing test structures for this study. They also gratefully acknowledge the partial support from the state of Texas, and the SRC Center for Advanced Interconnect Science and Technology. FIGURE 8. (a) Top down view of anode extrusion and (b) A-A1 cross-section of anode of Cu/organic polymer test structures, (c) Schematic view of FIB cutting. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] FIGURE 9. 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