A New Characterization Technique for Depth-Dependent Dielectric Properties of High-k Films by Open-Circuit Potential Measurement Koji Kita, Masashi Sasagawa, Kentaro Kyuno and Akira Toriumi Department of Materials Science, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan Abstract. A new method for characterizing dielectric properties of high-k films was investigated with an open-circuit potential (OCP) measurement during etching of a film in a solution. The linear dependence of OCP on etching time was clearly observed. The areal density of the adsorbed ion charges on the film surface was estimated from the slope in the time dependence of OCP, and it was shown to be closely related to the electronegativity difference between the atoms on the film surface and etchant atoms in the solution. This finding implies that the time-dependent OCP measurement is useful for evaluating the ionic characteristic of dielectric materials. The application of this technique to a depth-profiling analysis of a multilayer dielectric film was also investigated. The transition of the etching surface from one layer to another one was clearly observed, which suggests that the depth-dependent dielectric properties of high-k films can be characterized with this method. THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE MEASUREMENT INTRODUCTION Various materials with high dielectric constants (high-k) have been studied as the possible candidates for the next generation gate dielectric film1*. When the high-k films are deposited on Si substrates, they are often accompanied with a low-k transition layer at the interface with Si, which causes a depth-dependent dielectric properties. The development of a new characterization method, which is suitable to understand the depth profiles of dielectric properties of these films, is required. In this study, we investigate a new method with an open-circuit potential (OCP) measurement during chemical etching of a film. The OCP analysis has been already applied both for the interface of the chemical oxide 2"3) and for a few nanometer-thick A12O3 and ZrO2 on Si 4), however, bulk properties of those films have never been investigated with the OCP measurement. When a dielectric film surface grown on Si is in contact with an HF solution, ions (mainly negative ions for the present case) are adsorbed on the film surface and induce charges with an opposite sign at the interface between Si and the dielectric film as shown in Fig. 1. As a result, a finite voltage is generated across the dielectric film, which is called the open-circuit potential (OCP). This voltage is given by, (1) where Qs, Tox and sox are the areal density of adsorbed ion charges on the film surface (absolute value), the thickness, and the dielectric constant of the film, respectively. 8V is the voltage induced nearby the film surface in the solution, consisting of CP683, Characterization and Metrology for VLSI Technology: 2003 International Conference, edited by D. G. Seiler, A. C. Diebold, T. J. Shaffner, R. McDonald, S. Zollner, R. P. Khosla, and E. M. Secula © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0152-7/03/$20.00 166 DC Voltmeter Reference electrode Teflon vessel / s jf -t / Sk. \ Die l(metric film \ Measurement HF Solution FIGURE 2. Schematic of measurement setup. The HF solution was stirred to keep the etching in a steady-state. FIGURE 1. The open-circuit potential (OCP) is the voltage generated between the Si and the solution, when a dielectric film on Si is in contact with HF solution. The negative ions adsorbed on the dielectric film induce positive charges at Si/dielectric film interface. Next, let us consider an application of this method for depth-profiling analysis. If the film consists of two layers (Layer 1 stacks on Layer 2), the OCP can be described as Eq.4, during etching of the Layer 1. the voltages across the Helmholtz layer and Guey layer2). We consider that Qs will be closely related to the ionic characteristic of the film. In this paper we verify this relationship experimentally and show the OCP measurement can provide a new approach for the characterization of dielectric properties of the film. In order to evaluate Qs, the time-dependent OCP measurement (t-OCP) during the etching of the film should be examined. If the etching rate is assumed to be a constant, Eq.l is modified as, (4) Note that QS! is determined by Layer 1 irrespective of the existence of Layer 2. Then the same analysis with t-OCP, discussed above for the case of a mono-layer film, can be applied for a multilayer film. Thus characterization of depth-dependent dielectric properties can be expected. In this study, first we apply this method to various single-layer films to examine and discuss the