Uncertainties Caused by Surface Adsorbates in Estimates of the Thickness of SiO2 Ultrathin Films Yasushi Azuma, Ruiqin Tan, Toshiyuki Fujimoto, Isao Kojima, Akihito Shinozaki* and Mizuho Morita* Materials Characterization Division, National Metrology Institute of Japan, AIST Tsukuba Central 5, Higashi 1-1, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-8565, Japan *Precision Science and Technology Division, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University Yamada-oka 2-1, Suita-shi, Osaka 565-0871, Japan Abstract. Grazing incidence X-ray reflectivity (GIXR), ellipsometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) have been used for measuring the thickness of ultrathin SiO2 films on Si(lOO). SiC>2 films were fabricated at a constant temperature to obtain a fixed interface structure for films with different thicknesses. The thicknesses obtained by GIXR and ellipsometry were in good agreement with each other, however, ellipsometry showed slightly larger values. The thickness of the adsorbed overlayer was also compared using GIXR and XPS. Uncertainties included in the XPS measurements of the carbonaceous layer thickness were estimated. The thicknesses of the carbonaceous layer obtained by XPS were slightly smaller, by about 0.16 nm, than those of the adsorbed overlayer obtained by GIXR. About 0.3-0.4 monolayer of adsorbed water molecules is believed to account for the differences in overlayer thicknesses between the GIXR and XPS measurments. parameters. Especially, XPS requires the effective attenuation length (EAL) or inelastic mean free path (IMFP) as an essential parameter in order to estimate film thickness, where such parameters require extensive study to attain its reliability. So far, many reports have been published on how to obtain accurate SiC>2 thickness measurements [1-4]. Up to now, methods such as XPS, sectional transmission electron microscopy, ellipsometry and RBS have been used extensively and have been found to be in rather good agreement with each other. However, the accuracy of these measurements has not yet reached the 4% (3o) required from the international technology roadmap for semiconductors (ITRS) [5]. Therefore, further research is required in the area of comparing the differences between different methods. In this study, ultra thin SiO2 films with thicknesses between 3-10 nm have been investigated by using GIXR, ellipsometry and XPS techniques. The influence of the adsorbed layer in evaluating the SiO2 thickness was also investigated by comparing the thickness of the overlayer obtained from GIXR with INTRODUCTION Characterization of ultra thin films is very important for the development of advanced technologies such as in semiconductor devices where their size is continuously shrinking. Much attention has been paid to the accurate measurement of SiO2 thickness as well as reference materials because of their use as gate oxides in silicon devices. The methods used to measure ultrathin film thicknesses are roughly classified into two groups. Methods such as GIXR and ellipsometry give results that directly related to length. On the other hand, methods related to surface analysis such as XPS and Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy (RBS) give results mainly related to the amount of material in the films. Each has its merits and demerits. For example, the thickness derived by the former methods usually includes undesirable quantities arising from an adsorbed layer. The nonuniformity of the film in the depth direction makes it difficult to analyze the layered structure accurately. The signals from the latter methods have a less direct relation to SI units and depend more on experimental CP683, Characterization and Metrology for VLSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 337 that of carbonaceous overlayer estimated by XPS. Measurements by GIXR and ellipsometry were effected somewhat by the existence of the adsorbed layer and the interfacial layer. In the usual thermal oxidization of Si surfaces, since oxides are formed with considerable thickness at increasing temperatures, ultrathin film growth is done at relatively low temperatures. In such cases, there is a danger that there can be substantial differences in interfacial structure and film property between films of different thicknesses. In this study, we employed a rapid oxidation procedure equipped with an infrared lamp heater in order to avoid the confusion caused by the differences in the interfacial structure and film property. beams were collimated with 0.05 mm slits and the reflection intensity was measured by a scintillation counter. The 29 angular resolution of the instrument is 0.0001°. The specular reflectivity curves were recorded with a 9-29 scan. Spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements were performed by using GES-5M and GESP-5 instruments (SOPRA Co.). XPS spectra were recorded by an ESCALAB 220i-XL (VG Co.). Measurements were carried out collecting normaliyemitted photoelectrons from the sample surface using Al Kamonochromated X-rays. A "large area" measurement mode was used since it has a smaller acceptance angle than other modes. t min. 9oo°a 2.EXPERIMENTAL +->I cd 2.1 Preparation of SiO2 Films 5°C/sec 50°C/sec o> H SiO2 films were fabricated with an ultra-thin oxide film preparation