Contamination-Free Manufacturing: Tool Component Qualification, Verification and Correlation with Wafers Samantha H. Tan, Ning Chen, Shi Liu and Kefei Wang ChemTrace Corporation, 44050 Fremont Boulevard, Fremont, CA 94538 USA Abstract. As part of the semiconductor industry “contamination-free manufacturing” effort, significant emphasis has been placed on reducing potential sources of contamination from process equipment and process equipment components. Process tools contain process chambers and components that are exposed to the process environment or process chemistry and in some cases are in direct contact with production wafers. Any contamination from these sources must be controlled or eliminated in order to maintain high process yields, device performance, and device reliability. This paper discusses new nondestructive analytical methods for quantitative measurement of the cleanliness of metal, quartz, polysilicon and ceramic components that are used in process equipment tools. The goal of these new procedures is to measure the effectiveness of cleaning procedures and to verify whether a tool component part is sufficiently clean for installation and subsequent routine use in the manufacturing line. These procedures provide a reliable “qualification method” for tool component certification and also provide a routine quality control method for reliable operation of cleaning facilities. Cost advantages to wafer manufacturing include higher yields due to improved process cleanliness and elimination of yield loss and downtime resulting from the installation of “bad” components in process tools. We also discuss a representative example of wafer contamination having been linked to a specific process tool component. In order to address part of this need we have developed new nondestructive test methods for chemical sampling and analysis of quartz, polysilicon, metals (Al, anodized Al and stainless steel) and ceramic surfaces. These methods sample the contamination present on or in the surface of the component part nondestructively. This is also the area of the component most likely to contribute to process contamination. Quantitative measurement and up to sub-ppb detection limits are possible. In this paper we discuss the analytical sampling methods and present examples of results which are possible using these procedures. We also discuss a representative example of wafer contamination having been linked to a specific process tool component that had not been cleaned adequately. INTRODUCTION Constant efforts to improve the cleanliness of the wafer fabrication process are essential to improve manufacturing cost-effectiveness and to achieve yields greater than 90% [1,2]. Process tool cleanliness is important to the maintenance of a “contamination-free manufacturing” environment and becomes more critical with the continued device scaling ever present in the progress of the semiconductor industry. Process tools contain process chambers and components that are exposed to the process environment or process chemistry and in some cases are in direct contact with production wafers. Inorganic and organic contamination incorporated on or in the surfaces of these tool components has a potentially serious negative impact. Any contamination from these sources must be controlled or eliminated in order to maintain high process performance and yields, device performance, and device reliability. It is important to establish cleanliness standards and measurement methods for all of the material types used in the process tool in this manner. Traditional analytical techniques such as VPD/ICPMS, TXRF, XRF, SIMS, AES and XPS are commonly used to detect inorganic and organic contamination on wafer surfaces [3,4]. However, these techniques are typically not suitable for the cleanliness measurement of process tool components due to the large geometries and topographies involved. New nondestructive test methods must be developed to measure and verify the cleanliness of 200mm and 300mm tool components. METHOD FOR MEASUREMENT OF TOOL PART CLEANLINESS In summary, the measurement method consists of a nondestructive wet chemical sampling techniques followed by analysis using one of the following methods: • • • • Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICPMS) for inorganics and metals Ion chromatography (IC) for anions and cations Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and thermal desorption GC-MS for organic residues Total organic carbon (TOC) analysis for organic residues CP683, Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 289 • extraction and followed by multiple concentrated HF/HNO3 depth etchings have been performed on exactly the same area providing a depth profile of trace metal surface concentration to a depth of approximately 100um. Laser particle counter (LPC) for