validity of our analysis. After that we demonstrate the applicability of this method for a depth-dependent analysis of multilayer films. (2) where p is the etching rate, T0 is the initial oxide thickness. If the etching proceeds in a steady-state, Qs/sox can be evaluated from the relationship between V and t, because the unknown term 8V can be assumed to be a constant during etching. In the case of a steady-state etching of a uniform film without depth-dependent dielectric properties, Qs and sox can be considered as constants and V decreases linearly with time. Then Eq.2 is further simplified by using p = dTox/dt as, dV EXPERIMENTAL First, the bulk properties of HfO2, Y2O3 and SiO2 were examined by the OCP measurement. 32 nm-thick HfO2 film was grown on HF-last n+-(100) Si by RF-sputtering and annealed at 400°C in N2 ambient. 22nm-thick Y2O3 was also grown by RF-sputtering, and 40nm-thick SiO2 was thermally grown on the same substrate. Fig.2 shows the schematic of the OCP measurement setup. The measurements were conducted in a diluted HF solution (0.5 wt%). The sample was set into a (3) Thus Qs can be determined from the slope of the linear relationship between V and Tox, if the dielectric constant of the film £oxis given. 167 Teflon vessel with a 5 mm-diameter window. The film surface was arranged to contact with the solution through the window. The solution was stirred during measurement, in order to keep the etching condition in a steady state. A bare Si was used as the reference electrode, which was confirmed to show a stable potential of -0.23V against an Ag/AgCl standard electrode. The voltage between the back contact of Si and the reference electrode was measured continuously by a digital voltmeter. Next, the application of t-OCP measurement for a depth-dependent profiling analysis was examined. As an example of multilayer films, an HfO2/SiO2 stack was examined. The sample was prepared by a deposition of HfO2 (32nm-thick) on thermally grown SiO2 (12nm-thick) followed by an annealing at 400°C in N2 ambient. that such assumption is generally considered to be valid for SiO2 etching in an HF solution, and was determined by the ratio of initial oxide thickness T0 ~ 1.2 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Time [s] FIGURE 3. t-OCP curve for a HfO2 film on Si in 0.5 wt% HF solution. A straight line is shown clearly in the middle stage of etching, before a sudden potential drop (the endpoint of etching). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Characterization of Bulk Properties with t-OCP Measurement The t-OCP for HfO2 film on Si during etching is shown in Fig.3. It consists of three stages. The OCP does not reach a steady-state in the early stage, however, it shows a straight line clearly in the middle stage. This linear dependence assures a steady-state etching. In the final stage, the OCP shows a sudden drop followed by a gradual recovery, similar to the OCP behavior reported for a chemical-oxidized surface dipped into an HF solution 2). The etching endpoint (tencj) can be detected from these drop and recovery of OCP. The t-OCPs for HfO2, Y2O3, and SiO2 are shown in Fig.4. The time-axis is converted to the decrease in film thickness with etching (pxt), considering the etching rate (p) difference for each film, p was assumed to be a constant from the beginning to the end of etching, referring to the fact 0 10 20 30 40 50 Change in Film Thickness ( T- TQX) [nm] FIGURE 4. t-OCP curves for HfO2, Y2O3, and SiO2 measured in 0.5 wt% HF solution. The time-axis is converted to the decrease in film thickness with etching, by considering the etching rate difference for each material. The slope in the middle stage corresponds to Qs/sox. Table 1. Comparison of the estimated values of areal density of adsorbed ion charges Qs. High-k films show higher Qs than SiO2. The errors of Qs come from the imperfection of the linear relationship in Fig.4. Sample Dielectric constant sox Pauling's electronegativity XM (kcal/30)T72~ ______(M = Hf, Y, and Si) Pauling's electronegativity difference AX=XF-XM (kcal/30)1'" Areal density of adsorbed ion charges Qs (C/cm2) Hf02 20 15 1.3 1.2 SiO2 2.7 1.1 2.8 7 1.2 (±0.16)X 1Q' 168 1.9 1.4 (±0.34) X IP' 7 4.7 (±1.2)X 1Q'8 to the total etching time tend. Then Qs/sox for each material can be determined from the slope in Fig. 4. The Qs values are listed in Table 1, estimated by employing typical reported values of dielectric constants, 4, 20, and 15 for SiO2, HfO2, and Y2O3, respectively. The estimation errors indicated in Table 1 come from the slight imperfection of the linear relationship between the OCP and the decrease in film thickness. They are considered to be caused by the experimental instability of the measurement is a new method