system set up in an ultra-clean room (Class 1). The system has a cold-wall reaction chamber where a silicon wafer is heated from both sides by infrared lamps through a quartz window. Since only the wafer is heated, oxidation is carried out in very clean conditions. Purified oxygen and nitrogen gases were supplied for oxidizing the silicon wafers and for filling the reaction chamber as an inert gas, Prior to oxidation, silicon wafers were cleaned using the following sequence: a rinse in ultra pure water containing ozone gas, an ultrasonic cleaning in HF+H2O2+H2CH-surfactant solution, etching in dilute HF solution, and an ultrasonic cleaning in ultra pure water [6]. Oxidation was carried out at atmospheric pressure in oxygen. The temperature during oxidation was controlled as shown in Fig. 1. Oxidation occurs very little during the rise in temperature, and the thickness is regulated by time after the temperature reaches 900 °C. Figure 2 is a plot of the oxide thickness versus time for a constant temperature of 900 O2 consentration : 100% flow rate : IL/min. atmosper pressure Time FIGURE 1. Temperature control for the oxidation. 10 Q) I 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (min.) 2.2 Measurements by GIXR, Ellipsometry And XPS FIGURE 2. The relationship between SiO2 thickness and time for a constant oxidation temperature of 900 °C. 3. RESULTS GIXR measurements were performed using a highresolution x-ray diffractometer (Rigaku Co., ATX-G2). A rotating anode Cu Koc source (18kW) was used. A parabolic multilayer mirror collected X-rays to form a parallel beam. Then, the beam was compressed and monochromated with a non-symmetric grating-type Ge(lll) monochromator. The incident and reflected AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Changes in Thickness for an Exposed Surface in Air When thickness measurements are carried out in air, the thickness is expected to change because water and 338 Figure 5 compares the SiO2 thicknesses from GIXR and spectroscopic ellipsometry for samples kept in air until the ellipsometric thickness became stable. The dotted line shows a straight line with a slope of 1. The thicknesses obtained by the two methods are found to be in good agreement with each other organic molecules adsorb continuously on the surface. In order to investigate this process, ellipsometry measurements were taken on a continuous basis immediately after oxidation was finished. Figure 3 shows the thickness results when calculated employing an ideal SiC>2 film model, namely, assuming that the film does not contain water or organic molecules on its surface. The thickness increases with time. The thickness for the first data point (after 21 min and 5 second) was 4.67 nm, and the thickness for the 180 th data point (24 hour and 37 min) reached 5.03 nm. The increase is about 0.36 nm. 5.3 5.2 5.1 r 5 ;4.9 i 4.8 1 4.7 28 (degree) 4.6 FIGURE 4. GIXR profile for SiO2 films. These nominal thicknesses are (a) 10, (b) 8, (c) 5, (d) 3 nm, respectively. 4.5 4.4 0 20000 40000 60000 Time(s) 80000 100000 S 10- FIGURE 3. SiO2 thickness measured by ellipsometry as a function of time in the atmospher after fablication. 3.2 Characterization of Film Structure by I GIXR Figure 4 shows the data from the GIXR measurements. The data were analyzed using a three layer-model, consisting of an adsorbate overlayer, a SiO2 layer and an interfacial layer. The solid lines in the figure were obtained using a non-linear leastsquares calculation. Table 1 summarizes the results for the thicknesses. In the table, the thicknesses for the SiO2 layer are given as the sum of SiO2 and interfacial layers. When data analysis using a 2-layer model that neglects the adsorbate layer was carried out, the thickness of SiO2 layer was slightly larger than that obtained by the 3-layer model. This is due to the adsorbate layer since it is included in the SiO2 layer. The increase in thickness depends on the ratio of densities of the adsorbate and SiO2. Since the calculated density of the adsorbate layer by GIXR is about 0.8 g/cm3 (which is about 1/3 that of SiO2), the thickness of SiO2 obtained by the 2 layer model was greater by about 1/3 that of the real thickness of the adsorbate layer. 0 5 1.0 Thickness estimated by XRR (nm) FIGURE 5. Comparison of thickness results for SiO2 films from GIXR and Ellipsometry. The dotted line shows a straight line with a slope of 1. 3.3 Thickness Measurements Using XPS For a layered system of SiO2 on Si, the photoemission intensities and the thickness of the film are related by the following equation [7, 8]: — —— I expO F I, S 339 TABLE 1. Thickness of contamination layer and SiO2 layer by GIXR using a calculation model with three layers ( a contamination layer included) and with two layers (contamination layer neglected). c d a b 3 layer 2 layer 2 layer 3 layer 2 layer 3 layer 3 layer 2 layer model model model model model model model model Contamination 0.54 0.65 0.71 0.59 layer [nm] 3.24 5.44 3.41 SiO2 layer [nm] 8.15 5.73 10.36 10.23 8.18 than 3 nm, the XPS thicknesses are slightly smaller, by 0.2 - 0.3 nm, than the GIXR thicknesses. Although the reason for this difference in thickness is not known exactly, there are several possibilities such as: a nonuniformity in thickness over the film where this nonuniformity will influence XPS results to a greater extent, or there is a larger GIXR uncertainty in the thinner films, etc. where 7S and 70 are the intensities of the Si2p peaks for the Si substrate and the SiO2 layer, respectively, and /I o / is the effective attenuation length for SiO2. fi = °/<? , / ^s where 50, Ss are the intensities of Si2p peaks for bulk Si and SiO2, respectively. 