EBCO TECHNOLOGIES TR CYCLOTRONS, DYNAMICS, EQUIPMENT, AND APPLICATIONS RR Johnsona,b, KL Erdmana, Wm. Gylesa, J. Burbeea, E. VanLierb, M. Kovacsa, F. Perronc a) Ebco Technolgies, Canada, b) Univ British Columbia, Canada, c) Univ.Sherbrooke, Canada Abstract The Ebco Technologies TR cyclotrons have a common parent in the 500 MeV negative ion cyclotron at TRIUMF in Vancouver. As such, the TR cyclotrons have features that can be adapted for specific application. The cyclotron design is modularized into ion source and injection system, central region and then extraction. The cyclotron ion source is configured for cyclotron beam currents ranging from 50 microAmps to 2 milliAmps. The injection line can be operated in either continuous (CW) or in pulsed mode. The center region of the cyclotron is configured to match the ion source configuration. The extracted beams are directed either to a local target station or to beam lines and thence to target stations. There has been development both in solid, liquid and gas targets. There has been development in radioisotope handling techniques, target material recovery and radiochemical synthesis. (RF) phase acceptance characteristics influence on beam quality is reported in section 4. A very bright beam produces an intense power density when stopped in a production target and these characteristics are described for TRPet cyclotron energies in section 5. Medical isotope production techniques use rare gases and work on the recovery of these gases is reported in section 6. 1. General TR Cyclotron Features The TR series of cyclotrons has been based on the design and experience from the TRIUMF 500 MeV accelerator based in Vancouver Canada. Ebco is indebted to TRIUMF for the transfer of the original designs and some of the original developers of this accelerator to Ebco. This technological transfer has resulted in a small cyclotron configuration that can be modified for particular applications. Key design elements that allow this flexibility are the external ion source and external targets. Figure 1 shows the conceptual outline of a TRPet cyclotron and indicates the steps that can be taken to tailor the accelerator for a particular application. Introduction The TR series of cyclotrons is based on two magnet platforms that are capable of accelerating protons to 19 or 30 MeV. This report presents the general features of the TR cyclotrons and indicates that it may be configured for specific applications in section 1. Section 2 details pulsed beam development for pulsed neutron generation. The insight from this development can be directed to other applications such as the TR30 injection line as described in section 3. The TR cyclotron operational characteristics influence the overall beam quality. In particular, the radio frequency CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 995 Figure 1. TRPet Cyclotron General configuration. Energy is selected by positioning the extractor. The targets are external and the beam ion source is external. The cyclotron can be used for different applications by changing these elements. generate neutron bursts for a neutron time of flight apparatus. The first configuration that was examined is shown in figure 2. The TR30 ion source was converted to deuteron operation and the injection system incorporated a pulser and additional optics to direct the beam into the cyclotron. 2. Application: Pulsed Neutron Source A reconfiguration of the ion source and injection system allows a pulsed beam to be accelerated in the cyclotron. Using a repetition rate of one pulse every 1 µsec, the resulting extracted proton beams are used to Figure 2 Pulsed Deuteron Ion Source and Injection system. The first solenoid focuses a dc deuteron beam onto defining slits. Pulsed deflector plates gate the beam to the remainder of the injection line and solenoid and quadrupole lenses. A buncher is included to increase the beam intensity and also to compensate for some space charge effects. For a 0.4 mA dc beam that is then pulsed to 13.6 ns, the buncher compresses the pulse to 9.3 ns. The compression is less for higher intensity pulses. Both ion source and injection line require further configuration to allow 996 full energy. For the most intense beam, it may be reasonable to accept as much beam as can be delivered from an ion source. However, using all of the available beam impacts beam quality. Figures 3 and 4 show cyclotron beam characteristics as a function of RF phase of the particle. Both radial and axial beam distributions show wings that correspond to the part of the beam that higher injection line currents and consequently higher intensity pulsed neutron fluxes. A similar buncher has been studied in the TR30 isotope production cyclotron injection system whose placement differs from earlier work1 and results in a current increase of up to a factor of 2. 3. Cyclotron Dynamics TR cyclotrons have a very broad acceptance of injected beam that will be accelerated to 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 12 40 60 80 100 120 Figure 3 Radial Amplitude (mm) of ion vs Rf phase of the ion. The full acceptance of the cyclotron allows large radial amplitudes. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Figure 4 Axial Amplitude (mm) of an ion vs RF phase of the ion. The full acceptance of the cyclotron allows large axial amplitudes is accelerated far from the central RF phase peak. The beam spot distributions will reflect these excursions. The phase acceptance of the TR cyclotrons can be manipulated by including defining collimators in the cyclotron central region. Likewise, an external ion source whose inherent phase space characteristics are much smaller than the broad acceptance of the cyclotron avoids populating the large phase ion trajectories and gives a high quality axial amplitude beam. This is the case for the TR cyclotrons whose ion sources have emittances in the 0.3 mm mR range as opposed to the full cyclotron acceptance of 0.7 mm mR. 4. Extracted Beam Characteristics density as presented in figure 6 for the TR19 cyclotron. It is possible to reduce the power density presented to the target window and to increase the cooling surface by tilting the target relative to the beam. However, as the beam travels through the target material it still presents a very high current density profile there. The TR cyclotrons extract the ion beams into external beam lines. In the case of the basic TRPet cyclotron, the beam line is short and utilizes the focusing properties of the outer region of the cyclotron to direct the beam along the beam line and onto the target. Figure 5 details these extraction trajectories. The beam quality is high and this corresponds to a very high current 997 T R P e t B e a m P r o file @ ta r g e t 1 6 0 beam current [uA/cm**2] 1 4 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 R a d ia l p o s itio n Figure 5 Extracted Beam trajectories. The target holder rotates on a bellows to align the target with the beam. 0 .8 1 (c m ) Figure 6 Beam current density at the target for TRPet. This is power that is delivered to the target material by the beam. 5. Target Gas Recovery Production targets that utilize isotopically rare gases are very expensive to operate without a target gas recovery system. An example of such a process is the proton induced production of 15O from 15N. We have been developing a 15N2 recovery system so that large quantities of 15O can be produced at a low cost. Figure 7 shows the operation of the recovery system. Concentration as a function of time (100 psi-40cc/min) Target He O2 to synthesis N2 reservoir Concentration Column 0.05 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 -0.05 -0.1 0 0.001 0.002 Time(days) 0.003 Figure 7 Nitrogen Recovery system. A bolus of target gas is swept through a column and the output is switched between an Oxygen routing and Nitrogen recovery line. There is clear separation in time; the dashed line is Oxygen and the solid line is Nitrogen. Conclusion The TR cyclotron systems start at the ion source and continue to radiochemical synthesis units. There is ongoing research and development in all these technologies. We acknowledge the kind efforts of Univ Sherbrooke and Cyclotope for making their facilities available to us for development. Reference RA Baartman Proc. 14th Accel Conf. (1995) 440 998
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