Effects of Lightpipe Proximity on Si Wafer Temperature in Rapid Thermal Processing Tools K. G. Kreider, D. H. Chen, D. P. DeWitt, W. A. Kimes, and B. K. Tsai National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 20899-8363 Abstract. Lightpipe radiation thermometers (LPRTs) are used as temperature monitoring sensors in most rapid thermal processing (RTP) tools for semiconductor fabrication. These tools are used for dopant anneal, gate oxide formation, and other high temperature processing. In order to assure uniform wafer temperatures during processing these RTP tools generally have highly reflecting chamber walls to promote a uniform heat flux on the wafer. Therefore, only minimal disturbances in the chamber reflectivity are permitted for the sensors, and the small 2 mm diameter sapphire lightpipe is generally the temperature sensor of choice. This study was undertaken to measure and model the effect of LPRT proximity on the wafer temperature. Our experiments were performed in the NIST RTP test bed using a NIST thin-film thermocouple (TFTC) calibration wafer. We measured the spectral radiance temperature with the center lightpipe and compared these with the TFTC junctions and with the three LPRTs at the mid-radius of the wafer. We measured LPRT outputs from a position flush with the reflecting plate to within 2 mm of the s tationary w afer under steady-state conditions with wafer-to-cold plate separation distances of 6 mm, 10 mm and 12.5 mm. Depressions in the wafer temperature up to 25 °C were observed. A finite-element radiation model of the wafer-chamber-lightpipe was developed to predict the temperature depression as a function of proximity distance and separation distance. The experimental results were compared with those from a model that accounts for lightpipe geometry and radiative properties, wafer emissivity and chamber cold plate reflectivity. INTRODUCTION Accurate temperature measurements are critical in rapid thermal processing (RTP) of silicon wafers for thermal oxidation and dopant anneals. Many RTP tools use lightpipe radiation thermometers (LPRTs) to measure the wafer temperatures during processing. These LPRTs can yield accurate temperature measurements when they are properly calibrated and used with a suitable model to correct for surface emissivity and chamber irradiation effects. The LPRTs are used primarily because they cause less disturbance to the wafer temperatures than contact thermometers or lens-type radiometers, which generally require larger viewing apertures. Wafer temperature measurements are frequently performed in a highly reflecting chamber to obtain a near-unity effective emissivity of the wafer. The s apphire 1 ightpipe t ip h as a low reflectivity (high absorptivity) and enhances radiation heat transfer from the target region. This low reflectivity caused a depression in the wafer temperature that was dependent upon the proximity of the tip to the wafer, and the extent to which the lightpipe is heated within the enclosure. We at NIST have been studying commercial LPRTs and their calibration and temperature measurement uncertainty in RTP tools. We have developed highly accurate blackbody calibration techniques for the LPRTs (1), characterized and measured the temperature sensitivity of the LPRTs (2), developed technology for in situ calibration of the LPRTs in the RTP tools (3, 4, 5, 6), and measured the effects of wafer emissivity on the LPRT measurements in the RTP tool (7). We have also developed models for the relationship between the radiance temperature measured by the LPRT and the wafer temperature to enable their use in obtaining wafer temperature measurements with uncertainties of less than 2 °C (k = 1) under industrial conditions in RTP tools (8). We report here on a study of the effect of light pipe proximity to the w afer on the temperature d istribution of the wafer. In the NIST RTP test bed (Fig. 1), the lower chamber surrounding the 200 mm wafer is cold and highly reflective which leads to a very high wafer effective emissivity (0.96) for the LPRT measurements. This is similar to the commercial chambers. We have reported previously on LPRT measurements in the NIST test bed with the light pipe tip flush with the water-cooled reflecting shield and 1 0 mm to 1 2.5 mm from the wafer. However, some commercial practices employ much smaller light pipe tip-to-wafer or proximity distances. At these smaller proximity CP683, Characterization and Metrology for VLSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 