particles Concentration (ppm) The sampling technique is performed by the controlled addition of small quantities of dilute acid, ultra pure water (UPW) or organic solvent to the surface of the component part. After the solution has reacted with the surface or surface contamination dissolved the solution is collected and analyzed. As an example of this methodology we will discuss the protocol for quartz tool component surface analysis. In this case 1-2 mL of a dilute solution, that is hydrofluoric and nitric acid based (HF and HNO3), is applied to the tool part surface. This solution will cover an area of approximately 50-100 cm2 and dissolves very thin surface layer and extracts metals that may be present. This thin layer is collected by a pipette and injected into an ICP/MS instrument for analysis. This analytical procedure is very similar to the vapor phase dissolution method (VPD) established for the measurement of trace metals on silicon wafer surfaces. The sensitivity of the method when applied to silicon wafers is 108 to 109 atoms/cm2 [3,4]. Quantitation of the contamination present on quartz surfaces is made possible by measuring the sample area and depth. The accuracy’s obtained are approximately +/- 20% for quartz surfaces. Ultrapure water is used to extract anions including fluorides and chlorides. In this case, subsequent analysis is by IC. Particles from the tool part surface are measured after extraction into a solution and the particles in the solution are measured using a modified liquid particle counting technique. Surface organic contamination is extracted using an organic solvent. The extract is subsequently analyzed by GC-MS analysis. Volatile organic compounds may be outgassed and collected by a special outgassing apparatus and subsequently analyzed using TD GC-MS. These techniques have been found to be generally useful and nondestructive for metals (e.g. Al, anodized Al, 10,000 Z1 Zone 2 1,000 Bulk Material 10 Al 1 1.00 Na Mg 0.10 Ca Cu 0.01 Fe Ti 0.00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Depth (microns) FIGURE 1. Dilute acidic extraction/ICP-MS depth profile Concentration (ppm) of a quartz ring manufactured by process A 10,000 Z1 1,000 Zone 2 Bulk Material 10 Al 1 1.00 Na Mg 0.10 0.01 0.00 Ca Cu Fe Ti 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Depth (microns) stainless steel), quartz, polysilicon and ceramic component surfaces used in process equipment. In the case where the FIGURE 2. Dilute acidic extraction/ICP-MS depth profile of collection solution is nondestructive and the part is small enough, total immersion in the sampling solution is also possible and has been used in these measurements as well. a quartz ring manufactured by process B The depth profile information is important since production of quartz components requires annealing steps to relieve the stress in the quartz. Any surface contamination on the quartz surface will be driven into the bulk of the material during annealing. The depth profile produced by the surface acidic analysis and multiple depth etchings provide contamination information from the surface to over 100 um in depth. We have broken the regions of interest into three zones. Zone 1 is closest to the surface and contamination in this zone is introduced from machining, handling, cleaning, and packaging operations. Sub-surface contamination in Zone 2 reflects process contamination from machining, VERIFICATION OF TOOL PART CLEANLINESS After manufacture and precision cleaning, tool part cleanliness may be verified using the described techniques. For example, trace metals present on the surface of quartz rings produced by two different manufacturing sources are presented in Figures 1 and 2. For the case presented in Figs. 1 and 2, a dilute acidic 290 steel part A is seen to be heavily contaminated with organics while part B has no detectable organic residues with the exception of isopropyl alcohol used for cleaning. The results also show that Part B contains a very high sulfur content that is known to be detrimental to the wafer process. Stainless steel part A is most likely a different type of stainless steel. polishing, bead blasting, welding, and annealing. The contamination in Zone 2 typically originates from the surface and is driven into the bulk material of the component part. It is important to fabricate a critical chamber part from high purity machining tool and processes to prevent sub-surface contamination of the chamber part. The results in Figures 1 and 2 clearly show differences between two different fabrication processes. Both processes used the same starting quartz material, as illustrated by the concentration levels in the bulk of the material. Organic contamination residue on quartz parts can be measured in a very similar way. In this case ultrapure water is used to extract