to characterize the ionic characteristic of high-k films. The electronegativities of the constituent atoms are closely related to the polarizability of the film. Although the slight difference of molar volume for each material is not considered, Qs obtained by our method is considered to reflect the polarizability of the film surface. Thus this method is extendable to the depth-profiling analysis of the polarizability of high-k films, which often exhibit depth-dependent dielectric properties including the formation of low-k layers at the interface with Si. We discuss such application of t-OCP in the next section. In addition, this method of characterizing the polarizability will be powerful from the viewpoint of understanding the reliability of high-k gate dielectrics, because the polarizabiltiy critically affects the dielectric breakdown through the local electric field enhancement 5) . The t-OCP measurement was applied for a film consisting of two layers, HfO2/SiO2, in order to demonstrate an applicability of t-OCP measurement for depth-profiling analysis. As indicated in Fig.6, t-OCP shows two straight lines sequentially in the middle stage of etching. The estimated values of Qs \f""; ^4 -»4 1 00 §o ?o § c ! Depth-Profiling Analysis of Dielectric Properties with t-OCP Measurement Hfl ,' o D D N -». -*• Ol al Density of Adsorbed Ions Qs [C/c etching conditions or the depth-dependent properties of the films. In our measurement, the adsorbed ions on the surface are mainly considered to be HF2", because their adsorption process would be the first step of the etching, on the analogy of a well-known mechanism for SiO2 etching in a diluted HF solution. Thus Qs is considered to reflect the difference of Pauling's electronegativity between the surface metal atoms (Hf, Y, and Si) in each oxide (shown in Table 1) and fluorine (= 4.0). The relationship between the electronegativity difference (AA) and Qs is shown in Fig.5. The horizontal axis is taken as AA'2, taking account that their Coulomb energy is proportional to the square of the amount of charge. The linear relationship through the origin between Qs and AX2 is observed, which supports our consideration that Qs reflects the ionic characteristic of the film. Thus it is concluded that t-OCP f 00.1 Si02 A ... 0 2 4 6 8 (XF~XM)2 [kcal/30] 10 500 1000 1500 Etching Time [sec] 2000 2500 FIGURE 6. t-OCP curve for HfO2/SiO2 multilayer film (data for the middle stage of the etching). The horizontal axis shows the etching time. Two slopes were observed sequentially, corresponding to HfO2 and SiO2 etching respectively, as indicated in the figure. A voltage step between two slopes is considered to come from the sudden change of Qs at the interface of HfO2/SiO2. 2 FIGURE 5. Relationship between Qs and AY . AY is the Pauling's electronegativity difference between metal atom (Hf, Y, and Si) in the film and fluorine (=4.0). AX2 is related to their Coulomb energy. A linear relationship between Qs and AX2 was suggested (The dotted line is a guide for the eye). 169 from these two slopes, QHf02 and QSi02 are almost identical to the values obtained from the t-OCP of single layer films (Table 1). t-OCP shows a step at the moment of the transition from HfO2-etching to SiO2-etching, which is considered to occur by a sudden change of areal density of adsorbed ion charges from QHf02 to Qsw- The observed voltage step height is about 0.08 V, which is less than the expected value (0.20V) from AQs = QHJOI - Qsi02The decrease of the step height and the broadening of the step are considered to be caused by the existence of the physical roughness and compositional intermixing at the interface. 306-312(2001). 4 Okorn-Schmidt, H. R, Gusev, E. P., Carrier, E., Buchanan, D. A., Rath, D. L., Callegari, A., Guha, N. 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They were closely related to the electronegativity differences between the atoms of the film surface and the etchant atoms in the solution, which shows the t-OCP analysis can characterize the ionic characteristic on the surface of high-k films. From the t-OCP for HfO2/SiO2 stacked film, the transition from the first layer etching to the second layer one was clearly observed. These results show that this method can be used to examine the depth-dependent ionic characteristics of high-k films. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported in part by a Grant for 21 st Century COE program, "Human-Friendly Materials based on Chemistry" and a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan, and by NEDO/MIRAI project. REFERENCES 1 Wilk, G D., Wallace R. M. and Anthony J. M., J. AppL Phys. 89,5243-5275(2001). 2 Okorn-Schmidt, H. F., IBM J. Res. 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