200 distances the view factor between the wafer target and its surroundings changes, and the lightpipe operates at a higher temperature. The higher temperatures are permitted by the extremely refractory nature and excellent transmission properties of the sapphire. Unfortunately the lightpipe and its sheath, also sapphire, constitute a low reflectivity (0.10) zone of the chamber, which increases the net radiant heat flux from the wafer target area. This enhanced flux leads to a temperature depression on the wafer relative to the adjacent region. Our investigation was intended to quantify those effects for the NIST test bed and provide an understanding and a model to enable this LPRT proximity effect to be estimated in commercial RTF temperature measurement applications. EXPERIMENTAL The NIST RTF test bed (Fig. 1) has been used to simulate RTF tool temperature measurements and for LPRT in situ calibration using thermocouple wafers. Quartz plate Shading Wafer Cold plate Reflective shield Support spider Guard ring Guard tube N2 inlet, 3x the wafer temperature caused by the proximity of the center lightpipe to the wafer (p). The mid-radius lightpipes were used to monitor the wafer temperature at various power levels for comparison with the center lightpipe. Their position was always flush with the reflecting shield. We used distances (s) of 12.5 mm, 10mm and 6 mm between the wafer and reflecting shield to assess the effect of the shield's proximity to the wafer on the temperature measurements. The light pipe with its 4.2 mm sheath was advanced from its flush position to a proximity of 2 mm from the wafer. The key measurement was the relative depression of the center LPRT measurement compared to its reading in the position flush with the reflecting shield. This lightpipe reading changed as the light pipe and its sheath were advanced from the flush position toward the wafer. Each of the center light pipe measurements were referenced relative to the mid-radius LPRTs in order to correct for slight temperature differences results from run to run. We used two NIST thermocouple wafers for independent temperature measurements and calibration of the LPRTs. One of these wafers with Rh and Pt thin films (Fig. 2) had two junctions each at 5 mm and 15 mm from the center and four junctions at the midradius (50 mm). The second had Ir and Pt thin-film thermocouples. These wafers had Pt/Pd wire thermocouples welded to the thin film differential thermocouples. Cooling line Path of TC leads N2 exhaust T Thermal control LP assembly coatings FIGURE 1. NIST RTF test bed wafer chamber. A bank of 24 two kW quartz infrared halogen lamps with a cold, highly reflective chamber (not shown in the figure) is used to heat the wafer, and up to four 2 mm commercial lightpipes measure the bottom side of the wafer. We used a shading wafer, 150 mm in diameter, to reduce the thermal gradients in this static system. This wafer was 18.5 mm to 25 mm above the test wafer and below the fused quartz plate which separates the lamp chamber from the test wafer chamber. The test wafer was supported by alumina pins 6 mm, 10 mm, and 12.5 mm above the reflective shield (95.5 % reflectivity). A Pt-coated guard ring (300 mm in diameter) and a Pt-coated guard tube completed the reflecting cavity. All tests were run in a purged atmosphere of N2 with up to 0.1 mL/L O2. The center light pipe was adjusted in height from a flush position (as in the figure) to within 2 mm of the wafer. We compared the center lightpipe reading to the midradius light pipe readings to determine the depression of 201 FIGURE 2. NIST calibration wafer, after 51 thermal cycles, with 8 thin-film thermocouples (angled junctions) and 12 pads for 16 Pt/Pd wire welds. This technique of in situ calibration using the NIST thin-film thermocouple wafer has been described previously (3, 8). The Pt/Pd wire thermocouples and the Rh/Pt thin-film thermocouples are calibrated separately (6, 8) to establish a 1.4 °C (k=\) wafer temperature measurement uncertainty on the International Temperature Scale (ITS-90). lightpipe (Ip) and no-lightpipe (nip) conditions. As expected the depression is greatest at the wafer center location (r = 0) and decreases with increased radial distance. The maximum depression and the radial extent of the depression increases with wafer temperature. As will be demonstrated subsequently, the comparison with the experiment data is based upon the center temperature depression for a proximity distance p relative to the flush condition (s —p). To compare the model predictions with the corresponding experimental observations, two key features of the enclosure system must be considered. Referring to Fig. 3, recognize that the LPRT target area (field-of-view) changes with the proximity distance and that the radial temperature distribution may change significantly over the target area. Further, the LPRT does not have uniform responsivity across the target area. To account for the areal sensitivity effect, the temperature measurement equation is used to e stimate the average target temperature considering the temperature distribution and the LPRT responsivity. The correction to the center temperature depression for this effect amounts to less than 2 °C. The enclosure model is also used to estimate the effective emissivity of the wafer target as a function of the proximity distance. This property is used with the temperature measurement equation to calculate the target temperature from the experimental spectral radiance temperatures observed by the LPRTs. By so doing, it is then possible to directly compare model and experimental observations for the temperature depression. With the model, the effective emissivity is determined from the ratio of the heat flux from the wafer with emissivity 8^ to that when 6*w = 1. For the extreme case when p = 2 mm and s = 6 mm, the effective emissivity is 0.91, compared to a value of 0.96 for the flush case. MODELING AND COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENTAL DATA A model representing the wafer-shield-chamber arrangement of the Test Bed (Fig. 1) is shown schematically in Fig. 3. Uniformheat p = 2 mm l Light pipe, p/p=0.10 s= 6 mm r_ S I .j. Constant temperature boundary condition ' Shield, ps = 0.95 Constant temperature boundary condition FIGURE 3. Schematic of wafer-shield-chamber arrangement. The infinite, parallel planes model is comprised of the wafer with emissivity £w subjected to a constant heat flux and the cold, highly reflective shield of reflectivity yC^with the separation distance s. The light pipe of diameter d with a reflectance p extends into the enclosure the proximity distance p. The lower end of the light pipe extending below the cold shield a distance L is maintained at the same temperature as the cold shield. The model considering radiation exchange between surfaces in the enclosure is solved using a finite-element code. All surfaces are assumed opaque, diffuse, and gray. The purpose of the model, which is solved using a finite-element code, is to estimate the change in wafer axisymmetrical temperature distribution, T(r\ as a function of the proximity and separation distances. RESULTS -30 20 40 60 100 Radius, /tmm) FIGURE 4. Modeled temperature distribution. The temperature distributions shown in Fig. 4 represent the depression in temperature caused by the light pipe; that is, the temperature difference between the with- 202 We measured the radiance temperature of the four LPRTs and the voltages of the thermocouples on two 200 mm wafers between 640 °C and 860 °C in the NIST RTP test bed for a total of 68 thermal cycles. The effect of the light pipe proximity on the radiance temperature measurement of the center lightpipe was plotted for each wafer at four reflecting shield distances (s). We plotted the radiance temperature depression of the center lightpipe as a function of temperature for each wafer for each lightpipe distance (p). All such curves indicated a near linear increase in center lightpipe radiance thermal depression as a function of temperature. The proximity measurements (p) were estimated to have an uncertainty of 0.3 mm (k — 1). This leads to an uncertainty in the measured temperature depression of 3 °C (k = 1), for s = 6 mm with;? = 2 mm, to 0.5 °C (k = 1), for s = 12.5 mm with p = 8 mm. Other causes of uncertainty in these measurements include calibration of the lightpipes and uncertainty in the average change in radiance temperature between runs, as determined by the midradius lighpipes. These "other" causes of uncertainty produced an uncertainty of 0.6 °C (k = 1). The results of the measurements with s = 12.5 mm are presented in Fig. 5. At s = 12.5 mm the smallest p we could achieve was 4.5 mm which reduced the center lightpipe reading 13 °C at 850 °C. lightpipe was 18 ° C to 21 °C for;? = 3 mm at 825 °C. The model prediction for those conditions is similar. Many commercial tools use a 2 mm proximity and such conditions are illustrated in Fig. 7 where s = 6 mm. 600 700 800 900 Mid-radius Radiance Temperature / °C FIGURE 7. The change in the central radiance temperature due to the proximity of the center lightpipe to the wafer (p 2 mm to 5 mm), for a wafer-reflecting plate distance (s) of 6 mm, versus the average mid-radius radiance temperature. The values for the model at/? = 4 mm are given by a solid line and dashed line forp = 2 mm. + 10.5mm ^ 8.5mm A6.5mm X4.5mm -20 600 700 800 Mid-radius Radiance Temperature / °C 900 FIGURE 5. The change in the central radiance temperature due to the proximity of the center lightpipe to the wafer (p = 4.5 mm to 10.5 mm), for a wafer-reflecting plate distance (s) of 12.5 mm, versus the average mid-radius radiance temperature. The values for the model at p = 10 mm are given by a solid line and dashed line for/? = 5 mm. Although we have more scatter in the results because of our high uncertainty in measuring p, both the results and the model indicate the depression of the LPRT reading of greater than 20 °C at 825 °C and larger values at higher temperatures. Our 200 mm wafers also had thin film and wire thermocouples (Fig. 2) in order to calibrate the LPRTs. The results of those calibrations are presented in Fig. 8. —il———————— 20 11 0 V 11 5 " % f% H ^ B ., J' + - ;* * * + £ 10 H + 12.5mm «10i 5 600 700 800 900 n - Mid-radius Radiance Temperature / °C 600 800 700 900 / °C FIGURE 6. The change in the central radiance temperature due to the proximity of the center lightpipe to the wafer (p = 3 mm to 6 mm), for a wafer-reflecting plate distance (s) of 10 mm, versus the average mid-radius radiance temperature. The values for the model atp = 6 mm are given by a solid line and dashed line forp = 3 mm. FIGURE 8. The difference between the temperature of a thin-film thermocouple junction 5 mm from the wafer's center (TTF) and the center radiance temperature (TLP), when the LP is flush with the reflecting plate, versus the center radiance temperature. We have included the model predictions according to the previous section with p values of 5 mm and 10 mm. Similar values are given in Fig. 6 for s = 10 mm. Here the depression of the radiance temperature of the center The thermocouple wafer was calibrated using previously discussed methods (6, 8) and its uncertainty was estimated to be less than 2 °C (k = 1). These results indicate that the LPRTs mounted flush with the 203 reflecting plate were reading 15 °C to 18 °C low at 800 °C due to the effective emissivity of the chamber REFERENCES CONCLUSIONS 1. The 2 mm sapphire lightgpipe surrounded by its 4.2 mm sapphire sheath can cause a significant depression of the wafer temperature in its target area. We measured thermal depressions of 25 °C when the proximity of the lightpipe was 2 mm from the wafer under static conditions. The 25 °C depression was measured at 825 °C and is a function of temperature. This temperature relationship indicates a depression of over 30 °C at temperatures near 1000 °C. These results indicate the severity of this effect. They suggest that, even in rotating systems, some allowance must be made for the cooling effect of the lightpipe on the wafer at the location of the measurement. We have presented a model of the lightpipe proximity effect that approximated our experimental data for the most severe cases. This model represents the lightpipe using opaque, diffuse, and gray surfaces. Further refinement of the model, including semi-transparent surfaces, would be expected to more closely represent the experimental conditions. The radiance temperature measurements were calibrated to the absolute temperature scale (ITS-90) using the NIST thin-film thermocouple wafer. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors would like to acknowledge support from the Office of Microelectronic Programs, NIST. 204 Tsai, B. K., Meyer, C. W., and Lovas, F. 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P., "Calibration of Thin-film Thermocouples on Silicon Wafers", in Proc. of TEMPMEKO 99 the 7th Int'l Symp. on Temperature and Thermal Measurements in Industry and Science, June 1999, IMEKO, Delft, NL. pp. 286291. Kreider, K. G, Chen, D. C, DeWitt, D. P, Kimes, W. A, Meyer, C. W, and Tsai, B. K, in Rapid Thermal Processing Technologies III, P. J. Timans, et al. ed. ECS Proceedings Vol. 2002-11, Sept. 2002, pp 273-281. Kreider, K. G, Kimes, W. A, Meyer, C. W, Ripple, D. C, Tsai, B. K, Chen, D. C, DeWitt, D. P, In Proceedings of 8th Symp. on Measurement and Control in Science and Industry, D. Ripple et al. Ed., AIP, N.Y, in press.
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