the contamination on the part surface. Application and collection is performed in the same manner as described above. The organic contamination dissolved by the ultrapure water is measured using Total Organic Carbon Measurement Instrument (TOC). The surfaces of the quartz bell jar, pre- and post-clean, were analyzed using this method and the results are presented in Table 1. These data illustrate that organic surface residues have been reduced by about a factor of 5 as a result of the cleaning step. Abundance 40000 00 S8 IPA A 30 0 35000 00 30000 00 Ethylhexanol 25000 00 20000 00 DOP 12 7 2-Ethyl-hexanal 15000 00 29 2 10 9 10000 00 36 1 23 01 26 7 A 5000 00 0 SURFACE CONCENTRATION ( x 1014 atoms/cm2 ) TOC DL Pre-Cleaned 300mm Bell Jar Post-Cleaned 300mm Bell Jar 5.0 703 141 B Time- 5.0 0 10.0 0 15.0 0 20.0 0 25.0 0 30.0 0 35.0 0 Figure 3. TD GC-MS analysis of organic contamination products from two stainless steel process tool component parts CORRELATION OF TOOL PART CLEANLINESS WITH WAFER CLEANLINESS TABLE 1. Total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations from an intact 300mm-quartz bell jar We will now give an example where surface contamination was detected on process monitor wafer surfaces and traced back to a process tool component part using these methodologies. In this case, magnesium and copper were observed on process monitor test wafers at a concentration of greater than 1x1010 atoms/cm2. The likely source of this contamination was traced to ceramic “lift pins” which are commonly used in process tools to raise the wafer up off of a wafer chuck for transfer to the next process operation. The lift pins were removed from the tool and analyzed for surface metal contamination using the dilute acidic extraction/ICP-MS method. Analysis results for pre-cleaned (contaminated pin as received), post-cleaned (pin cleaned and analyzed), and new pin (packaged new pin) are shown in Table 2. High levels of Mg and Cu are observed on the pre-cleaned pin. Magnesium is observed on all the pins at about the same concentration level of 1.5x1015 atoms/cm2 and is most likely a binder additive that is added to the bulk ceramic Specific components present in organic residues on part surfaces can be identified by direct outgassing of the organic residues in a TD GC-MS analysis instrument providing the parts fit within the analysis chamber. A large stainless steel collection chamber has been built for analysis of organic residues on larger parts. In this case the parts are heated at 200 oC for 30 mins while the chamber is purged with helium (He) gas. The volatile organic residues desorbed from the part surface into the He gas are then trapped by passage of the gas through an organic absorbent called Tenax in a glass tube. The Tenax tube is subsequently analyzed for organics by TD GC-MS instrument. As heating in the analysis chamber occurs the trapped organic impurities are released and analyzed. The results obtained for two large stainless steel process tool component parts were analyzed by this method the results are presented in Figure 3. Stainless 291 during manufacturing. Copper showed a dramatic decrease from 6.6x1014 atoms/cm2 to a detection limit level of 2x1011 atoms/cm2 after cleaning. It was found that Cu is present on unused or “new” pins at the significant level of 2.1x1013 atoms/cm2. This contamination is present on the pins in the as-received condition from the manufacturer. The next step in identifying the root cause of the contamination being introduced on wafer surfaces was the finding that “new pins” were being installed during process tool preventative maintenance procedures without further cleaning. Particulate contamination measurement results performed in this manner for polysilicon tool component parts are presented in Fig. 4. 5. In this case, two parts from different manufacturers with different cleaning process were examined. Particles were extracted from the surface of the parts by full immersion in an ultrapure water bath while being exposed to ultrasonic energy agitation. Measurements were made by a laser particle counter as a function of immersion time. Particle density calculations were normalized using the calculated surface area of the part. SURFACECONCENTRATION( x 1010 atoms/cm2) Element Aluminum Calcium Chromium Copper Iron Magnesium Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Sodium Titanium Zinc DL (Al) (Ca) Cr) Cu) (Fe) (Mg) (Mn) (Mo) (Ni) (K) (Na) (Ti) (Zn) 100 100 50 20 50 100 10 3 20 100 100 50 30 Pre-Clean 4,000,000 310,000 65,000 66,000 3,900,000 110,000 31,000 20,000 2,300,000 84,000 210,000 7,400 100,000 Post-Clean 310,000 110,000 <50 20 9,800 130,000 750 12 120 4,800 40,000 2,600 1,200 SURFACE CONCENTRATION ( 1010 atoms/cm2) New Element 350,000 91,000 <50 2,100 2,900 180,000 280 <3 100 10,000 110,000 740 110,000 