Optical properties of silicon oxynitride thin films determined by vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopic ellipsometry Hyun long Kirn,1 Yong Jai Cho?2 Hyun Mo Cho52* Sang Youl Kirn,1 Changsun Moon,3 Gyungsu Cho,3 and Youngmin Kwon3 2 Department of Molecular Science and Technology, Ajou University, Suwon, Kyunggi-do 442-749, South Korea Division of Optical Metrology, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, Daejeon 305-600, South Korea 3 Anam Semiconductor, Inc. Buchon, Kyunggi-do 420-130, South Korea Abstract We determined the optical constants of silicon oxynitride (SiOxNy) thin films using a vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopic ellipsometer. The SiOxNy layers with a nominal thickness of 25 nm - 35 nm were grown on silicon substrates by using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), The precursor gases were nitrous oxide (N2O) and silane (SiH4). The ratio r of N2O flow rate to SiH one in the deposition process was controlled from 1,16 to 3,05. The ellipsometric measurements were performed at the angle of incidence 75° for the spectral range from 0.75 eV to 8,75 eV, The complex refractive indices, optical band gaps, and thicknesses of the SiOxNy layers were determined by using Tauc-Lorentz dispersion model. phase difference of ARC layer. Silicon oxynitride (SiOxNy) is one of promising inorganic antireflective candidates since it has a low deposition temperature. SiOxNy films have been utilized in the production of electronics and opto-electronic devices since they have many advantages like high dielectric constant, low leakage current, high breakdown voltage, low dielectric/semiconductor interface state density, low impurity diffusion, high radiation hardness, and good mechanical, thermal and chemical stability. INTRODUCTION The development of ultra large scale integrated (ULSI) semiconductor device has led the processing technology to a smaller linewidth than 0.1 um. It is impossible to use the previous process technology of the semiconductor device. It has demanded the shorter wavelength of lithography light for reducing transistor dimension. Because it happens an undesirable reflection on the substrate, an antireflection coating (ARC) layer is considered for a solution to overcome these problems. ARC layer is expected to reduce the standing wave effect of the laser beam that causes the interference of reflected light, as well as to decrease the reflection from topography of fabricated circuit. So far, several workers have studied SiOxNy thin films to use for ARC layer in photolithography process. Most of their studies were performed on samples of SiOxNy thin films grown by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). In the deposition process, the precursor gases were nitrous oxide (N2O) and silane (SiH4). These films were thicker than 100 nm. They reported the results on the optical, structural, mechanical, physical and chemical characteristics by using various methods for the controlled flow rate of N2O and SiH4 gases.[1"8] Especially, the refractive indices were determined by ellipsometry at laser The ARC layer is deposited on Si substrate to avoid the reflection of light on the interface surface between photoresist and Si substrate. An ideal ARC layer have the same amplitude and the phase difference of 180° between the reflected light on the substrate/ARC layer interface and that of the ARC layer/photoresist interface. The refractive index and the thickness of ARC layer is important for the amplitude and the * Correspond author: hmcho@kriss,re.kr CP683, Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 171 wavelength/1"51 visible range16"71 and deep ultraviolet range(- 6.5 eV),[8] The Eqs. (2) and (3) are uniquely defined by the following fitting parameters: A is proportional to the transition probability matrix element, C the broadening term, EQ the peak transition energy, Eg the optical band gap, and S^ an integration constant, In this work, we prepared a set of SiOxNy films deposited by PECVD with different ratios of N2O flow rate to that of SiH4 . The ratio r of N2O flow rate to SiH4 one was controlled from 1.16 to 3,05. Their nominal thicknesses are 25 nm - 35 nm. The refractive indices and thicknesses of the SiOxNy films have been determined by using a vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopic ellipsometer (VUV SE) for the spectral range from 0.75 eV to 8,75 eV (142 nm - 1653 nm). The variations of the complex refractive indices and optical band gaps of the SiOxNy films were demonstrated by changing the gas flow ratio. TABLE 1. Deposition conditions for silicon oxynitride thin films examined in this study. m ID A-l A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 THEORY Dep. Time (sec) 7.2 9,6 9.6 9.6 9.6 9.6 7.2 SiH4 (seem) 41 46 49 52 55 58 75 N20 (seem) 125 112 112 112 112 112 87 Ratio r (N2O/ SiH4) 3.05 2.43 2,29 2.15 2.04 1.93 1.16 EXPERIMENTS The theory of ellipsometric analysis is based on the Fresnel reflection equations for polarized light that comes from Maxwell equations. The ellipsometry is expressed with terms of the ellipsometric parameters, Psi OP) and Delta (A):[9] The SiOxNy thin films were deposited on p-type, (100) surface, 200 mm diameter, and crystalline silicon substrate using the PECVD method. All SiOxNy films were grown at the temperature of 350 °C and the RF power of 120 W. The base pressure of the chamber