Current performance of the self-extracting cyclotron S. Lucas, F. Swoboda, IBA Radio-Isotopes, Av de l'Espérance, 1, 6220 Fleurus, Belgium W. Kleeven, J.L. Delvaux, Y. Jongen. IBA, Chemin du Cyclotron, B-1348 Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium Abstract. The self-extracting cyclotron is a 14MeV multi-mA H+ machine from which the beam extracts without a deflector. The development of this prototype has started in 1998, and has now reached a point such that IBA considers to use it as a production machine. It is now installed in an irradiation facility and is equipped with two beam lines and two high power target-system. Beams of more than 1 mA have been extracted and transported to targets Further development is ongoing in order to increase the current on target to at least 2 mA in the coming months. Commercial isotope production will start at the end of this year. This paper will describe the current configuration of the cyclotron and the associated performances. Emphases will be put on reliability and associated problems, beam optics and performances of sub-systems. extended radius; a groove (figure 1-1) machined on the extended hill sectors along the extracted orbit creates a sharp dip in the magnetic field where the field index is <-1. That groove is shaped so that a strong separation gradient (septum action) between the last internal turn and the extracted beam is obtained. The extraction of the beam is obtained by creating a turn–separation at the entrance of the groove by the use of harmonic extraction coils (precessional extraction, figure 1-2). This differs from what has been presented in [3]. INTRODUCTION In 1995 IBA proposed a method to extract positive ions from a cyclotron without the use of an electrostatic deflector [1]. It relies on a very fast transition of the average magnetic field near the pole radius from the internal isochronous region to the region where the field index is smaller than -1 and the bending strength of the field is too low to keep the beam in the machine. Self-extraction was already experimentally observed on the IBA 230 MeV protontherapy cyclotron, where there was some beam intensity present in the extracted beam line even when the deflector was removed from the machine. Encouraged by these experiences and their agreement with computer simulations of the self-extraction principle, IBA started in 1998 the construction of a high intensity self-extracting cyclotron [2, 3, 4]. The beam exiting from the cyclotron is horizontally as well as vertically diverging. A magnetic gradient corrector is placed in the valley behind the groove in order to adopt the beam phase space to the external beam line (figure 1-3). When passing the return yoke the beam is horizontally focused by a permanent magnet quadrupole. It is built up of layers of 2.0 cm and 3.0 cm thick allowing the total length of a quadrupole to be varied with a step of 1.0 cm (figure 1-4). BASIC DESIGN The design has several unconventional features: the hill gap has a quasi-elliptical shape that creates an average magnetic field which remains isochronous up to the pole radial edge; the hill–sector guiding the extracted beam and the opposite hill–sector have an The cavities design is classical (figure 1-5) with vertical symmetry and dee stem located close to the central region. The RF chain involves a 3 steps CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 956 amplifier with a final power of 200 kW as described in [3]. BEAM LINE LAYOUT An experimental beam line described in [3] was put in place for the first tests. The extraction principle allows for multi-turn extraction. Of course, some particles fall in between the inner limit of the extracted beam and the outer limit of the internal beam. This beam loss is catched by a special beam dump called beam separator (figure 1-6) as described in section 5 (Beam separator) 6 Moroever, the industrial configuration involves an intermediate beam line, a switching magnet and two target beam lines as shown in figure 2. 