9 is the angle of photoelectron emission with respect to the surface normal. Equation (1) can be written as follows. —^- (2) £ 10 X Equation (1) was used to calculate and f t . 20 "* 0(exp(d/Acos0)-1) 10 0 5 10 Thickness estimate by XRR (nm) FIGURE 7. Comparison of thickness results for SiO2 films between GIXR and XPS. The dotted line shows a straight line with a slope of 1 o10 3.4 Thickness of Carbonaceous Adsorbate Thickness (nm) FIGURE 6. Plot of L % vs. GIXR thickness. Solid Layer Using XPS / *s line is a least-squares fit using equation (1) Figure 6 shows a plot of The photoelectron intensities of Si2p peaks from a clean SiO2 film on a Si substrate are given as follows. [7, 8 ]: Q /. vs. GIXR thickness. / *s The solid line is a least-squares fit using equation (1) where A and /? are variables, and the thickness is obtained using GIXR. The intensities of 7S and /0 were calculated from spectra with backgrounds subtracted using Shirley's method. The variables A and /3 were calculated to be 3.4 and 0.70, respectively. Thus A and /? were used to calculate the XPS thickness using equation (2). Figure 7 shows the plot of the XPS thickness vs. the GIXR thickness. The two thicknesses are in close agreement, which indicates that the calibration of thin film thickness based on the GIXR measurement is useful. However, for films thinner l02 1(% cos#) } si02 (3) (4) where X*s and X*0 are the attenuation lengths of Si2p photoelectron for the Si substrate and SiO2, respectively. Assuming the relation, A° = X*0 , the photoelectron intensity, 340 is independent of film thickness is given by the following equation using Is(dSi02) and I0(dSi02). thickness and its uncertainty calculated as above as well as the adsorbate layer thickness obtained using GIXR. The thicknesses of the carbonaceous overlayer obtained using XPS are slightly smaller than those of the adsorbate overlayer obtained using GIXR. This is mainly because the thickness in GIXR includes an additional adsorbate. Hirashita et al. reported, that by using a thermal desorption technique, the SiO2 surface adsorbs water molecules up to approximately 3.9><10"14 H2O/cm2 [10]. This amount corresponds to 0.3 - 0.4 monolayers, or about 0.1 nm in thickness. Therefore, we conclude that amount of adsorbed water molecules accounts for this difference in the overlayer thicknesses between GIXR and XPS. (5) TOO / Here, the value for/?= °/^ was obtained in the / *s previous section. When the surface has a carbonaceous overlayer, the intensity, Is+0 , is reduced to Ix. The ratio Ic /Ix is expressed as follows where Ic is the intensity of Cls from the contaminant layer (6) TABLE 2. Value of parameters for estimation of contamination thickness by XPS. 3.8 nm where dc is the thickness of the carbon overlayer, and AC and A# are the effective attenuation lengths of Cls and Si2p photoelectron in the carbonaceous overlayer, respectively. When hccl hcsi ~1, a equation (6) can be transformed into equation (7). c= 4 cos*In - {'c ** 4 % % 3.4 nm 3.5 nm y (7) 0.76 /nc Ts+0crs+0/ /TC°C (8) 1 f-i Yl f TABLE 3. Thickness of contamination layer calculated by XPS with standard uncertainties (2a) and the thickness obtained by GIXR. GIXR XPS carbonaceous overlayer adsorbate overlayer [nm] [nm] a 0.59 0.44±0.31 0.54 b 0.32±0.24 c 0.65 0.56±0.40 d 0.71 0.54±0.38 where T0 and Tc are photoelectron transmission functions, and n0 and nc are the atomic concentrations of Si in SiO2 and C in the carbonaceous layer, respectively. /L°0 is the effective attenuation length of Si2p photoelectrons in SiO2, respectively. a0 and <rc are the photoionization cross sections of Si2p and Cls photoelectron, respectively. Table 2 lists the parameter values used to calculate dc . n °/ was calculated by assuming the density obtained by GIXR and the molecular structure of polystyrene for the carbonaceous layer, /if. and /i£ were calculated by Cumpson's formula for IMFP proposed for polymers [9]. /L°0 is 3.4nm as obtained before. 4. CONCLUSION SiO2 films were fabricated at a constant temperature to attain a fixed interfacial structure among films with different thicknesses. These films were then used in comparative thickness measurements by GIXR, ellipsometry and XPS. The thicknesses obtained by GIXR and ellipsometry were in good agreement with each other, however, ellipsometry showed slightly larger values. The thickness of the adsorbed overlayer was also compared using GIXR and XPS. The thicknesses of the carbonaceous layer obtained by XPS are slightly smaller, by about 0.16 nm, than those of T s+ocrs- was obtained from data in the XPS software. The uncertainty of dc is calculated from the propagation rule. Uncertainties for each parameter were estimated as follows, uncertainties for 3?Si, A°0 and A£ are 20% of their values, and uncertainties for and * s+o^s+o/ 0.74 are 10%. Table 3 summarizes the results for the contamination-layer 341 the adsorbed overlayer obtained by GIXR. 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