was kept at 5.5 Torr during film growth. The flow rate of He gas was 2000 seem. The ratio r of N2O flow rate to SiH4 one was adjusted from 1.16 to 3.05. The detailed deposition conditions are shown in Table 1. (1) The ellipsometric measurements of SiOxNy thin films were performed by using a vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopic ellipsometer (VUV SE: J.A.Woollam Co.), which adopts the nitrogen purging system to avoid the absorption by oxygen and moisture. The angle of incidence was 75° and the spectral range of photon energy was 0,75 eV ~ 8.75 eV with a step of 0.05 eV, where rp and rs are the complex Fresnel reflection coefficients of the light whose electric fields are parallel and perpendicular to the plane of incidence, respectively. We adopt the Tauc-Lorentz (TL) dispersion function*lo] to characterize the complex dielectric functions (G = B\ + m2) of the SiOxNy films. The TL model is defined by the imaginary part s2 of the complex dielectric function; RESULTS 2 2 2 2 2 (E -~E } +C E E ' We have used a simple three-phase optical model (air/SiOxNy film/c-Si) to analyze the measured VUV SE data. The regression analysis was carried out using the TL dispersion model to determine the optical constant of SiOxNy film. The best-fitted parameters of the TL model are compiled in Table 2. Fig. 1 shows the spectra of the refractive indices and extinction coefficients of SiOxNy films. It is clear that a crossover region of the refractive index exists at ~ 6.3 eV, As the ratio r increases, the refractive index decreases for lower photon energies than ~ 6,3 eV, but it (2) = 0, (E<E\ The real part 8] of the dielectric function is obtained by the Kramers-Kronig dispersion relation: (3) 172 TABLE 2. The best fitted parameters of silicon oxynitride thin films determined by using the Tauc-Lorentz dispersion model. A, C, E0, and Eg have units of eV, S^ is dimensionless. The fitting residual 0 is the goodness-offit parameter. Thickness ID A C a Eo Eg ^oo (nm) A-l 0.77 53.1 10.5 11,9 2.81 0.0083 26,58 33.92 11.1 0.0071 0.58 84.3 18.9 2.69 A-2 0.0060 A-3 33.90 94.5 20.8 10.5 2,65 0.56 A-4 20,6 9.38 2.60 0.0055 33,70 0.70 92.6 8.41 0.0052 33.59 0.82 92.2 20.6 A-5 2.58 0.0052 34,60 20.6 7.81 2.57 A-6 0.87 93,8 128.4 10 0.0090 24.03 1.18 4.66 2,37 A-7 2.6 1.2 2.4 1.0 2.2 0.8 2.0 0.6 1.8 0.4 1.6 0.2 1.4 0.0 2 4 6 10 8 2 4 6 10 Photon Energy (eV) Photon Energy (eV) FIGURE 1. The refractive indices (a) and extinction coefficients (b) of silicon oxynitride films determined by the Tauc-Lorentz model. 2.4 Boseetal. Alay o et al. Uenoetal. Present Work 2.0 1.4 X=633 nm 0 1 2 3 4 5 8 7 3 Ratio of Gas Flow rate (N2O/SiH4) FIGURE 2. The refractive indices of the silicon oxynitride films at 633 nm. 173 I o o- i. o* S11 If g l g c S s 3 ^ ^ O 3* 3 3 t£> P (TQ <1 t—t <r+ a. Q Jf2" 3 CD ca ll I-K- X x T3 3 ft PT 11 ffi i. 5- B- » ofSi|ti " <" o 3 5- g. a gJ a> -a o t-K gji £•„ a* «> ot g « CD sT SL £r fl> o CD o 2 ££ 2 :s a- o a 11 § i i a H<g 8 3 S 3- g "3 S- «> • 4^ O* 00 P ° 3 ^« X fi3 ft5 r* p fO P r 3 ^|£ i G? . 21" i I. CD 3 O O- p ja ^ CO g-s I? I a, f e. a 3 I £<cr * ro I s,1 S o 03 in I? 1 S | o I o o o o -A -* Extinction Coefficient, k o REFERENCE this work are different from the result of Gaillard et at. They are explained the abnormal decreasing of the extinction coefficients from FTIR and AES results, as r approach near zero, no pure silicon is deposited: the layer is a mixture of nitrogen and silicon. It is because nitrogen is used as a carrier gas, and the rf power used in the reactor is sufficient to decompose a small amount of nitrogen. In Fig, 4, appears the complex refractive index variation of SiOxNy films for the representative laser wavelengths such as 633 nm, 248 nm, 193 nm, and 157 nm. The refractive index variation shows different slopes for each wavelength with r increase. At shorter wavelength (157 nm) it is positive and at longer wavelength (248 nm and 633 nm) it is negative. At 193 nm, it changes its sign from negative to positive. It is related with the intersectional region shown in Fig. 1, From the parameters in Table 2, we draw the relation between the optical band gap and the ratio of gas flow rate r as shown in Fig. 5. The optical band gap increases quite linearly when r increases. From these results, we can determine the optimal condition of ARC layer at shorter wavelength for the same amplitude and the phase difference of 180°. For example, if the refractive index of ARC layer is 1.9 at ArF lithography process (193 nm), the thickness of ARC layer is near 25 nm. 1. K. Ueno, T. Kikkawa and K, Tokashiki, J, Vac. Sci. Thechnoi B 13,1447 (1995), 2. E. A. Joseph, C. Gross. H. -Y, Liu, R. T. Laaksonen and F. G. Celii, J. Vac. Sci. Thechnoi. 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The flow rate ratio (r=N2O/SiH4) was varied for SiOxNy film depositions and films with different optical constants were obtained. The optical constants of SiOxNy films were determined from the measured ellipsometric data by using the Tauc-Lorentz dispersion function. The change of r in the deposition processes caused significant changes in the optical properties of SiOxNy films and provided it a promising role as ARC layers in semiconductor devices. Using vacuum ultraviolet spectroscopic ellipsometer, the unknown optical constants of material can determine at vacuum ultraviolet range. 175
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