3 Fa r a d a y Co l l ima t o r s Qu a d r u p o l e Be r g o z 4 Swit c h in g St e e r in g 7 St e e r in g Qu a d r u p o l e Fa r a d a y Be r g o z Sc a n n in g ma g n e t X&Y BPM Co l l ima t o r s Ta r g e t 5 2 8 1 Figure 2: General layout of the installation The total length of a beam line from the cyclotron to both targets is about 9 meters. The main optical elements in the cyclotron vault are a permanent magnet quadrupole located in the exit port of the cyclotron return yoke, an active doublet at about 2.5 meters from the cyclotron and the switching magnet. Each irradiation vault contains an active doublet and a scanning magnet that scans the beam over the target. There is a XY-steering magnet in each of the vaults. Furthermore in each of the three vaults there is an interceptive beam stop for current measurement (Faraday cup) and a non-interceptive current measurement (Bergoz). At about 1 meter from the cyclotron there is a pair of horizontal and a pair of vertical drum collimators, that cut away the halo of the beam. Just before the target there are two BPM’s for measurement of the horizontal and vertical beam profile at high beam intensity. Figure 1: Inside view of the cyclotron. 1:groove, 2:extraction coils, 3:gradient corrector, 4:permanent magnet quadrupole, 5:cavities, 6:beam separator, 7:radial probe, 8:ion source Current beam characteristics are presented in table 1. Table 1: Phase space parameters at the exit of the vacuum chamber. All quantities are rms defined. If the phase space would have elliptical symmetry with a Gaussian distribution, then the used definition would correspond with 86 % of the beam. Emittance (π mm-mrad) Half beam size (mm) Max. divergence (mrad) Beam divergence (mrad) Correlation Twiss α Twiss β (mm/mrad) Twiss γ (mrad/mm) Converging/Diverging Horizontal 250.1 26.3 59.3 58.5 0.987 -6.168 2.77 14.1 Diverging Vertical 40.3 6.2 9.79 -7.29 -0.745 1.123 0.954 2.38 Converging These BPM have been designed to be easy to maintain, reliable and able to perform at high beam current. One of these is shown in figure 3. 957 EXTRACTION EFFICIENCY Cu p ip e The extraction efficiency is defined as follow: η (%) = I Faraday + I Collimators I Faraday + I Collimators + I Beam Separator Figure 3: High Current Beam Profile Monitor The water-cooled pipe oscillates back and forth at 180° and its position is measured with a potentiometer located at the opposite side of the motor. Two identical systems are installed in a row, the last one oriented at 90 degree in order to measure the profile in both the horizontal and the vertical plane. The system is used to setup the machine at each run, but also to assess the beam quality and stability during the run. Therefore beam profiles are recorded at periodic intervals without the need to reduce the beam current. 1.10 where IFaraday and ICollimator denotes the current measured on the Faraday cup and on the collimators attached to the cyclotron, and IBeam Separator is the current measured on the beam separator. Figure 4 shows the evolution of η versus current extracted from the cyclotron. This is automatically logged at every run and the increase of the current takes place in two steps: a fast slope for current <= 500 µA, followed by a slower slope up to the presetted value (1310 µA in this case). The data in the inset shown the variation of the extraction yield during 7 consecutive hours at 1310 µA setpoint. 0.80 0.79 1.05 7 hours run with a setpoint of 1.31 mA 0.78 0.77 1.00 0.76 0.75 Extraction yield (%) 0.95 0.74 0.73 0.90 0.72 0.71 0.85 0.70 1280 1290 1300 1310 1320 1330 1340 0.80 0.75 0.70 Ripple < 100 V 0.65 Ripple > 100 V 0.60 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Beam current (µA) Figure 4: Extraction yield versus current extracted from the cyclotron 958 For current <= 500 µA, the extraction yield decreases from 80 % to 73 %. This is to be related to the dee-voltage ripple that increases with the accelerated current. The extraction is obtained by creating a turn-separation at the entrance of the groove with the harmonic coils. Unfortunately there exists still some modulated turn pattern structure at the entrance of the groove. However, if there is a dee-voltage ripple, then this turn pattern will be oscillating in time around some average and the extraction is no longer fully optimized. Therefore, the extraction efficiency slightly drops with increasing dee-voltage ripple. The measured extraction yield at 1310 µA during 7 hours is fairly stable and has an average value of 73 %. Thanks to our main-coil and ion-source regulation software, one can see in the graph-inset that the maximum beam current variation on the target is kept within 2.3 % BEAM SEPARATOR Typical extraction efficiency is 73 %. Therefore 27 % of