Barium Boron Calcium Cobalt Copper Iron Lithium Magnesium Manganese Nickel Potassium Sodium Strontium Tin Titanium Tungsten Zinc Zirconium TABLE 2. Trace metal analysis of ceramic lift pin surfaces, pre- and post-clean, and “new.” Ceramic A (Ba) (B ) (Ca) (Co) (Cu) (Fe) (Li) (Mg) (Mn) (Ni) (K ) (Na) (Sr) (Sn) (Ti) (W) (Zn) (Zr) Ceramic B 3,000 120,000 1,100,000 86 610 16,000 3,300 77,000 310 1,700 180,000 530,000 880 280 1,200,000 610 2,000 770 910 1,700 91,000 12 2,100 2,900 120 180,000 280 100 10,000 110,000 280 14 740 <5 110,000 6,000 Ceramic C 2.2 630 660 2.4 17 380 <3 340 7.5 3.4 44 350 1.7 1.1 110 <0.5 140 40 TABLE 3. Dilute acidic extraction ICP/MS analysis results from the surface of ceramic from three different manufacturers identified above as Ceramic A, B and C. COMPONENT PART MATERIAL SELECTION AND CONTAMINATION 10000 Normalized Particle 2 Counts per cm In efforts to identify root cause contamination sources in the above study, ceramic pins from three different manufacturers were analyzed using the dilute acidic extraction/ICP-MS method. The results are presented in Table 3. Pins from the three different manufacturers are identified as Ceramics A, B and C. Calcium, Na, K and Mg are common impurities found in ceramic as they are found in the binders commonly used in the manufacturing of ceramics. Ceramic from manufacturers A and B contain these metals plus other impurities such as B, Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni and Zr. Ceramic C pins have very low metal contamination as they are manufactured from a ceramic that is not made with the traditional binder. Particles on chamber parts can also be measured by liquid extraction techniques aided by ultrasonic agitation. Ultrasonic energy causes cavitation at the liquid-solid interface promoting the loosening of surface particles. 1000 100 10 1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 Extraction Time (min) FIGURE Figure 5.4. Baselining of polysilicon parts for 0.2-micron particles The results show that particle counts decrease with increasing extraction times, until a baseline is reached. 292 Part cleaning methods were evaluated by direct measurement of surface particle count density and correlation to subsequent wafer level particle counts when the component part was installed and used in the process tool under normal process conditions. Polysilicon component tool parts with particle counts of less than 20 /cm2 presented no particle problems to the wafer during chamber start-up. In contrast, parts exhibiting >100 particle counts/cm2 showed high particle counts on the wafer during start-up required chamber conditioning to reduce particle counts to acceptable levels. These measurement methods were subsequently used to evaluate the effectiveness of cleaning procedures on particulate contamination levels. The results of these studies demonstrated that it was possible to minimize tool qualification and process startup time by the optimization of cleaning procedures through the use of these measurement methodologies. 2. 3. 4. CONCLUSIONS New nondestructive methods for the measurement of process tool component parts have been successfully developed and applied. These test methods are applicable for parts made from a variety of materials including quartz, polysilicon, metals (Al, anodized Al and stainless steel) and ceramics. These methods sample the contamination present on or in the surface of the component part, the area of the component most likely to contribute to process contamination. It has been shown that these methods can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of cleaning procedures and to verify whether a tool component part is sufficiently clean for installation and subsequent routine use in the manufacturing line. These procedures provide a reliable “qualification method” for tool component certification and provide a routine quality control method for reliable operation of cleaning facilities. Use of these methods in an analytical problem-solving mode enables the linkage of wafer level contamination to specific process tool component sources. Cost advantages that occur as a result of the application of these methods in the semiconductor and other industries include higher yields due to improved process cleanliness and elimination of yield loss and downtime resulting from the installation of “bad” components in process tools. REFERENCES 1. David Jensen, ”National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors”, Contamination-Free Manufacturing for Semiconductors and Other Precision Products, edited by 293 Robert R. Donovan, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, pp.725. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors, Semiconductor Industry Association, pp. 155-157, (2000). 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