the beam is not extracted and is collected on a special device called beam separator. That device is water cooled (4 bars, 40 l/min) to handle beam current up to 1 mA on a surface of 5.6 cm2 (2.5 kW/cm2). Figure 5: Beam separator assembly Another configuration will be soon tested: a special quality Rh sheet (pinhole free, rolling in a preferential direction) that will act as a target and will allow us to produce several Ci of 103Pd per week in addition to our conventional targets. In order to reduce as much as possible the power delivered to the beam separator, thin (100 µm) Ta sheet is used as shown in figure 5. This sheet is simply clamped on a part that includes a thin (2 mm) water channel, and the sealing is done by EPDM O'Ring. Mean Time Before Failure of this system has not yet been assess, but up to 25 mA.H has been assess so far. BEAM PROFILE AND BEAM STABILITY Figure 6 and 7 show typical horizontal and vertical profiles of the 7 hours run at 1310 µA. Vertical beam profile at BPM 1.0 Intensity (a.u.) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 Position (mm) Figure 6: Vertical profile 959 40 60 near future to act as a target for additional production capabilities. Horizontal beam profile at BPM End of the run Beginning of the run 3.5 3.0 Intensity (a.u.) Pd Several runs of one shift duration (7-8 hours) have demonstrated that this prototype can be used in the near future for 103Pd production. Unfortunately, these runs also revealed that the beam size/shape changes with time. Work is in progress to solve that issue. 4.5 4.0 103 2.5 2.0 REFERENCES 1.5 1.0 [1] Y. Jongen, D. Vandeplassche, P. Cohilis, High Intensity Cyclotrons for Radioisotope Production or the Comeback of the Positive Ions, Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Cyclotrons and their pplications, Cape Town, South Africa, 1995, World Scientific Publisher, pp. 115–119. [2] W. Kleeven, M. Abs, J.C. Amelia, W. Beeckman, J.L. Bol, V. Danloy, Y. Jongen, G. Lannoye, S. Lucas, J. Ryckewaert, D. Vandeplassche, S. Zaremba, SelfExtraction in a Compact High-Intensity H+ Cyclotron at IBA, Proc. 7th European Part. Accel. Conf. (EPAC2000), Vienna, Austria, 2000, pp. 2530-2532. [3] S. Lucas, W. Kleeven, M. Abs, E. Poncelet, Y. Jongen, Status Report of the development of a multimA Self-Extracted H+–beam Cyclotron, Proceedings of the 16th Int. Conf. on the Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry CAARI 2000. [4] W. Kleeven, S. Lucas, S. Zaremba, W. Beeckman, D. Vandeplassche, M. Abs, P. Verbruggen, Y. Jongen, The Self-Extracting Cyclotron, Proceedings of the 16th Int. Conf. On Cyclotrons and their Applications (CYC2001), East Lansing 2001, pp. 69-73. [5] W. Kleeven, S. Lucas, J.-L. Delvaux, F. Swoboda, S. Zaremba, W. Beeckman, D. Vandeplassche, M. Abs and Y.Jongen, The IBA Self-Extracting Cyclotron Project, Presented at the 23rd European Cyclotron Progress Meeting, Warsow 2002, to be published in Nukleonika. 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Position (mm) Figure 7: Horizontal profiles One can see that for the beam line setting considered, the vertical profile is gaussian like with a FWHM of about 1 cm. The horizontal beam profiles recorded at the beginning and at the end of the 7 hours run exhibit higher intensities at both ends. This is due to the multi-turn extraction as described in [5]. In addition, the profile is symmetrical at the beginning of the run but becomes asymmetrical with time. We do not have yet clear explanations for that effect. CONCLUSIONS. Four years ago IBA started the development of a new platform technology for the extraction of high intensity beam. A prototype has been build and a subsidiary of IBA (IBA Radio-Isotopes) has been created with the main goal to complete the development, commission the cyclotron and setup an irradiation center for the production of 103Pd. Today, currents up to 1.3 mA on target have been accelerated for several hours. At low current the extraction efficiency is 80 %. It drops when the current is increased but remain stable for current larger than 500 µA. The cyclotron stability associated with the software control allow to keep the beam current fluctuations on target below 2.3 %. A thin foil technology has been developed to accommodate the power being dissipated into the beam separator. That last one will be modify in the 960
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